

13 Uppsatser om Dependencies - Sida 1 av 1

Kundlönsamhetsanalys som avbildande kalkyl och medskapande praktik: En fallstudie av Billerud

In recent years, customer profitability has become a focal point of academic discussions on business performance. However, researchers remain divided as to how evaluation of customers ought to be conducted, resulting in uncertainty of how accounting systems should be adapted to prevailing conditions. This paper aims to investigate the application of customer accounting techniques and the role they play in the organisational and commercial context in which they take place. In a case study of Billerud, a Swedish company providing materials and services for packaging solutions, the interplay between customer accounting techniques and customer relationship characteristics has been examined through the application of a theoretical framework developed by Lind and Strömsten. Particular emphasis has been put on deviations from the prescribed pattern of the framework.

3D-bootstrap - Konfidensintervall för guldfyndigheter

This paper deals with evaluating 3D-bootstrap for the mining company New Boliden in an attempt to revise their current method of calculating average gold riches in different areas. The purpose is to find one-sided 3D-bootstrap confidence bound of the average gold riches. There lacks well-defined theory behind using 3D-bootstrap, in this paper the variogram is used as an estimate of Dependencies between the observations, and the block length is chosen to be higher than this estimate. In aid of this, a simulated data material is conducted to check the validity of 3D-bootstrap in a controlled area where the theoretical value is known. The results are inconclusive, and further studies are needed..

Modernisering av GCM : Ett webbgränssnitt för hantering av artikelinformation

GCM is a product information management system which handles data for consumer packaged goods. GCM was developed during the middle of the nineties and was acquired by Prevas AB in 2004. The GCM application relies on the services provided by the organization GS1, which supplies global specifications and validations for trade items across several sectors. GCM is updated regularly due to the frequent changes in specifications from GS1. However, the overall graphical user interface design has not been redesigned during these years.This dissertation studies possible improvements for the webpage that handles product data in GCM.

Optimering av projektering i byggbranschen

I varje projekt finns det brister i kommunikation som kan leda till att kostnad, tid och kvalitét påverkas. Varje projekt är en tillfällig organisation med olika företag och olika personer med varierande erfarenheter inom projektering. Detta medför att varje projekt är i sig unikt och hur alla ska kommunicera med varandra kan vara stora frågetecken under projekteringens förlopp. Denna rapport tittar närmare på vilka brister och svårigheter som kan uppkomma i projekteringskedet..

OLJEKRISEN 1973 - En studie i politisk ekonomi kring förlopp och effekter i Sverige och Danmark

ABSTRACTThis thesis focuses on the OPEC oil crisis of 1973 and its impact on the Scandinavian countries of Sweden and Denmark. Starting from Walter Carlsnaes theory of energy vulnerability, the concepts of vulnerability and national security are tested on the selected cases and an array of policy alternatives are assessed. Posited available options like oil stockpiling, conservation, renewable energy and international coordination are evaluated as means for ameliorating the vulnerability of the nations. The theory chosen is further expounded with a consensus element to reinforce its explanatory power. The thesis utilizes a wide range of material from parliamentary records to daily newspapers in an attempt to shed some light on the interplay between economics and politics.Sweden and Denmark evince diverging developments despite their common starting point with exceptionally high oil Dependencies and can be located on different ends of the energy policy gamut.

En långsiktig järnvägslösning i Stockholmsregionen : En studie av vilka krav Trafikverket bör ta hänsyn till i sitt planeringsarbete

Travelling by train has increased during the last decades in Sweden. This has put pressure on the existing infrastructure and has created problems with delays and cancelled departures. The railway is a complex system with mutual Dependencies and high vulnerability for disruptions. The situation for the railway system in the Stockholm region is today strained. The capacity is fully used.

