

7854 Uppsatser om Development of reading and writing - Sida 60 av 524

Kopplingar till vardagsfenomen i fysikläromedel

Daily citizens are informed by the media about the environment and the climate changes. The schools purpose is to educate students according to events that are of current interest and take place in present time. According to Swedish curriculum, Lpf94, all Swedish education should include and discuss the problems surrounding durable development. The purpose of the study is to se how the textbooks in History, Social studies and Geography and their contents meet the demands of the curriculum. The study shows that only the textbooks in geography meets the demands that the curriculums have on durable development.

Tillämpning av UML : Hur och varför

In the end of the 80´s the area of system development moved into a new era. As a consequence many new methods and development models emerged which in many cases resulted in problems when choosing system development models and methods. As a result of these problems the today standardized modeling language UML (Unified Modeling Language) was created. UML is tailored to support many different types of projects. This is possible because of UML?s capacity to be adjusted and adapted to a specific company environment.The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to investigate how and why companies use UML and what experiences and opinions those who use UML have of using UML in practice.

Testdriven utveckling för mobila applikationer/Android

Android is one of the leading software platforms for the new generation of smartphones. The market for applications is growing rapidly. So to be able to compete with such large competition the applications need a solid and stable development methodology. Therefore have we created an application based on a test-driven development, to investigate if the methodology was applicable on the Android platform. The conclusion is that Android?s suitability for test-driven development is dependent on the application that is being developed and if difficulties concerning the testing framework can be avoided.

Nulägesanalys med utgångspunkt från införande och utveckling av en intranättillämpning

This report is about an investigation which has been done as an assignment in aninternational company. An Intranet has been implemented in parts of this company, andprimarily there is a local group of people in the company which is responsible for thelocal Intranet as an informationsystem. This local group of people is also responsiblefor further development of the use of Intranet as an informationssystem in the localorganisation. To create a starting-point for this development, I have done aninvestigation that deals with:· acceptance of Intranet as informationssystem among members of the industrialmanagement.- what factors affect acceptance of Intranet in a negative way- what factors affect acceptance of Intranet in a positive way· rules by which further development of Intranet is supposed to be based on· existing and needed Intranet-applications..

Skriv kort och få fler att tala - Ett försök med kortskrivande kopplat till samtal

This papper i about trying en educational method called writing connected to dialog. This is tried on adult students studying to work in Swedish day care. The purpose was to see if this method could make a difference in classroom democracy..

Det virtuella kontoret : En litteraturstudie i möjligheter och utmaningar med att använda 3D kollaborativa virtuella miljöer inom distribuerad systemutveckling

Distributed system development is a common occurrence in today?s technological and global world. Because the consequences of its geographically distributed nature it creates barriers between people that affects their communication and collaboration efforts in the distributed context. Despite a lot of technological breakthroughs over the last decades and the occurrence of video-conference applications and other tools for communication and collaboration, cultural and geographical issues have so far not yet been completely resolved. In this study I have made a literature study over distributed system development to form a set of central factors that affects the distributed development process.

Läsning av matematiska texter : faktorer som påverkar förståelsen vid läsning av matematiska texter

Vi som har skrivit arbetet har haft olika erfarenheter kring läsning av matematiska textuppgifter. Intresset växte, då vi blev intresserade kring varför det kan vara svårt att läsa en matematisk text. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur elevers läsförståelse binds samman med läsning av matematiska textuppgifter samt se vilka inre och yttre faktorer som påverkar förståelsen. Kvalitativa intervjuer tillsammans med en kombination av fallstudier och observationer ligger till grund för metoden som använts i studien. I undersökningen deltog 63 elever och fyra lärare.

Lärande möten : En fallstudie om hur alla involverade parter:elever, vårdnadshavare och pedagoger uppfattar

The purpose of this case study is to see how all the involved parties; students, custodians and teachers look upon ?A meeting of learning ? personal development dialogue that is led by children and young people?, on a school south of Stockholm. Our questions at issue were to see what the students had learned from their personal development dialogue, if the custodians had received all the information they expected to get from a personal development dialogue, and last but not least if all the involved parties; students, custodians and teachers, wanted to continue with this model? We used interviews and paper questionnaires to collect answers to our case study and the questions at issue. In both the interviews and paper questionnaires we could see that an overwhelming majority had a positive opinion about students leading and ?owning? their personal development dialogue, especially the students themselves.

Bosniska invandrare och bibliotek: en undersökning av läs- och biblioteksvanor hos bosniska invandrare

This thesis is an investigation of Bosnian immigrants and their use of libraries in Borås and Anderstorp. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate if people from Bosnia read in their mother tongue Bosnian and if they read in Swedish too. The essay is based on questionnaires concerning both young and older immigrants' reading and library habits. The survey encompasses 30 Bosnians. In the theory I have described relevant literature and confirmed the importance of identity, language and culture for immigrants.

