12851 Uppsatser om Design theory - Sida 46 av 857
Konstruktion av förstärkare och insamplingssteg till en PSAADC i 0.25 um CMOS
The aim and goal of this work has been to design and implement a voltage reference network for a 12-bit PSAADC, Parallell Successive Analog to Digital Converter. A chip containing the design has been sent away for fabrication. Because of the long processing time, no measurement data are presented. The main specifications for the voltage reference generator is to generate stable reference voltages with low noise and a good PSRR. Efforts has also been made to minimize the power consumption..
Redesign av en hemsida : Med sökmotoroptimering och användbarhet i fokus
This paper describes the redesign of a site (Kolonn.se). Some of the problems with the site were a lack of structure and a design that was unclear both visitor and search engines. The site now has a new design and structure that has been taking form in Axure prototypes that has been tested and applied into WordPress. The results are a site with a new main menu, new graphic profile and logo. Also SEO-adapted content such as correctly structured headers, meta tags, descriptions and key words that has been implemented in the content.
Aktivitetsbaserat kontor eller öppet kontorslandskap? ? En multivariat studie av attityder till kontorstyperna
This thesis of 15 hp has been implemented at Halmstad University, in collaboration with Saab Dynamics in Linköping. Saab Dynamics is a company operating in the defence industry where competition is tough. This necessitates new ways to increase efficiency in the company, which is the basis for this thesis. Saab Dynamics wants to introduce simulation driven design. Since Saab Dynamics engineers have little experience of simulation, required a user methodology with clear guidelines.
Osäkerhet i investerares avkastningsbedömning av kommersiella fastigheter. - Osäkerheter i bedömningen av drift- och underhållskostnader?
This thesis of 15 hp has been implemented at Halmstad University, in collaboration with Saab Dynamics in Linköping. Saab Dynamics is a company operating in the defence industry where competition is tough. This necessitates new ways to increase efficiency in the company, which is the basis for this thesis. Saab Dynamics wants to introduce simulation driven design. Since Saab Dynamics engineers have little experience of simulation, required a user methodology with clear guidelines.
Stress, kreativitet och problemlösning : En kvalitativ studie i hur vi lo?ser problem under stress och vad detta kan inneba?ra fo?r designprocessen
Problem solving is a big part of design, however a lot of emphasis is put on creativity in research related to the effects of stress. Research has shown that the amount of stress we feel affects idea generation. Stress may also affect the ability to solve problems, however the researchers don?t seem to agree about what the effect of stress actually does.The study was made through experimental sessions where the respondents were asked to solve 4 matchstick puzzles of similar difficulty. Depending on their outcome they experienced more or less stress.
Post-Columbine - en kvalitativ studie av sju skolskjutningar
The study has got three aims. The first purpose is to implement the Newman et al.s rampage theory (2004) in a more dominant European context. In this way, the theory?s strengths and weaknesses can be exposed. The second objective is to look at the motive.
Kontraomvändelse - blivandet av en ateist : en religionspsykologisk undersökning av byte från religiöst orienteringssystem till ateistiskt
The purpose of this study in the psychology of religion is to explore the process of an individual?s shift in orienting system, from a religious to an atheistic. The materials used are autobiographical accounts obtained from two books. One that has been used as a primary source and one as a secondary. By using Rambo?s process oriented theory of religious conversion relevant themes and categories were chosen and later subjected to further analysis using Pargament?s theory of religion and coping.
Motivation på arbetsplatsen : Self-Determination Theory i en organisatorisk kontext
Syftet med studien är att undersöka huruvida Self-Determination Theory kan appliceras som förklaringsmodell för motivationen hos de anställda på Företaget X. Enligt Self-Determination Theory råder ett samband mellan tillfredsställelsen av basbehoven; autonomi, kompetens och släktskap i arbetsmiljön och motivationstypen hos individen. Tillfredsställelse av basbehoven främjar autonom motivation framför kontrollerad motivation och genererar antingen internalisering av yttre motivation och/eller bibehållande av den inre motivationen. För att undersöka sambandet mellan variablerna genomfördes en enkätundersökning med både anställda i ledande och icke-ledande position. Enkätens resultat visar att basbehoven är tillfredsställda och att motivationstypen är av karaktären inre motivation respektive hög grad av internaliserad motivation.
