

1507 Uppsatser om Degenerative joint disease rehabilitation - Sida 26 av 101

En sjukdom för livet : Ungdomars upplevelse av att leva med diabetes typ 1

Background: In Sweden 750 children and adolescents? are diagnosed with diabetes mellitus type 1 every year. Adolescence is often a time of searching for identity and liberation from parents. Through this period adolescents are supposed to find their place in society. For the affected adolescents a new world of challenges suddenly opens.

Utveckling av mothållssystem till valsar

This Master Thesis is a product development project that has been carried out incooperation with Metso Paper Sundsvall AB. The task has been to develop a holdingsolution that generates force between two rolls and to evaluate the new solution withrespect to functionality, manufacturing, structural stability, costs, assembly etc. Theroll holding solution is a system that is part of a rollpress. The rollpress is used towash and dewater pulp. The existing solution creates forces that have to be absorbedby the gable of the press.

Seroprevalence and risk factors for bovine brucellosis, salmonellosis and bovine viral diarrhea in urban and peri-urban areas of Kampala, Uganda

Africa is expected to go through a rapid urbanization over the next four decades and the demand for food is increasing in the rapidly growing urban and peri-urban (UPU) areas. Keeping livestock in urban areas is in particular associated with health hazards. This is due to close interaction between humans and animals, and it has been shown that zoonotic diseases are increasing in urban areas. The benefits of urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) are related to improved food security, in particular among low-income groups. Apart from the negative public health impact of zoonotic diseases, animal disease could have a devastating impact on the economy and food security of many households in these areas. In the present study, three important endemic diseases, including brucellosis, salmonellosis and Bovine viral diarrhea (BVD), were analyzed in regard to seroprevalence and risk factors.

Mötet mellan psykiskt funktionshindrad individ och sällskapsdjur : En etnografisk studie om interaktionens betydelse för känsla av välbefinnande.

The purpose of the study was to find out whether the interaction between mentally disabled individuals and pet positively affects the individual and gives a feeling of well-being to the extent that this might be implicated in the psychologically disabled people?s everyday life in some form of rehabilitation measure. The study is qualitative and builds on an ethnographic design. Data collection was performed through six observations, six interviews and reflections. Interviews were also conducted with relatives and assistants for greater opportunity for follow-up questions, and descriptions of the situation.

Behavioral studies in healthy Standardbred trotters subjected to short term forced recumbency aiming at an adjunctive treatment in an acute attack of laminitis

Laminitis is a debilitating disease causing much suffering to horses and ponies all over the world. It is manifested in the hooves as a mechanical failure of the suspensory apparatus between the hoof capsule and the distal phalanx. Due to the weight of the horse the disease may result in a dislocation of third phalanx. Six healthy standardbred trotters were used in this study on whether standardbreds tolerate forced recumbency as well as Shetland ponies. Recumbency was induced pharmacologically but maintained only by lowering the ceiling height of the box to a height of approximately 125 ? 140 % of the horse´s thoracic height.

Handgreppsstyrka hos personer med kroniskt obstruktiv lungsjukdom: En populationsbaserad studie

Kroniskt Obstruktiv Lungsjukdom (KOL) är en progressiv folksjukdom som drabbar mer än 10 procent av Sveriges befolkning, där ungefär hälften av alla äldre rökare uppfyller de spirometriska kriterierna för sjukdomen. Muskeldysfunktion är en känd systemisk effekt vid KOL. Handgreppsstyrka har visat sig korrelera starkt med muskelstyrka och muskelmassa i både övre och nedre extremitet hos personer med KOL. Det finns indikationer på att rehabilitering är mer effektiv vid ett tidigt stadium av sjukdomen jämfört med ett sent stadium, därför är en tidig identifikation av en muskeldysfunktion av värde. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka handgreppsstyrka hos personer med KOL i jämförelse med personer utan obstruktiv lungfunktionsnedsättning i ett populationsbaserat material.

VÅLDTAGEN: ett förpliktigande epitet. En kritisk diskursanalys

Our purpose has been to review and analyse the representation of rape, as well as discussions concerning rehabilitation, present in texts targeted at professionals and/or female victims of rape. We wish to investigate whether female victims of rape themselves are given the opportunity of individual positioning with regard to the crimes they have been exposed to. We consider it to be of relevance that female victims of rape themselves are given the opportunity to act, react and feel individually in the context in which they find themselves, without judgement or certain expectations on how to act being dealt to them from their surroundings. Our research questions have been as follows; what views of the phenomenon that is rape are presented in the texts? Do the texts apply any specific theoretical analysis aimed at the possible explanations of the phenomenon that is rape? In what ways do the texts present the significance of rape for the female rape victim? How are the victims feelings of disgrace, guilt and disgust with regard to rape explained, are these reactions linked to the understanding of female sexuality? How are methods of the rehabilitation of female rape victims presented in the texts? Do the texts render possible any other/varying subject positions as a female rape victim? To answer these research questions we have applied a critical discourse analysis on our selection of texts and thereafter made a connection to relevant theory.

