14305 Uppsatser om Difference- in- difference analys - Sida 15 av 954
Krafter på rörsystem vid transient flöde : En jämförelse mellan RELAP5 och Fluent
At Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB (FKA) forces on pipe systems due to transient flow are frequently calculated as a step to verify their structural integrity. In nuclear industries these forces are often calculated with a one dimensional thermal-hydraulic analysis-code called RELAP5. When calculations regarding more complex geometries are needed, the three dimensional code Fluent is often used. This code is highly time consuming and requires large computational power.This projects aim is to compare calculations of pressure, flow and forces carried out by RELAP5 and Fluent for an arbitrary pipe section during transient flow conditions. This has been accomplished by constructing a simple geometry for which a transient flow is simulated in both programs.
Olik retorik i politik? : En jämförande studie av skillnader i kommunpolitikers och riksdagspolitikers sätt att använda språket.
The purpose of this essay is to examine if there is any difference in the style of conversation between a municipal politician and a politician in parliament? In order to answer this question I have created two sub-questions that are more precise. The first question is: Are the municipal politicians more open to cooperate with politicians from other parties than the politicians from parliament? And the second question is: Is the rhetoric between the politicians in parliament different than the rhetoric between the municipal politicians?My study is a comparative case study with two different groups of politicians. With the help of a survey I have tried to examine if there are differences in the use of language in the daily work for the politicians.
?Mamma Jenny? och ?Statsministern? En kvantitativ studie Hur könsmärkt är Rapport och Nyheterna?
In this study we have chosen to explore if there is still signs of gender typing in the two news programmes Rapport and Nyheterna. By using a quantitative survey as a method we have investigated if there are any differences between the sexes and their roles.The two main questions where:How does the representation look when it comes to the numbers of women and men?In what extension is the representation gender typed?Due to different theoretical points and former research we have seen that journalistic subject and gender often tends to go hand in hand. When it comes to other participants, such as subjects of interviews, earlier research has shown that experts most often are men. Whereas women often participate as ordinary people, such as mothers or students.
Handlingsbarheten hos informationssystem : en fallstudie av SJ:s bokningssystem
Sweden is known to be one of the world?s most equal countries. Nevertheless, out of Sweden?s 262 listed companies, only seven of them has a female president, which is equal to 3,4 percent. To counteract these numbers there are several possibilities. One arrangement that is highly controversial is affirmative actions. But there are other options, for instance more and more female networks are starting to rise and many of them also offers a mentoring program where the mentee gets the opportunity to learn from someone with more experience.The purpose of this study is to examine what difference the female network Q80, with focus on its mentoring program, is doing for the mentee. As an underlying purpose the study is also examining what visions and attitudes the management and the mentors is communicating within Q80. The focus is mainly on the visions of Q80, menas mentors and business exceeding mentorship. A survey has been carried out among mentees from three different seats of mentoring programs where they have answered 19 different questions regarding their time as a mentee. Furthermore interviews have taken place with the management of Q80 and two mentors. The results are analyzed based on theories about gender, women in management, leadership, mentoring program and organizational structure. The result shows that Q80i as a source of inspiration and a support for the category of "career women" with its core mission to strengthen the participation of individuals on a personal level more than to work to even out the gap in the Swedish labor market.
Storskaliga markinvesteringar - framgångsrik utvecklingsstrategi eller hot mot lokala försörjningar? : En fallstudie av Kalangala palmoljeprojekt i Uganda
Education systems face a number of challenges regarding social justice, diversity, difference, and inclusion and membership for all students in the groups that schools create. This invokes questions of how well these challenges are met in curricula and teaching materials. Through discourse analysis of eight Swedish geographical textbooks, this essay aims to seek out the perspectives surrounding difference within the subject of geography. It concludes that the idea of fixed homogenous cultures as meaningfull in differentiating among people dominates throughout the latter half of the 20th century and during the last decade. In addition, it concludes that the discourse surrounding diversity in Swedish geographical teaching materials mainly has a binary liberal view of plurality focused around tolerance.
Musik på Internet framtiden för bibliotekens musikavdelningar?
The purpose of this thesis is to discuss the possibilities of, and interest in, a digital download service at the music departments of the libraries. I chose to conduct my study at the city library of Gothenburg. I studied the legal download services that exist today and I did a statistical survey among the users of the music department, followed up by interviews to see how they took to the idea. From the inquiry I learned that a majority of the users was negative to having a digital service replacing the physical department, although a majority was positive to try a digital service. I also used the inquiry to compare the reasons for downloading music to the reasons for borrowing records from the library, but there was no significant difference.
Utvärdering av lockmedel för marklevande predatorer under midvintermånader i Norrbottens inland
Many invasive species propose a big threat against the native fauna in the area that they colonise. Today the raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) is speeding from Finland over the border in to northern Sweden. A project to stop the spread and eliminate the individuals that already have established was initiated in the autumn of 2008. To investigate areas that might be interesting for raccoon dogs and to confirm sightings, cameras with auto triggering mechanisms are used. To get the raccoon dog in front of the camera some kind of lure is used.
In this study three kinds of different lures was tested against each other?s.
