

2 Uppsatser om Dessie - Sida 1 av 1

Design Program for Dessie Campus, Wollo University, Ethiopia

A geographical position and its social, cultural and political context as well as climate and specific physical characteristics define the scope for a landscape design project. This has become clearer for us in our master project where we have made a Design Program for the outdoor environment of Wollo University in Dessie, Ethiopia and analysed and reflected on the work and process. The aim for the project has been to design an attractive and functional outdoor environment for the Campus, based on the inventories and the needs and wishes of clients and users. But, the aim has also been for us as landscape architect students to gain a greater knowledge about landscape architecture and the design process by position ourselves outside our usual context. The method has been open and seeking where the site, literature studies, dialogues with people and our own experiences from the field study in Ethiopia has influenced the work. Wollo University is situated 400 kilometers north of Addis Ababa, in a mountainous landscape. It faces problems of heavy rainfall during the summer, soil erosion, a lack of essential facilities, and is still a construction site with empty spaces in-between buildings and infrastructure.

Det spontana, dialogiska och ostandardiserade bloggspra?ket : En studie av spra?kanva?ndandet i na?gra av Sveriges sto?rsta bloggar

Denna underso?kning studerar specifika delar av spra?ket i sex av Sveriges sto?rsta bloggar. Bloggarna som utgo?r underso?kningsmaterialet a?r Dessie, Kenzas, Paow, SamirBadran, Hugo Rosas och The odd way. De spra?kliga fo?reteelser som underso?ks a?r icke-verbala inslag, svordomar, utrop, talspra?kliga ordformer, la?nord och fo?rkortningar.