Fotens plantara tryck med hellånga variserande och valgiserande inläggskilar

AbstractIntroductionWedged shoe insoles are used as a treatment for different problems in order to change the ground reaction force. They can secondary cause different loading patterns under the foot compared to normal. No previous study has, to the author?s knowledge, clinically evaluated the plantar foot pressure with different full-length wedges in normal persons.PurposeThe purpose was to evaluate the plantar pressure with different degrees of full-length wedges in normal persons.MethodTwenty persons with normal feet have participated in this single blind study. Wedges were produced clinically in four different shapes, 3° valgus, 0° flat, 3° varus och 6° varus.

Hjärtrehabilitering till välbefinnande

IntroduktionHjärtrehabilitering syftar till att stärka patienter fysiskt och psykiskt efter genom-gången hjärtinfarkt och/eller PCI samt CABG. Den syftar också till att få patienten att återgå till ett så normalt socialt liv som möjligt. Syfte Att undersöka upplevelsen av att delta i hjärtrehabiliteringsprogram och dess påver-kan på välbefinnandet hos patienter med kranskärlssjukdom. Metod Resultat baseras på vetenskapliga artiklar sökta genom databaserna PubMed och CI-NAHL. Analys skedde via induktiv metod med utgångspunkt från studiens syfte.

Livet för patienter med hjärtsvikt : En litteraturöversikt

Background: Patients with heart failure is a patient group growing in numbers, the most common treatment focuses on reliving symptoms and the only cure is heart transplantation. Objective: Aim of the study was to illuminate patients' experiences of living with heart failure at his home. Method: Qualitative design, with a manifest content analysis. The results are based on 12 scientific articles.  Results: Patients with heart failure find that the disease is limited to their daily lives through mental illness and physical symptoms.

Axelrehabilitering med fokus på Serratus Anterior : en systematisk litteraturstudie av EMG-studier

AimThe aim of this study was to, through a systematic literature review of evidence based electromyographic (EMG) studies, identify specific exercises for rehabilitation of the Serratus Anterior muscle. The research questions were: ?Which exercises can be recommended to use to activate the Serratus Anterior?? and ?Are the recommended exercises altered between studies on individuals with and without shoulder dysfunction??. MethodThe method was a systematic literature review. First the study aim and research questions were formulated. A research protocol was then formulated with inclusion and exclusion criteria and search terms.

Att leva som barn till förälder med psykisk sjukdom

The aim of this descriptive review was to elucidate how the literature describes how children of parents with mental illness experience and have knowledge about their parent?s illness. The aim was furthermore to describe how the children?s existence is affected, can be improved and why the children so often are invisible. Search through Medline (through PubMed) database and additional manual search was conducted.

A serological study of Rift Valley Fever virus in two regions in Tanzania

Rift Valley Fever (RVF) is a disease caused by Rift Valley Fever virus (RVFV), which is an arbovirus. An arbovirus is a virus that is transmitted by an arthropod vector, in this case a mosquito. The virus is a member of the Phlebovirus genus in the family Bunyaviridae. It was first identified in the Rift Valley in Kenya in 1930. The disease is a zoonosis but mainly affects domestic ruminants inducing massive abortions and a high mortality among young animals.

Livet med ett nytt hjärta : Patienters upplevelser och copingstrategier

Background:For patients with severe heart disease, may heart transplantation be the only opportunity for survival. Previous research highlights the importance of the nurse's role as supporters and knowledge brokers. People who has undergone heart transplant may be changed forever. Having to undergo a heart transplant can lead to that patients end up in a traumatic crisis. People's perception of herself and her perception of the world is also changing when the body is injured or suffers a disease.

Rabies awareness, incidence and vaccination coverage in Lilongwe, Malawi

Rabies kills about 55 000 people every year and more than 90% of infected humans are considered getting the disease from dog-bites. To control the disease and eventually eliminate human rabies, the most efficient and economic method is to keep the dog population vaccinated. The objective of this thesis was to evaluate the situation of canine rabies in two urban areas in Lilongwe, Malawi, where canine rabies is enzootic. In each area 200 household-interviews were conducted in September and October 2013. Focal points were awareness of the disease, human incidence as well as vaccination coverage in the dog population.

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