Ledtidsanalys på Peltor AB med logisk gruppindelning på elektronikprodukter
This report is the result of a case study at Peltor AB during the spring semester of 2007. The task Peltor gave us was to improve the delivery accuracy and to lower the high finical value of delayed orders (backorder), and to divide the products into logical groups. The logical group will be a useful tool to remain a high level of service. If the level of service increases the company will be more competitive.The electronic department at Peltor has problems with delayed orders. According to Peltor, the problem is based on delivery lead time which is presumed.To increase the delivery accuracy, a lead time analysis is made to find the accumulated delivery lead times for each product.
Dold samäganderätt : Är det nuvarande systemet konsekvent?
The meaning of the covert co-ownership is that the parties must have intended that the property should be their common. A party must, to be able to claim ownership, have con-tributed to the acquisition financing through the financial contribution. Further shall the fact that the property should be their common be agreed or have been assumed by the par-ties. There are the circumstances for the purchase that should be considered in determining if covert co-ownership is presumed. Covert co-ownership has been established although one party only contributed a small part to the acquisition.
En jämförelse av skogsmarksprisets utveckling mellan Sverige, Danmark, Norge, Finland, Estland och Lettland
During the twenty-first century the price of forest land in Sweden has increased heavily. Buying forest land has become more common and the stakeholders have grown in number.
The countries around Sweden have through the globalization become connected in the market of round wood and wood products. The price of forest land and round wood are also close connected.
The goal with this report is to make a comparison of forest land prices between Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Estonia and Latvia and to see how the prices have developed in the period 2000-2011. The prime factor in the comparison, except the direct price difference between the countries, is the round wood prices. The round wood prices give information about the economic situation in the countries and play an important role in the return on the forest land.
The prices of forest land shifts heavily between the countries.
Test av icke-kurssäkrad ränteparitet med fokus på riskpremien och möjliga förklarande faktorer
This thesis aims to evaluate the concept of Uncovered Interest Parity. The parity states that the logarithmic difference between domestic and foreign interest rate equals the logarithmic difference between expected future spot exchange rate and the spot exchange rate, . In defining the exchange rate it is often presumed that the parity relation prevails even though several studies suggest the opposite. Numerous economists maintain that the theory?s shortcomings can be explained through the existence of a Risk Premium.
All were still; all were real : transmedieringen av Virginia Woolfs text om Nurse Lugton
Explores the difference between the two versions of Virginia Woolfs short story about Nurse Lugton..
Samband mellan hög incidens ämnesomsättningssjukdomar och klövhälsa hos svenska mjölkkobesättningar :
Metabolic diseases in dairy cows are considered to increase the risk for claw lesions, most of all laminitis, sole haemorrhages and sole ulcers, but also to increase the risk for environmental claw lesions. The aim of this study was to compare claw health in 27 Swedish dairy farms, 18 with high incidence of metabolic diseases and 9 with low incidence. Data on claw health status was retrieved from recordings at routine claw trimmings and analysed on herd level regarding the prevalence of: any lesion, interdigital dermatitis, heel-horn erosion, sole haemorrhages, sole ulcer, lameness, abnormal claw shape, and other diseases (abscess in the white line, limb disorders, double sole, laminitic groove, white line disease, interdigital phlegmon, interdigital hyperplasia, toe abscess and verucose dermatitis). Mean prevalence of any lesion for herds with low incidence of metabolic diseases was 48 % and in herds with high incidence 41 %, and there was no statistical difference between the two groups. Mean prevalence for interdigital dermatitis was 2,0 % and 6.4 % in the low and high incidence groups, respectively (p.
Syntaktisk komplexitet hos ungdomar och vuxna med läs- och skrivsvårigheter
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate if there are any differences regarding syntactic complexity in written language between persons with (phonologically based) reading and writing difficulties and a control group. Earlier research has pointed to such a difference, indicating that texts written by subjects with reading and writing difficulties display a lower grade of syntactic complexity than text written by control groups.Two texts each from 48 subjects (24 from each category) were collected. The subjects were divided in two age groups, one consisting of 15-year-olds and the other of university students (adults in various ages). The subjects were selected through a word decoding test and a spelling test, where the lowest performing formed the group of reading and writing difficulties and the highest performing formed the control groups. All subjects had Swedish as their mother tongue.The syntactic aspects studied were number of words per syntactic sentence (Sw.
Lika barn leka bäst : Etnicitetens, likhetens, ålderns och könets betydelse för empati
Upplevd likhet med målpersonen har ansetts vara viktig för empati och viss forskning har visat att empatin ökar med upplevd etnisk sam-hörighet. Denna studies primära syfte var att experimentellt undersöka om svenska och icke-svenska deltagare kände olika mycket empati beroende på målpersonens etnicitet samt upplevd likhet med mål-personen. Majoriteten av de 160 deltagarna rekryterades från Mälar-dalens högskola, varav 102 var svenska och 84 var kvinnliga. Resultatet visade två signifikanta disordinala interaktioner där svenska deltagare kände signifikant mer empati och upplevd likhet med en svensk än icke-svensk målperson, medan icke-svenska inte visade signifikant mer empati eller upplevd likhet med en icke-svensk än svensk målperson. Ingen signifikant skillnad i empati fanns mellan äldre och yngre deltagare.