1943 Uppsatser om Digital environments - Sida 10 av 130
Framställning av en digital höjdmodell över Storsjö strand i Östersund
Östersunds kommun behövde höjddata inför planeringen av ett nytt bostads- och rekreationsområde som kallas Storsjö strand där en ny fördjupad översiktplan tagits fram. Syftet med examensarbetet var att skapa en digital höjdmodell över en del av området. Mätningar med Leica GNSS-utrustning samt totalstation utfördes under några dagar. Höjddatat levererades till kommunen. En triangelmodell skapades och en karta med höjdkurvor togs även fram för att visualisera arbetet. En del felkällor kan ha haft inverkan på resultatet såsom tjälen i marken och eventuellt några enstaka flervägsfel, men vi anser ändå att resultatet är tillräckligt för en första översiktlig planering..
Digital speldistribution - Om behovet av rekommendationer och riktlinjer inom
Digital distribution för datorspel växer för varje år. Med tiden har fler och fler webbutikermed endast digitala produkter dykt upp, samtidigt som de gamla till en allt större del harbörjat erbjuda ett digitalt sortiment. Konsumenterna har med denna utveckling ett hav avolika typer av distributionsmöjligheter att välja bland. Vissa kan för en del konsumenterkännas restriktiva, medan andra webbutiker erbjuder en typ av försäljning som påminner merom den fysiska.Syftet med denna studie är att försöka identifiera de olika typer av affärsmodeller ochdistributioner som finns i dagsläget, och om det finns behov av att införa någon typ avstandard i form av riktlinjer och rekommendationer för digital distribution.Studien visar att det skulle vara problematiskt att tillämpa riktlinjer som skulle fungera ipraktiken för alla dessa varianter av digital distribution. Men samtidigt identifieras ett antalproblem som individuellt skulle kunna åtgärdas med hjälp av några av de riktlinjer ochrekommendationer som tas fram genom bland annat kvantitativ undersökning blandspelkonsumenter och intervju med Sveriges största aktör inom området..
Hantering av digitalt designmaterial i kollaborativ miljö
A case study of professional interaction designers' usage of design materials was conducted. Five interviews were performed in order to gain insight in the systems used by designers, how these work, how they collaborate within them, and what they think of recent research about them. Design studios allow collaboration for several users at once. Digital material (mockups, pictures, etc.) are commonly used, but needs to be made analog, e.g. printed, to be usable in the design studio environment.
EkoReko : Hur en digital tjänst får användarna att leva mer miljövänligt
The purpose of this study was to follow a research-oriented design process and to develop a design draft for a digital service that supports users to make more environmentally conscious choises in their everyday life. By following an interaction design process from start to final delivery, the study aims at creating a broad understanding of the process. Therefore, many userrelated activities were implemented in the study: eg. personas, scenarios, sketching and user testing. The project resulted in digital wireframes for an iPhone application using embedded GPS to identify and locate environmentally friendly businesses.
Att växa i lekmiljöer : hållbar och funktionell växtanvändning i lekmiljöer för förskolebarn
The preschool constitutes a big part of many
children's everyday existence. Its contents are
therefore of great importance and the environment
deserves a well thoughtout design. In this
study, surveys in field and literature have resulted
in conclusions around how plants can be used in
children's play environments, in order to contribute
to the experiencerelated values. The aim
is to present conclusions to lean on when drawing
up designproposals for new playgrounds,
especially where the natural conditions are not so
favorable. The first question that is responded to
is how plants can be used in order to enrich the
children's play environments.
"Vi måste hänga med, det här är deras vardag" : En studie om Internets frammarsch, om den digitala generationsklyftan i undervisningen
The aim of my study is to look at two specific schools and their work with Internet in the classroom and compare their work to what experts say about how you should educate. The study focuses on how teachers guide the students to be critical to the information they encounter on the internet. What do the experts say? How should the teachers work with Internet in the classroom? What do the teachers say about their work with Internet? What do the teachers say regarding children and the Internet? To answer these questions I have interviewed two teachers from different schools, which had classes with children 6 to 8 years old. The schools are very different from each other concerning investment on Internet devices in the classroom.
