

1507 Uppsatser om Degenerative joint disease rehabilitation - Sida 37 av 101

Hälsorelaterad livskvalitet efter total höftprotesoperation - en kvantitativ studie om könets och utbildningsnivåns påverkan på hälsorelaterad livskvalitet

Introduction: Sex and education level has demonstrated effects on health status.Osteoarthritis is a widespread disease that causes reduced health-related quality of life and isthe most common reason for total hip replacement. Osteoarthritis was ranked as the 11thhighest contributor to global disability as reported in the Global Burden of Disease 2010.Aim: The aim of this study was to explore how sex and education level together affectedhealth-related quality of life after total hip replacement. The aim was also to examine whatdimensions of EQ-5D that changed.Methods: The study is a prospective observational study with a quantitative approach. Dataconsisted of education level, obtained from Statistics Sweden (SCB) and health-relatedquality of life before and one year after total hip replacement from the Swedish HipArthroplasty Register (SHAR). Health-related quality of life was measured with astandardised instrument, the EQ-5D, and the study population consisted of 39,141 patients.Results: Womens? EQ-5D-value, before and one year after surgery, were lower in alleducational categories compared with men.

Klinisk termografi som diagnostiskt hjälpmedel vid rörelsestörning hos häst :

Thermography is the assesment of the surface temperature of the horses body and it falls into the categori of physiological imaging. Thermography allows us to portray inflammation and changes in sympathetic tone in a graphical manner. The purpose of this study was to review thermography in equine medicine and to evaluate thermography as an aid in the diagnosis of lamness in horses. Thermography has been helpful to identyfy sprains, stress fractures, shin splints and soft tissue, tendon, ligamentous and nerv injuries and to monitor healing processes during rehabilitation. Routine thermography may reveal inflammatory responses prior to clinical signs. In present study thermograpy gave especially valuabel information in two cases. In one horse reduced blood flow in a. saphena due to a thrombosis were visualised and in the other horse bilateral thoracolumbal radiculopati was diagnosed.

Enkätundersökning hos markägare inom SCA Skog Ångermanlands Skogsförvaltning

This report is a joint venture with SCA Forest, Ångermanlands forest man-agement area. The purpose of the study is that SCA Forest wants to know what the landowners in Ångermanlands forest management area think about SCA Forest and who they deliver their timber to. SCA Forest is the largest private landowner in Europe, with an area of about 2.6 million hectares. Today, SCA offers lumber, wood products, tis-sue and packaging and has factories all over the world. SCA Forest has five forest management areas in the north of Sweden, with the headquarters in Sundsvall. A questionnaire was sent to 265 landowners, where they had to answer 15 questions with possibilities to give comments. The survey was sent out on 21 of February with a response requested by 3 of March 125 landowners responded to the survey, giving a response rate of 47%.

Aktivitetsmönster hos kvinnor med långvarig smärta

Kartläggning av aktivitetsmönstret hos kvinnor med långvarig smärta ger kunskap om vilka aktiviteter individerna fyller sin dag med och var dessa utförs. I denna pilotstudie medverkade tre kvinnor med långvarig smärta som stått i kö till interdisciplinärt smärtrehabiliteringsprogram i ett år eller mer. Datainsamling utfördes med en aktivitetslogg under två dygn samt ett egenhändigt utformat frågeformulär med kompletterande uppgifter angående livssituation. Denna pilotstudie på tre individer visade likheter avseende aktivitetskategorin vård och att de flesta aktiviteter utfördes i hemmet. Den visade även olikheter angående antalet aktiviteter som utfördes per individ..

