

438 Uppsatser om Desire - Sida 1 av 30

Doften av ?Kvinna? : Symbolik och begär i Zolas Nana

An analysis of Zolas Nana focusing on male Desire. Through a study of the narrtive structure and the polemic relation between the concepts of ?Nature? and ?Culture? it is shown that opposing ideologies are imbedded in the text. Nana is a symbolic character, in large, a myth created by male Desire that eventually becomes a manifestation of that Desire. At the same time, however, the character Nana evolves from being a mirrored image of male Desire into a more stable and real individual and this process is also an answer to when and why she dies,underlining the fact that she initially was a creation emanating from male Desire and in losing those symbolic functions she loses her function in the novel..

Skeva begär : En queerstudie av Karin Boyes lyrik

This essay examines the way the recurring motifs in Karin Boye's poetry might be read as expressions of queer or subversive Desire. The fact that the lyrical I is not gendered in the poems opens up for a queer reading. In adherence to Sara Ahmed's notion of Desire lines and sexual orientation I discuss the spatial aspects of Desire, and explore the positions and movements of the lyrical I in Boye's poetic landscape as deviations from the concept of the straight and marked path, into the queer and unknown.I trace Desire in Boye's poetry mainly through the themes of nature and night, and the ways in which these phenomena deviate from the normative structures laid out by the poems. Usually the motifs of night (such as fog, shadows and darkness) are associated with the fading of the senses. The night obscures the vision of the lyrical I and wraps them in heavy silence, making them experience and Desire in new ways. Through motifs related to nature Boye formulates a feminine, matriarchal myth.

Bröstcancer och sexualitet : patienters upplevelser och sjuksköterskans förhållningssätt

For a woman who has been diagnosed with breast cancer, there can be many negative things that effects her life. It is a great shock that changes her life and can include a sense of lost femininity and a decreased sexual Desire which can be both physical and psychological. The basis of this literature review is from 17 scientific articles which evaluate the changes in cancer patient's body image and sexuality during their illness and treatment. This study illustrates patient's experience of the nursing and difficulties which obstructs the nurse from talking about sexuality whit the patient. The study also showed that the patient had a Desire to discuss these sexuality issues with a nurse..

Studenters kunskap om fruktsamhet och deras önskan om barnafödande. : en väntrumsundersökning

Aim: The purpose of this study was to describe, analyze and compare university students? Desire to have children, when they wanted to have their first and last child and their knowledge about fecundity in relation to the background factors: age, gender and educational level. This study will also investigate differences regarding university students? Desire to have children along with when they wanted to have their first and last child and their knowledge of declining fecundity at increasing age. Method: A descriptive, comparative, cross-sectional study with quantitative method was used in the study.

Kärlekens morgonrodnad : kärlek och begär i Agnes von Krusenstjernas Fröknarna von Pahlen

This study examines the love and Desire between Angela von Pahlen and Stanny Landborg in Agnes von Krusenstjerna?s Fröknarna von Pahlen series. I have studied the characters in Krusenstjerna?s texts using Judith Butler?s theory of the heterosexual matrix. My main focus has been the Desire in Fröknarna von Pahlen.

"I feel that I was being written..." : Identitetsskapande i William S Burroughs romaner Junky och Queer

In this essay I examine how identity is created in William S. Burroughs two early novels Junky andQueer. The theoretic starting points are Lacans psychoanlytic concepts ?ideal ego?, ?egoideal? and the ?superego? and also queertheory as presented by Tiina Rosenberg in her book Queerfeministisk agenda.The examination contains an analysis of how Burroughs creates identity in both Junky and Queer with main focus on the second novel. I look at how the Desire in the maincharacter Lee is described and what the Desire is aimed at.

Gränser av hud, glänsande kroppar och längtan : En queer närspelning av Mass Effect 3

This essay aims to examine how the synthetic non-human subjects, EDI and Legion, are constituted in terms of their bodies, gender, Desire and emotion, in the gaming series Mass Effect. In a close-gaming method I also want to explore in which way the gamer can effect or even change the expressions of the body, gen­der, Desire, and emotion made by the synthetic non-human subjects. In order to do this I use Judith Butlers and Sara Ahmeds queer theory, and Donna Haraways cyborg feminism. I concluded that EDI em­braces her embodiments and is given a highly sexualized female body, being more of a woman than a machine. While Legion is rather embracing disembodiment and is given a non sexualized, androgynous male body, be­ing more of a machine than a man.

Från kön till genus, tur och retur - en resa i könskonstruktion: Om översättningen av re-gendering i Elizabeth Bernsteins "The Meaning of the Purchase: Desire, Demand and the Commerce of Sex"

Det här examensarbetet bygger på översättningsarbetet med Elisabeth Bernsteins "The meaning of the purchase. Desire, demand and the commerce of sex". I den förberedande textanalysen undersöker jag några viktiga aspekter av artikeln. I min fördjupningsanalys tar jag avstamp i termen "re-gendering" och gör en djupdykning ner i engelskans "sex" och "gender" och svenskans motsvarigheter "kön" och "genus". Mitt syfte är att försöka reda ut vad som ligger bakom dessa begrepp och termer, för att sedan kunna producera en välmotiverad översättning av just "re-gendering".I PDF-filen ingår både analys och översättning..

