

14305 Uppsatser om Difference- in- difference analys - Sida 41 av 954

Disciplinbrott och bestraffningar i den romerska armén

The purpose of this essay is to study the crimes and punishments in the Roman army, how ancient authors describe this phenomenon and the differences between the authors descriptions. The results of the essay are that the authors mostly describe crimes such as mutiny and desertion. Ruffus is the only one who mentions and describes other types of crimes than mutiny and desertion, such as theft, rape and disobedience. The reason why there is a difference between Ruffus and the other authors are that Ruffus wrote a collection of laws in the Roman army but the other authors wrote biographies and histories and therefore they only mentioned the most dramatic thing that happened, such as a mutiny in the army for example..

An enriched arena for lamb - anticipation behaviour before entering the arena, effects of skipping the anticipation phase and effects of being denied access to the arena

This study aimed to investigate whether lambs show anticipatory behaviours in a holding pen prior to entering a known arena, whether the holding pen experience prior to the arena exposure affects their play expression in the arena and whether their behaviour (in home pen) is affected if arena access is denied. Twenty pair-housed male lambs (average 14 weeks old), were exposed, in chronological order, to five treatments. Holding pen treat-ment (HP-control): Each pair was led into a holding pen (2.7 m2) and remained there for 5 minutes before returning to their home pen (6 m2). Holding pen ? arena treatment (HP-A): Each pair was led into a holding pen for 5 min and then was allowed access into the arena (22 m2, containing two hanging chains, one ball and one platform) for 15 min before re-turning to their home pen.

Stödet i yrkesrollen som rådman och dess betydelse för hälsa och arbetsklimat

Syftet med denna undersökning var att ta reda på vilken betydelse stöd och uppmuntran upplevdes ha i arbetslivet för rådmän, om det fanns en skillnad beroende på kön, samt vilka faktorer som upplevdes vara viktiga för hälsan och arbetsklimatet. Sex semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med tre kvinnliga och tre manliga rådmän. Resultatet, som överensstämde med tidigare forskning, visade att det sociala behovet av stöd från kollegor och närmaste chef upplevdes ha störst betydelse för både kvinnor och män. Positivt för hälsa och arbetsklimat upplevde både kvinnor och män var att trivas på arbetet, ha kollegialt stöd med ett öppet arbetsklimat samt möjlighet till flexibilitet. Slutsatsen blir att socialt stöd och kollegor är viktigt för att individer ska må bra i arbetslivet.  .

Hälsa som huvudsak : En diskursanalys av hälsa i populärmedia

The purpose with this master´s thesis is to examine how helth and unhelthy in the Swedish magazines Topphälsa, Fitnez Magazine, hälsa and I Form. The study is made from a discourse analytical approach and text and pictures are analysed together. The governmentality-perspective is also used as a theoretical frame. Power and govern are two inportant conceptions for this paper. Some of the main characteristics of the material are the double messages, the division in the categories "we" and "them" and the personal address to the reader.

Methane production from dairy cows : relations between enteric production and production from faeces and urine

Methane (CH4) is a greenhouse gas (GHG) that contributes to the global warming. One of the largest sources of methane is livestock, preferably ruminants which alone counted for 30% of the total agricultural anthropogenic methane emissions in the year of 2000. The reason to why ruminants are such large contributors of methane are that the gas is produced in the rumen by enteric formation and leaves the animals by belching, exhaling or by the excreta.Diets high in concentrates can result in a lower emission of methane. Also diets with a high content of starch, such as alfalfa-grass, have a methane-decreasing. It is profitable to reduce enteric methane formation since that form of methane is unavoidably lost.

Upplevelse av arbetsglädje och känsla av sammanhang - en enkätstudie bland anställda på en högskola

Man spends most part of the day at work and is therefore influenced by it?s ambience. That?s why it?s important that the environment at work is health promoting and can function as a supportive environment. The purpose of this study was to describe job satisfaction among employees and to analyse a possible connection between job satisfaction and employees experiences of SOC.

Finns det ett samband mellan avgifter och avkastning hos fonder? : En kvantitativ studie av svenska aktiefonder 2007-2011

Purpose:        The intention of this study is to distinguish if there is a correlation between mutual funds administration fee and their return. The study will also observe if there is a difference regarding the return between active and passive management fees.Method:        The study is founded on a deductive approach because the study is based on existing theories. Quantitative research based on statistical data has been used. A correlation analysis has been applied to determine if there is a correlation between the chosen variables.Conclusion:   The conclusion of the study is that active management of funds mainly do not give a higher return than passive management funds. Neither is the administration fee dependent on the risk a fund has..

