

149 Uppsatser om Decline - Sida 1 av 10

Den finansiella nedgångens påverkan för politikers aktivitet : En studie av LiV

Essay in political science, C-level, by Ronak Bozorgi, fall semester 2007. Tutor:P.O. Norell. ?The affect of financial Decline on politician?s activity.

Status och hotbild för den oceaniska laven broktagel Bryoria bicolor i sydvästsverige :

Horse-hair lichen Bryoria bicolor is a red-listed lichen species in the category Vulnerable. It is an oceanic lichen and it is often found on boulders and cliffs in a semi-open environment with a high humidity in the agricultural landscape. The species can also be found as an epiphyte on trees, mostly in boreal forests in the provinces of Dalarna, Härjedalen and Jämtland. In the agricultural landscape, there has been indications on that B. bicolor show a Decline, and this studie aimed at examining the extent and causes of this Decline.

Ett Imperium På Nedgång?: En studie av USA: s Imperium

This is a thesis about the American empire. I also focus my work to see if this American empire is declining. The two main questions I ask and want to answer in this thesis are: is America an empire and is it in Decline?I first conclude that America has been an empire ever since the end of the Second World War. The sheer military and economic power of the American empire matches and exceeds the ones before them.

Hundfoder mot hjärnans åldrande ? kan det fungera?

Due to better nutrition, veterinary and overall care, pet dogs? lifespan has increased. With more old dogs we see more health problems associated with age, among those cognitive Decline, leading to deficits in learning and memory, disorientation, anxiety and other altered behaviors. Cognitive Decline can have severe negative impacts on the life of both dog and owner, when the dog for example forgets being housetrained or starts being awake at night. Two pet food manufacturers have developed food with specific ingredients in order to improve cognitive functions or delay the onset of cognitive impairment. Hill?s Pet Nutrition has developed a dog food with supplements of a broad spectrum of antioxidants and mitochondrial nutrients, aiming to diminish oxidative damage in the brain, thereby maintaining brain function and improving learning ability.

Kritikens plats på Dagens Nyheters kultursidor 1997 och 2007

This study examines the state of criticism in the arts section of Sweden?s largest newspaper Dagens Nyheter. The study stems from raised concerns about the failing position of arts criticism, dubbed ?the crisis of criticism?. Through an overview it compares the arts section of February 1997 to the arts section of 2007.

Do Dividends Pay Dividends

The main intention with this thesis is to investigate the relationship between dividends and investments. We hypothesize that firms may be forced to cut back on investments if dividends are not curtailed in times of poor annual earnings. According to contemporary theories, we argue that firms may be reluctant to cut back on dividends even when annual earnings Decline and the level of investments will consequently be determined by the financial mobility of companies. The survey is carried out by means of a quantitative analysis, which includes all firms quoted on the exchange of Stockholm from 1980 through 2000. On the contrary of previous research, we conclude that even firms with high dividends can be forced to curtail investments if payouts to shareholders are maintained or increased when companies are faced with a Decline in annual earnings..

Grey-sided vole and bank vole abundance in old-growth forest patches of different size and connectivity

Vole populations in northern Scandinavia vary in cycles with peaks every third or fourth year as described by the National Environmental Monitoring Programme of small mammals (NEMP). Some vole species have Declined in population numbers since the NEMP started in 1971, especially the grey-sided vole (Myodes rufocanus) which is nearly extinct in the forested region. Since small mammals are an important food source for several avian and mammalian predators, the Decline in vole numbers is expected to have consequences for the whole food chain, especially if other vole species start to Decline in numbers. This study tried to test the hypothesis that presence and abundance of M. rufocanus (a specialist species) and Myodes glareolus (a generalist species) can be predicted by patch size and connectivity of forest patches >60 years old with a minimum of 15% pine >100years old.

Hur påverkar regeringen företagens internationella konkurrensfördelar? : En studie av den svenska miljöteknikbranschen

Sweden experienced a Decline in exports of 16 percent in the period after the financial crisis. The Decline has created a lot of question marks regarding the traditional exports which has started a process with the aim of finding Sweden?s next cash cow in export.Sweden adopted stringent environmental laws early which positioned them as a strong nation in environmental awareness. The stringent environmental legislation meant that the Swedish companies were required to minimize the environmental impact, which created a demand for eco-efficient products. Despite the early demand for eco-efficient products, the international success of the Swedish cleantech companies has been modest.The government can increase firms international competitiveness by encouraging, supporting and promoting activities on the domestic market.

