

1507 Uppsatser om Degenerative joint disease rehabilitation - Sida 40 av 101

Helikopterns förmågor i gemensamma operationer

Modern krigföring genomförs till stor del i form av gemensamma operationer. Helikoptern är en relativt ny tillgång i modern krigföring men används i stor utsträckning för olika uppgifter. Helikopterns förmåga att flyga men ändå bibehålla en nära kontakt med markstyrkorna har gjort den unik, men det har även inneburit att den har varit svår att placera, luft eller mark, vilket i sin tur inneburit att teoriutvecklingen kring helikoptern gått långsamt. Uppsatsen skall beskriva ett tänkbart sätt att nyttja helikopterns förmågor i gemensamma operationer. Arbetet utförs i två steg där första steget görs för att generera en teori utifrån teorier om kombinerad bekämpning, gemensamma operationer och teorier om helikopterns förmågor.

För ung för att dö : En litteraturöversikt baserad på yngre patienters tankar om hur de hanterar att leva med cancer

Background: Approximately one in three Swedish people will receive a cancer diagnosis. Cancer primarily affects the elderly but also young people suffer. Young people are in a period of life that could put a strain of the ordinary when they are faced with choices and new challenges. The basic sense of security in everyday life is not so obvious and many suffer from, for example, stress and the feeling of being inadequate in relation to the requirements. It is relevant that the nurses can put themselves into what it is like to be young and afflicted with cancer, with the pressures of life itself and what the disease represents.

PosteriorUretravalvel : Kanflödesmätningochresidualurinmätningersättacystometrividinitialbedömningavblåsfunktionen?

ECG-Screening for young elite athletesAbstractBackgroundSudden cardiac death (SCD) during physical activity is a frightening and emotional tragedy that draws huge media attentions when it occurs. Fortunately it is a relatively uncommon occurrence but happens nonetheless to young athletes who often seems to be in perfect health. SCD is used as a term for sudden unexpected complications on the cardiovascular system that leads to a deadly outcome normally within the first hour of onset of symptoms and the cause is some sort of underlying cardiovascular disease that gets triggered by physical activity.Normally athletes gets divided into two groups dependent on age, over and under 35 years, and this studies focus is on the younger group since it is often during this period athletes are at the elite level. It is also in this category the most unexpected sudden deaths occur that is not due to coronary atherosclerosis, which is the dominant cause of death, and drastically increases, for people over 35 years old.AimThe aim of this study was to scientific and unbiased analyze peer-reviewed clinical articles todescribe the pros, cons and cost to implement an ECG-screening as a standard before physicalactivities for specifically defined elite athletes.MethodA systematic review was performed and after all data collection 21 articles was chosen to beused as a base for both background and analyze. At the end 10 articles was fulfilling the criteria to be used at the analyze and later the results.ResultsThe implementation of ECG-screening has reduced SCD in Italy by 89 % between the years 1979-2004.

  ...egentligen har jag väl alla möjligheter... :   -En kvalitativ studie om upplevt handlingsutrymme hos enhetschefer.

 Our study aims at investigating the unit manager?s, within LSS, perceiveddiscretion, when people with Down´s syndrome develop Alzheimer?s disease. We wanted to know what they perceive as limiting factors or facilitators in order to meet changing and/or emerging needs, as well as how they interpret their discretion in relation to this. We have conducted semi-structured qualitative interviews with five unit mangers within LSS.When analyzing the interview material, we have used a theoretical approach from a street-level bureaucracy and from the unit managers? perceiveddiscretion point of view.Our study?s result demonstrate that the unit managers are experiencing a wide discretion and do not feel a need to widen their identifieddiscretion..

Why does trehalose not improve autophagy in the SOD1G93A transgenic mouse model of familial ALS?

