

13319 Uppsatser om Design Research - Sida 42 av 888

Samverkan bakom eldsvådorna : Ett sociologist perspektiv på samverkan under en kris

Requirements engineering is a widespread topic in the research field of informatics. However, there is little research regarding lack of requirements documentation and how it is perceived. The same applies for how requirements engineering in retrospect can be implemented. This is a debated issue on blogs and forums but it has not been reflected in the research area.Therefore, this study concerns research questions regarding how the developers, testers and requirements analyst experience the lack of requirements documentation and how requirements engineering in retrospect can be implemented.To answer these questions, data collection has been conducted through qualitative interviews with individuals affected by this problem in their everyday work.This study has provided an explanation of how the problem is perceived and what the consequences are, both direct and indirect. The impacts are divided into three categories and are presented as, emotional consequences, system implications and consequences regarding re source consumption.

Produktutformning av en ny snöskoter

Detta examensarbete är det avlutande momentet på civilingenjörsutbildningen Ergonomisk design och produktion vid Luleå tekniska universitet. Målet med projektet är att designa en helt ny skotermodell exteriört. Tyngdpunkten i projektet är utseendet men även andra aspekter behandlas, så som ergonomi, materialval och tekniska lösningar. En Internetbaserad enkätundersökning, marknadsundersökning samt systematisk problembehandling ligger till grund för designen av fyra grundkoncept. Dessa undersöks genom strukturerat konceptval samt samråd med uppdragsgivaren.

Samhällskunskap och digitalteknik : Om undervisning i tre gymnasieklasser och dessanvändning av digital teknik

Syftet med uppsatsen är att bidra till ökad förståelse om samhällskunskapsundervisningens innehåll, genomförande och utformning på gymnasiet där digital teknik används.Fokus i uppsatsen har legat på att genom observationer och intervjuer i tre klasser och med de två lärare som undervisar klasserna få inblickar i hur lärare designar undervisning och hur elevrollen kan förstås när digital teknik används i ämnet samhällskunskap. Till hjälp för att analysera resultatet har analysmodellen Learning Design Sequence och i synnerhet  begreppen lärsekvenser och iscensättning använts. Det senare begreppet syftar på faktorer såsom lärarnas arbetssätt och tillgängliga resurser som präglar en lärsekvens, vilket kan vara elevernas arbete med en uppgift för att nämna ett exempel.Resultatet visar att datorer och Internet ofta i någon form ingår i lärarnas design av undervisningen. Exempelvis har lärarna genomfört genomgångar med hjälp av Powerpointpresentationer samt utformat uppgifter där elever ska använda sig av sina datorer. I elevrollen ingår bland annat att vara dator- och Internetanvändare men också av att anteckna och lyssna.

Design och oro : En studie om inredning och möbeldesign och dess möjligheter att minska oro hos dementa

Between 1999 and 2009, I followed three of my grandparents, all of whom suffered from dementia. Numerous times, when I visited them in their nursing homes, I was met by residents of the ward who were very unhappy. Through conversations at home with my family, I understood more and more that this was a commonly occurring problem at nursing homes. All too often it was solved with heavy medication, which made the residents tired and they slept more often.During my undergraduate education at Konstfack, I have reflected on whether I, as an interior designer and furniture designer, can have an influence on spaces and furniture so that dementia patients can experience greater calm and security. The idea is if that I perceive the environment as calm and secure, I will also be calm and secure.In my degree project, I want to study how interior design and furniture design can contribute to decreased agitation in people with dementia in nursing homes..

Northern Stories. Ett narrativt videokoncept

Northern Stories is a narrative video-project, mixed between how to work with the movieformat and the programs involved. As well as the complexity of how it can be to work in collaboration with a company and an investigation in how to evolve my design process. This from a designer?s point of view and with the intention to produce a finished product..

Den livgivande elden och det livsviktiga bränslet : Bruket av eld och behovet av bränsle på mesolitiska och tidigneolitiska boplatser i Norrland.

Research on Stone Age hunters and gatherers in Norrland has been lively since the 1960s. Central to this research are questions about the organization of society, sedentariness, continuity and resource management. One central part of life in the taiga is the need for fire and fuel. This aspect has been little discussed in conjunction with the mentioned research questions. My goal is to show that the matter of fire and fuel is an important one that needs to be taken in to consideration when discussing Stone Age Norrland and hunter/gatherers.

Integrationsprocesser bland 6 invandrade japanska personer i Sverige

This research outlines studies about the relationship between social integration process of Japanese immigrants in Sweden and how social media assists in this process. The purpose of this research includes: To find out the reasons of migration to Sweden for six Japanese immigrants, any difficulties that they faced at the beginning of their immigration process and/or any positive qualities that they found in living in Sweden, whether they have accessed social media since they have moved in, if they do so, how the social media has been used and also, whether the social media has had a role to play in contributing to help their social integration process. In addition, it has been considered whether the participants have plans to return to Japan. In Sweden, there is relatively small Japanese migrant population. This social science research paper is the first in Sweden which explores the immigration process of Japanese migrants into Sweden.

