1943 Uppsatser om Digital environments - Sida 47 av 130
Studie av konstruktion och implementering av CORDIC-algoritmer
Abstract CORDIC (Coordinate Rotation Digital Computer) is an iterative algorithm for the calculation of a two-dimensional vector in circular, linear or hyperbolic coordinate systems. This paper presents a survey of known CORDIC algorithms and architectures for the rotation and vectoring mode in the circular cordinate system. In addition an implementation of the differential CORDIC algorithm in VHDL has been done. The implementation is designed to keep the fast timing and throughput characteristic known for on-line redundant arithmetic..
Vilka åtgärder kan röntgensjuksköterska tillämpa för att reducera stråldosen vid skoliosundersökning av barn och ungdomar?: En litteraturstudie
Introduktion: Skolios som drabbar barn och ungdomar ger en krökning av ryggraden i sidled. Upprepade undersökningar med joniserad strålning av främst flickor i puberteten innebär risk för bröstcancer. Genom att på olika sätt optimera undersöknings metoderna och använda skydd till patienter kan biverkningarna minskas. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att genom en systematisk litteraturöversikt sammanställa vilka metoder och röntgenparametrar som kan användas för dosreducering i samband med radiologisk skoliosundersökning av barn och ungdomar. Metod: Studien utfördes som en allmän litteraturöversikt.
Hur är läget? Om självskattning av psykiskt mående via mobila applikationer
Tidigare forskning har visat att systematisk självrapportering är en fördelaktig metod för att följa enpersons psykiska mående över tid, och att en digital mätmetod i sin tur skulle innebära många praktiskafördelar jämfört med en analog. Detta är en experimentell randomiserad, kontrollerad studie som medutgångspunkt i personcentrerad vård och spelifiering undersöker 35 personers användarfrekvens ochattityder efter en tvåveckorsperiod där hälften har fått prova att självskatta sitt psykiska mående via enmobilapplikation, och hälften fått göra detsamma via ett analogt stämningsformulär. Resultatet visar enhögre användarfrekvens bland deltagarna i mobilapplikationsgruppen, samt ett uttalat intresse hosbägge grupper för digitala metoder för självskattning av psykiskt mående. Bägge metoderna ansesstärka personcentrerad omvårdnad. The aim of this study is to explore user frequency and attitudes for persons using a mobile applicationfor assessing mental health compared to persons using an analogue assessment method.
"Digi"-war - En uppsats om att utveckla en digital handledare för ett komplext tärningsspel.
This rapport aims to examine the difficulties in presenting a complex game in a way that will invite new players by making the game more accessible. We discuss and present our process on how to create an application named ?Digi?-war that is easy and fast to, both, learn and use. Our solution to this issue includes RFID-tags and readers together with four buttons, as input devices. This simple input device, placed in a gun-type control unit, aims to provide an intuitive interaction..
Variabeltryck med inkjet i dagspress : Möjligheten att införa anpassade upplagor
På uppdrag av Tidningsutgivarna har en studie utförts angående olika möjligheter att införa tryck av variabeldata med tryckmetoden inkjet i svensk dagspress. Målet var att undersöka tekniska möjligheter och begränsningar samt att utreda om det fanns något intresse på marknaden som skulle kunna ge någon avkastning. Studien utfördes med hjälp av noggranna källstudier och ett fortlöpande samarbete med olika företag med intresse för dagspress. Rapporten beskriver också företag som arbetar med den här typen av innovationer idag och diverse tidigare projekt med variabeltryckta tidningar. Nya teknologier som eventuellt kan vara av intresse för framtida utveckling har också beskrivits och hur tidningens framtid kommer att se ut ur ett kortare och ett längre perspektiv.Studien visar att inkjetpressar inte klarar av den hastighet som de moderna tidningspressarna håller idag.
IKT som verktyg för lärande i historia : en studie av gymnasielärares syn på IKT i historieundervisningen
This essay examines the possibilities for the use of ICT for learning in the subject of history. By interviewing history teachers in upper secondary school about their experiences and thoughts regarding the subjects of learning, history and ICT, as well as the relations there between, based on Mishra and Koehlers TPACK model, I come to the conclusion that ICT may enhance learning in history. I also conclude that ICT may create new learning environments in history, where knowledge may or may not grow.The more unique ways of using ICT in history, compared to other school subjects, appears to be the possibility of using a variety of new sources, for example digitized primary sources from archives, that perhaps will motivate students, and make it possible to work from a con- structivistic point of view in history.Other unique possibilities are to satisfy the need of concretizing and visualizing the history being taught, by using a broad range of different media when presenting it. .
Moral över lag : beslutsfattande dilemman
The purpose of this paper has been to reach a greater understanding in how moral inflicts social workers way of handling everyday situations. In what way, if in any way, moral comes to play a part in the making of decisions. In order to reach this understanding we have interviewed two different groups of social workers which we also later on came to compare . One of the groups contained six interviewees and the other group contained five interviewees. Both of these groups were in the ages between 27 ? 52.To shed some light over this phenomenon did we use two theoretical perspectives, first Kant?s morale theory and second, consequentialistic utilitarism theory.As a result from the interviews we?ve made, we came to an understanding that the meaning of morale and in what way it can be applied in the everyday work differs between these two professional groups.