Grammatik undervisning : Studie av grammatikens roll i den tidiga språkinlärningen

This essay aims to generate understanding for todays grammar teaching in the early grades.Through base in previous research, I intend in this work to seek understanding of what affects the grammar development and its impact on education. I investigate in this essay teacher's approach to grammar and how it affects the incidence of grammar teaching.Work empiricism consists of qualitative research interviews and a survey with the intention to present a broad picture of grammatical meaning. Regarding to the informants that are involved in the investigation, I have deliberately chosen teachers from different generations to find reflections of their own education and how itinfluenced their view of grammar. My study shows that teachers acquire greater part of teaching about languagefunctional side compared to the form of the language. The teachers who participated in the survey indicated that the language functional side priority by reason that the more responds to students' learning needs and promotes a desire to learn through meaningful for the student.

Med fokus på körsång i musikundervisning : En studie av musiklärares interaktion med kör i musikklass

In musikklasser (a special musical training which focus on choral singing is offered in the Swedish compulsory school from the age of ten until the age of sixteen) teachers are working in a tradition where conventions relating to singing with children have developed in accordance with the Swedish choral tradition. In these classes, students are trained in large groups, usually around 30 students in one class. Furthermore, one teacher and 60 students is also frequent in schools with two or more parallell grades. In a large choir group, students develop their skill in choral singing, which includes the development of general musical knowledge as well as the development of the individual singing voice of each student in order for the choir to be able to interpret and perform music with a communal musical expression. Thus, the complexity in this teaching and learning setting places high demands on the choir teachers? ability to use appropriate teaching and learning strategies in order to develop the specific musical skill required in a choir.In this study, two choral teachers´ interaction with their choir class were investigated.

Flickor ? identitet ? alkohol : en kvalitativ undersökning på Maria Ungdom om flickors identitetsskapande i relation till problematisk alkoholkonsumtion, ur ett behandlarperspektiv

The objective of this study was investigating social worker?s perspective of how alcohol consumption can affect, and what elements in the social environment that may be of significance for, alcohol consumption and development of identity. The questions at issue were: Do social workers experience any positive effects from alcohol consumption in 16-17 year-old girls with problematic alcohol consumption and what influence do the effects have on self esteem, self image and development of identity? What do social workers experience are the negative effects from alcohol consumption on self esteem, self image and development of identity? How important do social workers find the social environment and how do they believe the social environment affect the alcohol consumption and development of identity? This was investigated with a qualitative approach from a social worker?s perspective, hence social workers were interviewed. The study?s theoretical basis was Symbolic Interactionism and Erikson?s theory of Psychosocial Development.

Bortom historiens slut : En jämförande undersökning av nio U-länders demokratiska utveckling

Bortom historien slut ? Beyond the end of historyAccording to Robert Dahl there are seven criteria that have to be fulfilled in order for a state to be democratic. Dahl also states that there are several factors that effect the development of democracy. In today?s world it is mostly developing countries that have failed to bring about democratic changes.

Green-urban balance : a proposal for balancing green area preservation and urban development in the city of Uppsala

Rapid urbanization causes competition over land use between green area preservation and urban development in cities and greatly affects ecosystems as well as human well-being. This conflict is significant all around the world as many cities are now replacing existing green areas with new developments. The area around Dag Hammarskjöld's väg in Uppsala is currently experiencing the same conflict, as the need that the city has for new housing represents a threat for the many valuable green areas that are in the site. The purpose of this project was to understand how the need of urban development and the preservation of green areas could be balanced. This understanding would thereafter be used to make a design proposal for the area around Dag Hammarskjöld's väg.

Neuro vadå? Ungen kan ju inte läsa! : Finns det skillnader i tankar kring och arbete med läs- och skrivsvårigheter när lärare utöver sin lärarutbildning även har kunskaper inom neurovetenskap?

Vår avsikt med denna uppsats var att undersöka huruvida det finns skillnader i tankar kring och arbete med läs- och skrivsvårigheter, om utbildade lärare även har kunskaper i neurovetenskap utifrån vidare utbildning. För att undersöka detta har vi valt att använda oss av ett frågeformulär bestående av kvalitativa intervjufrågor som metod för insamlig av data. Sex lärare deltar i undersökningen varav hälften av dessa även har en utbildning inom funktionsinriktad musikterapi, vilken har sin grund i neurovetenskap. Forskningsbakgrunden visar på vad forskare anser inom området neurovetenskap kopplat till pedagogik och läs- och skrivsvårigheter. Vi har även redogjort för den funktionsinriktade musikterapin som metod.

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