Talet och tystnaden : en studie av samhällsstrukturer och begär i Sarah Kanes "Phaedra's Love"

This essay is an introduction to the intentions and purposes of the british play writer Sarah Kane (1971-1999). Her own voice is presented both via quotations linked to her work and by an explanation of her connections to the surrealist poet and actor Antonin Artaud. The main focus is on Kane?s second play, Phaedra?s Love, first performed in 1996. The play is analyzed in co-relation to La volonté de savoir, the first volume in Michel Foucault?s trilogy Histoire de la sexualité.

Begreppet individ, hos Leibniz och Spinoza, sa?som singula?rt och del i va?rldens ma?ngfald

This thesis deals with the concepts of individual and individuation as defined by Leibniz and Spinoza. I go through the use and definition of the concept of individual in four stages.First I discuss the individual as conceived by Spinoza as a relation formed by a composition of parts and the individual as conceived by Leibniz as a complete notion consisting of all the events in the life of a subject.Next is the roll of perception in Leibniz discussed, likewise individuation through different perception with varying distinctness, and the affinity of perception with affection.The discussions concerning the individual concludes in a section about the essence of the individual as being the Desire of the individual. In the last stage, I discuss the multitude as being an own individual..

Dragshow på de sju haven : ? en analys av Elizabeth Swanns karaktär i Pirates of the Caribbean

AbstractTitle: Dragshow on the seven seasNumber of pages: 51 (56 including enclosures)Author: Therése PlastrougiTutor: Ylva EkströmCourse: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: Fall 2007University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/Aim: My main purpose with this paper is 1) to study how film as a media can subvert traditional gender constructions and 2) study the character of Elizabeth Swann in the trilogy Pirates of the Caribbean through four dimensions; Gender performance, Class, Desire and Power.Material/Method: My main material is the trilogy Pirates of the Caribbean. I have studied Elizabeth?s character based on semiotic and narratological methods.Main results: Film as a media possesses the full potential to change traditional gender roles, but the full subversion is denied due to the heterosexual matrix. Elizabeth?s character almost completes her subversive journey throughout the trilogy, but since she too is a victim of the heterosexual matrix, a full subversion is not possible.Key words: gender performance, class, Desire, power, sex/gender, subversion, narratologic, semiotic, queer, feminism, pirates of the caribbean, intersectionality, parody.

Ungdomars säkerhet på Internet : Uppfattade risker och ansvarsbördan

The purpose of this paper has been to explore how Internet is perceived, with reference to youth, risk and responsibility, by a section of the population in North-West Skåne in Sweden. The questions central to our area of interest were:- Where does the responsibility for a safe Internet environment lie?- What measures are believed to be able to make Internet safer?- Are the opinions about safety on the Internet affected by an individual'sknowledge and experience of the Internet?- Is there an awareness of which institutions are involved in Internet safety?We compared the results of our survey with earlier surveys done by SAFT and Eurobarometern. Additionally we compared various categories such as gender and age to discover any patterns within the groups.There is a clear conflict in the answers given by the group we studied, between the Desire to have access to all the information and experiences Internet has to offer and the Desire to protect youth from inappropriate content and/or influences from unknown sources. While we did find concern regarding issues of safety we did not find any indication of "moral panic"..

Eutanasi / Dödshjälp : en litteraturstudie ur patientens synvinkel

 Background: Euthanasia means help to die. Some terminally ill patients wish for euthanasia. Purpose: Illuminating terminally ill patients' Desire for voluntary euthanasia. Method: A general literature study. Seven articles were reviewed and analyzed.

Boendepersonalens uppfattningar kring socialt stöd

SummaryIntroductory: Since the mid-90s, the numbers of places in psychiatric inpatient settings have decreased and accommodations for individuals with schizophrenia have become increasingly common. In addition to the basic needs that we humans have, individuals with schizophrenia may be in need of special support. Social support can be seen as a protective factor for maintaining health and the recovery of the individual. Lack of social support has shown to be linked to mental illness. The extent of need and support of individuals with mental disabilities may be such that they live in a special accommodation where such assistance can be provided by staff.

Subjektets möjligheter : - En undersökning i den lacanska psykoanalysen.

Uppsatsen utforskar människans psyke utifrån den franske psykoanalytikern och psykiatrikern Jacques Lacans psykoanalytiska teori. Uppsatsen undersöker subjektets förutsättningar och möjligheter utifrån lacansk teori, samt vilka implikationer det får på symptomets plats inom klinisk diagnostik. Metoden använder lacanskt teori som beskrivningar av subjektets status, vars framställning abstraheras till en rad regler. Teorins giltighet prövas i uppsatsen mot kliniska fallbeskrivningar och andra exempelfall. I diskussionen framkommer att implikationen av den lacanska teorin om subjektet är vittgående vad gäller kliniskt diagnostik och värderingen av symptomet. .

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