

814 Uppsatser om Direct forecast - Sida 7 av 55

AVELUTION - När framtidsutveckling blir affärsutveckling. Affärsutveckling baserat på de nyttor ett varumärke genererar

Business development is to bring forth the entirecompany and through effective, market renewalprocesses to create sustainable profitability.1 This mightbe difficult, especially for smaller companies who lackthe experience and also tools to make correct forecast.2The purpose of my thesis is to investigate andexplain how a small business can remain flexible andcreate products in new markets by making the brandappealing and credible.In my thesis I have investigated how a company canextract benefit from its brand and identify the benefitswhich are the most unattended in a new market. Bydoing so, the company can systematically developconcepts for new business opportunities. I hopethat my thesis may provide tools and ease businessdevelopment process for smaller businesses.The purpous of my thesis I have studied theories ofbusiness development, brand and brand extension. Inthese theories I have used existing methods and I havecreated my own methods of business development.Through this thesis I have worked with AvelutionAB (a small that produce products for recoveryand comfort). I tested the theory and methods withAvelution which has resulted in a business developmentstrategy as well as two concepts that show howAvelution in the future might develop its business basedon the benefits Avelution and its products create..

Ungdomars fysiska aktivitet och dess betydelse för prestationen i skolan

This study where designed to investigate if there are any positive relationship between the extent of physical activity during adolescent's leisure time and the academic performance, and also if there are any negative relationship between the academic performance and the time spent in front of the television or computers. Another part of the study tried to find out if physical activity has a direct and immediate influence on the performance in school. 91 pupils (51 girls and 40 boys) in the 8:th year of the Swedish primary school, from three different schools participated in the study. All 91 pupils first responded to a questionnaire concerning there activities in leisure time. They where then tested in a mathematical test and the results where compared with the extent of physical activity and TV/computer time they had stated in the questionnaire.

Paktering av fastigheter : Är paketering mer fördelaktigt än direktförsäljning av fastigheter?

The thesis deals with packaging of real estate?s; an approach concerning tax benefits with the purpose to sell real estates in a more beneficial process than what is doable in direct sales. The proceeding can be beneficial because of the rules in Inkomstskattelagen (19999:1229) regarding underpriced transfers and selling of business related shares.  The real estate owner initiates the procedure through an establishment of an affiliate to a previously wholly owned parent company, where the real estate is the solitary asset of the affiliate. In order to fulfill the rules of underpriced transfers the transfer from the parent company shall be valued in regards to the tax value, else it will be taxed.

Användare och användning : av information och handlingar i moderna polisorganisationer

This study examines use and users of information and records originating in the context of a contemporary police organisation. This area of research has only been of focus for a relatively few researchers. This in contrast to use and users of historical archives which has been in centre for more studies. The study is conducted with a quantitative method structuring data from 120 selected registered matters containing user queries. The research questions addressed are:- what user categories use the records of the authority- which are the ways of contacting the authority preferred by the users- which are the identifiers provided by the users and how well are they matched by the search artefacts available to the staff of the authority- what information and records are sought-after by the users.For comparing the identifiers provided to the search artefacts has been selected the two most frequently used registry systems within the authority.

Analys av pop-ups genererade från adware

This thesis is about adware, which is very popular today. The adwares are used to, among other things, down- and upload files from other users on the Internet. One thing that most users of such programs are not aware of is that many of the adwares contain spyware. These spywares install themselves simultaneously with the adwares. Two of the spyware features is to generate pop-ups in the web browser and to direct advertisment from the users web habits.

Analys av webbservertrafik

ABSTRACT This essay is about traffic analysis of Web servers. The purpose is to investigate if companies analyse the traffic on the Web server and if they use this information to create more than simple statistic reports. The questions that we will answer are the following: ? How common is traffic analysis on the Web server among companies? ? Is the Web administrator limited in analysing the Web traffic, if the company has the website on a Web hotel? ? Does the company uses the results they get from analysing the traffic on the Web server for updates and changes on the Web page? To answer these questions we made a questionnaire investigation by telephone interviewing the companies? webmasters. The extent of the investigation was 20 companies in Blekinge. The information we gathered from the investigation showed that it is becoming more common that companies analyse the traffic on the Web page and that they uses the information to more than statistic reports, for example updates and changes of the Web page.

Distriktssköterskors och sjuksköterskors upplevelse av arbetsmiljö i primärvård och en kartläggning av arbetstidens innehåll

Introduction:A good work environment and good resources among district nurses? and general nurses? are important in the provision of good nursing care. For patient security it is also very important that resources and time are used in an appropriate way. A lot of time is spent on non-core activity, for example administration takes more and more time, which can result in feelings of stress.Aim:The aim was to describe how district nurses? and nurses? in primary care perceived their work environment, how their worktime content was distributed and if there was some connection between perceived work environment and the distribution of work time.Methods:A mapping of the content of the work was made in two parts.