Förekomst av agens i kattsnuvekomplexet på ett svenskt katthem

Conjunctival swabs from 12 cats in a Swedish animal shelter were analyzed by real-time PCR for FHV-1, Mycoplasma felis and chlamydiae. The purpose of this study was to see whether and to what extent these agents can be detected and if they were detected from cats housed in quarantine or in the adoption department. Samples were first taken upon arrival at the quarantine and then a second sample was taken two weeks after moving to the adoption department, or upon presentation of signs of disease. The cats spent the quarantine period in two separate quarantines: five in a new quarantine (quarantine A) and seven in a room in the old shelter (quarantine B). The difference between these quarantines was that in B the cats were often mixed together ant the hygiene routines were not as good as in quarantine A.

Tillgänglighet och användbarhet för barn i rullstol på lekplatser i Lunds kommun

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka tillgängligheten och användbarheten för barn i rullstol, på olika lekplatser i Lunds kommun. Fyra olika bedömningsinstrument/manualer användes för att bedöma tillgängligheten och användbarheten (Housing Enabler, egenkonstruerad checklista, egenkonstruerad intervjuguide och egenkonstruerad observationsmanual). Resultatet visade att lekplatser i Lunds kommun är långt ifrån så handikappanpassade som en anställd vid Lunds stadsbyggnadskontor påstod att de var. Majoriteten var heller inte tillgängliga och användbara, vilket delvis berodde på miljöns utformning, men också på ett barns funktionshinder.

Upplevd arbetsrelaterad stress hos tjänstemän

Den psykosociala arbetsmiljön har förändrats. Sedan 1990-talet har andelen sysselsatta som blivit sjukskrivna till följd av stress eller psykiska påfrestningar i det närmaste fördubblats. Syftet med denna studie var att kartlägga arbetsrelaterad stress bland tjänstemän med förhoppning om att använda denna kunskap för att utveckla preventiva arbetsterapeutiska insatser. Studien baseras på en fokusgruppdiskussion med fyra deltagare från ett byggföretag i södra Sverige. I resultatet framkom att tjänstemän upplever arbetsrelaterad stress vid flera olika situationer under en arbetsdag.

Genetisk variation av betydelse för mjölkkvalitet i Rödkullerasen :

The Swedish Red Polled breed is threatened by extinction and there are only around 1100 animals left. The breed was popular in the early twentieth century, but since then the numbers have steadily decreased. The overall objective of this study was to find out whether there may be economic incentives for preserving the breed. The milk quality properties are of major importance in the production of dairy products. Therefore we would like to establish if the Swedish Red Polled breed carries favourable alleles at loci of relevance for milk quality, to potentially make the breed more interesting for milk production.

Vegetarisk kost - ett möjligt behandlingskomplement för symtomlindring vid reumatoid artrit?

Sahlgrenska Academyat University of GothenburgDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionAbstractTitle: A vegetarian diet, a possible treatment complement for relief of symptoms ofrheumatoid arthritis? A systematic review.Author: Alexandra Ahlsén and Caroline ForsbergSupervisor: Mette AxelsenExaminer: Anna WinkvistProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: May 22, 2012Background: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic remitting polyarthritis that is relapsing.Symptoms are inflammation of the joints with pain, stiffness and degradation of joint tissue.In some cases, also other parts of the body are involved. The treatment consists ofmedications to reduce pain, inflammation and degradation of joint tissue. Today, the offerednutritional treatment is primarily focused on meeting energy requirements and nutrient needs.The diet has also been discussed as symptomatic treatment, and one of the factors believed toinfluence the symptoms is meat.Objective: To assess the evidence as to whether a vegetarian diet affects the symptoms ofrheumatoid arthritis, and if so, to suggest how it can be implemented in practical dieteticswork.Search strategy The databases used in the literature search was PubMed, Scopus, and AMED.The search words used were: "rheumatiod arthritis", "vegetarian", "vegan", "diet", "meat" and"animal protein".Selection criteria: Studies investigating a vegetarian diet on the symptoms of RA wereincluded. Only RCT, clinical trial, controlled clinical trial, human studies and original articlesin English or Swedish were included.