Produktutveckling av ergonomisk belysningsarmatur för
Detta examensarbete är ett projekt som utförts på uppdrag av Sunnex Equipment AB. Syftet var att utveckla nya ledade armsystem till en medicinsk belysning för att ersätta de tre armsystemen som marknadsförs av företaget idag. Det var även önskvärt att projektet resulterar i ett förslag på utformning av ett tillhörande lamphuvud. Fokus har varit design och ergonomi. Arbetet har följt en strukturerad produktutvecklingsprocess som inleddes med informationsinsamling genom användarstudie, intervjuer, konkurrensanalys och litteraturstudier.
Enighet om Europa Applicering av diffusionsteorin på utvecklingen av attityden till Europeisk policyintegration 1999-2009
Public opinion has increasingly become a political force in the European integration process. At present, it appears that the people?s attitude towards the European integration is relatively skeptical. How can we expect that the attitude towards European integration will evolve in the future? This paper tests the extent to which diffusion theory can serve as a model to explain the development of attitudes to European integration policy in Sweden from 1999 until 2009.
Effektivisering av pulverlackeringslinje med inriktning på fixturer
The project has been oriented for development of fixtures to ateljé Lyktan to provide a more efficiency line. In the year 2012 the company invested in a new coating booth, which leads to opportunities to upgrading the fixtures and also new design. The request is to minimize the area for storage of fixtures, and therefore should fixtures be designed to apply as many articles as possible The priority of products that fixtures have development to has been products that are most frequently coated and new products that don?t have any fixtures. The product families that the project has been having focus on is TIME and FOVEA with RONDO.
This is a report for a bachelor degree thesis in electronics at Umeå university. The target was to design a fully functional PCB-layout and then solder components to it. In order to do that I had to first proofread a schematic of the system to find things that were not correct and correct them. The project is a cooperation between the author and the company Calmon Stegmotorteknik. During the whole project the people at Calmon supported the author with the appropriate knowledge to complete the tasks.
Ljuddesign för rumsmetaforbaserade talgränssnitt
In this paper, a navigation support approach for speech-only interaction based on auditory icons for room-based designs is presented, i.e. naturally occurring sounds that have a natural mapping to the system's underlying design metaphor. In contrast to many recent investigations that have focused on multi-modal or augmented reality systems, this paper concerns a unimodal speech and sound-only system. An auditory icon based prototype system for buildings maintenance support using a room-based metaphor was developed. The design was evaluated in a comparison with earcons and no-sound designs.
Ett märkligt adjektiv på en medborgare : En intervjustudie av det praktiska medborgarskapet som identitet och ideal
The aim of this essay is to explore the lived citizenship and its ideal. First, the form and expression of citizenship practice and ideal is explored through a qualitative interwiev study of ten citizens in the southern suburbs of Stockholm. The perception and expectations of the nature of citizenship, presented by the informants, is then compared to their citizen ideal, as well as to the ideal presented and promoted by the Swedish government. The point of departure is theory of democracy. The essay calls attention to an observed lack of empirical studies in the field of deliberative theory of democracy as well as studies that more broadly bring the theory down to empirical earth.
Utformning av laboration inom Fourieranalys vid Vetenskapens Hus : Musikens matematik - En matematisk förståelse av ljud- och musikinstrument
This report documents the process of designing a laboratory exercise in Fourier analysis at Vetenskapens Hus (House of Science) in Stockholm. The lab is designed for high school students studying science or technical education. It focuses on the physicalunderstanding and mathematical description of sound, in particular music. A model of such a lab is presented in this work; containing a review of the mathematical theory, summary of educational research in the field, descriptions of the design process and of the investigativework that led to the final result. The designed material for the lab includes developed computer programs, visit leader tutorial and description for teachers. .