Base stations for communication in obstructed environments
The purpose of this project was to produce signal relay stations that could receive information via 2.4 GHz radio and relay the information to a designated target station. If a relay station was located outside of signal range for the target station it was supposed to utilize other relay stations to transfer the information to the target station, so called multi-hop.The would-be application of the relay stations was orienteering. When an orienteer punches a checkpoint the signal stations would relay information of who punched the control, when it was punched and the checkpoint that was punched to the speaker tower in the goal area.The work resulted in prototypes which fulfilled the statement of purpose and was tested at an orienteering competition with satisfactory results. The performance of the prototypes was tested and found adequate for the would-be application..
Antimobbningsplaner : Åtgärder och strategier mot mobbning
AbstractThe purpose of this study is to find out how educationalists who are currently working in school-environments feel about antibullyingprograms. Do they think that the programs are working and do they feel that the measures that they use work as planned? The reason why I choose to investigate this topic is that it will always be at topic interesting to study. Bullying will unfortunately always exist in some way. The whole survey is made in a small/medium seized municipality in Sweden with about 12 000 inhabitants.
Utveckling och tillämpning av en GIS-baserad hydrologisk modell
A distributed hydrological rainfall-runoff model has been developed using a GIS integrated with a dynamic programming module (PCRaster). The model has been developed within the framework of the EU-project TWINBAS at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, and is intended for use in WATSHMAN ? a tool for watershed management developed at IVL. The model simulates runoff from a catchment based on daily mean values of temperature and precipitation. The GIS input data consist of maps with soil type, land-use, lakes, rivers and a digital elevation model.
Varför ska jag vara med, jag har ju bara årskurs ett? : ? pedagogers resonemang kring begreppet informationskompetens.
Skolverket har under våren 2010 tagit fram en ny rapport om IT användning och ITkompetens bland elever på grundskolan. Rapporten visade en positiv utveckling bland elever i skolåren 7?9 men bland elever i grundskolans tidigare år var resultaten inte desamma. Syftet med denna studie är att utifrån en utbildningspraktik förstå konsekvenserna av hur pedagoger resonerar kring värdet av att vara informationskompetent. Ett begrepp som innefattar sökstrategier, en källkritisk medvetenhet och allämna kunskaper på och om Internet.
Kulturarv för framtiden : En diskursanalys av mötet mellan arkiv och bibliotek i en nationell strategi för digitalisering
The aim of this study is to examine if library and archive will meet professionally in digitization projects. The study has been conducted as a discourse analysis in accordance with the methods of Norman Fairclough, professor of Linguistics at Lancaster University. The texts are seen as linguistic and semiotic elements of social events that can be analyzed as parts of the social process ? discourse. The relationship between events and structures in society will be part of the social practice.The basic data derive from five public documents collected from Swedish government agencies.
Du måste prata noga! : om ett barns kommunikativa svårigheter
My essay is written from a basis of one of my own experiences were a child is perceived by us pedagogues as lonely and introverted, as well as having trouble socialising because of, what we can see, difficulties making himself understood verbally. I want to highlight how I as a pedagogue can respond to and strengthen children who are outside but still with the group, in a certain sense. I want to reflect on how we can deepen our understanding of these children and how we can facilitate for children who do not follow the norms of society when it comes to communication. I will analyse and draw conclusions with the help of theorists such as Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotskij and interpretations of these, but also look at it from a sociopsychological perspective as the interactions between people and environments play a large and distinctive role in preschool. The purpose of this essay is to enlighten how different we can see and experience situations in preschool.
Tegel och klinker - keramiska material på mark :
Being an architect I create spaces with roof, walls and fl oor. The availability of the essential materials to create such spaces is practically unlimited. The materials also play a significant part to the character of the created space. I hope to contribute to the general understanding of materials as elements in the design of urban spaces by having intensely explored one specific material in depth, pointing out its bad and good qualities. I am of the opinion that the reason for choosing a material shouldn?t be because of a shortage of knowledge, facts or references, but what character you want for the room.
When travelling across Europe, it sometimes feels like clay paving is everywhere, but back in Sweden it is almost unseen of in modern landscape architecture.
Passiv Digital Marknadskommunikation ? Hur en artist kan ho?ras utan att va?snas : En fallstudie om alternativ marknadskommunikation via sociala medier
Denna uppsats underso?ker hur artisten Jaqe har kunnat sprida sin musik och sitt varuma?rke via sociala medier utan att ha na?gra konton pa? sociala medier registrerade i sitt namn, eller o?verhuvudtaget vara aktiv pa? na?tet.Syftet med uppsatsen a?r att underso?ka ett ho?gst ovanligt marknadskommunikationsfenomen som tycks motsa?ga ra?dande normer inom musikbranschen, fo?r att belysa huruvida man kan bedriva effektiv marknadskommunikation via sociala medier utan att o?verhuvudtaget vara aktiv online. Detta underso?ks genom att kartla?gga och problematisera Jaqes strategi samt ja?mfo?ra den mot Sveriges tva? sto?rsta skivbolags digitala marknadskommunikativa praktiker. Empirin besta?r av fyra kvalitativa expertintervjuer.