

816 Uppsatser om Direct forecast - Sida 40 av 55

Småskalig biobränsleeldad kraftvärmeproduktion : teknik och investeringsutrymme

To achieve the requirements to decrease emissions of greenhouse gases by 20 % by 2020, Swedenneeds to increase its use of bioenergy. In doing so it seems natural that those who already haveaccess to large amounts of biofuels in the form of by-products such as straw, wood chips anddigestible materials take advantage of these assets locally. By combining production of heat withpower production at the farm it may be possible to not only reduce the direct use of fossil fuel forheating but also reduce energy costs.The purpose was to simulate different cases of using a small scale biofueled combined heat andpower plant for farm-based systems. A MatLab-model was developed and used to draw conclusionsabout the costs for production of heat and electricity with different conversion technologies.The model uses climate data to simulate the variations in heat energy demand on a day-to-day basis.The given heat demand is the base of the simulation and from this the possible electric output iscalculated. This study has focused on the impact of the following properties: electric-, heat- andtotal efficiency, fuel, fuel price and specific fuel requirements.

Förbereda sig för att fira gudstjänst -men hur? : En undersökning av från 1986 års kyrkohandbok avvikande beredelsemoment

In this essay I examine how in seven different congregations that belong to the Church of Sweden the preparatory office is formulated in ways that differ from the form that is prescribed in the current service-book of the Church of Sweden. My purpose is to examine how and why the congregations have chosen these alternative preparatory offices. This I have tried to find out by reading the written instructions and/or homepages of the congregations, studying their orders of service and interviewing one pastor in each congregation.Before describing, comparing and commenting on the different ways these congregations have chosen to formulate their preparatory offices, I give a historical background to the preparatory office itself and how it is formulated/designed in the current service book of the Church of Sweden. I also describe the history and the introduction of the Kyrie.I then describe each congregation, trying to point out the main characteristics of it, then concentrating on the process that lies behind the urge to formulate an alternative preparatory office, the reasons for it and the results.One of the conclusions I draw is that in the congregations I have examined there is an ongoing discussion about and reflection on the advantages of including the Kyrie in the preparatory office. I also found that in the congregations there are different opinions about the words following the prayer of penitence - should they be words of direct absolution or words that speak about the promise of God's forgiveness? This discussion is closely connected to a discussion about what is the connection between the preparatory office and the holy communion/Eucharist.

Sådd av tallfrön med vattenryggsäck : en laboratoriestudie

Föryngring av skog är en nödvändig, men kostsam åtgärd och därför är det eftersträvansvärt att hitta en föryngringsmetod som är både kostnadseffektiv och ger en bra föryngring. Ett sätt att få en billigare föryngringsåtgärd är att använda frösådd. Vid en lyckad sådd gör det stora plantuppslaget att plantorna får bra förutsättningar för god kvalitet. Dessa plantor får dessutom bättre rotutveckling och stabilitet än planterade plantor. Användningen av skogssådd är dock begränsad av bl.a.

Patienter nära suicid - Hur sjuksköterskor inom somatisk vård kan observera om patienten är suicidbenägen

Suicid räknas till en av de mest tragiska händelserna i mänskligt liv. Det orsakar enormt stort lidande bland närstående såväl som stor ekonomisk förlust för hela samhället. Som sjuksköterska inom somatisk hälso- och sjukvård är det essentiellt att arbeta preventivt och identifiera suicidbenägna patienter. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att utröna faktorer som inverkar på vuxna patienters benägenhet för suicid och exemplifiera hur allmänsjuksköterskor inom somatisk hälso- och sjukvård kan förankra och tillämpa denna kunskap i praktiken. Arbetet har baserats på vetenskapliga artiklar sökta och funna genom databaserna CINAHL, PubMed, Science Direct och PsykINFO.

Upplevd livskvalitet hos patienter med cancer i den palliativa vården utifrån fysiskt, psykiskt och socialt perspektiv : en litteraturstudie

Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva vad patienter med cancer i den palliativa fasen upplever att livskvalitet är utifrån fysiskt, psykiskt och socialt perspektiv. Sökning av de underlag som användes i studien gjordes i olika databaser som Medline (via pubmed), Science Direct och Academic Search Elite. Sökningarna gjordes med enkla sökord eller i kombination med varandra. De underlag som söktes begränsades med att vara skrivna på svenska eller engelska, vara publicerade mellan år 2000-2008, handla om vuxna patienter samt fri åtkomst via databasen i fulltext. Totalt 17 artiklar granskades, analyserades och sammanställdes sedan under de olika perspektiven: fysiskt, psykiskt och socialt.

Pilotmodeller till flygmekanisk simulator för JAS 39 Gripen

AbstractSAAB has for a long time used user controlled pilot models in ARES. ARES is a simulation tool used in the desktop environment for simulations and calculations of the JAS 39 Gripen fighter and other aircraft. ARES stands for ?Aircraft Rigid body Engineering Simulation?. To work with these pilot models has been both time-consuming and inefficient.

Hur marknaden bedömer europeiska företagstillkännagivanden vid etablering i BRIC länder

The aim of this study is to examine how European companies? stock price is affected by an announcement about foreign direct investment in one of the BRIC countries. Another aim for the study is to examine if the market reacts differently to the three modes of entry methods in a given BRIC country and to examine if the market reacts differently to different European countries. The study also set out to answer if there were any effects of the three modes of entry that was visible a short time after the announcement. To answer and examine this, the authors used the event study approach. The study was conducted with a sample of 47 companies from France, Norway, Spain, Sweden and Germany.

