

11549 Uppsatser om Data validation - Sida 61 av 770

Carpe Diem -En studie i användandet av realtids BI

Bakgrund: Information har länge varit en viktig resurs för företagen och Business Intelligence har gjort det möjligt för dem att analysera stora mängder data. En annan resurs som företagen värdesätter är tid och på senare år har tekniken möjliggjort att BI-systemen inte bara kan hantera stor mängder data utan även göra det på kort tid, eller i realtid.Frågeställning: Vad räknas in i begreppet realtids BI?Kan realtids BI användas för att skapa tidsbaserade konkurrensfördelar?Syfte: Kartlägga begreppet Realtids BI samt identifiera möjliga användningsområden för denna inom den tidsbaserade konkurrensteorin.Metod: Vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ metod där vi intervjuat konsulter och leverantörer inom Business Intelligence.Resultat och slutsatser: Studien visar att det inte finns någon klar definition av realtids BI, men två huvudspår har identifierats. (1) Realtidsanalys med innebörden att data finns tillgänglig för analys när användaren så kräver, samt (2) att realtidsdata uppdateras i nära realtid, vilket kan variera från några sekunder upp till ett par timmar.Dessa två spår inom realtids BI finner användningsområde inom olika områden av den tidsbaserade konkurrensteorin. Realtidsanalys kan användas för att uppnå den externa tidsprestationen i det att företaget snabbare kan identifiera rådande marknadstrender och har då möjligheten att snabbare uppdatera sitt produktutbud.

PROKRASTINERING : gapet mellan avsikt och handling Studenter på högre utbildningar

The definition of procrastination can be described as a behavior with deliberate postponement of tasks or commitments despite expected negative consequences for the individual and his or her environment. This study examined how widespread this behavior is among students in higher education in Sweden. Using a web-based survey, data was collected for analysis. A statistical program, SPSS, was used for evaluation of the collected data. The purpose of this study was to examine whether there are differences in the degree of procrastination between students located on campus versus students who do their education at distance.

"Jag trodde han var mannen i mitt liv" : En litteraturbaserad studie om mäns våld mot kvinnor

Ledaren har en avsevärd påverkan på medarbetarens prestationsförmåga ocharbetstillfredsställelse. Stöd är en kommunikationsaspekt som främjardelaktighet, tillfredställelse och prestationsutveckling för individen, menbidrar också till företagets lönsamhet. Första delstudien undersökersambandet mellan ledares kommunikationsförmåga och medarbetarnasprestationsförmåga. Data insamlad i interkulturellt, industriellt företag i sexländer, tre världsdelar (N=2568). Resultatet visar ett signifikant sambandmellan ledarens kommunikationsförmåga och medarbetares prestationsförmåga.Ifrågasätta predicerar medarbetarnas prestation i störstutsträckning i fem av sex länder.

Statistisk analys av symptomfrihet efter elektrokonvulsiv behandling

Landstinget i Östergötland har problem med ständigt växande informationsmängder i patienters journaler. Anledningen till att detta är ett problem är att journalen blir svår att överblicka vilket gör det svårt för exempelvis läkare och sjuksköterskor att snabbt hitta relevant information och skaffa sig en uppfattning om patientens sjukdomshistoria vid exempelvis patientmottagning. Informationsöverflödet gör patientjournalen ostrukturerad och därmed svår att söka i. Det tar lång tid att hitta specifika data som eftersöks vilket kan leda till frustration och irritation i den redan tidsmässigt pressade arbetsdagen. Enligt tidigare studie är dubbeldokumentation i patientjournalen en stor bidragande faktor till detta problem.

Distansövervakning av givare i hemmet

Examensarbetet belyser så väl fördelar som nackdelar under utveckling av USB-enheter med PIC processorn PIC16C745 som grund. Processorn används i detta projekt för att möjliggöra en effektiv distansövervakning via USB gränssnittet. I detta projekt har en USB-enhet konstruerats med uppgiften att leverera data från olika givare till en PC. Vidare publiceras dessa data på Internet via en webbserver. Givarna är av typen analoga och binära.

Sambandet mellan bransch och ledarskap : En studie av den amerikanska och svenska TV-produktionsbranschen

AbstractAs a result of globalisation, there are indications that national cultural differences between countries are becoming increasingly vague. Research shows that industries develop similarities, as a result of the integration between corporations that has followed the internationalisation. The aim of this study was thus to investigate whether different countries in the same industry can develop similar perceptions regarding what is considered effective leadership. The study also aimed to investigate whether these perceptions can influence how leadership is exercised. The leader qualities that were identified were categorised based on the leadership attributes that were formulated in Project GLOBE.

Near Field Communication - I Ett Åtkomstkontrollsystem

In the field of IT-forensics you may often get to analyze different types of digital devices. One ofthese devices is the GPS navigation system. Nowadays GPS technology is getting more and morepopular and is included more frequently in different types of devices. With this article we want topresent the differenent obstacles and possibilites that a forensic investigator is presented with in thistype of investigation. We will be comparing different software suites and make use of forensic toolssuch as EnCase.The reader should get some understanding of the methods there are for analyzing one of these devicesand what problems that may occur in the investigation process.The article presents how the investigator can use different methods to gain information such as recentroutes, favourite destinations and other information that may be stored on the device.

