

472 Uppsatser om Decontaminated soil - Sida 9 av 32

Societetsparken i Norrtälje : nulägesanalys och utvecklingsförslag

The short term effect of phosphorus in sewage sludge was investigated to establish howmuch of this a farmer can grant him- or herself, if using sewage sludge as a phosphorusfertilizer. Possible differences in plant availability between sludge phosphorus precipitatedby iron, aluminum or calcium integrations were studied in a sandy soil at two pH levels.The sludges were analyzed using pot and incubation trials. As the intention was to investigategrowth limitation due to phosphorus deficiency, a soil with low phosphorus supplywas chosen as well as a low phosphorus application rate. Sludge corresponding to 12kg phosphorus per hectare was applied. Treatments fertilized by sludge were compared totreatments where 0, 6 and 12 kg phosphorus per hectare from mineral fertilizer was applied.Every treatment was replicated six times.

Helicobacter spp. i digestionskanalen hos svenska katter : en metodologisk och klinisk studie

Following the accident at the nuclear power plant in Chernobyl in 1986, great volumes of137Cs were distributed over large parts of the former Soviet Union and Europe. Over Scotland,radiocaesium was deposited as wet deposition. Due to the relatively long physical half-life of30 years, there are still measurable activity concentrations in the natural environment. Thisstudy was made on two organic soils, Knockandy Hill and Rora Moss, situated in the easternpart of the central highlands of Scotland. At these two sites, studies on migration and transferbetween soil and plants were conducted.

Föroreningsspridning via ledningsgravar : en fältstudie på Köpmanholmens industriområde

Sewer trenches usually contain material with a higher hydraulic conductivity then the adjacent soil. Thus they can serve as paths of preferential flow in a polluted area. Wastewater from factories can also leak from wastewater pipes and pollute the soil in the sewer trenches.The purpose of this project was to investigate pollutions in sewer trenches and in sewer pipes in the industrial area of Köpmanholmen, 20 km south of Örnsköldsvik in the north of Sweden. To make an estimation concerning the potential of transport of pollutions in sewer trenches, hydrological calculations were performed.Leakage to any greater extent did not seem to be a problem in the area. This is the case both for the concrete and the wooden pipes that have served as factory wastewater pipes.

Kan markfuktighetskartor användas för att hitta skogsmark med hög bonitet? : ett gis-baserat försök med dtw-index och laserskannad övre höjd

The depth-to-water-index (DTW-index) is derived from digital elevation models (DEM) to map soil wetness, in terms of distance from soil surface to the ground water table. The aim of this GIS based study was to investigate the existence of a relationship between DTW-index and forest site productivity (SP). The belief of such an assumed relationship was based on knowledge that the ground water level is related to site properties that can either promote or impede tree growth. Data primarily comprised rasters of the Krycklan catchment in northern Sweden and depicted DTW-index and a laser scanned vegetation height. The 100th height percentile of each pixel in the vegetation raster was assumed to mirror the top-height, letting it act as a relative measure of SP within a delineated area of equal stand age.

Fältdiagnostik - ett verktyg för hållbar odling : Resultat och tillämpning av fältdiagnostiska metoder i planeringsstadiet av en ny trädgårdsblåbärsodling

I det här arbetet undersöks fältdiagnostiska metoder och användbarheten av dess resultat i planeringsstadiet av en ny trädgårdsblåbärsodling. Syftet är att fastställa vilken information som kan erhållas från en jordanalys, penetrometerundersökning och en jordmånsbeskrivning samt vilka rekommendationer från dessa undersökningar som vidare kan härledas till planeringen av en ny trädgårdsblåbärsodling. Som exempel och fallstudie används en bit åkermark i Ockelbo där provmätningarna ägde rum.Resultatet visar att fältundersökningar i kombination med en jordanalys gjord på laboratorium är ett bra verktyg för att utreda en jords grundläggande förutsättningar. Jordanalysen visar hur näringsinnehållet ser ut i jorden samt vilka eventuella näringsbrister eller näringsöverskott som finns. Penetrometerundersökningen informerar om eventuella markpackningar, som utgör eventuella hinder för t.ex.

Texturbestämning genom fält-, pipett- och hydrometermetoder :

Texture is an important soil property and accurate particle size analysis of soil texture is therefore crucial. There are a number of well-established and newly developed methods available for determining soil texture. In order to compare the results of these methods, the differences between them must be determined. The difficulties, problems and differences regarding texture class determination were examined through a study performed on forest soil samples. The study compared different methods (pipette, hydrometer and field methods) and two types of dispersing agents (sodium pyrophosphate and sodium hexametaphosphate (calgon)) commonly used for particle size analysis.

Kortsiktig fosforeffekt av avloppsslam : krukförsök i växthus där järn-, aluminium- respektive kalkfällt slam använts som fosforgödselmedel

The short term effect of phosphorus in sewage sludge was investigated to establish howmuch of this a farmer can grant him- or herself, if using sewage sludge as a phosphorusfertilizer. Possible differences in plant availability between sludge phosphorus precipitatedby iron, aluminum or calcium integrations were studied in a sandy soil at two pH levels.The sludges were analyzed using pot and incubation trials. As the intention was to investigategrowth limitation due to phosphorus deficiency, a soil with low phosphorus supplywas chosen as well as a low phosphorus application rate. Sludge corresponding to 12kg phosphorus per hectare was applied. Treatments fertilized by sludge were compared totreatments where 0, 6 and 12 kg phosphorus per hectare from mineral fertilizer was applied.Every treatment was replicated six times.

