

13319 Uppsatser om Design Research - Sida 6 av 888

Askåterföring värt besväret? : en fallstudie av följderna av Stora Ensos försöksverksamhet med askåterföring

This thesis reports on a case study of a forest company, Stora Enso, and their experience from a number of trials and experiments with ash recycling. A literature survey and a total of eleven in-depth interviews were carried out. Ash recycling was found to be the concern of three different divisions of the company. The pulp industry which produces the ash, the forest division which would be responsible for identifying land and spreading the ash, and Stora Research, which has had a major part in the design and implementation of research trials. Lacking an overall company decision on ash recycling the matter is left to the individual divisions.

Vägledning till Iittala Outlets entré i Vingåker

I've been studying the entrance to Iittala Outlet in Vingåker with the purpose of finding a way to make the entrance more distinct and also increase the accessibility, the orientation and the availability. With interviews and notations as a method I've determined the extent of the problem and the motions of the visitors at the outlet area. With further support from previous research and litterature I've made a design proposal. The design proposal contains a relocation of the parkinglots that opens up visible walkways to Iittala Outlet..

Systemutvecklares erfarenhet av arbete med Design Patterns

Design Patterns introducerades på 1990-talet och användningen sades medföra en rad fördelar som skulle hjälpa systemutvecklare i deras arbete. Bland annat skulle Design Patterns underlätta för systemutvecklarna att kommunicera med varandra samt ge en bättre överblick över och förståelse för systemarkitektur genom en höjd abstraktionsnivå. Systemutvecklaren skulle även få en ökad förståelse för god design. Två kritiska artiklar fick oss att vilja beskriva hur systemutvecklare som aktivt arbetar med Design Patterns upplever att centrala fördelar uppfylls. Vi genomförde fyra fallstudier där vi intervjuade erfarna systemutvecklare och vår slutsats är att de upplever att fördelarna med Design Patterns uppfylls.

Spelimmersion & död : En undersökning av hur spelupplevelse och immersion påverkas av döden i nätbaserade multiplayerspel

Immersion is a construct that measures how deeply engrossed a user is with any mediated situation. In the field of game design, immersion is a significant aspect of what makes a game enticing, and as such it is of pivotal importance to create and maintain it to keep the player's mind off the real world while inside the confines of a game framework. According to the GameFlow theory, it is one of seven key tenets of evaluating and implementing a successful game design. Yet, certain multiplayer online games are designed in a fashion that in some cases seem to break immersion, where the player is frequently put out of action, sometimes for minutes on end. In this study, using online questionnaires, we discover that players, despite claims otherwise, seem to be in several ways affected negatively by this breaking of immersion.

Ett samarbete om samarbete

The following is an explorative work on various forms of collaboration. The core of our exploration revolves around the idea of co-operation as a tool for examination, a collective working method, the input/output within creative practices as well as a phenomena in its own right? It is however not ?simply? about collaboration, but rather places as much focus on a highly personal search for new working methods, new approaches towards research and on the development of our relationship to graphic design. From beginning to end, the entire project has become a work whereby the term ?we? has been more important than ?me? ? a well-functioning project with a common purpose: a collaboration, between us..

Folkbibliotekens webbplatsers grafiska användargränssnitt Kvalitativa intervjuer med webbansvariga

The web sites of Swedish public libraries display a high level of heterogeneity when it comes to design and graphical user interface. The thesis is based on the opinion that the visuals of a public library web site have implications for the user as well as for the library. The design of the graphical user interface influences the attention of the user and his/her ability to absorb information. Furthermore, there is a connection between the visuals and the users opinion about the credibility of the content of the web site, as well as of the organisation itself. The research question is: Which factors may have an impact on the design of the graphical user interfaces of a public library web site? The purpose is to create an understanding for these factors and emphasize them.

The Green Evolution of the Car Industry

This Master Thesis covers the concept of Green Cars. The background to the research area is the high and rapidly growing number of cars, which together with other factors ad to the pollution of the environment. Under the Kyoto agreement the signing members agreed to lower the emissions of green house gases, further on the EU has a 3-pillar strategy on carbon dioxide and cars. Included in the EU strategy is a voluntary commitment from the car industry to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from new cars. The easiest way of lowering the emissions is by using alternative fuels and engines.

