834 Uppsatser om Debate - Sida 19 av 56
Löst folk : Om konstruktionen av lösdrivarproblemet under 1920-talet
In the 1920s the law against vagrancy had been unaltered since it?s introduction in 1885. During that period, Sweden had undergone great social and political transformation in the wake of industrialisation, urbanisation and democratisation. The political landscape had changed and the social sciences were organising knowledge in new ways. The public opinion realised the need for a review of the vagrant law that better corresponded to the modern times.
Ett l?ngt f?rflutet. En kvalitativ unders?kning av debatten kring psykologin och psykoanalysen i G?teborg.
This essay is a qualitative study of the relationship between psychology and psychoanalysis pertaining to the Debates in 2020 and 2022, with a focus on the Gothenburg context. This essay will through the use of a questionnaire sent to employees of the psyc hological institute in Gothenburg and with Debate articles examine how the conflict creates distinctions within, and outside of, the academic discipline of psychology. With the help of the historical context as well as a discourse analysis the aim of the e ssay is to understand how the relationship is discussed today. The essay examines what type of arguments are used by psychology to dismiss, or make a distinction from, psychoanalysis in our time and where these arguments draw their legitimacy from..
Attityder till kvinnomisshandel : Attityden till kvinnomisshandel i dagens multikulturella Sverige
Domestic violence against women is a widespread problem around the world, this study aims to investigate Swedish men?s attitudes towards this problem. To investigate this I have done a historic overview of the political attitude change and I interviewed two ethnic Swedish men and two men with a foreign background, this because to get a fair representation of our multicultural society. The results and conclusions is that the attitude haven?t changed that much over the years, it is mostly the latest decades that politicians and the medial Debate have acknowledge the imbalance of power between the genders and that the patriarchy is a major factor towards this attitude.The interviewed showed that the men with foreign background had a tendency to have more traditionally attitude towards women then the Swedish men..
Den ekonomiska tillväxten : en redogörelse för pessimistiska och optimistiska synsätt
The economic growth we have experienced the last century is based on limited natural resources. Whether these resources will last for a further economic growth is widely Debated. Pessimism and optimism have each been influential philosophies in Debate whose opinions can be conceded as two opposing opinions. In this paper we have analyze these opinions from an economics perspective. To study this further, the construction and meaning of the pessimistic and optimistic arguments have been applied implicitly on the Leontief production function and the Solow growth model.
Vaxholmskonflikten och innebörden av solidaritet : En argumentationsanalys av den svenska pressdebatten
The conflict in Vaxholm was an important event since it influenced the view upon the Swedish labour market. The entire Swedish model was questioned and questions about what the concept of solidarity stands for and for whom it is meant arose.The Swedish union, Byggnads, was harshly criticised for having acted in a discriminating fashion towards den Latvian workers and the Latvian company Laval un Partneri. The Debate in the media was intense.My intention with this essay was to scrutinise the arguments in one of the most prestigious newspapers in Sweden, Dagens Nyheter, and to put the argumentation into a perspective of solidarity. I wanted to investigate how the different parties argued about solidarity. One of the conclusions I drew was that Byggnads needs to question their definition of solidarity and how they wish to express that in a new world more influenced by globalisation and immigrated labours..
Samhällsmoral genom lag? : En sociologisk studie av de viktigaste argumenten för en svensk civilkuragelag
A tragic event in 2012 sparked a Debate about the need for a law of civil courage when it became clearthat passivity in situations where people ?s lives are put in danger is not punishable. In this essay based on qualitative interviews with jurists and students of law the issue of civil courage is analyzed with the help of sociological theory. My objective has been to try and find out if a law of civil courage can be motivated with the argument that it would strengthen the public moral. My conclusion is that a law of moral courage is not a suitable way of making people more willing to help others or to strengthen the civil courage or the public moral.
Vattenfall - I nationens Intresse? : En diskursanalys av den riksdagspolitiska kampen om Vattenfall
Till följd av Vattenfalls uppmärksammade investeringar i fossilbränslebaserad energiverksamhet har vi genom att analysera den riksdagspolitiska debatten kring Vattenfall, sökt efter återkommande yttranden, genom vilka vi konstruerat diskurser som står för vad riksdagspolitiska aktörer anser i frågan om det statliga styret av Vattenfall. Vi kommer fram till att det inte helt oväntat går att skapa två övergripande diskurser, där de olika politiska blocken verkar inom varsin diskurs i frågan om hur Vattenfalls miljöintentioner ska uppnås..
Ett salt i kulturdebatten : Mångbottnade berättelser om Stockholms stadsteater
Stockholms stadsteater (Stockholm?s city theatre) is a public theatre in Stockholm, Sweden. During the last ten years, the theatre has increased its audience by 40 percent, has been called a ?success story? by culture politicians in Stockholm as well as others in the cultural field, and is today the largest theatre in the Nordic countries. At the same time, there is a recurring Debate, primarily in the national morning papers? culture sections, concerning Stockholms stadsteater.