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is one of the major neurodegenerative diseases, causing an ascending paralysis that usually kills the patient within a few years from disease onset. The motor neurons show aggregates of proteins which in approximately 20 % of cases of the familial form contain mutated SOD1 protein. Trehalose is a disaccharide which has been shown to reduce protein aggregation and increase viability in cell models and alleviate symptoms in animal models of several neurodegenerative diseases associated with protein aggregation. When given orally to the SOD1G93A mouse model of ALS, trehalose failed to slow down the disease progression, which has led to questions about the uptake and distribution of the molecule in this mouse strain. The aim of this study was to investigate whether significant levels of trehalose reach the central nervous system of the SOD1G93A mouse after oral administration. This was performed by a trehalose assay of the brain of trehalose treated animals. A glucose assay was optimised for use in small samples of brain lysate after the digestion of trehalose into glucose by trehalase, and the difference in glucose concentration before and after digestion represented the trehalose level.

Konsekvenser av att leva med Crohns sjukdom eller ulcerös kolit : En litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Crohns sjukdom och ulcerös kolit är två huvudtyper som utmärker inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom. Inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom påverkar mag- och tarmkanalen och har ett oförutsägbart sjukdomsförlopp. Inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom debuterar vanligtvis i åldern 15-30 och kan ge ogynnsamma konsekvenser i personens dagliga aktiviteter eftersom han eller hon är upptagen med att exempelvis studera, skapa karriär eller bilda familj. Sjukdomarna har flera gemensamma särdrag där de förekommer i så kallade skov med perioder med försämring då tarmslemhinnan blir inflammerad och sårig, vilket leder till symtom som exempelvis blodiga eller slemmiga diarréer, viktnedgång, buksmärtor och trötthetSyfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva konsekvenser av att leva med Crohns sjukdom eller Ulcerös kolit hos vuxna personer.Metod: En litteraturöversikt. En litteratursökning gjordes som ledde till sex granskade artiklar.

Män och kvinnors upplevelser av delaktighet i det vardagliga livet efter en höftfraktur

Studien inriktade sig på individer vars falltrauma resulterat i höftfraktur. Syftet med studien var att beskriva hur män och kvinnor upplever delaktighet i det vardagliga livet efter en höftfraktur. Urvalet bestod av tio deltagare, med jämn fördelning av könen. Studien hade en kvalitativ ansats och bearbetades med innehållsanalys. Resultatet visade att det förekom tydliga aktivitetsinskränkningar som med förde en ökas isolering och socialt tillbakadragande, vilket bidrog till att deltagarna upplevde minskad delaktighet i vardagen.

Nätverkens betydelse för turistdestinationen : en studie av gotländska turistrelaterade nätverk

The tourism industry is growing and with its growth competition between destinations rises. In competition, cooperation and collaboration between tourism operators seem beneficial when creating an attractive and dynamic tourist destination.The purpose of this study is to describe and discuss the significance and influence of tourist related networks at a tourist destination, and therefore this study aims to examine the question: What significance do the tourist related networks have at a tourist destination?This study focuses on seven networks on Gotland that are tourism related, and the representatives of the networks were interviewed in order to get their view on the network and its significance to the destination. The study shows that networks have an important role in creating a unified tourist product of the destination, and in reaching out to the potential visitors through joint destination marketing. The study also shows that the tourism related networks helps to improve the reception of the tourist at a destination and to secure the quality of the tourist destination and its tourist products..

Företagsstyrning i kooperativa organisationer - Vilka likheter respektive skillnader finns det mellan en konsument- och en producentkooperation?

A co-operation is established when a group of people, sharing the same preferences and values, come together in order to satisfy a common need. The co-operative association should be democratic, governed and supervised by its members and open to everyone. The purpose of this article is to, from our ideal type, study similarities and differences regarding the corporate governance of the consumers? and the producers? co-operative movement. The motive behind our choice of alignment is that the mechanisms of corporate governance often are described from the perspective of the joint-stock company, making it valuable and interesting to study these mechanisms from the co-operative point of view.

