

236 Uppsatser om Defence Academy - Sida 14 av 16

Effektiv försvarslogistik?

Försvarets materielverk (FMV) står inför en omfattande ominriktning av verksamheten med tillhörande omorganisation. Den nya verksamheten innefattar att leverera tjänsten försvarslogistik till Försvarsmakten (FM). Då det inte finns någon entydig definition för vad försvarslogistik är så har detta arbete inriktats att utarbeta ett förslag till en sådan definition. Dessutom har en procedur skapats som identifierar relevanta prestandamått för ett godtyckligt försvarslogistiskt system, s.k. Key Performance Indicators (KPI), som kan användas för att påvisa om försvarslogistiken är effektiv eller inte.

Volatilitetsprognoser på den svenska aktiemarknaden: Tillämpning av Arch Typ modeller

This thesis of 15 hp has been implemented at Halmstad University, in collaboration with Saab Dynamics in Linköping. Saab Dynamics is a company operating in the defence industry where competition is tough. This necessitates new ways to increase efficiency in the company, which is the basis for this thesis. Saab Dynamics wants to introduce simulation driven design. Since Saab Dynamics engineers have little experience of simulation, required a user methodology with clear guidelines.

JAS för jobb : JAS-projektet som industripolitiskt medel

The purpose of this paper is to examine how the target to convert the Swedish military aviation industry towards working within the civilian sector was planned and implemented parallel to the target of building a world-class military aircraft. A number of Government bills have been studied, bills directly connected to the JAS-project as well as bills dealing with civilian project ?s for the military aviation industry. The first group includes bills dealing with the JAS-project ?s role in the overarcing defence policy, as well as the Government ?s bill specifying the guidelines for the JAS-project.

Osäkerhet i investerares avkastningsbedömning av kommersiella fastigheter. - Osäkerheter i bedömningen av drift- och underhållskostnader?

This thesis of 15 hp has been implemented at Halmstad University, in collaboration with Saab Dynamics in Linköping. Saab Dynamics is a company operating in the defence industry where competition is tough. This necessitates new ways to increase efficiency in the company, which is the basis for this thesis. Saab Dynamics wants to introduce simulation driven design. Since Saab Dynamics engineers have little experience of simulation, required a user methodology with clear guidelines.

Värnpliktens vara eller icke vara : En argumentationsanalys av riksdagsdebatten om försvarsproposition 2008/09:140, angående Svenska försvarsmaktens framtida personalförsörjning

Sweden's government says in the bill 2008/09: 140 that military service should be suspended and replaced with a system based on voluntary recruitment. In the essay, I will make an argument analysis of the parliamentary debate on the bill from the 12th of June 2009 with the following questions: On what is the different side?s argument based on? Are the arguments essentially and factually substantiated? Is there a clear political party tendency among the for-/counter arguments? The method is a "Pro et contra" analysis, a logical systematization of the arguments. The analysis will take start in the headline; Conscription should be suspended in favour of a voluntary system based on contract employed soldiers. The presentation of arguments in the analysis will be guided by the chronological order.

Kan probiotika förebygga atopiskt eksem hos högriskbarn?

Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg Department of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionAbstractTitle: Can probiotics prevent atopic dermatitis in children with high risk?Author: Laura Pienihäkkinen and Max OlinSupervisor: Heléne Bertéus ForslundExaminer: Anna WinkvistProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: May 22, 2012Background Allergic disease is today common, this including atopic dermatitis, which is the most common inflammatory skin disease in the world. Heredity has been shown to play a major role in the development of this disease. It is therefore of high interest for both the individual and society to find effective methods for preventing atopic dermatitis in individuals with high risk profile. Probiotics are beneficial for the bacterial profile in the intestine and it is therefore of interest to study if they through their anti-inflammatory effect could prevent atopic dermatitis.Objective The aim was to study whether administration of probiotics to the mother and the child (directly or via breast milk) could prevent atopic dermatitis in children with high risk profile (at least one first degree relative with a diagnosed allergic disease).Search strategy A systematic literature search was done in databases PubMed and Scopus with search terms maternal, prenatal, probiotics, allergy, atopic dermatitis, prevention, and children.Selection criteria Randomized, controlled human studies and original articles in English were included.

