

149 Uppsatser om Decline - Sida 6 av 10

Samband mellan utbildningnivå och grad av konformitet till traditionella maskulina normer

AbstractTitle: Correlation between the levels of education and conformity to traditional masculine normsAuthors: Larsson, M., & Ljungqvist, D. (2008)Objective: This study is an attempt to explain correlations between the levels of education and conformity to traditional masculine norms. It is mainly based on the social construction of gender. Background: A high level of education is associated with a healthy living, and a high conformity to traditional masculine norms associated with harmful health behaviours. The background also presents different views of masculinity, the construction of gender and the construction of norms.

Fackligt oarganiserade arbetares förhållningssätt till fackët och fackligt medlemskap : En kvalitativ studie om erfarenheter och handlingsmotiv

The union organization rate has continuously diminished since the mid 90's. The aim of this essay is to investigate non-members approach to the union. Central questions are what personal experiences the respondents have of the union and how they view the union as a phenomenon. According to previous research the main cause of the great Decline in membership to LO are the increased membership fees to the union and the unemployment insurance funds (UIF) in 2007. The increased fee led to a greater accumulated cost for those who were both union- and UIF -members, which had a negative effect on the membership numbers for the union.

Swedish Meats : motiven bakom försäljningen av kooperationen

In 2007 Swedish Meats, the dominant Swedish meat-producers cooperative sold its slaughtering and processing industry. The goal of a producer cooperative structure is to create value for members through vertical integration, and to strengthen members? market position. When Swedish Meats sold the slaughtering and processing components, it ceased in some respects to serve the function of a cooperative. This is a lost opportunity for both members and non-members, because Swedish Meats as a functioning cooperative could have exploited its dominant market position to positively effect producer?s prices.

Förändringsvillkor och förändringsambitioner inom folkbiblioteken. En samtidshistorisk studie med fokus på de tre GÖK-biblioteken under två decennier

This Master thesis focuses on change conditions and change ambitions in Swedish public libraries. I have chosen to focus on three libraries that participated in a much-debated developmental project sponsored by the Swedish Arts Council almost twenty years ago. The aim of the project was to enhance service-quality, increase user-influence over media acquisition and library routines, and to redefine the concept of quality in the library context. I have made comparisons of the conditions and change ambitions between the project period 1991-1994 and present day 2009. To do this I have analyzed the evaluations of the above-mentioned project and the developmental plans that every municipality in Sweden is required to write according the library-law of 2004.

Skola i förändring : Bra betyg = Bra demokrat?

Title: School in Change : Good Grades = Good Democrat? Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Political Science Author: Marcos Castro Allende Supervisor: Per Strömblad Date: 2013 ? May Aim: The background to this study is a book published by Staffan. I Lindberg & Richard Svensson where they presented a hypothesis that the Decline in trusting democracy within Swedish youth is a result of the deregulation of the education in Sweden. The aim of this study is to test this hypothesis and see if the declinne in democracy can be seen already before graduating from elementary school. Method: The method used in this study consist of a survey distributed to students at two elementary schools that differentiates in question of grades and social status. By comparing and analyzing the results of this survey with the claims of the hypothesis, former studies and Lipsets theory of the working-class authoritarism a conclusion is made of the hypothesis credibility. Result & Conclusions: The results showed that there may be a a difference trusting democracy between students with higher grades and those with lower grades.

Anpassat växtmaterial för skärgårdsmiljö - Tjörn

In 2007 Swedish Meats, the dominant Swedish meat-producers cooperative sold its slaughtering and processing industry. The goal of a producer cooperative structure is to create value for members through vertical integration, and to strengthen members? market position. When Swedish Meats sold the slaughtering and processing components, it ceased in some respects to serve the function of a cooperative. This is a lost opportunity for both members and non-members, because Swedish Meats as a functioning cooperative could have exploited its dominant market position to positively effect producer?s prices.

Svenska mikrolån samt andra finansieringsmöjligheter för småföretag

When a country faces a Decline in business activity, companies have to struggle to gain external capital. It is even more important for small enterprises to get capital, as they normally do not have enough collateral to receive traditional bank loans. In Bangladesh, Grameen Bank started with micro credit programs in the early 90?s, that included small capital loans and leasing of machines. Nowadays these micro credit programs have developed to function even in industrialized countries.

Skolhuset - idéer, avsikter och debatter kring skolhusets fysiska miljö i tidskriften Lärarnas Tidning - Svensk Skoltidning 1962-1974

In this study I examine the debates, intentions and ideas concerning the physical and created schoolroom as they appeared in the journal Lärarnas Tidning - Svensk Skoltidning (Teachers Journal ? Swedish School journal) during the period 1962-1974. The built and created school building and its environment has been a relatively neglected topic in Swedish pedagogical research.When the Swedish comprehensive system transformed during the sixties, with new curricula and a common nine year school, many school professionals realised the need for a new and pedagogically adjusted schoolhouse.The early seventies marked a Decline after a ten year period with an extensive building program affecting large parts of Sweden, and where schoolhouses had been an important part. The debate concerning the new Swedish school building was sometimes inspired and refreshing, but resistance and bitterness was also expressed. In part, this should be seen against the backdrop of the introduction of a new educational system, using new and sometimes untested pedagogical ideas, together with the fast transformation of the Swedish society.The research method is an exploratory textual analysis focused on five different issues: ideas concerning community centres and integration, participatory and democratic issues about the built environment, the school building as a pedagogical tool, aesthetic considerations, and the working environment.

