

1483 Uppsatser om Digital plćnbok - Sida 13 av 99

Digital videoregistrering

This Bachelor thesis examines the possibility of replacing an outdated, analog video recording system to a digital counterpart. It is key that the video and audio signals remain synchronized, generator locked and time stamped. It is up to nine different video sources and a number of audio sources to be recorded and treated in such a manner which enables synchronized playback. The  different video sources do not always follow a universal standard, and differ from format as well as resolution. This thesis aims to compare a number of state of the art commercial of the shelf solutions with proprietary hardware.


The project explores the possibilities of using additive manufacturing (3d-printing) to build architecture. Through a combination of theoretical research and practical experiments a building system has been developed which has the capabilities to create houses with great geometric flexibilities to a affordable price today. The construction system Perimeter is demonstrated in a pavilion situated at Norra DjurgÄrden in Stockholm. .

Digital divide eller digital opportunity i Anacostia High School, Washington D.C. : en studie baserad pÄ sistaÄrselever i High School

 Purpose/Aim: The goal of this thesis is to examine access and knowledge computers and the Internet among the senior-year students of Anacostia High School. Do the students of this facility have the same opportunity as the residents from better socioeconomical backgrounds or are they being excluded from the technology? Material/Method: To approach the thesis goal I have used a quantitative method. More specifically, a questionnaire was handed out to the senior year students at Anacostia High School. Main results: The study has shown that most of the students of Anacostia had in some way access to computers and Internet.

UtvÀrdering av kvalité och dess behov inom förprovtryck

It always has been a need for the abiltiy to create color proofs. When an error occurs late in the production process, itis allways complicated and difficult to correct the error. In this project, digital proofs been made and discussions havebeen held with several people in the printing industry, in order to examine how well excisting digital proofs, meet thedemand of the market. And how close the digital proofs can come to the actual printsheat from the press. The study hasbeen shown that the one thing that has had the most influence on the outcome for the quality of a digital proof, is theprintshop operator?s knowledge about color management and proofing systems.

Digital kompetens och Gy 2011 : -En kritisk diskursanalys

Genom en kritisk diskursanalys söker jag svaret pÄ vilka diskurser som finns i mitt urval av dokument. Med sociokulturellt perspektiv som teoretisk grund vÀljer jag att titta pÄ kunskap och lÀrande. UtgÄngspunkt för analysen Àr EuroparÄdets rekommendationer inom programmet Utbildning 2010, dÀr ett underlag gavs i form av Ätta nyckelkompetenser för livslÄngt lÀrande (EU 2006a). Jag tittar pÄ digital kompetens, som Àr en av nyckelkompetenserna som varje europeisk medborgare ska utveckla. Jag analyserar ocksÄ dokument som finns med i processen för den reformerade svenska gymnasieskolan Gy 2011.

En digital kÀrlekshistoria

Kandidatarbetets syfte Àr att undersöka mötet mellan mÀnniska och medium genom att undersöka hur mÀnniskor relaterar till och tolkar mötet med ett medium. Undersökningen tar sin utgÄngspunkt i flera tÀnkbara kunskapsfÀlt, bland annat posthumanism, transhumanism, tolkningsvetenskap. Dessa kunskapsfÀlt prövas sedan i en gestaltning för att avgöra om kunskapen Àr relevant i förhÄllande till vÄrt Àrende..

RecĂșrrens ? En svensk novellfilm

Det hĂ€r Ă€r slutreflektionen för ett examensarbetet RecĂșrrens, skapat av Mikael Berglund och Johan Cederholm frĂ„n Medieteknik och Joel Arwidson och Charlie Persson frĂ„n digital ljudproduktion. RecĂșrrens Ă€r en novellfilm vi gjorde frĂ„n idĂ© till fĂ€rdig film och vi kommer beskriva hela vĂ„r arbetsgĂ„ngen i den hĂ€r slutreflektionen. I den andra, reflekterande delen, diskuterar vi hur arbetet gick, motgĂ„ngar, framgĂ„ngar och slutresutlatet. Bifogat finns Ă€ven manuset och bildmanuset..

Relationen mellan den personliga trÀnaren och klienten : att marknadsföra ett personligt varumÀrke inom trÀningsbranschen med hjÀlp av digitala medier

Purpose ? The purpose of the study was to examine how to promote a personal trainer in the fitness industry, as a personal brand, with digital media.Method ? To fulfill the purpose, the author have used three different methods. Both literature and quantitative and qualitative data in forms of a digital survey and interviews with two personal trainers regarding marketing and branding.Result ? Based on the collected literature and empirical evidence, facts could identify the importance of having a strong brand as a personal trainer, in order to recruit new clients. The result revealed that digital media is an excellent communication channel to nurture the relationship when you already have existing clients, but not when you want to recruit new customers.Implications ? This study is only developed through empirical data from a particular demography and a certain range, which could give a different result with other respondents.