Varierad kaliumgödsling i potatis : en fältstudie i Hedemora

Variation in tuber quality within a single field was one of the motives for a pilot study in Halland, in south-western Sweden conducted during 2002. Quality problems in potatoes have been increasing due to the aggregation of several small fields with different land use history into larger farm units, which are heterogeneous in soil properties and fertility. The study in Halland indicated that both the uniformity and the mean size of tubers may increase from site-specific K fertilization, whereas total yields may be unaffected. The results from this pilot-study with site-specific fertilization showed that tubers reached a more uniform quality and gave a more uniform mean size, while the total yield wasn't affected at all. Site-specific K-fertilization has been applied for some years in Halland with good results. The aim of this study was to test this technique in another potato growing area.

Förändring av nitratläckage och växtproduktion från låglänt jordbruksmark vid en ny reglering av vattennivån i Mälaren

The water level of Lake Mälaren has been regulated since the 1940?s. A recentinvestigation suggests that the current regulation needs to be adjusted in order toprevent a decline in water level, salt water from infiltrating from Lake Saltsjön,and risk of floodings. In addition to these preventions, the new regulation couldpotentially effect the natural environment and agriculture practices in the lowlands that surround the lake. The new regulation proposal calls for an increase invariations in Mälaren?s water level during seasons, while the annual mean waterlevel will remain the same.

Effekt av olika kvävegödselmedel på utvecklingen av klumprotsjuka i salladskål (Brassica rapa ssp. pekinensis)

The price trend on rapeseed the latest years has led to an increasing interest to grow the crop among many farmers in Sweden. The price trend has resulted in more than a doubling of the oilseed area since the early 2000s. For many farmers it is an advantage to increase cultivation of rapeseed because of the high proportion of cereals in the crop rotation on many farms, but it is not just benefits. The risk of the fields being infected by clubroot increases within frequent rapeseed cultivation and it often leads to subtantial economic losses. Clubroot is caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae that is a soilborne pathogen in genus Protozoa and its resting spores can be found in the soil for up to 18 years.

Erfarenheter av utedrift med köttdjur i Sverige och Kanada :

Beef cattle wintering outdoors should be provided a shelter, e.g. a type of barn or corresponding. This type of production requires appropriate soil types and secured animal welfare. For example, a clean and dry resting place needs to be provided to the animals. To receive an exemption for buildings the farmer has to have something equivalent that provides an adequate shelter.

Effekten på nedbrytningen av rötter vid tillförsel av ammonium sulfat i en granskog i sydvästra Sverige

Decomposition of organic matter is a critical process in the ecosystem, which involves many essential biotic and physical parts. Decomposition is therefore an important process both above and below ground. The rate of decomposition is dependent of many environmental factors for example: pH, moisture and supply of oxygen. The decomposition can therefore be affected by large scaled environmental influences, such as acidification and climatic changes. The root litter in the forest is in different ways affected by acidification, liming and manuering.

Askans inverkan på beläggningstendensen i ett biobränsleeldat kraftvärmeverk och växtplatsens påverkan på askegenskaperna :

This report was written by Sofia Ericson and describes the degree thesis with the title: ?Connections between the growing site of bio fuel, the chemical composition of bio fuel ash and the deposit growth in a bio fuel fired boiler.? The purpose of this degree thesis was to avoid melted deposit growth in the bio fuel fired boiler at ENA Kraft in Enköping. Potassium and sodium are known to lower the melting point of bio fuel ashes and are therefore not wanted in the trees in higher amounts than necessary for the growth. Silicon is also known to be important for the deposit growth but it is not possible to say in general if higher or lower contents of silicon is better. The relation between silicon and other chemical substances is more important than the total amount of silicon.

Försök med olika såmaskiner vid konventionell sådd och direktsådd

In this thesis, two studies with different drills were included. In one of the studies two drills were compared: Väderstad Rapid and Väderstad Spirit. In the other study various drills for direct drilling were compared. The study with Rapid and Spirit was placed in two locations with different autumn tillage; one on ploughed land in Uppsala and one on cultivated land in Västerås, both with relatively high clay content. Rapid drills have a single disc coulter, while the Spirit drills have a double disc coulter. Various aspects were compared such as aggregate distribution, seed placement, emergence, crop yield and economic outcome.

Hur stor areal äldre skog lämplig för trakthyggesbruk finns det på Gotland 2013?

The degree project at hand investigates how large areas of older forest (80 plus years) suitable for clear cutting there is on the Swedish island of Gotland. Large areas of older forest on Gotland are situated on land with shallow soil depths which are economically uninteresting and often unsuitable for clear cutting forestry. Other forests hold big nature conservation values and should not, or cannot, be used for forestry purposes. The survey is made as a GIS analysis based on the old but carefully made ?Brief forest inventory? (ÖSI) made in the 1980s and early 1990s. A sample from the inventory is combined with studies of orthophotos, satellite photos and other GIS layers that display estimated soil depth and nature conservation values. Partly contrary to common belief, the survey shows that there are still large areas of older forest suitable for clear cutting forestry on the island.

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