Simulation driven design : An iterative approach for mechanical engineers with focus on static analysis

This thesis of 15 hp has been implemented at Halmstad University, in collaboration with Saab Dynamics in Linköping. Saab Dynamics is a company operating in the defence industry where competition is tough. This necessitates new ways to increase efficiency in the company, which is the basis for this thesis. Saab Dynamics wants to introduce simulation driven design. Since Saab Dynamics engineers have little experience of simulation, required a user methodology with clear guidelines.

Neutral bolagsskatt ? Hur bygg- och fastighetsbranschen skulle påverkas av förslaget

This thesis of 15 hp has been implemented at Halmstad University, in collaboration with Saab Dynamics in Linköping. Saab Dynamics is a company operating in the defence industry where competition is tough. This necessitates new ways to increase efficiency in the company, which is the basis for this thesis. Saab Dynamics wants to introduce simulation driven design. Since Saab Dynamics engineers have little experience of simulation, required a user methodology with clear guidelines.

Utbildning för förändringsarbete: hur kan det skapa
delaktighet och minska förändringsmotstånd på mellanchefsnivå?

I en värld som förändras allt snabbare ökar företagens behov av att kunna genomföra förändringar. Resultatet av en förändring är beroende av de människor som ska genomföra den. Därför är det viktigt för företag att kunna hantera faktorer som påverkar hur människor genomför förändringen som till exempel delaktighet och motstånd. Vårt syfte med uppsatsen är att studera hur företag genom utbildning kan skapa delaktighet och minska motstånd mot förändring på mellanchefsnivå. Vid företaget SkiStar har utbildningssatsningar och nytänkande i bland annat förändringsarbete nominerat företaget till ett flertal utmärkelser.

Incitament för fastighetsägare att omvandla bruna kontorsfastigheter till gröna - När och varför de väljer att investera

This thesis of 15 hp has been implemented at Halmstad University, in collaboration with Saab Dynamics in Linköping. Saab Dynamics is a company operating in the defence industry where competition is tough. This necessitates new ways to increase efficiency in the company, which is the basis for this thesis. Saab Dynamics wants to introduce simulation driven design. Since Saab Dynamics engineers have little experience of simulation, required a user methodology with clear guidelines.

Sambandet mellan IBS och FODMAPs

Sahlgrenska Academy at University of GothenburgDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionABSTRACTTitle: The connection between IBS and FODMAPsAuthor: Helena Hautamäki and Rebecka BertilssonSupervisor: Sofia KlingbergExaminer: Frode SlindeProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: 2013-04-10Background: IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) is a functional gastrointestinal disorder, and is acommon disorder in the western population. The predominant symptoms are diarrhoea,abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, and excessive flatus. Today there are no evidence basedrecommendations concerning dietary factors for patients diagnosed with IBS, but recently certainfactors in the diet that seems to trigger the symptoms have been identified. These factors areshort-chain carbohydrates, Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, andPolyols (FODMAPS), which are not completely absorbed in the lumen.Objective: The purpose of this systematic review article is to examine whether there are anyevidence that a diet low in FODMAPs may induce improvement of symptoms in patientsdiagnosed with IBS.Search strategy: The literature search was performed in the databases PubMed, Scopus,Summon and Google Scholar. The keywords were ?Irritable bowel syndrome + FODMAPs?,?Irritable bowel syndrome + diet? and ?FODMAP and diet?.Selection criteria: The inclusion criteria were patients diagnosed with IBS between the ages 18and 69.

Kan omega-3 förebygga uppkomsten av allergi?