Förutsättningar för småskalig solelproduktion i Australien

The study aims to investigate the feasibility of small-scale electricity production with solar electricity systems, also known as PV (photovoltaic) systems, in Australia. Due to the global warming, sustainable energy has in recent years become an increasingly important issue, both internationally and in Australia. With one of the largest Dependencies on fossil energy sources in the world, the country's abundant solar radiation is a possible solution to this issue.Both the technical and the economic feasibility of small-scale PV systems were investigated. On the technological side, the electricity generation, distribution and consumption systems were studied. On the economical side, the parameters that drive the profitability of a PV investment were investigated.

Riskhantering av kritiska infrastrukturtjänster : En studie av Apotekens Service ur ett HRO-perspektiv

Risk management has become a key ingredient for businesses all over the world. High Reliability Organizations (HRO) has distinguished themselves as experts in this area. By continuously focusing on improving their ability to manage risks they?ve been able to successfully avoid catastrophes in environments where normal accidents can be expected due to complexity and risk factors.The aim of the thesis is to improve the risk management at Apotekens Service by applying theories from HRO and safety culture. In July 2009, following the re-regulation of the Swedish pharmacy market, Apotekens Service AB was appointed national pharmacy infrastructure supplier for the Swedish health care system.

Manligt och kvinnligt missbruk : Livshistorier om vägen in, tiden under och vägen ut ur missbruk.

Alcohol and drug abuse is something that undoubtedly exists in our society today. Our interest in this area was inspired by an earlier study of the influence of socialization on these Dependencies. From this we developed new hypotheses concerning men and women?s drug and alcohol abuse. The main purpose of this study was to highlight the experiences and reflections of six women and seven men on their own alcohol or drug abuse.

Manligt och kvinnligt missbruk - Livshistorier om vägen in, tiden under och vägen ut ur missbruk.

Alcohol and drug abuse is something that undoubtedly exists in our society today. Our interest in this area was inspired by an earlier study of the influence of socialization on these Dependencies. From this we developed new hypotheses concerning men and women?s drug and alcohol abuse. The main purpose of this study was to highlight the experiences and reflections of six women and seven men on their own alcohol or drug abuse.

Demokrati i nätverk : eller att shoppa demokrati

Abstract D Level Essay in Political Science, Spring Semester 2010 by Sangrid von Zedtwitz-Liebenstein. Tutor: Malin Stegmann McCallion. ?Democratic Accountability in Networks? The aim of this study is to highlight the problem of the democratic deficit in the private-public partnerships in Sweden. This is a comparative case study with four ideal types.

Design och implementering av ett webbaserat personalhanteringssystem

Quickmatch is a company that recruits students to other companies that need temporary workers. Today all administration is done by hand, which is very time demanding and therefore inefficient. Employees send assignment reports by e-mail about the working hours and breaks to the administration office. Since these reports are handled manually, there is a great need for an automated system that makes the company more scalable.The purpose of this work was to solve the defined problem, i. e.

Ett börsanalyssystem i WPF

Denna rapport beskriver arbetet med att designa och utveckla en plattform för simulering ochutvärdering av olika tradingsystem.Det viktigaste kravet som sattes upp i examenarbetets förstudie var att åstakomma en flexibel ochutbyggbar grunddesign för att man vid senare tillfälle ska kunna uttöka systemet vartefter behov avmer funktionalitet uppstår i en snabbt föränderlig finansiell värld. Vidare skulle Microsofts allrasenaste teknik användas.Resultatet blev systemet Trader som är en modulbaserad applikation med tydliga riktlinjer för hurmoduler ska laddas, skapas, initieras samt hur de kommunicerar med varandra utan överflödigaberoenden. Vägen dit gick via inlärning av diverse designmönster och designprinciper. Omfattandeanvändning av händelser och kommandon för kommunikation mellan olika moduler samtprogrammerandet mot interface istället för konkreta objekt i alla lägen gav få beroenden och enflexibel och utbyggbar grunddesign.Trader kan koppla upp sig mot börsen för att hämta kursdata. Denna data kan sedan användas för attutvärdera hur olika tradingsystem skulle ha presterat i olika tidsintervall.