12851 Uppsatser om Design theory - Sida 53 av 857
"Är det skrivet så är det skrivet." ? En kvalitativ studie om bibliotekariers synsätt på barnlitteratur som har uppfattats som rasistisk
In the autumn of 2012 a debate started in Swedish media about racial stereotypes and content in children's literature. Some voices wanted to weed out titles such as Tintin i Kongo (Tintin in the Congo) and the character Lilla hjärtat from Liten Skär och alla Brokiga (Little Pink & Brokiga), while others claimed that it was against our freedom of speech. In this essay I intend to interview librarians to find out if and how the debate has affected their work with purchase and weeding. I will also analyze their purchase policy to find out if it mentions racism and how the policies are applied in practice. As theory I'm using Strömbergs theory regarding three aspects of racism and Klassons theory about three different kinds of librarian roles.
Konceptuell design och utveckling av hybridfordon
This report covers the conceptual design of a new one person hybrid vehicle that is to be fast and convenient to drive on the roads. The vehicle is most of all supposed to be used as a commute vehicle but can also be used at other occasions as well.During the work with this project the group has focused on three larger areas, the outer design (body), wheel chassis and an ergonomically designed interior. The group was not able to just create these parts in 3D to get a trustworthy vehicle, hence number of other components and details were also created to get a better entirety.The outer design starts with idea generation and sketches and ends with a 3D model which is rendered to show how the final product is going to look. The design of the body has been going on during the entire work process due to new ideas and improvements that seemed interesting and had to be changed.The wheel chassis also started with idea generation, research and sketches. It ended up with a simulated 3D model which later on was mounted on the vehicle body to show how the vehicle is going to perform during usage.
Musikteorins roll och status - En undersökning av gymnasiets estetiska program
Title: The role and status of music theory ? an inquiry into the Arts Programme of the Swedish upper secondary school. The purpose of this inquiry is to find out what teachers of the Arts Programme say about the role and status of music theory within the different music subjects. Four teachers were interviewed, two teachers of music theory and two instrumental teachers. The interviews were formulated with open questions where the informants guide the conversation, i.e.
Sambandet mellan Theory of Mind, språkliga förmågor och exekutiva funktioner hos barn i treårsåldern
Barns fem första levnadsår präglas av en omfattande utveckling av språkliga förmågor och exekutiva funktioner, vilka är färdigheter som visat sig ha en stor påverkan på hur barn utvecklar förståelse för sina egna och andras tankar, det vill säga deras Theory of Mind. En central aspekt inom forskning har varit att undersöka hur förmågorna samvarierar vid olika åldrar.Syftet i föreliggande studie var att undersöka sambandet mellan Theory of Mind, språkliga förmågor och exekutiva funktioner hos barn i tre års ålder med typisk utveckling. Av intresse var även att undersöka om det förelåg skillnader i resultat mellan pojkar och flickor samt om de del-tagande barnens demografiska förhållanden vad gäller antal äldre och/eller yngre syskon, socio-ekonomisk status och vuxenkontakt påverkade de deltagande barnens Theory of Mind.Totalt medverkade 30 barn med typisk utveckling, varav 16 var flickor och 14 var pojkar. Åldersanpassade testmaterial användes för att undersöka Theory of Mind, grammatisk förmåga, semantisk förmåga, kognitiv flexibilitet, arbetsminne och fonemdiskrimination. Den demografiska informationen inhämtades i form av en enkät som föräldrarna fick fylla i.Resultatet indikerar att treåriga barns förmåga att hantera och förstå Theory of Mind-uppgifter samvarierar med både grammatisk förmåga och kognitiv flexibilitet.
Simulation driven design : An iterative approach for mechanical engineerswith focus on modal analysis
This thesis of 15 hp has been implemented at Halmstad University, incollaboration with Saab Dynamics in Linköping. Saab Dynamics is a companyoperating in the defence industry where competition is tough. This necessitatesnew ways to increase efficiency in the company, which is the basis for this thesis.Saab Dynamics wants to introduce simulation driven design. Since SaabDynamics engineers have little experience of simulation, required a usermethodology with clear guidelines. Due to lack of time, they chose to assign thetask to students, which resulted in this thesis.The aim of the thesis is to develop a methodology in mechanical design, wherethe designer uses the FE analysis early in the design process to develop thestructures' mechanical properties.