Digital doggy bag : iPhone applikation som tar med dina mat- och dryckupplevelser
In this project an iPhone application for storing food and drink experiences was developed with focus on an easy interaction design. The already existing market of similar applications were studied and evaluated to extract their positive and negative features. Interviews with experts within the food and drink business where made in the pre study to get a good perception of how to divide and categorize the sections in the application. To optimize the usability, workshops with potential users with different technical experiences where continuously held during the development of the design.During the development two variants of development environments where evaluated. The final result of the application was developed in the environment that made the best impression and seemed to be the best alternative.The resulting product has a thought out design meant to be easy to understand, even for the first time users.
Grafisk utvecklingsplattform för signalbehandling - Design och implementation
We have different kinds of signal processing everywhere around us in our everyday life, in our cellphones, when we are listening to music, watching TV etc. This makes signal processing a very interesting and important technical area, where the demand of skilled engineers sets the limit of what is possible.Working with signal processing requires in-depth knowledge in areas such as mathematics, physics, electronics, and other related areas. For this, it has traditionally been demanded by a talented developer to also master the advanced programming languages such as C / C + + and Assembler.This has begun to change; today there are several companies that offer graphical development environments for signal processing, environments where programming skills are not needed anymore, and the focus can be on signal processing instead.The goal with this project is to build a corresponding graphical development environment to reach an understanding of what is required of these systems, and also to grasp what opportunities that are available within graphic programming. Inspiration for the work has partly arise from some of the tools available on the market, and partly from previous theses that have been written about graphic programming.The challenge lies in creating a program that can execute signal diagrams in real time from given signal blocks, and be able to handle feedback loops in an efficient way and to do so at the lowest "cost" in terms of clock cycles as possible. This should also be compared against to code, compile and run a complete signal diagram directly.To increase the usability it should also be possibility to externally manage in real time the parameters of the signal diagram during execution.The interface is a separate program, which is to some extent similar to Matlab Simulink, where a signal diagram is drawn up graphically by connecting wires between different signal blocks.
Digital mediehantering i Försvarsmakten
Det senaste året har jag arbeta med analys av digital mediehantering, digital media som ett informationsverktyg samt tekniken bakom det. ?Hur kan man göra saker mer effektivt?, ?är webb-tv något för Försvarsmakten att använda sig av i syfte att göra sitt informationsflöde mer effektivt?, både internt och mot allmänheten. Föreliggande arbete tar upp tekniken bakom dessa områden, jag försöker även förklara hur relativt enkelt det kan vara att integrera dem i en existerande organisation utan att göra dyra omorganisationer. Jag har även inventerat AMF och FM media på deras utrustning, teknik och gjort en lista på vad som är användbart och på vad som bör tas bort inför en omstrukturering.
Modern Bild : undervisning i bild på en ny plattform
Idén till denna studie kom till mig för ett antal år sedan då jag fick se ett digital skapat verk och därmed bestämde jag mig för att digitalt bildskapande skulle bli ämnet för mitt examensarbete i min utbildning på lärarutbildningen. Därmed valde jag att göra en undersökning om digitalt bildskapande och hur detta skulle kunna användas som undervisningsverktyg i skolans bildämne.Mina tankegångar inför detta arbete var om digitalt bildskapande är möjligt att använda i bildundervisning och ifall detta kan utveckla bildämnets undervisning. Men även undersöka om digital bildskapande är av vikt att lära eleverna och om det kan ses som en tillgång för eleverna och lärarna.I min undersökning använde jag litteratur för att försöka förklara och skapa en bild av ämnet digital bildbehandling. Jag gjorde även en undersökning till mitt arbete med ett digitalt bildbehandlingsprogram för att visa hur digitala metoder och tekniker skulle kunna användas i undervisningen i bildämnet.Resultatet av mina undersökningar med bildbehandlingsprogrammet visade på att digitalt bildskapande är möjligt att använda som undervisningsverktyg och kan även medföra fördelar för bildämnets verksamhet. .