TillvÀgagÄngssÀtt vid lÄngsiktigt digitalt bevarande: en studie av bevarandeplanering

Den lÄngsiktiga bevaringen av digital information innebÀr nya utmaningar för svenska offentliga arkiv. I arbetet med att utveckla system för att hantera dessa utmaningar utgÄr svenska offentliga arkiv ifrÄn en konceptuell rammodell kallad Open Archival Information System (OAIS- modellen). Syftet med denna uppsats Àr att bidra med en ökad förstÄelse för hur svenska offentliga arkiv kan hantera de aktiviteter som ryms under bevarandeplanering (Preservation Planning) enligt OAIS-modellen. För att uppnÄ syftet har existerande forskning pÄ omrÄdet granskats och kopplats till bevarandeplanering enligt OAIS-modellen. För att kunna utvÀrdera den existerande forskningen har ny empirisk data samlats in genom kvalitativa intervjuer. Viktiga slutsatser som har varit möjliga att dra i denna undersökning Àr att en migreringsstrategi Àr att föredra för svenska offentliga arkiv. Det kan Àven vara lÀmpligt för svenska offentliga arkiv att frÄngÄ OAIS- modellen och lagra teknisk metadata dels i informationspaketet och dels i en separat referensdatabas.

TillvÀgagÄngssÀtt vid lÄngsiktigt digitalt bevarande: en studie av bevarandeplanering

Den lÄngsiktiga bevaringen av digital information innebÀr nya utmaningar för svenska offentliga arkiv. I arbetet med att utveckla system för att hantera dessa utmaningar utgÄr svenska offentliga arkiv ifrÄn en konceptuell rammodell kallad Open Archival Information System (OAIS- modellen). Syftet med denna uppsats Àr att bidra med en ökad förstÄelse för hur svenska offentliga arkiv kan hantera de aktiviteter som ryms under bevarandeplanering (Preservation Planning) enligt OAIS-modellen. För att uppnÄ syftet har existerande forskning pÄ omrÄdet granskats och kopplats till bevarandeplanering enligt OAIS-modellen. För att kunna utvÀrdera den existerande forskningen har ny empirisk data samlats in genom kvalitativa intervjuer.

Livet efter döden : Svenska tidningar anpassar sig till en digital framtid

The media industry in general and the newspaper in particular is going through major changes ? technological, logistical, economical ? due to the dropping sales and width of the printed daily newspaper. Few organisations have been spared the necessary rationalizations and cut-downs in staff. All of them are expected to produce more and better content, in more and new channels and platforms, with less resources. Some have been preparing for this a long time, others have never entered the digital world of news.

Kompetensf?rs?rjning under digital transformation En kvalitativ studie om hur sm? och medelstora managementkonsultbolag i Sverige arbetar med kompetensf?rs?rjning

The aim of this thesis is to analyze how small and medium-sized management consulting firms in Sweden work with human resource management during digital transformation. By interviewing companies, this study explores their approach to attracting, recruiting, and developing competence. The results showed that management consulting firms have good access to candidates, made possible by having a strong corporate culture and attractive working conditions - Crucial parts for attracting talent. Social media and networking are frequently used for marketing and attracting interesting candidates. Digital tools and social media showed to be useful during the recruitment process, but personal contacts and networking still play a central role.

Chatt - ett nytt sÀtt att kommunicera med bibliotekarien

This thesis presents a new way of providing library users with reference services, namely chat (text based digital reference service in real time). Our research questions focus on the role of reference service, a comparison of chat reference to other reference forms, and the interest for real-time, digital reference. Our literature review covered the areas of digital reference and reference theory, the results of which showed that an ongoing debate hardly exists among Swedish librarians on the topic of reference work. We interviewed librarians from the three different Swedish chat reference projects existing at the time of our study. Most interviewees were very positive about chat reference.

Kunskapssyn och behov av IKT-verktyg

In a world where digital media is becoming a greater part of people?s everyday and working lives it is plausible to assume that the upcoming generation of pupils expect the teaching media to adapt thereafter. It is this assumption of an increased demand that Natur & Kultur is hoping to be able to meet. This thesis has been a stage in the process of producing digital material in the subject of mathematics for high school students. Specifically the aims of this thesis have been to make a rough description of the largest competitive companies? products within the same market, explore and put together a brief theoretical foundation of contemporary research and produce concrete examples of ideas for digital applications.

WEBBENS VINNARE : - en studie om kommunikation och konsumtion pÄ Internet

- ABSTRACT ?Title: Winners of the Web ( Webbens vinnare)Number of pages: 35 (including enclosures)Author: Lydia KellamTutor: Else NygrenCourse: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: Fall Semester 2006University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information SciencePurpose: The aim of the research paper was to see Internet and the digital techniques impact on marketing communication and consuming behavior on the Web. By understanding the relationship between marketing communication and consumer behavior my intentions were to comprehend how consumer behavior on the web could be understand. The purpose of this paper is to understand how different marketing activities on the Internet are followed by consumption.Material/Method: By using focus group interviews I wanted to study how individuals act on the Internet. How different activities such as communication and participation on the web could lead to consumption on the Internet.

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