

8631 Uppsatser om Deutsch\\\\\\\'s theory of cooperation and competition - Sida 1 av 576

Konkurrens eller samarbete mellan kommuner - hur ser relationen ut inom turismnäringen? : Med perspektiv på större kommuner i Norrland

This paper is the result of a study of competition and cooperation in regard to tourism between the five largest municipalities in Norrland in northern Sweden. The municipalities are Luleå, Skellefteå, Umeå, Sundsvall and Gävle. The aim was to study the relation between competition and cooperation between these municipalities. An important theoretical aspect in this study is coopetition, where competition and cooperation occur at the same time. The studies on coopetition in the Nordic kontext is limited and the main literature on coopetition study the relationship between firms. This study however takes a geographical standpoint and aims to fill the gap in the literature on how competition and cooperation are connected to each other between chosen municipalities. To do this the tourism strategies of the municipalities were studied thoroughly. These written strategies provided information about how the municipalities view their competitive advantages and disadvantages and some general information about how they cooperate with the nearest regions. To find out how the municipalities think about competition and cooperation with the other four specific municipalities interviews were made with experts on the tourism field in each municipality. The results show that the municipalities do not have established strategies for how they are to be competitive compared with other specific municipalities. They do not see it as profitable to compete, instead they should complement each other. At the same time however, most of the municipalities mostly cooperate with municipalities in a short distance from them, and due to lack of resources only briefly or not at all with the municipalities studied here..

?De är externa revisorer med sitt uppdrag och vi är interna revisorer med vårt uppdrag? : ? En studie om samverkan mellan statlig internrevision och Riksrevisionen

Som ett led i att förstärka den effektiva kontrollen inom staten föreskrivs det att myndigheter skall ha en internrevision. Idag innehar ett femtiotal myndigheter en internrevisionsfunktion med uppdrag att granska myndigheternas interna styrning och kontroll. Vidare skall Riksrevisionen, en externrevision under Riksdagen, granska den statliga verksamheten och årsredovisningar som är upprättade av statliga myndigheter. Tidigare forskning visar på att intern- och externrevisionens arbetsområden kan anses sammanfalla i viss utsträckning. Enligt Riktlinjer för yrkesmässig internrevision (2006) anges att intern- och externrevisionen skall utbyta information och ha samordnade aktiviteter.

Hur har Schengensamarbetet påverkat främlingsfientligheten i Europas länder? : En studie av sambandet mellan främlingsfientlighet och Schengensamarbetets institutionella förändringar.

The xenophobic attitudes in Europe are stronger than even. Never before have the member states had as many right-wing parties in action. The aim with this report is therefore to consider whether the Schengen cooperation has had an influence on the development of xenophobia in the member states of EU. The Schengen cooperation became a part of the European Union in 1997, with the aim to abolish the internal border controls for citizens and strengthen the external boarders towards non-members. The intention is furthermore to investigate whether the distance to Schengen ?s external boarder has an impact on the xenophobic attitudes.Three countries are compared: Italy, Netherlands and the United Kingdom.

Storbankerna på den svenska bankmarknaden : Argument för och emot infrastruktursamarbetet enligt 19 § KL

The retail banking market in Sweden is highly concentrated and oligopolistic. This has been confirmed by numerous reports from different competition authorities within the EU, for example the Swedish competition authority. A considerably high number of different sorts of competition barriers has been pointed out in these reports. The competition barriers are mainly directed to the smaller banks and the potential competition. The retail banking market in Sweden is dominated by four major banks, which together has over 80 percent of all market shares.

Analys av skriftlig kreativitet i tre läromedel i tyska

Vår läromedelsanalys syftar till att utröna i vilken utsträckning kreativitet förekommer i skriftliga uppgifter i tre läromedel i tyska. För att få svar på våra frågeställningar har vi gjort en kvalitativ analys utifrån variablerna; styrning, arbetsform och variation. Vi utgick ifrån teoretiska resonemang kring kreativitet och kursplanen 2000 samt Lpf94, vilka förespråkar såväl kreativitet som interaktion men också varierande arbetsformer. Resultatet utifrån läromedelsanalysen av läromedlen, Deutsch Optimal 1, Lieber Deutsch 3 och Meine Welt neu, visar att majoriteten av de skriftliga övningarna är starkt styrda och att det sällan ges utrymme för kreativitet. Läromedel ska fungera som hjälpmedel för att eleverna ska uppnå de mål som ställs upp i styrdokumenten, vilket vi menar att de undersökta läromedlen inte gör..

"Balansgången mellan den äldres rätt och anhörigas rätt är inte alltid så lätt" Biståndshandläggares upplevelse av samverkan med anhöriga inom äldreomsorgen"The balance between the rights of the elderly and the rights of the relatives are not always easy"

The aim of our study has been to come to an understanding of how the executive officials within the care of the elderly experience the cooperation with relatives to elderly people who is in need and apply for public home help according to the law of social services. Our expectation of this study is that we gain an increased insight how they as executive officials manage this cooperation situations. The method we used in this study has a qualitative research approach. This design was chosen as the most appropriate approached to illuminate and exploring the experience of the executive officials. Nine executive officials has described their experience in this matter in an interview were we both participate.

