

1529 Uppsatser om Degree of Internationalization (DOI) - Sida 40 av 102

Ombyggnad av lägenheter i ett 1950-tals flerbostadshus till kontorsbyggnad

The report aim to increase awareness of factors that have a major role whenremodelling an apartment building from the 1950s to offices.The thesis can be used for future projects when remodelling apartments to offices.The report can provide ideas and inspirations on how this can be done in aneffective way, ie . A way that does not require rebuilding the supporting structure,but only non bearing walls. The thesis also gives insight on the parts that will needto be supplemented from Boverket?s requirements in terms of accessibility,acoustic and fire requirements.The methods used in this thesis are literature studies, case study and sketch work.In the literature studies, the primary sources were Boverkets byggregler BBR, andArbetsmiljöverkets föreskrift AFS 2009:2 but other literature were also used. Theprimary items were chosen from the literature studies and they were furtheranalysed in the sketch work.

Affären Astoria Cinemas: Om en biografkedjas korta levnad

In May 2005 the Swedish cinema chain Astoria Cinemas is founded and in July two years later the company goes bankrupt. In this thesis Astoria Cinemas is used as an example to illustrate the conditions for a culture-producing company in a commercial market. The purpose of the thesis is to discuss the strategies for cultural production that has been used by the actors involved in the Swedish cinema market, and also to discuss the structural environment on that market. It is a qualitative study based on interviews and documentation. A few conclusions are possible to draw from the empirical material, one is that Astoria Cinemas? management did not agree on the company?s business strategy and therefore might have acted strategically inconsistent.

Kundbibehållande och lönsamma kundrelationer genom relationsmarknadsföring: fallstudier på JOB media och Polardörren AB

This thesis focuses on RM and customer relationships and tries to answer two research questions: how firms can retain customers and how to generate profitable customer relationships by using relationship marketing. We conducted case studies on JOB media, a company in Luleå, and Polardörren, a company in Öjebyn, Piteå. Our research has revealed that in many ways our case study companies conform in major ways to the theory in this particular area. However there are differences between how these two firms go about in regard to customer retention and establishing profitable customer relationship. We have discovered that JOB media, which is a service company is more inclined to maintaining close and long-term relationships with its customers.

Revisorers internationella mobilitet

Syftet med den här uppsatsen var att undersöka vad som påverkar revisorns val att arbeta eller inte arbeta internationellt och i vilken mån detta påverkar honom.Eftersom vi inte fann någon passande teori beslöt vi oss för att skapa vår egen. Denna teori utgår från egna antaganden och andras teorier och har byggts upp med hjälp av fem hypoteser, vilka vi rangordnat efter hur mycket vi antar att de påverkar revisorns val. De fem hypoteserna är: legala, stabilitet, sociala, kulturella och ekonomiska. Då vi ville gör arbetet mer intressant valde vi att undersöka tre länder: Sverige, Storbritannien och Kroatien, detta medförde att vi kunde göra jämförelser mellan revisorer från dessa länder.För att det skulle vara möjligt för oss att uppfylla syftet och för att kunna testa om vår teori var korrekt samlade vi in primärdata och sekundärdata. Primärdatan består av svaren vi fick på våra e-postenkäter medan sekundärdatan innehåller information om revisorsutbildningarna samt information om Sverige, Storbritannien och Kroatien.Utifrån analyser på dessa data drog vi slutsatsen att vår teori inte var korrekt fullt ut då hypoteserna legala och stabilitet ej påverkade revisorns val att arbeta eller inte arbeta internationellt i den utsträckning som vi antog.

Axess och feminism : En kritisk granskning blir kritiskt granskad

This essay is about a debate concerning the magazine Axess, feminism and antifeminism - in relation to a issue of Axess called To a new feminism. The theoretical foundation of this essay is Pierre Bourdieu and his field theories. The battles taking place in this particular field concerns the positioning of feminism and antifeminism in the way we culturally interpret these in our society. The essay shows that the magazine Axess (at least in the first edition of 2012) links feminism with a very prominent symbolic capital in a culture context. This discussion can at times seem confusing, and this is probably due to the fact that Bourdieus symbolic capital can be a very abstract concept. The journalist and author Maria Sveland writes about the development of a culture moving towards accepting antifeminism (and also xenophobia). She expresses the opinion that this, to a high degree, is due to actors in the culture domain with a big amount of trust in the public eye has moved towards expressing anti-feministic (and xenophobic) views.

Dekonstruktion är en dygd. En studie av moralpraktiker hos Thomas av Aquino i ljuset av Derrida

This study departs in a critique issued against the ethics of deconstruction that it does not provide good enough advice for how to turn its ehtics into "real life"-actions. Taking up the concept of moral practices as found in e.g. Alisdain MacIntyre, Stanley Hauerwas, James K.A. Smith, and Roland Spjuth, this study turns to medieval theologian Thomas Aquinas as a potential resource. Combining the teachings in Aquinas' Summa Thologica with a look into his life as a Domninican, a list of moral practices is put forth and analyzed in conjunction with Derrida's ethics.

Ett förslag till arbetsmöbel för användning i det offentliga rummet. : -examensarbete i samarbete med Nola AB

During spring 2007, I Matilda Lindblom, undertook my Bachelor Degree project in Furniture Design. The supervisors were Agneta Stake at Nola in Stockholm and Leo Jóhannsson, teacher and examiner at Carl Malmsten CTD in Stockholm.The project was based on three elements:? Cooperate together with a producer for professional supervision? Learn to work from a given design brief.? To learn more about industrial production? Learn more about furniture for public areasI contacted a furniture producer called Nola AB, in Stockholm, who became my work partner during this project. The asked me to design a piece of furniture where you can sit and work with a laptop on. The target was for public areas, for example in parks, malls, or at airports.In cooperation with Nola, my ambition was to develop this piece of furniture that was the answers on their wishes and demands.