Föreställningar om naturfotografin En studie av naturfotografers syn på tendenser och förändringar inom naturfotografin
The purpose with this essay is to examine the role of landscape photography as a portrayer of nature. The study contains interviews with eight landscape photographers, to find out how they look at tendencies and changes in photography. The essay focuses on the discussion of authenticity and realism in landscape photography. Due to the requirement of nature as something natural and authentic, the landscape photography stands in a special position when it comes to matters of manipulation and influence. On the basis of certain analysis themes, the landscape photographers Debate questions such as where landscape photography stands today, and how the future looks for the genre..
Pedagogernas inställning till surfplattor : Surfplattan som verktyg för lärande inom förskolan
We live in a society where the technology has an enormous role in our lives. The average age of using digital tools among Swedish people is down to a very young age. In the recent period of time there has been much Debate about tablets and their use in preschools. The aim of this study is to examine the preschool teachers experiences and perceptions of tablet use and how the implementation of the tablets benefits the school activities. What is central to this research is not how kids use the tablet, but how educators are using the tablet device as supplement for children?s development.
Robothandel ? En rättvis arena? -En litteraturstudie om Robothandeln med aktier
The purpose of the thesis is to demonstrate how high frequency trading affects the stock market. The growing high frequency trading is affecting the game plan on the financial markets and concerns have grown about the high frequency users intentions with their business. It is difficult to receive an overall picture of the subject because the lack of previous research and even the research that exist do not show the entire picture. The thesis contributes to the research through a comprehensive picture of the present Debate as well as the previous research through a literature study. Our results showed that high frequency trading provides liquidity to the market, there is a statistical connection between high frequency trading and volatility, no price manipulation is being used and there is a need for a supervision of the high frequency trading..
En demokratisk organisation - ett klick bort? : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys som undersöker potential för demokratisk kommunikation via intranät
AbstractTitle: A democratic organisation - one click away? A quantitative content analysis which studies the potential of democratic communication through intranet use.Authors: Stina Gabrielsson and Jill Johansson VennelinPurpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate whether there is potential for democratic communication within the NGOs through intranet use.Key questions to be answered were: To what extent is authority versus members represented on the intranet Klick?s discussion forum? What/which communication-related functions out of social function, knowledge transferring and Debate are featured in the posts published on the intranet Klick?s discussion forum? Are deliberative discussions being practiced in the discussion forumthreads on the intranet Klick? The thesis is based on the theory of deliberative democracy. In order to substantiate the theory has theoretical perspectives concerning participation and involvement also been applied. These perspectives are derived from organizational theory and internal communication.Method/Material: This study consists of a quantitative content analysis of the 477 posts and the 129 discussion threads available on the NGO RFSU?s intranet Klick the 29th of november 2012.Main results: The results show that 63, 4 percent of those who were active in the discussionforum represented the category authority, while the category members were formed by 36, 6 percent.
Varför kommer inte fler kvinnor upp i hierarkin och gör karriär inom revision? Är det en tidsfråga eller finns det ett glastak?
The number of women in Swedish firms of accountant is not lower then the number of men, but when we compared the number of chartered auditors, the number of women are low compared to men. This is connected to the public Debate that is mainly emphasising that there are no differences between men and women and therefore the sexes should be treated equal. The method used is a qualitative study and the primary data was collected through interviews. The respondents consist of members, women as well as men, from eighteen auditors in Malmö and Kristianstad. The result shows that both male and female characters are needed in the work on the firm of accountants.
Digitala julhälsningar : De virala kommunikatörerna, offentligheten och demokratin
Title: Digital christmas greetings - the viral communicators, public sphere and democracy(Digitala julhälsningar - de virala kommuniktörerna, offentligheten och demokratin)Number of pages: 41Author : Anna-Sara TorgnysdotterTutor: Ylva EkströmCourse : Media and Communication Studies DPeriod: Spring, semester 2010University: Devision of Media and Communications, Department of Information Science,Uppsala UniversityPurpose: The purpose of this study is to see if social media could be an arena for the usersto increase democracy and the public sphere. Studying the role and possibilitys of the individual.Is there a space for any one to act and Debate?Method: A qualitative analysis based on interviews with ten users of social media - viralcommunicators. They were discussing public and private sphere, democracy, norms andbehavior in social media.Theoretical platform: The theoretical basis has its roots in sociology: Ervin Goffman´sidea on self-presentation and social interaction, Manuel Castels´ theories of the networksociety and Jürgen Habermas idea of the public spehere.Main result: The viral communicators are ambivalent in their use of socialmedia. They are users because they want to be but also because they feel forced to - professionalor private.
NORMER OCH NORMALITET - En normvetenskaplig textanalys av argumentation runt homosexuellas adoptionsrätt
SV: I januari 2003 fick homosexuella registrerade partners rätt att prövas som adoptivföräldrar i Sverige, i enlighet med en proposition från 2001. Beslutet kom först efter en lång debatt; redan 1986 lades en proposition fram som behandlade frågan och avslog den. Denna uppsats är en studie av de argument som förkommer i propositionerna. Syftet har varit dels att beskriva och analysera de argument som använts i debatten, dels att tematisera upp dem och ta fram bakomliggande normer. Uppsatsen har för avsikt att ta reda på vad i normerna det är som har förändrats.