Nätverkens betydelse för turistdestinationen : en studie av gotländska turistrelaterade nätverk

The tourism industry is growing and with its growth competition between destinations rises. In competition, cooperation and collaboration between tourism operators seem beneficial when creating an attractive and dynamic tourist destination.The purpose of this study is to describe and discuss the significance and influence of tourist related networks at a tourist destination, and therefore this study aims to examine the question: What significance do the tourist related networks have at a tourist destination?This study focuses on seven networks on Gotland that are tourism related, and the representatives of the networks were interviewed in order to get their view on the network and its significance to the destination. The study shows that networks have an important role in creating a unified tourist product of the destination, and in reaching out to the potential visitors through joint destination marketing. The study also shows that the tourism related networks helps to improve the reception of the tourist at a destination and to secure the quality of the tourist destination and its tourist products..

"Det är lättare att lyfta på luren om det finns en specifik person att ringa till" : En kvalitativ studie om handläggare och förskollärares syn på samverkan när barn far illa eller riskerar att fara illa

The aim of this study is to examine how social workers and pree-school teachers resonate about their experiences of cooperation with each other, in relation to maltreated children and the duty to report. Several studies show that there is a difference between how many children that is suspected of maltreatment and how many that are reported to social service. In Sweden, pre-school staff are obliged to notify the suspicion of child abuse according to 14: 1 SoL, but previous research indicates that the obligation to declare is not used to the extent that it should. One reason for the low notification rate is  the interaction between preschool and the social services shortcomings.Therefore, we believe it is relevant to examine how the cooperation really looks like between the organizations, when the child is being abused or at risk of suffering. The results of the study are based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with four preschool teachers and four administrators.

Vinsten av konkurrens - En analys av Stopplagens konsekvenser för konkurrensen på sjukhusmarknaden

Abstract Title: Benefit from Competition ? An analysis of the consequences of Stopplagen for the Swedish health care market Author: Cecilia Halldelius Tutor: Carl Hampus Lyttkens Date: 2005-09-05 Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to examine how the new legislation for the health care market, primarily the anti-profit-legislation, will affect the competition in the Swedish health care market. Method: The thesis is based on literary studies. By combining theories and empirics regarding the health care market, competition and profit, a deeper understanding of the aspects important for the chosen subject, is created. Combined with official reports and the new legislation, an analysis is formed.

The Swedish food retail market : An econometric analysis of the competition on local food retail markets

The Swedish food retail market contains of three major actors, ICA, KF and Axfood, all in all dominating 75 percent of the total market shares. The scant number of retailing actors indicates that the Swedish food retail market is a highly concentrated oligopoly, which as a fact has given rise to definite discussions and argumentations concerning the market situation. But is the food retail market imperfect and how do we reach a workable competition? Economic theory does not provide any clear answer on these questions, but is rather divided into two fundamentally different approaches to define competition: the static and the dynamic perspective on competition. In an attempt to examine the competition on local Swedish retail markets, the purpose of this study is to carry out an econometric model estimating the situation.

Arbetsgruppsrelationer - En studie av provisonsanställda på en mäklarbyrå

This study examines work relations on a real estate agency. My interest is to examine how real estate agents apprehend their work relations, and how a recession can affect these relations. Previous research shows that the occurrence of competition in groups decreases the motivation to cooperate. A different research illustrates that reward interdependence is important to performance, and that task interdependence drives observed cooperative behavior. The study contained six interviews with real estate agents working on commission.

EU:s påverkan på västra Balkan : Det regionala samarbetet Ett fall av europeisering?

The general aim of this paper is to describe how the European Union can affect and transfer their conditionality politics to the Western Balkan countries. A specific purpose of this study is to describe and explain what we in this paper consider to be a specific additional membership criterion, regional cooperation that has been especially designed for this region. The point of departure for this paper is Europeanization theory that will be used to study the European Union?s impact on non EU-members in Europe. The theoretical Europeanization mechanisms are taken from Heather Grabbes ?Europeanization model?.

Fallet Volvo : Scania - en studie i målkonflikter vid tillämpning av EG:s koncentrationsförordning

Problem: Should the european competition law be used as a integrationfriendly tool? Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to analyse wheather europena competition law should be govenrned by the aim of integrating the european market. Method: A traditional swedish law method har been used. Result: My conclusion is that marketintegration in itself should not be the only aim when applying european competition law..

Screens : tävling om strandpromenaden i Helsingborg

The competition for the beach promenade in Helsingborg was announced in 2001 and was arranged by the city of Helsingborg. My contribution to the competition represents the main part of my thesis in the Landscape Architecture Programme. The competition entry is based on the concept of crossing screens of vertical elements which connect the pattern and structure of the city to the beach and the water. The different materials and designs of the screens relate to the various characters of the different parts of the area and they form a sequence and uniting theme along the beach. In addition to the competition entry which was made in 2001, the thesis contains a second part, made in the spring of 2006. It consists of an Introduction with the competition programme and a description of the starting points, a part called Method where the process is described, and the Conclusion with reflections on the competition entry and the process where I also introduce and comment on some other projects which in different ways have are connected to my concept. .

Regimteorin i svensk kontext. Från Volvo till IKEA i Kalmar

The regime theory is the dominant paradigm in the studies of urban politics in USA. It provides a set of concepts to analyse the change from government to governance in the American local politics. The regime theory postulates that governing power in local government tends to be highly fragmented. The private sector has with its control of economic resources a major influence in shaping governing decisions. In this essay I study the regime theory in a Swedish context to investigate if the theory is pertinent when studying of Swedish local governance.

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