

1529 Uppsatser om Degree of Internationalization (DOI) - Sida 15 av 102

Fågelskådare och lantbrukare i samarbete : kommunikation och naturvård i jordbrukslandskapet

In the spring of 2006 a pilot project was initiated by The Rural Economy and Agricultural Societies of Sweden together with The Swedish Ornithological Society in order to increase collaboration between bird watchers and farmers. The project as a whole comprised 11 farms in South-Central Sweden. The aim was to benefit the decreasing populations of bird species related to the agricultural landscape. The purpose of this master thesis was to study how similarities and differences between bird watchers and farmers regarding opinions about nature, landscape, agriculture, birds and nature conservation have influenced the collaboration. Four of the farmers and five of the bird watchers that participated in the project were included in this study.

Tycker dagens naturbrukselev att djurskötaryrket har hög status? :

In this degree project I have tried to analyse thoughts about what?s important in the future work among students that are leaving the Land and animal husbandry programme. I have also asked employer to understand to what degree they knew about the coming employees thoughts about the future. The method was a questionnaire which was sent to 14 schools of Land and animal husbandry. The questionnaire was answered by students in their last schoolterm. I got 167 answers from students. 11 employer also were asked about their ideas conserning the students thoughts about their coming work. The questions where about wages, working environement, responsibility and further education. The questions were multiple choise.

Skandinavisk modernism i USA

The Swedish retail business has been characterized by a small number of ruling distributors. These distributors have been affected negatively by the internationalization which has made it possible for international distributors to establish their stores in the Swedish market. These international distributors are focused on low price stores. Their establishment on the Swedish market has led to a decrease in market shares for the Swedish distributors, which has damaged their profitability. Another change that has affected the Swedish distributors is that the behavior and needs of the customers has changed.

Prissättning Ekologiska livsmedel

The Swedish retail business has been characterized by a small number of ruling distributors. These distributors have been affected negatively by the internationalization which has made it possible for international distributors to establish their stores in the Swedish market. These international distributors are focused on low price stores. Their establishment on the Swedish market has led to a decrease in market shares for the Swedish distributors, which has damaged their profitability. Another change that has affected the Swedish distributors is that the behavior and needs of the customers has changed.

Den anglosaxiska trusten : En analys av en förmånstagares beskattningskonsekvenser av trustegendom som utgörs av aktier

The Anglo-Saxon trust is not a new phenomenon, but existed as early as in the Middle Ages. The concept is customary among common-law countries, such as England the US,but unfamiliar to civil-law countries like Sweden. The person who creates the trust is called a settlor, the one who holds and administer the property is a trustee and the person who benefits from the settlement is called a beneficiary.In Sweden there is no legislation of how the trust ought to be assessed, but the need to understand it has probably increased with the internationalization.The Swedish Supreme Administrative Court has had a few opportunities to elucidate some of the uncertainties regarding trusts, but chose to abstain. With this The Swedish Tax Panel has very limited guidance from the court when they receive an application of an advance notice.A trust is not a legal entity nor a tax subject. This differs the trust from a foundation and they can not be placed on an equality from a Swedish tax perspective.In an advance notice, 2010-03-23 (dnr 103-09/D) om Inkomstskatt: Inkomst av tjänst ? värdepappersförmån, the Swedish Tax Panel equalizes the trust property with shares when determining how to tax the assets.

Koordination i förändring : En balanserad historia om kunskapsintensiva företag

Background: The dependency on knowledge and competence today is more critical than earlier. Today, companies need to put more effort into identifying and filling knowledge gaps, which can be achieved through mergers and acquisitions. It is important that the companies succeed in coordinating their operations after this process of change. Out of a theoretical point of view it can be argued that companies need to balance between different coordination mechanisms that result in standardized and flexible coordination respectively. Purpose: The purpose of this Master Thesis is, in the context of a merger, to investigate and analyze which coordination mechanisms that are used in knowledge-intensive companies, how these coordination mechanisms are combined and what explains the chosen combination.

DDC:s avdelning 150 : en analys av psykologins klassifikation under perioden 1932-2011

This master?s thesis focus on Dewey Decimal Classification during the period 1932 to 2011, where the classification of the psychological knowledge domain is analyzed and discussed. In the light of the recent swedish switch from the swedish classification system SAB to DDC, this research area deserves prominence. The aim of this study is to investigate how DDC represents the historical development of the psychology subject with its underlying epistemology, to identify and analyze values and prejudice, and to analyze problems with DDC?s classification of psychology in relation to three other classification systems.