Redesign av facktidskriften Ingenjören

This degree project contains a theoretical and a practical part about magazine design. Literature aboutthe subject?s typography and magazine design has been studied and put into practice on the professionaljournal Ingenjören. Besides of that a study about the history of magazine typography for the lastfifty years has been done.Typography and other design factors are important for the magazine to be readable and gives at thesame time the magazine an identity of its own, which has become more and more important throughoutthe last decades.The result of this degree project is a new design for Ingenjören, a design that agrees more with howthe journal want to be considered. A new template, a dummy and a manual have been produced.

Metoder och design av visionärt personbilskoncept

I projektet, som är ett examensarbete från programmet högskoleingenjör i teknisk design vid Luleå tekniska universitet, har ett koncept på en delvis förarlös bil tagits fram. Arbetet har utförts mot instutitionen för arbetsvetenskap och har givit värdefull erfarenheter inför fortsatta studier vid Umeå Institute of Design. Resultatet är en lyxig fyradörrars kupé med tänkt lansering omkring år 2020. Bilen sköter till största delen av tiden körningen på egen hand men tillåter även manuell körning på ett nytt och revolutionerande sätt. Fordonet är även en social mötesplats där passagerarna får uppleva en ny dimension av att resa med bil..

Responsiv Design ? Möjlighet att implementera utan testning

Responsiv design syftar till att en webbsida ska anpassa sig efter anva?ndarens enhet, oavsett enhetens ska?rmstorlek. Arbetet har ga?tt ut pa? att ta reda pa? om man kan utveckla en framga?ngsrik responsiv design som fungerar pa? ma?nga typer av enheter enbart med en persondator som utvecklingsplattform, och pa? sa? sa?tt undvika att beho?va genomga? en stor process med testning. Resultaten visar att det a?r fullt mo?jligt. .

Användarkvaliteter inom söksystem : En kvantitativ studie av söksystemen på Södertörns högskola och Stockholms universitet

This essay is about testing the validity of an article written by Jonas Löwgren, called The use qualities of digital design. The study we have executed is about testing the featured qualities of digital design in the article on two search systems located in the library of Stockholm University and Södertörn University respectively to see how they are able to be applied on search systems. To acquire the information for the study, we handed out a written inquire among users of those systems. The result of this quantitative study shows us that many that five of Löwgrens qualities is likely to be present on the systems. Our conclusion is that five of these are appliable on search systems.

Gränsöverskridande Ljuddesign

Transcending sound design is possible. There are unseen possibilities and a great potential for improvement and development in sound and music design ? but there is a great difficulty penetrating the obstacles that lies in the way for such development to take place and to exist. The difficulties in being negotiable and productive lies more within the limits of the audience it has to gain, than in itself. It is as though music and sound design has to evolve very slowly, in an almost evolutionary style; one step at a time, to be accepted.

Samarbete som arbetsform : En undersökning inom jordbrukssektorn

AbstractOne of the most common business models for agriculture is according to Lantbrukarnas Riksförbund (2010) that two or more agricultural companies merge and form a company together. To create strong owners and to be competitive there is a recognized need to create relationships between small firms according to Mazzarol , Mamouni Limnios and Reboud (2013). Oerleman and Assouline (2004) argues that it is possible to achieve success in agriculture by following certain strategic priorities.This paper examines why farmers choose to venture into collaboration and whether cooperation are linked to the strategies of the company. The paper also discusses the pros and cons of partnerships in agriculture. A qualitative comparative research design has been used to answer to the topics and we have interviewed respondents from four different agriculture companies, which have been active in some form of cooperation or collaboration.

Persona : En metod att utveckla och införa persona i en organisation

AbstractIn this thesis we aim to extend the current theories about a concept called persona. A persona is a model of a user, mostly based on qualitative research and made with such accuracy that it to some extent can be used as a replacement of a real user in a development process and as a communicative tool. We will present a way of constructing this persona without meeting the actual users and follow up with interviews from the organization using them. This will lead to a model over the process of introducing personas as a concept in an organization,previously not familiar with the concept. The model is adapted to also work for projects and organizations where the concept is already known..

Grafiskt tilltal i offentliga miljöer

Graphic design is an integrated part of the public spaces we move through in our daily lives. This thesis explores the emotional aspects of graphic design, with a focus on environmental graphics for the public space. The goal is to find ways in which the emotional aspects of a design solution can be varied without compromising the practical aspects, i.e. affect the conveyance of information. This goal is pursued through an analysis of historical and contemporary literature as well as by design practise.

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