Vilken ledarstil är önskvärd ur ett medarbetarperspektiv? : En kvantitativ studie om ledarstilar.

The purpose of this study was to examine the leadership style that is preferred by the employees from a psychosocial- and productive perspective. The study is based on Lewin et al´s research on the three leadership styles authoritarian, democratic and laissez-faire leader. This is a quantitative study with a questionnaires as data collection method. The sample consisted of individuals working in a municipality in one nursing unit. The data from the survey were analyzed by three separate one-way depending ANOVA in IBM statistics SPSS 22.

Officersutbildningens akademisering : En studie av yrkesidentitet i förändring

Department of Education, University of Stockholm. Second year research project, autumn term 2009. The transformation of Swedish officer´s training into an academic professional education ? a study of professional identity in alteration. The study is a part of the Research Project; Discussion for collaboration - from vocational training to academic professional education.By Michael LarmThe purpose of this study is to analyse in what way the process of transforming Swedish officer´s training into an academic professional education are perceived in terms of professional identity, alteration and synergies.

Simulering av elektriska förluster i en vindkraftpark : Utveckling av programvaran Wind Farm ElectricSystem Calculator (WFESC)

When planning new wind farms, the cost for the internal electrical grid is estimated to account for 8-9 % of the total investment cost. On top of that, the cost for accumulated reduced income over several years (due to electrical losses), has to be added. The economic lifespan is relatively long (about 20 years) which means that an error in the loss calculation could lead to a bad decision basis. The accumulated reduced incomes due to electrical losses can be higher than the initial investment cost for the internal electrical grid.Today, Statkraft Sweden is using a template number when estimating the electrical losses in a wind farm. The actual losses are probably lower than the template number which could lead to an unnecessary high loss cost when planning a new wind farm.The aim of this M.Sc.

GPS-­baserad virtuell geografisk inhägnad för mobil enhet

The aim of this paper is to find an algorithm to establish and maintain a virtual enclosure around a mobile unit. The area may take any form and should be scalable up to and including national borders. The enclosure is managed on the mobile unit. The target system is Android. Smartphones, tablets and more recently, cameras is examples of mobile units. A modern mobile unit is part of a computer network.

Anställningsotrygghetens effekt på självskattad hälsa, i hög respektive lågkonjunktur

The subject of this study was to research whether or not the effect of job insecurity on self reported health differs between good and bad times in the economic climate. Two different years of a national health survey from the Swedish institute of health (FHI) served as data, with 2007 representing good economic climate and 2009 doing the opposite. Both years consisted of data from a national health survey distributed to 20 000 random individuals in Sweden, where 2007 had 5738 valid cases and 2009 had 10 373. A quantitative method was used to determine the difference, consisting of a three variable cross tabulation with chi2-analysis as well as a model of binary logistic regression for each of the two years.The cross tabulation found a significant difference between the two years, with those reporting job insecurity having less of a chance to report bad health during the year representing bad economic climate. While the logistic regression showed the same tendency, the two years could not be significantly differed from each other in that part of the analyzes.With this in mind, the conclusion from the whole test was that no significant difference could be found between the years regarding the health effect of job insecurity..

Consumers' behaviour in the use of online services and the cultures effect on it-a study of Swedes and Danes use of online job databases

The thesis deals with consumers behaviour in the use of online services and the cultures effect on it. It is a study of Swedes and Danes use of online job data bases. The thesis is based on a quantitative study. A questionnaire were used sent out to 80 Swedes and 80 Danes. The theory concerns areas of online consumer behaviour, decision making and services theory as well as theories within culture in relation to services and behaviour.

Människans roll i skogslandskapets trädslagssammansättning, en studie i Ångermanland

Human presence has always influenced the surrounding areas, the forest as well. Structure and species composition have changed during human land use. Knowledge regarding these changes should be of great interest for conservation and forestry. We have analyzed human impact on the tree species composition on five study sites during 2000 years in Ångermanland, Sweden. More specifically the change in tree species composition in percentage amongst alder, birch, spruce and pine over time.

Ensamkommande barn i vuxenlivet : en kartläggning om ensamkommande barns etablering i samhället

The paper aims to examine how well a small group unaccompanied children have established themselves in Swedish society. In order to determine how well they have established the empirical material which is primarily based on quantitative data has been measured with a theoretical model developed by the theorists Nancy Fraser and Alistair Ager and Alison Strang. Based on the theoretical framework the unaccompanied children establishments have been measured in example income, education, debts with Kronofogdemyndigheten and social network. It was found that the unaccompanied children had not achieved the establishment in the society that was expected from the theoretical framework. Their results were also generally below the national average for young adults in Sweden who are the same age.

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