Hållbar design för gravplatser
A well-planned grave with a sustainable selection of plants facilitates easy maintenance for both staff and the holder of the right of burial. It also helps reduce the negative impact on the environment.As in many other areas, the environment is high on the agenda within the cemetery administration. One of the major concerns is the impact of the choice of plants for the grave. Within the industry there is a great motivation and willingness to adapt to a sustainable work mode and this has spawned a number of project works. In autumn 2009 the partnership project, ?Environmental aspects of planning and maintaining graves?, was started in Movium (at The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences).
Korrektion och imitation som mätverktyg för diagnos av PT-nivå : Kan man korrigera eller imitera en grammatisk struktur som man inte kan producera i fri skriftlig produktion?
The purpose of this study was to examine whether a L2 learner could correct or imitate structures of the language that they could not produce in written production defined by processability theori levels.The Informants had Arabic as their mother tongue. The study showed that the ability of correction developed slower than the capacity for imitation and the ability to written production. The ability of the correction developed by the duration of the stay. The result was a confirmation of theory formation in processability theory. Corrective elicitering could be developed into a useful diagnostic tool in the classroom and thus provide an education that followed a natural learning order according to processability theory by Pienemann.Keywords: processability theori, imitation, correction, written production.
Delta X : Utveckling av värmeväxlare
Stockholms vattenskärning AB in Kungsängen has through the acquisition of a company begun to design and produce aircraft heaters whose origin is early 1970s which follows a high inefficiency in terms of energy consumption and size.The aircraft heater, which is sold worldwide, serves its purpose for customer satisfaction and has done so ever since it was developed in the 70s.Stockholms vattenskärning AB is now investigating the possibility in making the aircraft heaters more efficient, both in terms of energy consumption but also on a more efficient design with the belief that it would lead them to an edge in the market. The aircraft heater consists of several main components whose function altogether is to keep passenger aircrafts warm while they are on the ground.This project has been limited to the further development of the heat exchanger package which accounts for the conversion of the hot medium to the fresh air being carried in to the aircraft cabin. Work has been divided into different phases in order to create a better understanding of the project range and to make it easier to divide the various elements in the time available, 10 weeks. These phases are literature review, situation analysis, concept generation, CAD, concept comparison and writing reports.After the initial literature review was made, a fundamental theory was written which is essential in understanding the remaining parts of the project.With the theoretical part as support, measurements and calculations were made on the current heat exchange package in a situation analysis to ensure its operation and efficiency.In the concept generation phase, the collected facts from the literature review was used as the basis for creating a matrix. The purpose of the matrix was to indicate the two most suitable types of heat exchangers to develop four new concepts out of.In the CAD phase the four concepts was drawn up and then described with text and images.The last phase is the concept comparison where a concept selection matrix is used to function as a decision basis for further production at Stockholms vattenskärning AB. The four concepts have been developed based on the current heat exchanger and is gradually changed into a design of a cross-flow heat exchanger constructed out of stainless sections. The purpose of this is to have gradual upgrading of the heat exchanger as an option, in order not to saturate the market..
Design och meningsskapande i förskolan : En multimodal designteoretisk studie av fyra lärandesammanhang kring matematik
Studiens syfte var att, med utgångspunkt i ett designteoretiskt multimodalt perspektiv, beskriva, analysera och tolka hur tre förskolepedagoger designar lärandesammanhang, kring ämnet matematik. Förutom detta var också syftet att få insikt om hur lärandesammanhangets design kunde förstås och tolkas i termer av lärande och meningsskapande. Den metod jag valde var uppbyggd kring en icke-deltagande videoobservation med ett kvalitativt upplägg där målet var att försöka förstå det som ägde rum genom relevanta tolkningar. I resultat och slutsatser framkom det till exempel att förskolepedagogerna använder en mängd semiotiska resurser och teckensystem i form av fysiska redskap tillsammans med ansiktsuttryck, tal och handrörelser i kommunikationen med barnen. Dessutom framkom det att barnen också använde sig av ett antal olika semiotiska resurser och teckensystem i arbetet med att skapa mening kring de olika lärandesituationerna.