Välkommen till Kanarieöarna. Våldsam skillnadspolitik i bemötandet av turister och båtflyktingar

This is a qualitative case study about tourists and boat migrants in movement to and in place on the Canary Islands, Spain. The aim is to study how these two groups of guests are treated differently, either as guests or strangers, based on how they move, illegally or legally, where they come from and where they have rights to go. To analyze the case I use theories of how differences in ethnicity, culture and religion etc. are created and recreated in society in interactions among humans and in the politics - the politics of difference. The politics of difference creates and recreates categories of mobility such as tourists and boat migrants.

Adaptiva metoder för systemidentifiering med inriktning mot direkt viktoptimering

Direkt viktoptimering (Direct Weight Optimization, DWO) är en ickeparamterisk systemidentifieringsmetod. DWO bygger på att man skattar ett funktionsvärde i en viss punkt genom en viktad summa av mätvärden, där vikterna optimeras fram. Det faktum att DWO har en inparameter som man måste veta i förväg leder till att man på något sätt vill skatta denna inparameter. Det finns många sätt man kan göra denna skattning på men det centrala i denna uppsats är att skatta inparametern lokalt. Fördelen med detta är att metoden anpassar sig om till exempel systemet ändrar beteende från att variera långsamt till att variera snabbare.

Validation of rumination measurement equipment and the role of rumination in dairy cow time budgets

Automatic rumination measuring can be applied as a health indicator in dairy farming but is also highly desirable for research purposes. This study aimed to validate the technical functionality of the product RuminActTM, which employ acoustics to monitor rumination duration. The time budget of high yielding cows was studied and possible differences in rumination time between 13 rations were interpreted. Further the study examined what affects daily rumination and rumination efficiency. The validation was performed with direct observations that were compared to the automatically recorded rumination durations.

Hjulspår på banken : En kvalitativ fallstudie om vägarna mellan lean och motivation hos anställda i tjänstesektorn

Background: Since the coining of the phrase lean production by Womack, Jones and Roos in 1990, this mass production system of Japanese origin has been implemented in a multitude of organizations throughout the world, the results being predominantly positive from a financial point of view. The possibly negative effects of mass production on worker motivation have been discussed since quality of work life became an important political issue in Sweden in the 1970?s. As the popularity of lean service is now increasing, there are still unresolved issues regarding the transferability of a mass production system to the service industry, particularly with regards to the motivation of service employees.Purpose: The purpose of our thesis is to study the lean system of a Swedish bank, SEB Way, from a management- as well as an employee perspective in order to describe how lean may affect the work motivation of service employees.Research procedure: The study is empirically based on observations and interviews on multiple hierarchical levels at SEB. We have conducted a total of 13 interviews with front line employees at SEB, with the central SEB Way team as well as two external lean specialists.Results: The study indicates that SEB Way has little direct influence on the intrinsic work motivation of the SEB front line employees, as work motivation was present prior to the implementation of lean.

Analys av pop-ups genererade från adware

This thesis is about adware, which is very popular today. The adwares are used to, among other things, down- and upload files from other users on the Internet. One thing that most users of such programs are not aware of is that many of the adwares contain spyware. These spywares install themselves simultaneously with the adwares. Two of the spyware features is to generate pop-ups in the web browser and to direct advertisment from the users web habits.

Polletten har inte trillat ner, ännu? Bankernas hållbarhetsredovisning håller inte måttet!

The voluntary none-financial sustainability report has become a trend within accounting. The environmental issues used to be driven by activists only, but lately it has moved in to the general agenda in many companies. Investors are starting to put more attention to the sustainability reporting as it is considered to add value to the company. There are several standard guidelines to be used when producing a sustainability report, one example is the GRI´s Guidelines that takes the following three dimensions in consideration: economy, environment and social. This Guideline is from an international perspective considered to be of good accounting practice (Ljungdahl 2008).

Seroprevalence of Rift Valley fever in domestic sheep and goats of Gaza province, Mozambique

Animal welfare is of increasing concern in present society. In commercial pig farming, animal welfare problems are common. One of the causes for these problems is the barren environment in which pigs are housed, which can cause oral manipulation of pen mates. Providing straw might be one solution to this problem. Another solution could be reached through genetic selection.

Beskattning av skalbolagstransaktioner : Analys av skalbolagsreglerna ur ett tillämpnings- och rättssäkerhetsperspektiv

Shell companies are characterized by containing liquid assets such as cash, securities or other similar assets. Transactions of shell companies constitutes a severe problem since the purchaser often has the aim of obtaining undue tax advantages by not paying the tax debt of the company.Historically it has been complicated for the legislator to stop the set-up in an efficient way since the transactions as such are not illegal, instead rather commonly used for example to restructure companies or for the transfer of companies to the younger generation. The purpose of the current legislation is to prevent individuals and corporations to involve in shell company trade. Aiming for an efficient legislation, the tax rate is at a very high level.The issue with the rules is that also honest buyers are at risk of being covered. This calls for high demands in complying with the principle of legal certainty and the possibility to forecast the tax consequences.The purpose of the thesis is to identify and analyze eventual problems when applying the legislation.

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