Interoperabla föreställningar i logistikens fotspår

Syftet med uppsatsen är att bedöma om officerare i logistikrollen har liknade uppfattningsom officerare i chefsrollen, avseende vilka interoperabilitetskrav som anses viktiga för attnå ökad effekt i logistikfunktionen i ett internationellt perspektiv. Detta har gjorts med stödav teorin om interoperabilitet samt analyserats med hjälp av en komparativ metod.Avseende den övergripande slutsatsen så talar resultatet för att stora skillnader mellangrupperna har sammantaget inte kunna styrkas. Det finns emellertid skillnader frånundersökningen som indikerar att det råder olika uppfattningar om synen på enstakainteroperabilitetskrav. Det rör sig framförallt om synen på, framgångsfaktorn ledarskap medbetydelsen intellektuell förändring och ?ökat joint tänkande?, principerna flexibilitet- ochenkelhet samt samarbete och koordinering, basfunktionen uthållighet med de ingåendelogistikfunktionerna drivmedel, reparation och materielunderhåll samt reservdelar.Skillnaderna gällde i både fredsbevarande- och fredsframtvingande operationer..

Ultraljud av karpus på häst : en metodbeskrivning

Lameness from the carpus is not unusual in the horse. Multiple soft tissue structures such as tendons, ligaments, the joint capsule and synovial structures can be the originating source. All these structures can be examined with ultrasound, although a description of a systematic examination method is lacking. That is ? which structures, what they look like in an ultrasound examination, how to look at them in the best way, and in what order.

?Ibland så kan en bok som jag har tyckt vara lite halvdöd plötsligt få liv och piggna till? ? En kvalitativ studie av formella och informella läsecirklar

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine similarities and differences in qualitative experiences between formal and informal reading groups from the participants? point of view. The empirical data was acquired from interviews with nine reading group participants, of whom four of them participated in formal reading groups and five in informal reading groups. To analyze the empirical data, Louise M. Rosenblatt?s theory concerning reading and a method concerning reading groups by Immi Lundin were used.

Så tyckte jag det var... en retrospektiv studie av åtta ungdomars upplevelser av att vara på Staple behandlingshem

The aim of this university paper was to understand how eight former clients at Staple reformatory had experienced their stay there. The clients at Staple are young people between 13-20 years old, both boys and girls.The basic questions were: What picture do the clients have of the treatment they received?What has been, from their perspective, the most important during their stay? Do the clients think the time spent at Staple has helped them? And how do they describe their change, if there was any?We gathered the information from the youngsters with qualitative interviews based on a manual divided into covering different themesWe found that the time at Staple had been very positive for all the former clients that we interviewed. They described the relations with the staff at Staple as central for their rehabilitation. The most important task for the people that work there is to set a good example for the client, and to be role models.

Sexuell dysfunktion hos kvinnor med diabetes : en sammanställning av tillgängliga mätinstrument

Staphylococcus aureus is the most clinically important Staphylococcus species and is associated with high mortality in patients with positive blood cultures. S. aureus bacteria may cause a variety of disease manifestations ranging from minor skin infections to life-threatening conditions such as pneumonia, meningitis, osteomyelitis, endocarditis, toxic shock syndrome (TSS) and sepsis. This microorganism belonging to the gram positive cocci may also be part of the normal flora. In Sweden, penicillinase-stable penicillins are the primary alternatives to treat S.


ECG-Screening for young elite athletesAbstractBackgroundSudden cardiac death (SCD) during physical activity is a frightening and emotional tragedy that draws huge media attentions when it occurs. Fortunately it is a relatively uncommon occurrence but happens nonetheless to young athletes who often seems to be in perfect health. SCD is used as a term for sudden unexpected complications on the cardiovascular system that leads to a deadly outcome normally within the first hour of onset of symptoms and the cause is some sort of underlying cardiovascular disease that gets triggered by physical activity.Normally athletes gets divided into two groups dependent on age, over and under 35 years, and this studies focus is on the younger group since it is often during this period athletes are at the elite level. It is also in this category the most unexpected sudden deaths occur that is not due to coronary atherosclerosis, which is the dominant cause of death, and drastically increases, for people over 35 years old.AimThe aim of this study was to scientific and unbiased analyze peer-reviewed clinical articles todescribe the pros, cons and cost to implement an ECG-screening as a standard before physicalactivities for specifically defined elite athletes.MethodA systematic review was performed and after all data collection 21 articles was chosen to beused as a base for both background and analyze. At the end 10 articles was fulfilling the criteria to be used at the analyze and later the results.ResultsThe implementation of ECG-screening has reduced SCD in Italy by 89 % between the years 1979-2004.

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