72 Uppsatser om Disaster - Sida 3 av 5
From Sea, Sun, Sand & Sex To Death, Disaster & Deprivation : - Etiska överväganden vid utformningen av marknadskommunikation för dark tourism företag
SammanfattningRubrikFrom Sea, Sand, Sun and Sex to Death, Disaster och Deprivation-etiska överväganden vid utformningen av marknadskommunikation för dark tourism företagProblemTurism är en marknad under kontant utveckling vilket leder till att nya nischer utvecklas inom branschen för att tillfredställa kunders ökade krav. En av dessa underkategorier är dark tourism. Denna företeelse grundar sig i ett intresse att besöka platser som varit med om katastrofer. Att kommersialisera och exploatera död är ett kontroversiellt område och av många anser att denna sorts turism är oetisk. Det gäller för företag som arbetar med dark tourism att utforma marknadskommunikation som inte uppfattas som felaktig i kunders ögon.
New Orleans efter orkankatastrofen 2005 : Påverkan av naturförutsättningarna på socioekonomiska strukturen i regionen New Orleans
The aim and purpose with this essay is to identify the natural conditions of the New Orleans City region, and to establish an understanding of the disastrous event of Hurricane Katrina in August 2005. Who lived in this area and how did this event affect the outcome of the Disaster?The theory is based on two Swedish human geographers Torsten Hägerstrand and Thomas Lundén, and their theories on regional geography and political geography, also regarded as ?geopolitics?. Regional and Political Geography are explained as the relation between state and territory, power over the territory and the variables that affect the relations on different levels such as; economy, culture, technology, demography and communication.The author decided to use the quantitative method in the process of research, the essay underwent an overall analyzes of the media settings, articles, written literature and documentaries. The author has been very critical to the material and data that was presented by the American authorities, media and non governmental organisations.New Orleans City?s topography is unique in the matter that the city is constructed on a delta area, the Mississippi River, Missouri and Ohio River systems are all connected in New Orleans.
Textreklamens limbo : Hur tidskriftjournalister ser på textreklam, produktplacerande företag och etiska riktlinjer
Dark Tourism is a relatively new concept, but as a phenomenon it has existed for centuries in the form of pilgrimages and gladiator games. The term includes visits to places associated with death and Disaster, and has in more recent years become a highlighted tourist niche. This paper addresses the phenomenon of Dark Tourism and the reasons behind a visit to such an attraction. To find out the motive behind people's visits, interviews were conducted with respondents who have previously visited one or more Dark Tourism sites. A total of 32 people were interviewed about what influenced them to go to such a macabre place.
Snöoväder i Sverige 2004-2014 : En statistisk sammanställning samt en utvärdering av tidningsartiklar som källa
Transport is an important aspect to take account in efforts to achieve sustainable tourism development. If we do not change our behavior regarding travel, the consequences will be significant for the environment. This study examines the various transport operators on the two Swedish ski resorts if their websites and marketing are different from each other in the mode selection. The destinations are Åre and Hemavan Tärnaby. They studied modes are two Swedish airlines, two train companies, three bus companies and three taxi companies.These corporate websites are studied with a content analysis in which the results of the keywords that have been developed are scored according to different categories.
Ger ministerstyre en effektivare krishantering? Lärdommar från tsunamikatastrofen 2004
After the tsunami Disaster in December 2004 many arguments were heared that one oft the major reasons behind the poor Swedish effort connected to the evacuation and health care of the Swedish citizens in Thailand right after the incident is the Swedish model with independent government authorities. By comparing the constitution, the political decision making tradition by the ministers and the handling of the catastrophe in the tree Scandinavian countries Denmark, Norway and Finland, plus analysing the behaviour of the Swedish foreign and prime minister from a rational choose inspired individual decision making theory the research shows that there is no proof that a constitutional change in Sweden into the traditional model with government authorities controlled by the ministers alone would led to a more effective crisis handling by the government due to crises concerning Swedish citizens out states. Although the research shows that the constitution and the tradition of decision making in the government provides the basic condition of the ministers individual rational decision making.
