

149 Uppsatser om Decline - Sida 4 av 10

Vinsten av konkurrens - En analys av Stopplagens konsekvenser för konkurrensen på sjukhusmarknaden

Abstract Title: Benefit from Competition ? An analysis of the consequences of Stopplagen for the Swedish health care market Author: Cecilia Halldelius Tutor: Carl Hampus Lyttkens Date: 2005-09-05 Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to examine how the new legislation for the health care market, primarily the anti-profit-legislation, will affect the competition in the Swedish health care market. Method: The thesis is based on literary studies. By combining theories and empirics regarding the health care market, competition and profit, a deeper understanding of the aspects important for the chosen subject, is created. Combined with official reports and the new legislation, an analysis is formed.

Hållbar och funktionell utemiljö för järnvägsstationer

In a time when milk producing farm businesses face Decline in profitability it is of great importance to examine how the situation can be improved. This thesis is a study off efficiency in milk producing farm businesses represented by Swedish, Dutch and German farms. The aim of this study is to investigate whether any differences exist between companies in these countries. Moreover, the study includes a mapping of a number of factors that determine how efficient milk production can be managed. This mapping is based on a literature review on prior efficiency studies followed by qualitative interviews with milk production advisors as well as a questionnaire sent out to dairy farmers in Sweden.

I huvudet på folkbibliotekarien ? En studie om folkbibliotekariers uppfattningar om lässtimulerande insatser

During the last ten years, PIRLS and PISA have evaluated the reading levels of children and youth around the world, sometimes with grim results. The Swedish evaluation show a constant Decline in reading comprehension, and Sweden, which from the start produced one of the best results in the world, have plummeted to the bottom of the ranks. The librarians of the public library have extensive experience of working with different projects engaging children and youth in reading, and so they have a major part to play in this matter. Consequently, the aim of this study is to examine and describe the different perceptions the public librarians have of these projects. Four research questions were formulated, each focusing on the perceptions regarding different aspects of the reading promotion projects.

Går det att stympa kärlek? : Den liberala och radikala feminismens syn på kvinnlig könsstympning i Etiopien

The purpose of my work is to understand and examine the reasons why Ethiopia has not developed a larger Decline of female genital mutilation, despite their ban on it? A ban that has been operating for ten years should reasonably have reached a greater change than the one Ethiopia has developed today. Based on two different branches of feminist theory, the liberal feminist theory and radical feminist theory, I will try to understand the potential power relationship that can be a immense reason for Ethiopia's continued practice with regard to female genital mutilation. I will examine the liberal feminist approach when it comes to seeing the state as the source of the balance of power that generate inequality in the world between men and women. I will also apply the radical feminist theory on my case study and understand the problem of patriarchy and its already set roles for men and women that we are following in the society today, resulting in gender inequality. The result shows that the radical feminist approach with patriarchy as essential explanation, which articulates that because of ancient traditions and the exercise of power, the amendment must be the changing of power relations between men and women in the private sphere rather than the liberal feminist approach which applies that the state repair the problem..

Reglerade återköpstider : en studie av svenska återköpsprogram

This study addresses mandatory non-trading periods for Swedish stock market participants which have implemented an open-market share repurchase program during the period 2000 until 2010. By locating the date of publication of interim reports, these mandatory non-trading periods called silent periods are examined. The result indicates that repurchase trading activity occurs despite the statutory prohibition. By studying the price support hypothesis assumptions about long- and short-term effect on share price and performance, this study tries to explain these tendencies. An average Decline of share price and performance is shown among companies entering silent periods.

Hur prissätts digitala dagstidningar i Sverige - En fallstudie om tre tidningars resa från gratis till betalvägg

Printed newspapers are on the Decline, while digital versions are in rapid growth. Consequently the industry must draw up new business models around the digital format - models that can produce revenue streams equivalent to those that the print format used to produce. However, after a decade of 'free' online news, consumers now hesitate to pay. In their struggle for survival, strategic pricing is a central issue for newspapers. This study aims at describing how Swedish newspapers price their digital content, by analyzing their pricing processes and five factors that may influence the choice of paywall and price levels.

Fattar du vad de säger? : En begriplighetsanalytisk jämförelse mellan Ekot och P3 Nyheter

In this study we compare Ekot with P3 Nyheter with a comprehension analytical perspective. The more traditional radio news program Ekot differs from the younger P3 Nyheter in a lot of aspects. One of them is that P3 Nyheter?s primary target group is young people between the ages of 20 to 34. Because of this, P3 Nyheter aim to make their news as adjusted to their young audience as possible.