Destinationsutveckling under politisk kris : En fallstudie om Tunisien 2011

The authors have during the spring semester 2011 studied the subject destination development during a political crisis, focusing on Tunisia. At the beginning of 2011 the country was in an uncertain political situation when the revolution of the Tunisian people occurred. This created massive demonstrations on the streets, and resulted in the current government's resignation. More effects of the revolution has been seen in a drastic Decline of inbound tourists in the country, which in turn affected the country's population and economy. From this point on Tunisia as a destination needs to recover to once again become attractive to tourists.

Mina elever är mina resurser : En jämförelse av hur verksamma lärare arbetar med läsundervisning i Sverige och Sydafrika

The purpose of this study is to investigate the teaching of literacy in two schools in different countries, South Africa and Sweden. The basis for the comparison was the Decline of the two countries in the international PIRLS assessment. The aim of this essay was thus to identify possible similarities or differences between the two countries, possibly contributing to the Decline in the literacy level of young students. The study was conducted by interviewing teachers of young children in South Africa and Sweden about their views on teaching literacy. The research shows that there are several factors contributing both positively and negatively to the literacy of young children.

Effekter av predationsrisk på sånglärkors (Alauda arvensis) habitatval på åkermark

Along with other European farmland birds, the skylark (Alauda arvensis) has Declined rapidly since the 1970?s. Between 1975 and 2003, the Swedish population of skylarks Declined with 64 %. In Britain, the Decline is often explained by alterations in farming practices in general and the shift from spring-sown to winter-sown cereals in particular. The dense vegetation structure of winter cereals is limiting the number of breeding attempts possible, causing the entire population to Decline.

Scenarier för rekrytering av ridskolehästar år 2020

It is important to ensure and develop the Swedish model for riding schools, since the pupils at a Swedish riding school learn both to ride and to handle horses. There is a pronounced problem of stagnation and in some cases a reduced demand in several of the equine industry sectors including breeding with decreased coverings. The aim of this study was to cast light on how representatives from the horse industry looks at riding schools and their recruitment of horses in the next five years. The research issue was ?Will there be difficulties regarding horse recruitment in 2020 and in that case, what are the consequences?? The results of this work consist mostly of material from a workshop on how the riding school will be affected by reduced breeding in the future.

Rondellen och dess växtmaterial

Common species of freshwater mussels may, like the freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) have a drastic Decline in number and there is several reasons, like sedimentation, a Decline of host fishes, introduction of alien species, nutrition leakages from agriculture and pollutants of medic drugs and poison. Ann Gustavsson made in the year of 2007 a study over rejuventation of freshwater great mussels in nine watersystems and considered that the rejuventation within the populations were all along the line poor. This study orients from her work and points to determine if there is a connection between the poor juventation and pollution of nitrogen and phosphorous from industries and private sanitations. The study was performed with the software program ArcGIS9.2 to take out drainage areas for the concerned habitats and contact was made with the concerned authoritys. When it comes to supervision of private sanitations is it the countys and for industries is it the county administrative board.

Finns det något samband mellan stormusslors (unionoida) föryngring och utsläpp i närheten av dess levnadsmiljö? : en jämförelse mellan vattendrag i Västra Götaland

Common species of freshwater mussels may, like the freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) have a drastic Decline in number and there is several reasons, like sedimentation, a Decline of host fishes, introduction of alien species, nutrition leakages from agriculture and pollutants of medic drugs and poison. Ann Gustavsson made in the year of 2007 a study over rejuventation of freshwater great mussels in nine watersystems and considered that the rejuventation within the populations were all along the line poor. This study orients from her work and points to determine if there is a connection between the poor juventation and pollution of nitrogen and phosphorous from industries and private sanitations. The study was performed with the software program ArcGIS9.2 to take out drainage areas for the concerned habitats and contact was made with the concerned authoritys. When it comes to supervision of private sanitations is it the countys and for industries is it the county administrative board.

Bibliotekariens kunskap: En textanalys av SOU 1969:37

The aim with this Masters thesis is to examine the professional knowledge of the librarian. The method used is text analysis of a state public investigation, SOU 1969:37, that concerns librarian education. The theoretical starting point is a theory of knowledge thats descended from Aristotle. Three different forms of knowledge are central concepts in the theory: the theoretical, the practical and the ethical. The main issue in this thesis is: In what ways did the investigators look at the librarians knowledge? Was it in a changeable period of time? In that case, what reasons could there be? The conclusion shows that educational political changes were affecting the whole educational sphere at the late 1960:s, and in the beginning of the 1970:s, including library education.

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