Shuttling Between Cultures: Expatriation in the Context of Sweden

Being a successful global business player depends on firm?s ability to mobilize its resources worldwide. For this reason getting the right people with the right skills, at the right time, at the right place is crucial and makes expatriation one of the most important issues of today?s business world agenda. In terms of expatriation; national culture provides the context for the whole process.

Ikoner för barn : Om användandet av ikoner som skyltning på Stadsbibliotekets barnavdelning

The City Library has a problem getting children interested in reading. Futhermore, there are no clear signs to aid children to navigate themselves to books targeted to their age group. To solve this problem, this thesis aims to design signs that is both illustrative and informative.Of the images that were tested during the research, I would assume that children in such a wide age range requires the simplest level of abstraction from testing the three testing icons, since the second level of abstraction was not interesting enough for the kids. The third, nearphotorealistic level was most liked by the children who were in the city library more often and looked for books themselves..

Design genom storytelling

Vår övertygelse är att en av de viktigaste budbärarna för ett företags identitet är produkterna och att ett långsiktigt varumärkesbyggande sker genom att knyta emotionella band mellan konsumenterna och varumärket. Detta handlar främst om vad konsumenten upplever när produkterna används.Vår målsättning var att bättre kunna förstå helheten runt användarupplevelsen och branding och därigenom skapa bättre verktyg för detta i vår designprocess. Målet var att komma fram till slutsatser kring hur vi som designer kan angripa dessa frågor på ett kreativt sätt.En stor del av vårt arbete har behandlat området branding i förhållande till design, men vi har även berört vissa områden som psykologi, innovation samt kreativa arbetsprocesser..

Interaktiv vittneskonfrontation : Utvecklandet av ett Directorspel för Internet

This final-year project has been performed at Strix production Efterlyst. The task has been to make a page under their homepage, with a game application that?s supposed to be interesting and also have a strong connection to the TV- program. In the first part of the report, the reader will learn about the preparing work that was done before the work with the final game began. It is in these two test versions all the technical problems were tested, to finally be used or thrown away.

Pilotstudie för utformning av modell att uvärdera utrustning

Swedish Trotting association was formed in 1925. They are the ones who design the regulations concerning what is permissible and not permissible for the horse, driver and trainer, when they have a license at a Swedish racing track. The Veterinary department of Swedish Trotting association decides in consultation with representatives from veterinaries around the country what is allowed and not allowed, based proven experience, combined with the availability of scientific data and Veterinary Department's own assessment. After stricter regulations for good animal welfare from the Swedish government, Swedish Trotting association is going to work out a workable model for how new equipment can be tested in the future to see how the equipment affects the horse. In the future, all equipment will be objectively tested before approved. The purpose of this work was to develop a well-functioning model for this. The research-question for this work is: Is this study design a well-functioning model of how the equipment should be tested in the future? The equipment used for designing this model was bitless bridle with a bit.

Demographic Surveillance System Implementation - Low-level structures of the PDA - PC/PDA communication

Demographic Surveillance System Implementation- Low-level structures of the PDA- PC/PDA communicationThis thesis report describes the continuing work to develop a tool for demographic research at CIDS (Centro de Investigación en Demografía y Salud Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua), UNAN, Leon/Nicaragua.The report is divided into four parts:? Revision of the existing database as a result of newly found requierments? Implementation of the low-level design on the PDA? Communication between the PC and the PDA? A mid-storage database on the client-PC.

En virtuell klädkollektion : En rapport om processen i att designa och illustrera en virtuell klädbutik till Stardoll.com

This is a report that goes through the design process of designing and illustrating a virtual clothing shop with the theme ?Stockholm Streetstyle? for the website ?Stardoll.com?. The purpose of the report is to examine how you can manage to get as close to designing a certain style or theme as possible, and also how the process of designing a clothing line can work, The illustrations were made in Adobe Illustrator and the final result of the project was an illustrated fashion collection with 21 parts, in the total of 6 outfits, and also a background for the shop. .

Teckensnitt och dess personlighetsdrag

När du arbetar med teckensnitt, vare sig du skapar ? eller helt enkelt väljer ett teckensnitt, finns det konsekvenser till följd av skapandet och/eller valet. Läslighet och läsbarhet ligger i hjärtat av teckensnitts utformning ? men principerna kring läslighet och läsbarhet är flexibla och kan komma att bortses ifrån, beroende på den tänkta kontexten för teckensnittet. Ett grepp om historiken bakom användningen av vissa teckensnitt, såväl som kunskap om de möjliga associationer de kan väcka är också av stor betydelse när man arbetar med teckensnitt. Forskning kring teckensnitt och läsbarhet har visat att en viss vikt ? för ett givet teckensnitt, är optimal för läsbarheten vid punktstorleken 10.

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