Budgetlöst företagande : Praktikfallet Svenska Handelsbanken

Background: Budgets has always been a main factor for the management of organisations. Yet, lately has the role of budgets been increasingly questioned. But how is an organisation managed without budgets and what other alternatives can be used? And can these instruments work more effective?Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to describe how non-budget management distinguish compare to traditional management and how to design an effective non-budget system of management. Furthermore we intend to explain the reasons to such management and to present a model for how such a management can be performed.Research method: Empirical material has been performed based on seven interviews with persons within Svenska Handelsbanken.

Ensamkommande flyktingbarns motivation till skola och arbete : - ?Varje dag människor går framåt ett steg, och det händer genom kunskapen.? Abbe

The purpose of this paper is to examine motivation in studies and/or work among unaccompanied adolescents who received asylum in Sweden. We have examined how six unaccompanied refugee boys? ages 15-18 years describe their motivation, regarding both current studies and their potential future studies or work. We have attempted to capture the children?s stories about what the factors are that increase or decrease their motivation through qualitative research interviews.

Molecular testing of raspberry plants infected with tomato black ring virus

Nematode-transmitted plant viruses (such as nepoviruses) cause great economically losses in commercially important plants such as tomatoes, grapevines and raspberries all over the world. To avoid spread of the viruses the interest in mapping the viruses has increased. One of the important nepoviruses infecting European red raspberries (Rubus idaeus) is Tomato black ring virus (TBRV). TBRV has earlier been confirmed in raspberry samples from Belarus by ELISA and the aim of this bachelor degree project was to confirm these results by amplifying, cloning and sequencing the coat protein (CP) gene of the virus. In total eight viral cDNA samples, from two different raspberry samples, were amplified and sequenced.

Kraften i motivation! : Studiemotivation hos elever i åk 9

Following study is about motivation from a student perspective. Based on the prescribed literature and published research, the concept and field of motivation have been illuminated. The purpose of the study was to examine how students in ninth grade perceived their educational motivation and what kind importance they considered it had for their performance in school. The study is also supposed to base upon the result; clarify the differences if any between schools. In an attempt to get a clear image of this a quantitative method in the form of surveys was made on two schools in the Stockholm region. One of the schools had a really good merit value, and the other had a rather poor merit- value. By choosing a quantitative method a relatively large number of students where able to participate and equally large quantity of statistics have been presented. The result point at motivation in the participating students in both schools can increase and decrease through different factors.

Ohälsa hos polisen : en explorativ undersökning av riskfaktorer och dess påverkan på mental ohälsa

Earlier psychological research on stress and its complex of problems has identified several factors which have shown a relation with the occurrence of a poorer mental ill-health. In this study some of these factors have been examined in 69 police officers from Stockholm, Lund and Helsingborg. In the study, police officers with high and low self reported ill-health were compared considering trait anxiety, alexithymia and posttraumatic stress symptoms.The results showed that police officers with poorer mental ill health had a significant higher degree of trait anxiety, the dimension of alexithymia difficulty identifying feelings and the PTSD-dimension avoidance and hyperarousal. The results also showed several positive relations among the variables that divided the groups. On account of the last-mentioned the results will above all be discussed in an integrating perspective..

Nivåbaserat läromedel för läsinlärning : En läsbarhetsanalys av Den magiska kulan

The aim of the study is to examine a book used as level-based teaching material, Denmagiska kulan (Wänblad, 2011), to analyse the progression within and between thedifferent levels, A, B and C, intended for use in grade 1. The material is designed so thatpupils at different levels in their reading development can share the same literature.Another aim is to study the connection between illustrations and text. This literaturestudy is based on both a qualitative and a quantitative method of analysis. Thequalitative method applies a readability analysis with the focus on the graphic form andthe language of the text. The quantitative method measures the LIX (readability index)of the texts.

När tippen blir toppen -En studie om soptippars omvandling : Hur blir de en tillgång och för vem?

A high degree of urbanization with growing cities has raised a need of transforming closed landfill sites for giving them new uses. This study aims to investigate how old landfills can be re-used, what has lead to the new uses, and for what and whom the transformed site will be an asset. The method used is a case study of four different landfills in Stockholm county, Sweden. The case study is analyzed in the light of former studies regarding re-use of degraded urban areas, so called brownfields, and in particular studies and reports of landfill re-use. The result indicates that old landfill sites is identified as an area with possible values if transformed properly, in the case study area especially as green structure and recreation areas.

Modernistiska och postmodernistiska aspekter av konst i offentlig miljö : En komparativ studie

This essay is about a debate concerning the magazine Axess, feminism and antifeminism - in relation to a issue of Axess called To a new feminism. The theoretical foundation of this essay is Pierre Bourdieu and his field theories. The battles taking place in this particular field concerns the positioning of feminism and antifeminism in the way we culturally interpret these in our society. The essay shows that the magazine Axess (at least in the first edition of 2012) links feminism with a very prominent symbolic capital in a culture context. This discussion can at times seem confusing, and this is probably due to the fact that Bourdieus symbolic capital can be a very abstract concept. The journalist and author Maria Sveland writes about the development of a culture moving towards accepting antifeminism (and also xenophobia). She expresses the opinion that this, to a high degree, is due to actors in the culture domain with a big amount of trust in the public eye has moved towards expressing anti-feministic (and xenophobic) views.

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