14305 Uppsatser om Difference- in- difference analys - Sida 31 av 954
Cross-sectional study of the prevalence of Babesia bigemina in Uganda : wildlife-livestock interface at and around LMNP
Ticks and the diseases they transmit are of major importance throughout the world. In Uganda, cattle are the most important livestock from an economic point of view. Livestock keepers fear bi-directional transmission of tick-borne pathogens between their livestock and wild animals. This cross-sectional study was conducted to establish and compare the sero-prevalence of the tick-borne pathogen Babesia bigemina among randomly selected Ankole Long-horned cattle and European crossbred cattle on 30 farms in Kiruhura district, in two sub-counties near Lake Mburo National Park in South-western Uganda. Half of the farms were situated in close proximity to the park and thereby housed cattle with more frequent wildlife-livestock interface (Sanga), whereas the other half had less frequent contact (Kikatsi).
"Heja Sverige! Heia Norge!" : En kritisk diskursanalys av nationalism inom svensk och norsk sportjournalistik med fokus på bevakningen av Skid-VM i Falun 2015
The purpose of this essay, entitled ?Heja Sverige! Heia Norge?, was to study the difference in nationalistic tendencies between Swedish and Norwegian news coverage of the 2015 FIS Nordic World Ski Championships in Falun, Sweden, which took place between 18 February and 1 March 2015. It was the fourth time the event took place in Falun, previous games having been held in 1954, 1974 and 1993.I performed a critical discourse analysis of a total of twelve articles split over two race days ? one where Swedish athletes outperformed Norwegian athletes and vice versa. I did this order to study if the news coverage in each of the two countries? most promininent sports papers; Sportbladet in Sweden and VG Sport in Norway, was charaterized by a nationalistic discourse, as well as comparing the two to find similarities and differences between them.Having based my analysis on theories and previous research regarding media events, nationalism, national identities, ?us and them?, imagined communities et cetera, I came to the conclusion that a nationalistic discourse is, without a doubt, present in the news coverage ? something very unique for sports journalism as a genre.
Utvärdering av inomhuslokalisering med Bluetooth Low Energy
Wireless communication is becoming more common, a relatively new technology within the area is Bluetooth Low Energy. It?s been developed to be energy efficient and in regard to compatibility. Alongside the growth of wireless technology, scientists and companies are looking for new areas of use. One of these is localization, which means to determine the position of a moving device with the use of stationary devices, an example of this would be GPS.This report means to evaluate indoor localization using Bluetooth Low Energy and was made for Combitech AB in Jönköping.
Kromatinstabilitet som grund för kvalitetsbedömning av hingstsperma :
This study is part of a project to evaluate and develop metods to control the semen quality in stallions. The study was carried out in cooperation between SLU and Flyinge AB. The objective of the study was to analyse
-if there are individual differences in sperm chromatin integrety between different stallions
-if there is a correlation between subjectively evaluated sperm motility and sperm chromatin integrity
-if sperm chromatin integrity is changed after selection of the semen with a centrifugation method through the silica-spheres, gradient or a single-layer, i.e to use the chromatin integrity analysis as a method to evaluate the selection method.
The use of chilled transported semen has increased a lot during the last 10 years, especially among the Swedish warmblood breed. Because the foaling percentage has decreased with the increased use of chilled transported semen, there is a need to develop methods to control the sperm quality. Evaluation of the chromatin integrity could be one way to evaluate the quality of the semen.
Chromatin is the DNA in the nucleus of the sperm.
Magnesiumintagets betydelse för blodtryck och magnesiumkoncentrationen i stickprov av urin, träck och blodplasma hos häst
The purpose of this trial was to evaluate the possibility to use sampling of faeces, urine and plasma, and measurements of blood pressure as methods of discovering hypomagnesemia in horses, as well as the application handiness of these methods. The most commonly used method of checking the magnesium status of a horse is to analyze samples of serum or plasma. The trial was of a switch-back design, in which the horses were used as their own controls. The animal material was five Swedish warm blooded trotters between six to ten years old, and weighing between 485-620 kg. The trial consisted of three periods that were two months each.
Bostadsbidrag och arbetsutbud : En studie av ytbegränsningen som infördes i 1997 års reform av bostadsbidraget
I 1997 års reform av bostadbidraget infördes en begränsning av den bidragsgrundande boytan. Denna studie undersöker effekterna på inkomst från arbete av denna ändring, med syfte att svara på frågan om en minskning i bostadsbidrag leder till att man väljer att öka sitt arbetsutbud. Analysen görs med hjälp av en difference-in-differences-skattning och slutsaten är att det inte fanns några signifikanta effekter på inkomsten från arbete, vilket innebär att det inte går att påvisa att ytbegränsningen påverkade arbetsutbudet..
Effektiviteten av en handbok för EnScript
With the increase in IT related crimes the IT forensics has more work ahead of them and it is constantly rising. The analysis software called EnCase is widely used by IT forensics all around the globe and with it comes an internal programming language called EnScript.This paper is designed to examine whether a manual for the programming language EnScript can make a difference in how efficiently the work is.A study between two groups has been made and an evaluation of the results between the two groups.The manual provided aims to introduce the reader to EnScript as a programming language and also to provide a solid foundation to build on in further work with EnScript.
I stundens hetta : ? En kvalitativ textanalys om gestaltningar av krisarbetare i samband med skogsbranden i Västmanland sommaren 2014
This qualitative study examines how emergency people are framed in Swedish evening-, and local newspapers during the forest fire in Va?stmanland, Sweden 2014. The study also includes if there is any difference between the framing due to the location of the newspaper. The study is based on qualitative text analysis. The theoretical basis is representation, framing theory, media image, media logic and a few conceptions from crisis communication theory.