Sahlgrenska Academy at University of GothenburgDepartment of Internal medicine and Clinical nutritionAbstractTitel: Can omega-3 prevent the emergence of allergy?? A systematic reviewAuthor: Karin Andersson and Cecilia BjörertzSupervisor: Henriette PhilipsonExaminer: Anna WinkvistProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 hpType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: 2012-05-23Background Today allergy is a major public health issue and one of our most common chronic diseases. It would be most profitable if there was a way to prevent the emergence of allergies, both regarding the community and the individual. The antiinflammatory property of omega-3 influences the immune system and is thought to have a preventive effect on allergic symptoms. To investigate whether the mothers intake of omega-3 during pregnancy and lactation affects the child?s future development of allergy is therefore of high interest.Objective To examine if omega-3 supplement given to mothers during pregnancy, or pregnancy and lactation, is shown to be beneficial in children with heredity to develop allergy.Search strategy Articles were collected from the data bases PubMed, Cochrane and Scopus.

Simulation driven design : An iterative approach for mechanical engineerswith focus on mesh, quality and convergence

This thesis of 15 hp has been implemented at Halmstad University, incollaboration with Saab Dynamics in Linköping. Saab Dynamics is a companyoperating in the defence industry where competition is tough. This necessitatesnew ways to increase efficiency in the company, which is the basis for this thesis.Saab Dynamics wants to introduce simulation driven design. Since SaabDynamics engineers have little experience of simulation, required a usermethodology with clear guidelines. Due to lack of time, they chose to assign thetask to students, which resulted in this thesis.The aim of the thesis is to develop a methodology in mechanical design, wherethe designer uses the FE analysis early in the design process to develop thestructures' mechanical properties.

Förberedelse för förändring : Förutsättningar och behov vid implementering av affärssystem

Organizational change is hard to achieve, but if an organization doesn't change it might risk its own existence. Effective resource allocation and increased control of the internal production are examples of how organizations try to increase its competitive advantage. An ERP system (Enterprise Resource Planning) can help an organization to achieve this by providing management with direct access to a wealth of real-time operating information, streamlined dataflow, and making the company's business processes more effective. Like other IT-related projects, ERP investments are associated with large risks. Many projects failure during the implementation in one way or another.

Blodtrycksförändringar vid byte av vanligt kaffe mot koffeinfritt kaffe Hos friska, normotensiva individer

Sahlgrenska Academy at University of GothenburgDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionAbstractTitle: Changes in blood pressure by replacing regular coffee with decaffeinated coffee,in healthy, normotensive subjectsAuthor: Linnéa Adolfsson and Hillevi Pilgren SautterSupervisor: Lena HulthénExaminer: Anna WinkvistProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 ECTSDate: April 12, 2012Background Hypertension is a risk factor for developing cardiovascular disease, which is themost common cause of premature death. Contributing factors to hypertension are genetics,lifestyle and nutrition. Earlier studies have shown that coffee may increase blood pressure.Objective To investigate the scientific basis whether replacing regular coffee with decaffeinatedcoffee would affect blood pressure in healthy, normotensive subjects.Search strategy Searches have been done in databases; PubMed and Scopus in February 2012.Keywords used were: ?coffee blood pressure?, ?coffee cardiovascular disease?, ? kaffeblodtryck?, ?kaffe hjärtkärlsjukdom?, ?coffee and decaffeinated coffee?, ?decaffeinated coffeeand blood pressure?, ?decaffeinated coffee and cardiovascular disease? and ?exchangedecaffeinated coffee?.Selection criteria Studies with healthy, normotesive subjects, >15 years old, BMI < 30, morethan one week of intervention, randomized controlled trails and human trials were included.Only trials using caffeine from coffee versus decaffeinated coffee and studies in English andSwedish were accepted. Exclusion criteria were other interventions such as weight loss, changesin diet, medications or stress tests.Data collection and analysis Studies were selected after inclusion and exclusion criteria.

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