BOSTADSUTVECKLING & SOCIAL HÅLLBARHET : JM AB:s projektutveckling och dess sociala effekter

This report tries to discuss the concept of social sustainability; what it means and how residential development can be made more socially sustainable. This is done by interviewing several and various representatives in JM AB, the municipality of Uppsala and residents of Åriket to explore how JM AB as a housing developer and the municipality are working with issues regarding social sustainability and what the residents in one of the new housing projects themselves think of these issues. The result of these interviews will be compared and analyzed with the prospect of finding common variables and hopefully ways of improvement.This will result in our own recommendations of areas of improvement either by broad initiatives or specific actions to increase the social sustainability. Areas such as meeting places, sustainable functions and joint efforts between different parties. During the work on the report we come in contact with several other areas of interest that we are not able to process ourselves and therefore recommend them for future studies..

Biomekaniska berättelser : En analys av forskningkommunikationen runt den biomekaniska armen

The pdf is excluding images, because of uncertainties regarding copyrights. Instead I have put links for each picture so you may find them on the Internet. For a list of links to the online sourcematerial, please visit http://del.icio.us/Cyborguppsats.

Arbete med utveckling av ett kartsökverktyg för nationell naturolycksdatabas

We have made a suggestion for a map based search tool used with a database containinginformation on natural disasters. The database is being developed by NCO (SwedishCentre for Lessons Learned from Incidents & Accidents).We examined both Swedish and international examples of databases on naturaldisasters. The examples that we found were often hard to get the hang of, due to poorcompilation. The problem, that is typical of the international examples, is that the processof data collection is not standardized, as it is performed by different organizations andcompanies with diverse demands on and needs for the database. Therefore, to keep itsymmetrical, there ought to be only one department with the overall responsibility for anational database on natural disasters in Sweden.The natural disaster we based our study on was the flooding in Arvika in the year 2000.We inspected the availability of data about the flooding, and found it to be satisfying.Through contact with the municipality of Arvika, by mail and telephone, and a visit at theArvika municipality office, we acquired reports on the flooding and the joint rescueoperation that followed, and also GIS layers showing the extension of the flooding..

Senceif : Senceif förenklar upplåsning av elektriska lås.

Have you encountered problems when you are unlocking a door? Perhaps you have had your hands full when you needed to unlock the door? Or, you might be suffering from a disease and have difficulties to put force on to small objects. To solve these problems there are different options. The most common alternative is a key button. With the key button, you do not need turn the pinion to unlock.

Leva med en kronisk sjukdom : En litteraturöversikt om inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom och hälsorelaterad livskvalitet

Bakgrund: Inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom (IBD) inkluderar ulcerös kolit och Crohns sjukdom. De är kroniska och uppkommer i skov då tarmslemhinnan blir inflammerad och sårig vilket ger en komplex symtombild med akuta diarréer, rektalblödning och buksmärtor. Behandlingen går ut på att minska symtom och förebygga uppkomst av skov. Då dessa sjukdomar påverkar det dagliga livet så påverkas också den individuella hälsorelaterade livskvaliteten, vilket mäter den fysiska, psykiska och sociala aspekten av ett hälsoproblem.Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva upplevelsen av hälsorelaterad livskvalitet hos personer med inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom.Metod: En litteraturöversikt har gjorts där tolv vetenskapliga artiklar har utgjort grunden till resultatet och skapat en översikt på befintlig forskning. De har lästs, sammanfattats och analyserats där likheter och skillnader har hittats och teman bildats.Resultat: Resultatets fyra huvudteman är Fysisk funktion, Psykisk funktion, Social funktion och Att återställa sin livskvalitet.

Klövhälsa hos får : ur ett nationellt och internationellt perspektiv

Lameness causes suffering and poor performance in sheep, as in other species. The cause of lameness often originates in problems of the claws. Many claw diseases of sheep are described in British and Australian research, but this field has previously not been of special concern in Sweden. This graduate thesis contains the first claw health survey made on Swedish sheep. The chief objective was to give an overview of sheep claw diseases and to assess claw health in adult sheep.

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