E-mobbning : En studie om vad det är

The purpose of this work is to investigate what students in grades 4 to 6 at a school in southern Värmland know about cyber bullying. It also aims to find out whether there is or has been any cyber bullying in grades 4-6 at the school. The issues at work are what do cyber bullying? Is there a difference between cyber bullying in the different grades? (4-6 grades) Are their differences in cyber bullying when it comes to sex? And there is no connection between the mental bullying and cyber bullying? The material for the work was collected through a questionnaire survey conducted with students in grades 4 to 6. The survey was conducted anonymously, they were asked what sex it was and what grade they are in.

Diagnos eller behov : behovstödet till elever som har svårt att läsa och skriva

This paper is concerning students' with reading and writing difficulties and dyslexia. This paper clarifies the difference between reading and writing difficulties and dyslexia. The essay also gives an insight into dyslexia in an historical perspective. The purpose of the paper is to find out if teachers believe that students with a diagnosis of dyslexia may be more or different help than students with other reading and writing difficulties. By answering this question, I conducted a survey study in two schools in two municipalities.

Förortens paradox : En kritisk analys av mediala representationer

There are several typical ideas about the suburb. The suburb is often associated with criminality and other social problems such as segregation. The purpose of this essay is to study the picture of how the suburb is constructed in a media context. The method used to answer the purpose of this study is critical discourse analysis, based on the thoughts of Norman Fairclough. The central theoretical ideas for this study are representation, stereotypes and racialization.

Den nödvändiga kreativiteten? : Om den eventuella nödvändigheten av ett gymnasiegemensamt forum för kreativitet, kulturell bildning och eget skapande för att nå samtliga av läroplanens mål.

The swedish education system in general and the swedish gymnasium in particular is at the point of a thorough reform of the guidelines in education. One major difference given in the guidelines is that the former core subject of arts education is abandoned in favour of making history a mandatory class. This despite the curriculum outlined in 1994 remains. Through comparativ text analysis of the documents and reports outlining this reform and defining the curriculum as well as the guidelines for the education system this study aims to point out the reasons for this change. Through in depth interviews with teachers, educators and authorities in addition to readings of contemporary research on arts in education the study will depict a larger picture of the scheme of things.

Ensamkommande flickors migration : En komparativ analys av Afghanistan och Somalia

Sweden is the country in Europe that receives most applicants from asylum seeking unaccompanied children. The majority of all unaccompanied children are boys and the two biggest sending countries are Afghanistan and Somalia. There is however a big difference between the proportion of unaccompanied girls between the two countries, Somalia with a big proportion of girls and Afghanistan with a low proportion of girls. Previous research has shown that there is a big knowledge gap about unaccompanied girls? migration.

Mamma och pappa har oftast inte tid

The main purpose of this essay ?Mama & Papa usually do not have time? (Mamma och pappa har oftast inte tid), is to investigate what possibilities the pupils have when they need help with their homework. I also wanted to see what the actual conditions are when they do their homework. My second purpose is to see what their teachers think about homework and what they think are the positive and negative effects of homework. To be able to answer my main purpose I made a questionnaire with the pupils.

Det deliberativa samtalet = politisk jämlikhet? : En kritisk analys av det deliberativa samtalets möjligheter till likvärdig inkludering av elever med religiösa omvärldsuppfattningar

I denna uppsats så undersöks kritiskt det deliberativa samtalets möjligheter att kunna uppfylla den deliberativa demokratins grundläggande utgångspunkt ? rätten för alla individer till politisk jämlikhet och deltagande i politisk gemenskap i den svenska skolan. Rätten att inte bara få manifestera olikhet (diversity) utan också skillnad (difference). Dessutom det deliberativa samtalets grundsats att alla jämlikt ska få pröva giltigheten hos andras argument och framföra sina egna argument till giltighetsprövning. Begrepp som tolerans, värdegrund, och dikotomin offentligt ? privat bildar en klangbotten för undersökningen tillsammans med beskrivningarna av de tre mest framträdande ontologierna i det västerländska samhället.

Det deliberativa samtalet = politisk jämlikhet? : En kritisk analys av det deliberativa samtalets möjligheter till likvärdig inkludering av elever med religiösa omvärldsuppfattningar

I denna uppsats så undersöks kritiskt det deliberativa samtalets möjligheter att kunna uppfylla den deliberativa demokratins grundläggande utgångspunkt ? rätten för alla individer till politisk jämlikhet och deltagande i politisk gemenskap i den svenska skolan. Rätten att inte bara få manifestera olikhet (diversity) utan också skillnad (difference). Dessutom det deliberativa samtalets grundsats att alla jämlikt ska få pröva giltigheten hos andras argument och framföra sina egna argument till giltighetsprövning. Begrepp som tolerans, värdegrund, och dikotomin offentligt ? privat bildar en klangbotten för undersökningen tillsammans med beskrivningarna av de tre mest framträdande ontologierna i det västerländska samhället.

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