

742 Uppsatser om Depressed adults - Sida 8 av 50

Boulognerskogen : förslag till program för en stadslekpark

Boulognerskogen is a park in the central of Skövde that have had a health resort, paths for strolling, outdoor-bath, outdoor-sport areas and events. During the 1970:th there was a lack of interest for the park and very few visited it. By a motion from a resident in Skövde wich proposes that a city playground will be build in Boulognerskogen gave me an opportunity to investigate how the potential of the park can be used to create a funny and nice place to visit for children in company with adults. By a program that contains the main goals and design program for a city playground in Boulognerskogen, I wanted to present a proposal that could meet childrens needs to play and to use the conditions of the place to create places to play in, and where children in company with adults could be together. To reach this, I wanted to try different methods that could lead to a proposal that was well supported by children and adults, and wich was possible to use by the local authority in their further actions. The methods that I used was therefor an important part of the work. I have choosen to define the concept "city playground" as a greater playground situated in the center of the town that are suitable for outings and as a meetingplace, with a varation in playground attractions and promote children and adults to be together, aiming at younger children in the ages of 1-10 years in company with adults, but should also give space to activities of other groups.

Barn och buller : Hur barn och verksamhet på förskolan påverkas av en hög ljudnivå

There are a lot of different sounds in our sound saturated time. Noise is an unwishable soundand a high sound level can give short- or lingering problems for both children and adults.The purpose was to find out if and in that case why children and the activity at the pre-schoolaffects by a high soundlevel. Another purpose was to examine what the effects would be if thepedagogues set about the work to get a good sound environment at pre-school.The investigation was accomplished in shape of qualitative interwievs where six pedagoguesfrom different pre-schools answered questions about a high soundlevel.All of them have been educated to hearing pilotes.The result of this investigation shows that some pre-schools have a high sound levels but notall of them. In those cases where there is a high soundlevel are there often too many childrenat the same place on the same time. That makes the soundlevel even higher and both childrenand adults are getting tired.By improving the sound environment at the pre-school both children and adults often gets abetter activity.Keywords: high soundlevel, hearingpilot, noise, affects on children..

They just want all Palestine and they don't want us : En fallstudie från ett palestinskt flyktingläger på ockuperat område om ungdomars villkor i skapandet av ett socialt medborgarskap

The purpose of this case study was to examine consequences of a limited social citizenship among young adults in the refugee camp of DeHeishe in Palestine. In order to receive a profounder understanding of conditions and structures that affects young adult?s experiences of social citizenship, status in the community and practices a case study was carried out during April 2013.The data has been collected by triangulation, conducted through nine interviews, 52 survey forms and several observations in DeHeishe camp. The data was analyzed through the theoretical approach of social citizenship, intersectionality and the concept of ?empower-ment?.

Förståelighet och självskattad kommunikativ förmåga hos unga vuxna födda med och utan läpp-käk-gomspalt

In this comparative study, intelligibility (as measured by SWINT; SwedishIntelligibility Assessment) and self-rated communicative ability (as measuredby SOK; a self-report questionnaire concerning communication) were investigatedin 29 young adults with repaired cleft lip and palate (CLP) and in 50 age-matchedcontrols. The purpose of the study was to investigate if the outcome of these measuresdiffered between groups and/or with regard to sex, and also to identify possiblecorrelations between SOK and SWINT. Results show that young adults withrepaired CLP had a more positive attitude towards their communicative ability thancontrols, as did men with repaired CLP compared to male controls. Intelligibilitydid not differ between the two groups. A correlation between degree of intelligibilityand self-rated communicative ability was found in young adults with repairedCLP.

Unga kvinnors upplevelser av endometrios

ABSTRACTBackground: Endometriosis is a chronic disease where the tissue, that the uterus contains,also can be found outside the uterus.The objective of the study was to investigate young women?s experience of endometriosisand how they experience the care.Method: Fourteen young adults were asked to participate and eight of them did participate.They were all in the range of age 14-20 and they all had had contact with a unit forendometriosis in Sweden. Semai-structured interview was chosen as the data collectionmethod. An interview guide was used during the interviews. For the analysis aphenomenological method with focus upon experiences was used.Results: The result showed that the young adults? experiences in the daily living containedpain, alienation, tiredness and side effects.

Prövning av måttet Läpp-till-Lyft (L-t-L) på vuxna utan sväljsvårigheter

Context: Lip-to-Lift (L-t-L) is a bedside-method for measuring oral transit time at swallow. It was designed for a swallowing examination of persons on nursing homes where weight loss was noted in people with average L-t-L-time >5 seconds (Sandin, 2005). The measurement was validated and evaluated by Eriksson, Bremer Zerpe (2008).Objectives: The study objective was to examine L-t-L on a group of young adults without swallowing disorders and as to examine the inter- and intra-judgereliability of the measure.Questions:What is the L-t-L-time for young adults without swallowing disorders?Are there any gender differences regarding L-t-L-time?How high is the inter/intra-judge reliability of L-t-L?Method: Examination of L-t-L-time was carried out on 20 young adults, aged 19-27 years, without swallowing disorders after Sandin?s (2005) instructions. Measurements of 20 swallows per person were made.Results: The average L-t-L-time of young adults without deglutition-difficulties was 1.13 seconds (sd =.14).