"Synsvinkler på den danske Straffelov § 266 b", "Aspects on the Danish Penal Code § 266 b"
ResuméDer er en løbende konflikt mellem ytringsfrihed og racistiske krænkelser i dagens samfund. I Danmark er der en del nationale såvel som internationale forpligtelser, som indebærer at samfundet skal bekæmpe racismen, hvilket nødvendiggør indskrænkninger i ytringsfriheden. Dette gøres fremmest gennem Straffelovens § 266 b.Ved at sammenligne Danmark med Sverige ser man mange ligheder imellem de to lande lovmæssigt. Der er derimod en markant forskel i den måde racismen manifisterer sig på i de to lande. Der er videre forskel på i hvor høj grad de to lande vægter statens rolle - og hvilken fremgangsmåde de anvender i bekæmpelsen af racisme.Den bedste løsning bliver at lade domstolene definere de yderste grænser mellem ytringsfriheden og racistiske krænkelser, samtidigt med at samfundet gennem samspil mellem forskellige faggrupper, fastslår at racistiske fordomme bygger på urigtige grunde.
Tryckalgometri hos friska hästar :
There are no reliable, objective and simple methods today for measuring pain in horses. The purpose of this study was to evaluate and describe measuring of mechanical nociceptive threshold (MNT) values with a pressure algometer in clinically pain free riding horses at the riding school of Strömsholm. In this study there were 24 horses. Tape recording and electromyelografi (EMG) was used in an attempt to increase objectivity in the examination. MNT increased with age, however sex and colour had no influence.
"Jag blir den du säger att jag är" : Intagnas upplevelser kring bemötande och maktutövning på kriminalvårdsanstalt.
Prisons are for many an unknown world, and few know about the prison culture which includes unwritten rules, power structures, interactions and relationships between inmates and correctional employees.While many think that Swedish prisons are too comfortable,inmates are facing extreme stress due to surveillance and detention, by depriving inmates their possibility to shape their own lives. When the inmates is deprived of control over their own life?s the penal system have great power to shape and to influence the inmates.The purpose of this paper is to investigate prisoners' experiences of treatment and exercise of power in prisons. Starting point is to examine what are the kinds of relationships between prison officers and inmates from a power perspective, if there is any difference between the closed and open prisons and how the inmates affected by the structures that exist.Based on my overall purpose, and with my informant´s stories which revealed a number of similar points, four main headings were developed; Mass media and society´s view, and unknown world, interaction between inmates and prison officers and consequences.Prison officers with the role as a contact persons as well and other staff which work close to the inmates play a significant role by supporting through motivational interviewing and can help the inmates to gain insight about their life situation and actions. My informant?s underlined that a good contact person can either help or discourage.Inmates who contributed with their experiences express that there is a big difference between open-and closed prisons.
Den relativa viktens (kalv/ko) inflytande på kalvningsegenskaperna hos SRB och SLB :
Difficult calvings and stillbirths are problems in Swedish dairy production that result in large expenses for the farmers and welfare issues concerning the animals. A common opinion is that the live weight of SRB and SLB is increasing, and whether increased weights have caused the increase in calving problems has been discussed. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the relative birth weight (calf/cow) and calving difficulty and stillbirth, respectively. The importance of breed and parity for the relative weight has been investigated, and comparisons with previous studies have been made to evaluate whether the relative weight has changed over the last decades or not.
The study was based on 807 calvings, registered during the period 1993-2003 in the experimental dairy herd of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Jälla).
Närståendes erfarenheter av stöd : En uppföljning inom palliativ vård
AbstractEffective January 1, 2005 publicly listed companies were obliged to adopt a new financialreporting standard (IFRS/IAS). The objective of IFRS/IAS was to increase transparency andcomparability in financial reports between companies. The authors have chosen to write aboutIAS 40 where the accounting treatment for investment property and related disclosurerequirements are regulated.The purpose of this thesis is to investigate potential effects of valuation of investmentproperty at fair market value for real estate companies at times when market price decreasesand to investigate what an acceptable difference for the valuation could be.To fulfil this purpose the authors have chosen a qualitative method interviewing accountants,property analysts and a credit analyst to obtain a deeper understanding of the problem. Basedata for the thesis have been collected during meetings, telephone interviews and e-mails.Additional data was collected from public available sources such as the internet, relevantprofessional magazines and professional newsletters. The authors have designed a modelshowing how Income and Balance Sheet statements are influenced by changed valuation ofinvestment property.
"Campinglivet med den obligatoriska stödbensölen" : En multimodal kritisk diskursanalys av reality-programmet Böda Camping med fokus på alkohol och klass
This qualitative study examines how emergency people are framed in Swedish evening-, and local newspapers during the forest fire in Va?stmanland, Sweden 2014. The study also includes if there is any difference between the framing due to the location of the newspaper. The study is based on qualitative text analysis. The theoretical basis is representation, framing theory, media image, media logic and a few conceptions from crisis communication theory.
Isolerande balkonginfästningar : Thermally-insulated balconies
In this work a study has been performed to show the different kinds of insulated balcony connections exists on the market. In the work there is also a short description of thermal bridges concerning balconies. A description of older solutions for balcony connections is given as well as a calculation of the difference in energy costs for a insulated balcony connection compared to the standard connection. The work includes a short description of the different products. After that there is a short information about their insulation properties, durability, acoustic performance, assembly, computer programme and a short analyses for each product..