Tillfällig klädförvaring

This degree project has been carried out by Niclas Andersson and Sebastian Zwahlen, students of the Innovation and Design Engineering Program at the Faculty of Technology and Science at Karlstad University. The project was carried out during the spring 2010 and includes 22, 5 ETCS credits.Initially the group had contact with the company Mavis möbler AB. Mavis gave the group the task of developing a new bedroom product. To assess the needs and problems of bedroom behaviors, an extensive questionnaire and several interviews were made. This became the starting point for further work.According to the results uncovered during the market research a vast problem was found with temporary clothing storage.

En guide till det goda livet? Om gymnasieungdomars syn på religion och religiösa människor

The aim of this essay is to investigate the attitudes towards religion and religious people held by a group of Swedish high school students. The main questions are; what causes these attitudes andhow do they shape the students? encounter with religion and religious people and in what way could religious education help the students problematize these attitudes?The method used is a quantitative method using a questionnaire, with a Likert scale, posing different questions about religion as such, world religion and religious people. The theoretical basis, in order to discuss the result of the questionnaire, is a gender theory and the theory of social psychology.The result of the study confirms earlier studies of youths both in Sweden and Western Europe. The result shows that there is a certain degree of negative attitudes towards religion, most of all againstIslam.

Parkens belysning :

In the city of Kungälv, there are many important green areas without park lightning. This makes it unsafe to walk through the city's most attractive surroundings during many parts of the year. Partly in general and partly specifically for Kungälv, this paper shows that there are strong long-term arguments for making parks available by the use of lightning. This is not about lightening up the whole city, but finding the important green communication paths and parks. This paper also reflects upon how to lighten up these green communication paths and parks for best result. That is a question about creating good sight conditions ? safe and attractive parks which attracts people to use them. Offering a city's inhabitants good and attractive alternatives to using the car is an important task for city planers.

Integration mellan skog & förädlingsindustri : en intervjuundersökning

The aim of this master thesis is to study the integration in Sweden between forestry and bulky industries as fiber- and sawmilling companies. The analysis is based on theories about transaction cost economies and competitive strategy. The studied companies are active on the Swedish roundwood market. The buying actors on this market were divided into two groups; fiber- and sawmill industries. Three companies from each group were chosen subjectively by the author.

Varumärkesstrategier : Användningen av EMV för att skapa kundlojalitet i den svenska dagligvaruhandeln

The Swedish retail business has been characterized by a small number of ruling distributors. These distributors have been affected negatively by the internationalization which has made it possible for international distributors to establish their stores in the Swedish market. These international distributors are focused on low price stores. Their establishment on the Swedish market has led to a decrease in market shares for the Swedish distributors, which has damaged their profitability. Another change that has affected the Swedish distributors is that the behavior and needs of the customers has changed.

Ridhästens samling : en jämförelse av subjektiva bedömningar och objektiv kinematisk analys

The modern veterinarian in horse practice is often consulted by horse owners concerning riding problems. These problems are more complex and show other characteristics than traditional lameness. For the diagnostic process and to give adequate advice the veterinarians need an understanding of riding terminology and problems related to riding. It is also of high importance that riders, trainers and veterinarians increase the knowledge of equine biomechanics and how these are influenced by the rider. Collection is an important concept in the riding terminology.


This bachelor thesis is intended to point out differences within the supervisors? role and contribute in making the role more attractive. At present the information about how the supervisors? perspective varies on the supervisors? role and the introduction to it depending on work experience and education is unknown. Further it was investigated why the supervisors? role is seen as an entrance to the building industry and how to develop the role to encourage the supervisors to stay longer within it.In the collection of data we have been interviewing supervisors and studying literature.

Optimering av produktionsflo?de fo?r hydraultankar : Fo?r en ba?ttre och sa?krare arbetsmiljo?

?Optimizing the workflow of hydraulic reservoir tanks? is a degree project made by Jonas Olsson, student within the faculty of technology and science, during spring semester 2012. The project comprise 22,5 ECTS.Volvo Construction Equipment, located in Arvika, was the client in this project. The mentor at Volvo CE was A?sa Barck, and the mentor at Karlstad University was Monica Jakobsson.

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