Hur prissätts digitala dagstidningar i Sverige - En fallstudie om tre tidningars resa från gratis till betalvägg
Printed newspapers are on the decline, while digital versions are in rapid growth. Consequently the industry must draw up new business models around the digital format - models that can produce revenue streams equivalent to those that the print format used to produce. However, after a decade of 'free' online news, consumers now hesitate to pay. In their struggle for survival, strategic pricing is a central issue for newspapers. This study aims at describing how Swedish newspapers price their digital content, by analyzing their pricing processes and five factors that may influence the choice of paywall and price levels.
Tillgänglighet och varsamhet i vardagens stadsmiljöer
This graduate thesis deals with the challenges facing us as we gradually make our urban environments withtheir many public buildings, such as shops, cafés and cinemas, more accessible for disabled people. Theperspective taken is that of the conservationist, who in her or his profession looks to the cultural andhistorical characteristics in buildings and building environments. In order to gain better accessibility, changesin the physical fabric need to be made, with consideration for the cultural and historical characteristics.The introduction presents the subject of considarate accessibility. The second chapter deals with the legalaspects concerning the protection of buildings as well as the accessibility for disabled people. Severalinterviews with different participants are presented here, aiming to tie the legislation to the reality of theconservationist, the disabled, the civil servant working with accessibility issues and the property owner,whose responsibility it is to make the adjustments necessary to improve accessibility.
Analog kompression vs digital emulering: Kan oerfarna lyssnare höra skillnaden?
Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka om oerfarna lyssnare kan höra skillnad mellan ljud som är komprimerad med en analog kompressor mot samma ljudfiler som är komprimerad med en digital emulering av samma kompressor. Universal Audio Teletronix LA2A kompressor som är en analog enhet och Waves CLA-2A som är den emulerade varianten av samma kompressor ingick i testen för att kunna generera stimuli för jämförelse. Ett blindtest med 16 försökspersoner utfördes för att informera om eventuella skillnader mellan de två typerna av kompression. Resultaten av undersökningen visade att försökspersonerna kunde höra skillnaden mellan båda typer av komprimering..
Morgondagens arkiv : Om arkivhantering i framtiden
The aim of this study has been to create a future scenario of what archiving might look like in the future. The main theory used in the study comes from future studies, but also a theory about the social impact of technology on work were used. The questions that were analysed were about the tasks of the archivist, the appearance of the archival institution, collaboration with other LAM institutions, knowledge requirements for the archivist and the amount of archivist positions. The method used in the study was scenario writing, which derives from future studies. The source material consisted among other things of regulations and laws related to archiving together with some archival manuals.The tasks of the future archivist will probably consist of the same tasks as those of present archivists who work with digital archiving, even though archivists probably forever also will have to work a little with paper records.The future archival institution will probably retain its paper records and keep its digital records on digital storage media.
Digitala och sociala medier i undervisningen för elevers ökade motivation, delaktighet och måluppfyllelse.
The aim of the study was to examine both 1) how aware teachers in a specific area are about ICT tools in teaching ; and 2) how likely teachers are to use ICT tools to reverse the trend of unmotivated students and low achievement scores . I will look for answers through the following questions:How extensive is the knowledge of the teachers on digital and social media in education? How have teachers in the past year used various social media in their teaching? In what grade does ICT-supported teaching lead to higher motivation, participation and achievement? Is there a difference between the sexes, different stages (1-3, 4-6, 7-9) and number of years in the profession in knowledge of and openness to the use of ICT in education?The method used is a questionnaire in which a number of respondents have answered a number of questions about ICT tools in teaching. Validity of the study can be said to be high when the survey has measured what it intended to measure, however, I need to be careful in draw full account of the result as the response rate is low with only 39%. In summary, the results show that there is low awareness among respondents about the methods and the digital and social tools I lift in the survey.Mainly the respondents use some of the methods and the digital and social tools in preparation for the lesson.