

1825 Uppsatser om Digital teknologi - Sida 3 av 122

Att upptäcka det oväntade : En studie av begreppet serendipitet och dess förekomst på det digitala folkbiblioteket

The purpose of this study is to examine if digital public libraries are serendipitous environments. Serendipity in this instance is defined as finding something unexpected and valuable, while searching for something else.A survey was conducted at two Swedish digital public libraries, where the patrons were asked to fill in a questionnaire online. The questions were based on the work on serendipitous digital environments by Lori McCay-Peet, as well as considerations of human factors that could possibly influence serendipity.The result indicate that a majority of patrons experience serendipity at the digital library, although it?s still more common to do so at the physical library or on other web sites. The result also confirms the importance of taking human factors into account when studying serendipity.

Vi gör det för barnets bästa : En intervjustudie om samverkan mellan förskola och socialtjänst

The purpose of this study is to examine if digital public libraries are serendipitous environments. Serendipity in this instance is defined as finding something unexpected and valuable, while searching for something else.A survey was conducted at two Swedish digital public libraries, where the patrons were asked to fill in a questionnaire online. The questions were based on the work on serendipitous digital environments by Lori McCay-Peet, as well as considerations of human factors that could possibly influence serendipity.The result indicate that a majority of patrons experience serendipity at the digital library, although it?s still more common to do so at the physical library or on other web sites. The result also confirms the importance of taking human factors into account when studying serendipity.

Analys av fyra svenska företags kundtidningar : Kundrelation och varumärke byggs när redaktionellt material anpassas för både tryck och webb

This paper aims to clarify how four customer magazines and digital versions of the magazines are being used by their target group. It focuses on the Ikea customer magazine specifically. After the analysis the conclusion is that out of the four companies customer magazines only one, Ikeas Live magazine, fully re-used the editorial content from the printed magazines on their digital platform. The interviewees were six readers of Ikeas customer magazine Live and two experts from a Stockholm based content firm. After the conducted interviews it became clear that none of the interviewees read the digital version of Ikeas magazine Live.

Online?: En kvalitativ studie av digitala affärsrelationer

Internet and digital technology has changed the way we live our lives. As individuals we've found new ways to communicate, educate and experience. But what's the effect on B2B marketing? Previous research presents transactional benefits such as lower costs and easier access to information, but there is limited research done on more complex and long term relationships as well as on modern digital tools. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether a deeper long term B2B relationship can be created and nurtured using digital tools for communication, and if so, how these tools and processes can be described and understood.

Vad innebär begreppet digital kompetens? : En studie som jämför vilken mening digital kompetens har mellan statlig förvalt-ningsmyndighet och kommersiell förvaltningsorganisation

Syftet med denna studie var att jämföra vilken mening digital kompetens har mellan två parter: statlig förvaltningsmyndighet, Arbetsförmedlingen, och en kommersiell förvaltningsorganisation, Manpower AB. Varje part var sedd utifrån tre perspektiv: rekryterare/arbetsförmedlare/jobbcoacher, arbetande, arbetssökande. De 24 deltagarna - med 12 deltagare från varje part - har genom intervjuer svarat på frågor som är relaterade till begreppet ?digital?, ?kompetens? och uttrycket ?digital kompetens.? Deras svar skapade tre huvudkategorier; mål, ansvar och personliga villkor i resultatet. Utifrån perspektivet mål framvisas vilken roll organisationerna har i relation till individen och vilken roll individen har i relation till organisationerna.

Strategisk planering som ett verktyg för att förändra institutioner : En fallstudie på två av Sidas internationella utbildningsprogram där deltagande organisationer uppmuntras att använda strategisk planering i sitt förändringsarbete

Det som är unikt i en akademisk miljö passar inte alltid in i en företagsmiljö. Därför kan det uppstå hinder då teknologier ska kommersialiseras. Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka hur dessa hinder kan se ut. Med hjälp av en tillämpad 4R-modell har de olika produkter, faciliteter och utrustning, affärsrelationer och organisatoriska enheter som påverkar kommersialiseringen av en teknologi kunnat kartläggas och utifrån detta har hinder identifierats. En fallstudie har genomförts där en teknologi har förflyttats från universitets- till företagsmiljö.

Bildernas byggstenar : En studie om pixlar och vektorers egenskaper i form av digitala material

With a new digital world that runs parallel with our physical one, we are also facing a new type of architecture and new materials that this new architecture is built on. In this thesis I examine pixels and vectors, two of the digital materials used to create pictures. By approaching them as digital materials, I have mapped their different qualities, when and where one or the other is more or less applicable and the reason behind it. My main research question asked was the following: Are the (digital) materials challenged outside their primary fields of application, and in that case, in which way? With this question in mind, I carried out a semiotic picture analysis on four pictures, later on dividing them into four different categories, based on their different qualities and their ability to deliver information.