Optimering av UA-Värde : Förbättring av en containerkonstruktion
Envirotainer builds containers that are specialized in transporting of temperaturesensitive products these containers are customized for airplanes. The containers arethen leased to other companies, most often to pharmaceutical companies.Envirotainer are based in Lagga, Knivsta. It is also here where the production of thecontainers is held. The container RAP T2 was designed in the early 80ies. The RAPT2 contains a fleet of about 1220 containers spread all over the world.
Grön omsorg inom demensvården. En litteraturstudie
Syftet med litteratur studien var att beskriva vilka studier som har gjorts med fokus på ?grön omsorg? /utemiljö i vården av personer med demens, samt att beskriva personalens upplevelse av dessa omvårdnadsåtgärder och eventuella effekter på de boende. Litteratursökningar gjordes i databaserna Medline och Chinal, och resulterade i nio inkluderade studier. Resultatet visade att flertalet av studierna hade som syfte att studera utemiljö och boendes välbefinnande och beteende. Sex studier hade en icke-experimentell design, två studier hade en kvasiexperimentell design och en studie var uppdelad i två delar varav den ena delen hade en icke-experimentell design och den andra delen hade en kvasiexperimentell design.
My questions at issue for this report has it´s beginning in the growing problems of thenegative effects of burning fossile fuels and the rapidly growing energyprices.1. Is it possible to design a micro scale powerplant?2. Is it economically interesting for a potential customer to by such a product?The aim with this report is therefor, with the help of design work and calculations, to answerthese questions and to create a platform for building a fully functional micro scale powerplant.The material used in the report is mostly product catalogs from various industries but alsostudy course littrature about steam engines.The result of the report is that it is fully possible to design a fully functional micro scalepower plant.
The Low Line : ett gestaltningsförslag med inspiration från The High Line
In the summer of 2009 the High Line opened in New York, a park built on an out-of use elevated rail viaduct. The park meanders its way through the buildings and allows the visitor to see the city from a totally different perspecive than we are used to.I have made a Design proposal in Eriksdalslunden, Stockholm, with inspiration from the High Line. The proposal is based on design ideas of a park I logically call the Low Line, as the place isn't elevated as in New York, but lowered. The two places have some similarities, mainly the strong urban identity and the tracks crossing both areas. They also have very obvious differences, above all the fact that Eriksdalslunden is situated in a swale and is defined in a third dimension by the high bridges that crosses the area.The High Line is designed by James Corner Field Operations, and they have been working using their motto 'Keep it Simple, Keep it Wild, Keep it Quiet and Keep it Slow' during the whole process, words that normally aren't associated to Manhattan.
Krisen kommer! - En analys av uttalanden för att förhindra att en förtroendekris uppstår
Syfte: Studiens syfte är att studera hur Göteborgs Stads och Staffanstorps kommuns kommunikation har sett ut för att förhindra att en förtroendekris uppstår i samband med Uppdrag gransknings avslöjanden om deras användningav skattepengar. Metod och Material: Textanalys med hjälp av dialogisk analys av transkriberingarna av två avsnitt av Uppdrag granskning och texter publicerade på kommunernas och inblandade bolags hemsidor. Teoretisk utgångspunkt i image repairtheory och situational crisis communication theory. Huvudresultat: Den vanligaste huvudstrategin i denna studie var att minska händelsens anstötlighet. Detta resultat överensstämmer inte med vad aktuell forskning inom området rekommenderar vid den typ av kris som är aktuell för denna studie. .
Ekosystembaserad biomimik : hantering av klimatförändringar med hållbar design
Inom hållbar design har man under senare år börjat härma naturen för att hitta nya lösningar på människans problem. Naturens ekosystem fungerar som praktiska modeller för kretsloppsfungerande miljöer där energi och material tas om hand ? precis som visionen för den hållbara staden. Genom att dels förstå ekosystemets uppbyggnad, dels övergången från ekologi till design, kan man efterlikna ekosystem i den urbana miljön. Designstrategin biomimik är en tillämpning av detta förhållningssätt, där man efterliknar naturens processer i arkitektur.