Etik - en lyxvara i reklambranschen? : En studie av reklametik i teori och praktik

In this interview study I have examined eleven Swedish advertisers and professional communicators and their view of ethics in the advertising industry. The purpose of the study was to shed light on how they see their ethical responsibilites, as well as trying to understand how they reason in regard to ethics as a whole. The main research questions regard the distinction between business and economic responsibilities towards their clients and societal ethical responsibilities, which ethical questions are of importance to them, and how they believe the industry should be regulated.The theoretical framework of the study uses media ethics, social responsibility theory, media accountability theory, and stockholder and stakeholder theory as its base. The study was performed using a qualitative method through interviews and the interpretation of these. The results of the study finds that the consulted advertisers have set opinions of what they themselves would Decline to work with for ethical reasons, and has also been able to identify five main categories of ethical issues that they attach great importance to.

Impact by bomas on the distribution of spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta) in the Mara Region, Kenya

The aim of this study is to find out if, and in what way the Maasai pastoralists affect the spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta) through Bomas (Maasai settlement) and keeping of livestock. The study was carried out in the Maasai Mara National Reserve and the adjoining group ranch, Koyake GR, in South-western Kenya.Data was assembled through transect driving, with instantaneous scan sample during two seasons, December 2003 and May-June 2004. Study area contained 12 bomas with three different type of transects each: T1 (0.5 km from boma), T2 (3 km from boma) and T3 (5.5 km from boma), to create a gradual Decline in human and livestock impact. Results show that there are differences in the hyena's utilisation of transect type during the day and during the night. The spotted hyena tend to avoid transects close to the boma during the day time, but go there during the night time.

Vem köper KlimatEl och varför? : Kvantitativ undersökning av Kalmar Energis elhandelskunder

Private individuals can voluntarily buy EU Allowances (EUA) in order to remove them from the European Union Greenhouse Gas Emission Trading System (EU ETS). It leads to progressive reduction of total carbon dioxide emissions in Europe. Kalmar Energi offers customers to obtain one EUA (equivalent to one ton of CO2) per year by paying 25 SEK a month as a KlimatEl-supplement. The purpose of this research is to examine the customers? attitudes in the issue of climate compensation and trying to define the reasons behind their choices.The results of the quantitative questionnaire were analyzed by using descriptive and analytical statistical methods and have shown some correlation between customers? ages and decisions to accept or not the offer of KlimatEl.

Varför betala?: En uppsats om varför vissa betalar för musik och andra inte

The end of the 20th century brought a dramatic change to the music industry. The then predominant models for music consumption and sales were forever altered when the possibility to distribute music over the internet emerged. It has now become evident that it is virtually impossible to stop the distribution of digital music files. Music has turned into a non-excludable and non-rival product, which in economic terms is described as a public good. Public goods theory serves as a starting point for this study, which explores some of the factors that might explain why some consumers pay for music, while others choose to download music illegally.

Beror KRAV-grisars ledanmärkningar på miljöfaktorer?

This project investigated how elevation and vegetation type influences variation in plant litter phenolic content and protein precipitation capacity among and within common plant species for two different vegetation types, heath and meadow, in a subarctic ecosystem in the Abisko region of northern Sweden. As nutrient availability generally decreases with increasing elevation as a result of decreasing temperature, I hypothesised that phenolic content would increase with elevation and be higher on the heath than the meadow. To test this, the total phenolic content and protein precipitation capacity was estimated in leaf litter from 13 species in both heath and meadow vegetation across an elevational gradient ranging from 500 to 1000 meters above sea level (m.a.s.l.) in the study region. The results showed that elevation and vegetation type both had a strong impact on both variables. Total phenolic concentrations decreased with elevation for the meadow, and were greater for the heath than the meadow.

Älgexplosionen på 70- och 80-talet, ett hot mot sågverken?

The background of this study is an article in the hunting magazine ?Svensk Jakt? where Karl Hedin claims that his sawmills has not noticed any significant moose damages in the timber. The purpose with the study is to find out the causes to the moose explosion and what it has led to in today?s forests. A questionnaire has been sent out to sawmills in the region Dalarna with the purpose of finding out if sawmills receive moose-damaged timber and what they think about how they foresee future development. There were two causes of the moose explosion, that had effects on the moose population. The first cause was that the moose hunters wanted to raise the moose population, and by raising the calf shooting and by saving the cows they succeeded. The second cause was changing methods in Swedish forestry.

Älgexplosionen på 70- och 80-talet, ett hot mot sågverket?

The background of this study is an article in the hunting magazine ?Svensk Jakt? where Karl Hedin claims that his sawmills has not noticed any significant moose damages in the timber. The purpose with the study is to find out the causes to the moose explosion and what it has led to in today?s forests. A questionnaire has been sent out to sawmills in the region Dalarna with the purpose of finding out if sawmills receive moose-damaged timber and what they think about how they foresee future development. There were two causes of the moose explosion, that had effects on the moose population. The first cause was that the moose hunters wanted to raise the moose population, and by raising the calf shooting and by saving the cows they succeeded. The second cause was changing methods in Swedish forestry.

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