Individuell lönesättning : Rätt väg för jämställda löner?

Today there is still irrelevant pay differential in society. In Sweden in 2010, the average pay differential was 15,4 percent between the sexes. Only 0,8 percent better than EU:s average.In Sweden the individual salaries increasingly have begun to characterize the Swedish labor market. Based on this, the aim of this study is to highlight the issue of equal pay between men and women from the perspective of individual salary. This would also been doing with a background in the regulatory environment of equal pay.When it comes to equality between women and men it is the area of labor law in EU who is the most developed and in Sweden this is the area who is most affected by EU law.

Patienternas upplevelse av hur fibromyalgi påverkar det dagliga livet : en litteraturstudie

Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva hur patienter upplever att fibromyalgi påverkar deras dagliga liv. Femton artiklar valdes ut efter sökningar i databaserna Medline (via PubMed), CINAHL, Science Direct, Academic Search Elite och Wiley InterScience. Urvalet av artiklarna genomfördes utifrån inklusionskriterierna. Artiklarna granskades och sammanställdes för att nå resultat. Resultatet visade att smärtan begränsar patienternas vardag genom att kroppen säger ifrån då smärtan blir för intensiv.

Trender inom verksamhetsstyrning

Idag styr och planerar de flesta organisationer i någon form, det gäller både den privata sektorn som den offentliga sektorn. Det finns olika sätt och modeller man kan använda för att styra en verksamhet t.ex. genom balanserad styrkort. Styrning startas oftast från centrala direktiv som t ex en affärs/verksamhetsplan, budget, prognos, resultatmål, avkastnings mål etc. Styrningen kan baseras på mer eller mindre komplexa styrmodeller och hanteras rent praktiskt via någon form av systemstöd men ibland endast med hjälp av Word- och Exceldokument.

Foraging and anti-predation behavior of Thomson?s gazelles (Gazella thomsoni) and Grant?s gazelles (Gazella granti) at a waterhole

Prey species make behavioral decisions to reduce the perceived risk of predation and the time spent vulnerable to predation. Behavioral responses to predators are for example selection of specific habitat types and the presence of predators influence individual vigilance. Furthermore, there is a variation in feeding niches with different herbivores focusing their foraging effort on different vegetation types which is also expected to affect the choice of habitat. Behavioral data on anti-predation and foraging behavior at on waterhole is collected from Thomson?s and Grant?s gazelles at Ol Pejeta Conservancy (0°00?N, 36°56?E) located in semiarid bushed grassland in Laikipia district of central Kenya.

Sällskapsdjurens inverkan på äldre människors hälsa och välbefinnande : En litteraturstudie

Syftet med denna deskriptiva litteraturstudie var att beskriva vilken inverkan sällskapsdjur har på äldre personers hälsa och välbefinnande. Totalt 18 vetenskapliga artiklar inkluderades dessa återfanns i databaserna Cinahl, Science Direct och Academic Search Elite samt via andra artiklars referenslistor. Studierna som gjorts om djurens inverkan på äldre personer som bor i det egna hemmet genomfördes med enkäter och intervjuer. Resultatet visade att djurägarna var mindre missnöjda med sin sociala och emotionella situation än de som inte ägde djur. Hos hemmaboende personer med Alzheimers sjukdom visade det sig att interaktioner med sällskapsdjur minskade humör- och psykomotoriska störningar såsom aggression, hyperaktivitet, hallucinationer och känslor av oro.

Jeanne d'Arcs kanonisation : en kyrkopolitisk strategi eller skapandet av en nationell symbol

The following essay is named The canonization of Joan of Arc, a Church political strategy or the creation of a national symbol? Joan of Arc, the French heroine of the Hundred Years War, was canonized as late as 1920, in a process that began already in 1869. In the following essay I am trying to work out if this canonization is a work of the Vatican in order to gain popularity in France after the breakup with the state in 1905. The Catholic Church had, since the French Revolution, faced difficulties withstanding its position of power in the presence of the upcoming Secularism and Liberalism and their growing public support. The Catholic Church had been fighting for its members and at the same time fighting the new ideas of Socialism, Communism and Liberalism.

The effect of vegetable fat on cheese yield and cheese properties

The production of cheese is in continuous development with objectives to in-crease productivity, achieve changes in shelf life and functional properties of the products. One concept in the development is to substitute milk fat with vegetable fats and oils in the manufacture of cheese. The objective of this study was to investigate effects on cheese yield and cheese quality of 4 different semi-hard analogue cheese products produced by substituting milk fat with vegetable fat, each analogue cheese with a specific mixture of vegeta-ble fat. As reference a cheese produced with anhydrous milk fat was used. The yield and recovery of fat and protein were determined by recording the weights of each cheese direct after press and after 20±2 days of storage and analysis of the composition of the cheeses after 20±2 days of storage. The cheese was fur-ther subjected for texture profile analysis in a TA-XT Plus Texture Analyser and analysed with Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) to examine whether the fat behaves similar in the cheese as in pure form in respect to its thermal properties. The cheese yield was not significantly different when using different fats. Differ-ent amounts of water were absorbed during the water cooling.

Tidningen Dagens Nyheters uppfattning om vildsvinen (Sus scrofa)? : en innehållsanalys av en rikstäckande nyhetstidning

Since the wild boars (Sus scrofa) escaped from their enclosures in the 1970s, their numbers has increased dramatically. It is an animal that is currently involved in many traffic accidents. The wild boar is a popular animal to hunt. As the population has grown so has the hunting. But, unfortunately, there have also been an increased numbers of attacks on hunters.

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