Tsunamikatastrofen : En studie av hur den svenska regeringen och de centrala förvaltningsmyndigheterna agerade i samband med flodvågskatastrofen i Sydostasien
It has now passed a few months since the events in Soth East Asia during Christmas 2004. The purpose of our essay is to analyze factors that may influence the Government?s managment of catastrophes.In connection with the Tsunami Disaster in South east Asia, the Swedish contingency system was the center of attraction. The criticism against the Government have not eluded many people. Not to mention the fact that the Government didn?t act rapidly and appropriately.
Två sidor om korset : En studie om olika nationalismer i Polen
In the 10th of April 2010 the Polish Presidential plane crashed outside of Smolensk in today?s Russia. 88 passengers and 6 crewmen died a tragic death, among them the President of the Republic of Poland, Lech Kaczy?ski. A national week of sorrow was proclaimed and citizens all over Poland went out on streets and markets to honor the newly deceased President.
Katastrofbistånd - utifrån ett organisationsperspektiv
AbstractTime after time the world is struck by humanitarian catastrophes, whether it is through a war or a natural Disaster. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to have a functional and effective aid, as it is a matter of life and death. Thereby the actions of the humanitarian aid organizations are interesting. The investigation treats the three specific organizations Star of Hope, Sida and the Red Cross movement and the process from decision to action in times of war. The organizations are different from one another in many areas.
Brandsläckning och textil restvärdesräddning Hur saneras textil efter en pulversläckning?
This bachelor thesis discusses firefighting and the use of portable fireextinguishers in the salvageof historic artefacts focusing on textiles. It also looks into the use of multi-purpose dry chemicalextinguishers in a textile context and the impact the actual dry-agent has on textiles afterfirefighting.Literature studies, interviews and tests on different textiles were carried out to write this thesis.During the tests textiles were exposed to the dry agent and also to dry agent plus water toinvestigate the difference in residue. After vacuumcleaning it was clear that when the textile wasexposed to dry agent and water it was almost impossible to remove the chemical without rinsingin water.By examining the residue left on the textile using SEM it was possible to see if a textile was aswell decontaminated after vacuum-cleaning as it looks to the eye. We know that the dry agentoften consists of ammonium phosphate which acts corrosively on many materials and one canassume it damages textiles as well after longer exposure.Buildings housing cultural collections are vulnerable as we cannot easily replace ruined materialwith new.
Grammatiken bakom den politiska retoriken : En syntaxstudie av före detta statssekreterare Lars Danielssons uttalanden angående sitt ansvar i regeringens hantering av tsunamikatastrofen 2004
In this thesis I based on Fowler?s method of syntax analysis construct a flow scheme which I then use to make a syntax analysis of former State Secretary Lars Danielsson?s statements, in his autobiography, regarding his responsibility in the Swedish government?s management of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami Disaster. The focus of the flow scheme is how grammatical constructions can be used in the interest of rhetoric?s to on the syntax (non-explicit) level of the text indicate and place responsibility with or outside of involved individuals. The main conclusion of the syntax analysis performed is that Danielsson in his autobiography in fact does not use very many of the constructions described in the flow scheme, whereby it can be concluded that the syntax analysis in this case wasn?t so ?revealing?.
Enhetschefers och distriktssköterskors upplevelser av beredskap inför en stor olycka eller katastrof - en intervjustudie i primärvården
För att kunna erbjuda god och lättillgänglig hälso- och sjukvård vid stora olyckor och katastrofer krävs en katastrofberedskap grundad på planläggning, utbildning och övning. Sjukvårdens särskilda beredskap måste kunna hantera såväl den "lilla vardagsolyckan" som den stora olyckan eller katastrofen. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur enhetschefer och distriktssköterskor vid primärvården i två kommuner i Jämtlands län upplevde sig förberedda inför en katastrof eller en stor olycka där utryckning krävdes utanför vårdinrättningar till olycksplats. Syftet var även att undersöka hur katastrofberedskap prioriteras av enhetschefer. En intervjustudie har genomförts med tre enhetschefer och fem distriktssköterskor.