Morgondagens arkiv : Om arkivhantering i framtiden

The aim of this study has been to create a future scenario of what archiving might look like in the future. The main theory used in the study comes from future studies, but also a theory about the social impact of technology on work were used. The questions that were analysed were about the tasks of the archivist, the appearance of the archival institution, collaboration with other LAM institutions, knowledge requirements for the archivist and the amount of archivist positions. The method used in the study was scenario writing, which derives from future studies. The source material consisted among other things of regulations and laws related to archiving together with some archival manuals.The tasks of the future archivist will probably consist of the same tasks as those of present archivists who work with digital archiving, even though archivists probably forever also will have to work a little with paper records.The future archival institution will probably retain its paper records and keep its digital records on digital storage media.

SIDAs Watergate : En ide?historisk undersö?kning av debatten om svenskt bistånd till det indiska befolkningsprojektet 1977?1980

In 1975 the Indian president Indira Gandhi proclaimed the emergency period which would go on until 1977. Under this time approximately 8 million men and women were sterilized in the name of family planning. Many of them did not volunteer. This was not just an Indian con- cern because the family planning program was largely funded by international aid. The Swe- dish involvement in the program was debated 1977?1980, in what has been called ?SIDA?s Watergate?.

Att mäta publicering av artiklar: En tillämpning av bibliometri på evidensbasering inom socialt arbete

This thesis examines the scientific publishing in the subject area of evidence based practice EBP in social work. Issues are: How has this publishing evolved, separately and compared to the publishing about evaluation in social work? What authors/countries have produced the largest numbers of articles? What journals have published the largest numbers of articles? Which are the most frequent co-occurrences of a selection of terms? 161 records for articles from 50 different journals were selected from Social Services Abstracts using subject of journal and a query as criteria. For each year, the number of articles about evaluation in social work was larger than about EBP. A Decline in the publishing about evaluation coincide with a growth in EBP after the year 2000.

Internet som politiskt medel : Hur Web 2.0 kan användas för att bryta trenden av politisk desillusion

Political disenchantment and detachment is proven to be growing in well established democracies. This development brings along concerning behavior regarding general political participation. Fewer citizens participate in elections, parties are losing members, and the trust in politicians is steadily decreasing. IDEA (Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance) has been registering voter turnout worldwide for the last 60 years and their publications show a Decline in voter participation since the 1980s.During the same period of time another development has caught attention, namely the fast progress of the medium Internet. The new generation of Internet functions is called Web 2.0 and allows users not only to create content, but also to interact with each other.This dissertation aims to explore the possibilities emerging when integrating Web 2.0 in political processes.

Effektiv mjölkproduktion : en fallstudie av effektiviteten i svenska, tyska och nederländska mjölkproducerande företag, samt en kartläggning av effektivitetspåverkande faktorer

In a time when milk producing farm businesses face Decline in profitability it is of great importance to examine how the situation can be improved. This thesis is a study off efficiency in milk producing farm businesses represented by Swedish, Dutch and German farms. The aim of this study is to investigate whether any differences exist between companies in these countries. Moreover, the study includes a mapping of a number of factors that determine how efficient milk production can be managed. This mapping is based on a literature review on prior efficiency studies followed by qualitative interviews with milk production advisors as well as a questionnaire sent out to dairy farmers in Sweden.

Waqf-institution och Gazi Husrev bays bibliotek i Bosnien-Hercegovina

This thesis is of an historical nature and deals with two institutions in Bosnia and Hercegovina: waqf and the Library of Gazi Husrev bay. These institutions are placed in a societal context which makes it easier to understand their origins, development and Decline. The purpose of this thesis is to describe and analyze the history of the Library of Gazi Husrev bay and its specific characteristics as well as analyze the institution of waqf in a societal context. The questions posed by this thesis are: What is waqf and its meaning? What are its benevolent as well as hostile periods? How did the Library of Gazi Husrev bay and its mission develop? The thesis is limited to waqf in its societal context.

Nyttjande av korsningar i mjölkproduktionen

Farmers? main reason for crossbreeding dairy cows is that they have seen a Decline in functional traits, especially in the Holstein breed. Throughout crossbreeding, the farmers can combine functional and production traits of different dairy breeds and utilize the heterosis effects which emerge when two or more breeds are crossed. Results from different studies with Holstein crossed with Jersey, Brown Swiss, Normande and Scandinavian Red have shown that the crosses had higher fertility, longer productive life, had fewer stillborn calves and had easier calvings than purebred Holstein. The Holstein crosses have shown very good results and sometimes even better than the purebred Holstein for fat production, which gave higher amount of energy corrected milk (ECM) and higher income for the farmers.

Effekter av upphörd hävd i Lurö skärgård : Har diversiteten av kärlväxtarter förändrats?

One of the main reasons for the massive loss in plant species diversity is the fragmentation of habitats. In Europe, open pastures and meadows are the habitats going through the most changes during the 20th century, according to the agricultural changes. In this study vascular plants were invented at five different islands in the Lurö archipelago, Vänern, Sweden. The aim of the study was to sort out whether the diversity of plants has gone through any changes in abandoned managed grasslands compared to continuous managed grasslands. The aim was also to study if a change in the landscape has made any differences for the species development or Decline.

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