Unga, nyinflyttade IT-guider : - ett socialt och symboliskt kapital för digital delaktighet

Many reports in recent years are suggesting that young people should be involved in the development of the digital society. The Swedish government's Digidel campaign launched in 2011 involved adolescents to train elderly people. This thesis builds on the campaign with its major aim being to investigate how young people think about digital society and their own knowledge and skills to promote digital inclusion.The research questions were set to examine how adolescents look upon the competencies needed in today's digital society, what specific skills and capital the adolescents suggest that they have which can promote digital inclusion and how projects in this direction are perceived by the participants. The theoretical framework is based on theories about social capital. It encompasses Bourdieu's theories about symbolic capital and people's habitus, Putnam's theories about social capital and the power of the organization and Gidden's vision about how people are organizing themselves in the modern world.

Branding för distansarbetande kreatörer : Förbättra din nätnärvaro

In the fragmented network economy of toady remote work for creative designers becomes mor eand more prevalent. This is good for a number of reasons. Mainly, creative designers can find work inside and outside of their region irrespective of where they choose to live. However, competing for jobs in a global market is harder, and the online presence of the creatives becomes their main shopping window. We have conducted a study, interviewing digital creatives in Västerbotten.

Klicka här för gemenskap : Hur interaktivitet skapar engagemang och lojalitet

Digital marketing has been changing continuously and rapidly since the introduction of Web2.0 ten years ago (Lin, Li, Deng, & Lee, 2013). Companies are now engaging their users intheir digital marketing by providing with interactive contents in digital campaigns. The digitalcampaigns are getting more converge with SNS (social networking sites) in order to let the usershare the content with others and therefore the e-WOM (electronic word of mouth) helps thecompanies digital campaigns to be shared by more users (Moran, Muzellec, & Nolan, 2014).The interactive content in the digital campaigns have shown to provide for engaged users andtherefore leads to loyal users. The reason for this has its roots in the culture of consumptionthat has brought our everyday consumption to a whole new level where we no longer justconsumes a product, we are the brand (Davis, 2013).The study, Click here for solidarity, aims to explain the interactive phases and rhetorical elementsthat companies use to engage the user to interact with the content of the digital campaigns.The study is based on four digital campaigns in four different market areas in order to providewith an overall picture of how companies work with interactive and rhetorical elements. Thusthe study falls into the area of marketing and branding.

Hur påverkar IPR överföring av utsläppsminskande teknologi från Sverige till utvecklingsländer ur ett hållbart perspektiv?

Studien syftar till att besvara frågeställningen: Hur påverkar immateriella rättigheter teknologiöverföring från Sverige till utvecklingsländer ur ett hållbart perspektiv? Detta görs genom studier av aktuell forskning i ämnet samt intervjuer med relevanta parter som på ett eller annat sätt verkar inom området överföring av utsläppsminskande teknologi från Sverige till utvecklingsländer.Studien visar att det finns två huvudsakliga perspektiv på hur IPR påverkar teknologiöverföring av utsläppsminskande teknologi från Sverige till utvecklingsländer. Det ena perspektivet är ett i-landsperspektiv som generellt betonar att IPR inte utgör ett hinder utan snarare en drivkraft för att överföring skall vara möjlig. Det andra perspektivet är ett u-landsperspektiv som betonar att IPR utgör ett hinder i och med att det har en fördyrande effekt på innovativ teknologi. Utvecklingsländer har inte råd att köpa teknologin, enligt det senare perspektivet.

Effekter vid införande av digital fakturahantering

Syftet med uppsatsen är att identifiera effekter av införandet av digital fakturahantering genom att jämföra arbetsprocessen före och efter. Företag investerar i ny teknik med förhoppning om att uppnå ekonomiska vinster och effektivitetsökningar i organisationen. Digital fakturahantering berör ett företags leverantörsfakturor. Fakturorna scannas till digitala bilder då de anländer och skickas digitalt till användare för attest och kontering. Sökningar i efterhand av redan behandlade fakturor sker i systemet för digital fakturahantering.

Aristoteles och cyberspace : Kunskaper, färdigheter och insikter i hypertextens föränderliga värld

The purpose of this thesis is to deepen the understanding of our contemporary description of digital literacy using the perspective on knowledge from the Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle. I have chosen to deal with the problem using a hermeneutic approach. The method of inquiry is based on close reading of the selected literature. The selection itself has been made after a strategic selection regarding perspective on knowledge and digital literacy. It appears in the thesis that there are substantial differences but also similarities between our contemporary description of digital literacy from Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 on key competences for lifelong learning and the perspective on knowledge from the Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle.Still, the result has been possible to use for the purpose of the thesis since the problem has an answer and a deepened impression of the understandings of digital literacy..

Lärare och digitala verktyg i matematikundervisningen : En kvantitativ studie om lärares inställning och kompetens kring användningen av digitala verktyg i årskurserna F-3

The purpose of this study is to examine in what extent primary school teachers, teaching children in the age of 6 to 9, choose to use digital tools in their teaching of mathematics. I also want to examine what these teachers think, in terms of advantages and disadvantages, about using digital tools on their mathematics lessons. Finally I want to examine what skills they possess about digital tools.I am using a quantitative method to collect my data. The quantitative survey consisted of a questionnaire survey of ten questions that 38 primary school teachers have answered.The results of my study show that the teachers to some extent use digital tools when they teach mathematics and that the availability of various digital tools are generally good. But it turns out that the availability of tools is not a guarantee that they are used in teaching of mathematics.

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