Vem sa vad? : En kvantitativ innehållanalys av utrikesdepartementets, regeringens och resebyråernas kriskommunikation efter Tsunamikatastrofen.
AbstractTitle: Who said what? ? A qualitative content analysis regarding the UD?s, the government?s and the travel agencies after the Tsunami Disaster.Number of pages: 38Author: Malin HanssonTutor: Peder Hård af SegerstadCourse: Media and Communication Studies DPeriod: Autumn 2006University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of information science, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/Aim: The purpose of the paper is to find out what person said what to the media and public after the tsunami catastrophe. The aim is to find out if there is any difference in how the government and communicators talked, and if those differences agree with the public opinion about these persons.Material/Method: The material is interviews with the relevant people on TV news. The first three days are included and the interviews have been transcribed and counted in sentences. The method is therefore quantitative content analysis.Main results: All of the analysed persons used the category Concrete action the most, which is what they are doing at the moment.
Landskapsarkitektens potentiella roll i arbetet med återuppbyggnad av katastrofdrabbade områden ? samlade synpunkter
Förekomsten av naturkatastrofer runt om i världen tycks intensifieras och drabba allt fler människor. Människor som plötsligt står utan mat, vatten, tak över huvudet och med bristande energiförsörjning. Till synes som en reaktion på detta, växer det runt om i världen upp nationella och internationella organisationer i arkitektvärlden som vill utgöra en roll i återuppbyggnadsarbetet efter dessa katastrofer. Det verkar finnas ett stort engagemang bland både yrkesverksamma och studenter ? en vilja att vara en del av en världsförbättrande verksamhet.
3D-byggnadsmodeller utifrån takkonstruktioner : Lagring, hantering och bearbetning
A growing number of cities and municipalities in Sweden begin to work with city models in 3D. For the most part the models are used for visualizations of ongoing planning processes, but also for the analysis of noise, shadow studies and environmental Disaster simulations.Gothenburg continues to develop the use of 3D maps in municipal operations and is demanding a way to create building elements (walls), which generates in 3D buildings, from roof constructions that are mapped from the primary map. A method has been investigated in the present study. The results are then presented as a 3D model of buildings, along with a terrain map that will facilitate the localization of the area. The created 3D buildings are then compared with roof-data from the primary map to see how well they harmonize with each other.
Relationsmarknadsföringens roll vid offentlig upphandlingEn fallstudie av ett litet företag i krisberedskapsbranschen
Denna uppsats syftar till att analysera relationsmarknadsföringens roll vid offentlig upphandling. Den kommer även att försöka genomlysa till viken grad en relationsmarknadsföringsstrategi är genomförbar, samt hur detta kan vidareutvecklas för att skapa konkurrensfördelar. För att uppfylla detta syfte har en fallstudie av företaget SWEDE (Swedish Emergency Disaster Equipment), vilket verkar inom ett nischsegment av sjukvårdssektorn, närmare bestämt akutsjukvård/sanering genomförts. Fallstudien har genom en kvalitativ metod med utgångspunkt i grunderna inom modern relationsmarknadsföring undersökt vilka problem, samt möjligheter ett företag på en marknad vilken kontrolleras av Lagen om offentlig upphandling ställs inför.Vidare har andra teorier som stakeholder mapping varit en teoretisk grund för att identifiera viktiga aktörer och deras roll i den offentliga upphandlingsprocessen. De grundprinciper vilka Lagen om offentlig upphandling bygger på har presenterats och diskuterats ur fallföretagets synvinkel för att se hur de kan tänkas begränsa eller möjliggöra en framgångsrik relationsmarknadsföringsstrategi.Utifrån de genomförda intervjuerna, vilka haft för avsikt att skapa en djupare förståelse för det studerade problemområdet, drar jag slutsatsen att fallföretaget strävar efter att använda sig av relationsmarknadsföring i den mån det är möjligt utan att bryta mot Lagen om offentlig upphandling, då detta riskerar att resultera i juridiska påföljder.