Musikaliskt skapande : improvisation och komposition i olika sammanhang

 An analysis in the work of Martin Kellermans comic ?Rocky? of the interaction between the male and female characters and of how each of their gender are portrayed. We are going to find out if it is probable for young adults to be affected by any eventual gender-stereotypes that we can find in ?Rocky? or if ?Rocky? consolidates a stereotypical image of men and women that young adults might have developed through different media. We conduct this analys by first reading through random seleceted ?Rocky? books and present some of the comic strips where men and women interact with each other or discuss the opposite sex..

Masterarbete del I. Dokumentation av masterarbete : en sångteknisk undersökning av sångidealets utveckling genom tiderna

 An analysis in the work of Martin Kellermans comic ?Rocky? of the interaction between the male and female characters and of how each of their gender are portrayed. We are going to find out if it is probable for young adults to be affected by any eventual gender-stereotypes that we can find in ?Rocky? or if ?Rocky? consolidates a stereotypical image of men and women that young adults might have developed through different media. We conduct this analys by first reading through random seleceted ?Rocky? books and present some of the comic strips where men and women interact with each other or discuss the opposite sex..

Röster som inte hörs : En juridisk studie om hur barnperspektivet redovisas i LVU-domar

The child perspective is a complex area primarily because of its many ways of interpretation but also because children are considered to be less competent than adults. Our hypothesis was that adults in court-proceedings make decisions in the child?s place. The aim of this study was to investigate the judicial meaning of the child perspective in ?Socialtjänstlagen? (SoL) and ?lag om särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga? (LVU).

Mobbningens andra ansikte : En kvalitativ studie om hur mobbning och kränkande behandling uppstår bland pedagoger i förskolemiljön

Very often we are likely to hear how important it is as adults to help small children and pupils out of bullying situations, both for the bullied one and the bully. What we often tend to forget is that bullying situations among adults are as common as the ones children put up with. The only difference is that the ones adults go through is a much more silent one, and the bullies often have a better strategy on how to beat down their victims slowly. Some of the cases also show that the bullying that is happening among adults is similar to the one between children. The risks in the bullying that occurs in the work environment are such as: bad self-esteem, doubting in their roles as professionals, anger, depression, anxiety and in some cases can be so dangerous that the suffered one eventually commits suicide.

Verkligen väldigt mycket förstärkningsord : En studie i ungdomars användning av förstärkningsord

Our exam paper is about young adults? use of intensifiers in school papers. The theoretical background includes previous research about intensifiers in the Swedish language and above all young adults? use of intensifiers. We have chosen to focus on all intensifying expressions which young adults? use, because we did not want to limit our research material.

Det slutna rummet : En studie av högstadieelevers upplevelser, erfarenheter och känslor i idrottens omklädningsrum

This study concerns the experiences and feelings students in intermediate school gain from the changing room to sports class. It is a qualitative study with a socio-cultural approach, which has been analysed in a hermeneutic way. The students? voices have been heard through interviews and questionnaires, and furthermore, to get a broader perspective, adults working in school, have also been interviewed. The study shows that many children feel discomfort without clothes in the changing room, furthermore that the absence of adults in this room may add to exercise of power amongst the student, like abuse, direct- and indirect threats or to exclude someone from the group.

Rocky och Brudarna : Hur män respektive kvinnor framställs i Martin Kellermans serie ?Rocky?

 An analysis in the work of Martin Kellermans comic ?Rocky? of the interaction between the male and female characters and of how each of their gender are portrayed. We are going to find out if it is probable for young adults to be affected by any eventual gender-stereotypes that we can find in ?Rocky? or if ?Rocky? consolidates a stereotypical image of men and women that young adults might have developed through different media. We conduct this analys by first reading through random seleceted ?Rocky? books and present some of the comic strips where men and women interact with each other or discuss the opposite sex..

Nyblivna mödrars erfarenheter av initiering av amning : En jämförelse mellan tre kliniker

ABSTRACTThe aim of this study was to describe various methods of treatment and effects of treatment of ADHD, and to investigate wheater there is an association between adults with ADHD and obesity. Method:  Literature review. Twelve quantitative scientific articles were found in the data bases PubMed, Cinahl and MedLine.  Result: ADHD is a cognitive impairment that can lead to serious complications such as obesity. Studies show that drug treatments of adults with ADHD have positive effects in terms of reduced symptoms, increased efficiency and improved quality of life, but drugs can also cause side effects in form of loss of appetite and insomnia. For adults with ADHD and obesity drugs that affect metabolism have a significant impact on patients ability to lose weight.

"Fördjuparen" och "Uppdateraren" - nya mönster för nyhetsanvändning för unga vuxna

AbstractTitle: The ?Investigator? and the ?Updater? ? new patterns of news use among young adults.Number of pages: 48Author: Anna StrinnholmTutor: Amelie HössjerCourse: Media and Communications, D- levelPeriod: Fall of 2005University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/Aim: The aim of this essay is to provide an description of how daily newspaper, TV, radio and the Internet are used by young adults in order to contribute to Lennar Weibulls model ?a typology of the Swedish mediasystem from an audience perspectiv?.Method/Material: The method of gathering of empirical material has been conducted by interviewing eight people of how they use daily newspapers, TV, radio and The internet to inform themselves of the daily news. The empirical material has then been analysed by applying a two step method, of first making a summary of the interviews and secondly making a comparison with a model of Lennart Weibull ?a typology of the Swedish mediasystem from an audience perspectiv? .Main results:Two different types of ideal media users can be drawn from the empirical research, the ?Investigator? and the ?Updater?. The updater search for news to stay updated and relies on the Internet as main source of information.

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