

11549 Uppsatser om Data validation - Sida 23 av 770

Magkänsla mot matematik : Kan mekanisk rekrytering förhindra diskriminering?

The aim of this study was to investigate if a mechanical recruitment process could be a useful tool for employers to avoid discrimination. National and international law protect jobseekers from discrimination during the recruiting process. Despite this individuals frequently report that they are treated unfairly when they apply for a job. In line with this research shows that some individuals do not have the same opportunities in the labour market as the rest of the population. This study focus on discrimination based on ethnicity, age, gender or disability.Today most of the hiring decisions are based on employers professional judgement.

Kulturanvändande bland Unga : En studie om kulturvanor, ungdomars livsvillkor och bibliotekets roll

The aim of this bachelor thesis has been to examine and develop our own understanding about how young people in Sweden (16-29 years of age), take part in cultural activities. As librarians it is important to know what kind of activities and interests this particular group has. With Pierre Bourdieu?s theoretical framework towards habitus and capital we are interested to see if there is a connection between one?s cultural use and background, if different access to capital with or within groups has an affect or not. With both statistics and interviews with people within our target, we believe this data has been sufficient enough to conduct a good and valid study.

Russinen ur kakan: - uppföljning av kampanjer i byggvaruhandeln

The Swedish do-it-yourself (DIY) market has expanded in recent years and is today a SEK90 billion market. Competition is fierce, however, and the DIY retail chains compete over market share with extensive marketing campaigns. Advances in computer technology have made it possible to acquire and compile huge quantities of point of sale data. However, due to a lack of economic theories and statistical methods, this data cannot be effectively utilized and the effects of the campaigns are not measured in any detail. In this study a new method was used to examine the effects of marketing campaigns in the DIY consumer market.

Utvärdering av prototypen för ett kollaboratorium inom biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap

This study is a formative evaluation of a prototypecollaboratory for sharing data collection instruments inlibrary and information science (LIS). The aims were to findout: how the study participants, five hospital librarians,experienced the interaction with the prototype while workingwith predetermined tasks; and their views on the differentfunctions of the prototype collaboratory.Methods used for data collection was as a survey; followedby a think-aloud session where the participant verbalisedhis/her thoughts during the interaction with the prototype;and finally a semistructured interview. The survey wasanalysed with a frequency distribution, while the data fromthe other methods were analysed qualitatively by extractingthemes from the transcribed sessions.The results show that although the librarians expresseddifferent problems while working with the interface, mainlyrelated to the language in the prototype collaboratory anddifficulties with the page for applying metadata, all of themwere confident in being able to learn the system after using itfor a while. The librarians had a positive attitude towardssharing data collection instruments as well as comments inthe prototype collaboratory. At the same time, they wereaware that students and researchers might have differentabilities or incentives to work and share information.

Diskussioner inommatematikämnet : Kreativa och Imitativa diskussioneroch när de används i undervisningen

The purpose of this essay is to examine when teachers choose to discuss mathematics withstudents rather then just talk about mathematics. A definition where used to distinguish betweenan interaction that is not a discussion and an interaction that is a discussion. This definition hasbeen created by drawing ideas from other works into making a quite simple definition whichtherefore is easy to observe. The discussions are also separated into two different kinds ofdiscussions. The first and most common category of discussion are one where only imitativereasoning is used.

Livscykelbaserad miljövärdering av en ny kontorsbyggnad : En jämförande studie mellan två analysmetoder

This Master?s Thesis aims to illustrate in what ways the two Swedish environmental assessment tools, the Environmental Load Profile and EcoEffect differ and if performed valuations gives different results and environmental goals.The built urban environment causes about half the environmental loading in Sweden. The society?s ambition towards sustainable development has resulted in demands reducing the environmental load. One way to accomplish this change is with the assistance of tools for environmental assessment of the built environment.

Data och metodik för utbytesberäkning - en studie på Medelpads Skogsförvaltning

To manage the industry?s need of wood assortments in a optimal and cost effective way the forest companies need to have knowledge of the actual standing volume and the yield of the planned clear cuts. The mean volume of the trunk is also important since it is important for the contractors prices. Today the total volume are estimated either with Näslund (1940) or Brandels (1990) functions of volumes, and the yield is estimated with Rune Ollas (1980) function for trunks and stands. The purpose of this study has been to answer the following questions: How good is the yield forecast with data collected with currently used methods? How well can the yield forecasts became with data collected according to the instructions? How well can the yield forecast be with data collected according to the instruction and calculated with the program Aptan for theoretical bucking? The study has been initiated and financed by SCA Skog AB.The material consisted of a number of randomly selected objects ready for clear cut.

Bootstrap som hjälpmedel att öka noggrannheten och bedöma precisionen vid probitregression, med tillämpning på hörselmätningar

In many biomedical contexts, e. g. when evaluating hearing disorders, the data obtained can be described as pairs (x1, y1), ?, (xn, yn) where x is a quantitative variable and y a 0/1 variable whose probability of taking the value 1 is a monotonic function of x. One way of analysing such data is to perform probit regression; thereby two parameters, b0 (= the constant) and b1 (= the slope) are estimated; the interest centres around m = -b0/b1, i.

Flotation therapy for downer cows : a retrospective study of cases treated with flotation therapy at the Large animal clinic at the Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire at Université de Montréal

There are about 700 000 dogs in Sweden. Roughly 70 % of the dogs are purebred and registered in the database at the Swedish Kennel Club (SKC). The database includes records of birth date, pedigree, offspring and results from e.g. veterinary examinations related to genetic health programs.Every year approximately 10% of the dogs die; most are euthanized by a veterinarian. Dog mortality data is stored as digital medical records at animal clinics and in insurance databases.Dog owners tend to register their puppy in the SKC, but they rarely report that the dog has passed away.

Kvalitet på vägdata : inventering av skogsbilvägars standard samt jämförelser med lokal bedömning och SNVDB.

During 2006 SNVDB (the national road data base for forestry) is being introduced to Holmen Skog. This data base contains all information about Holmen Skogs road systems. The information will then be used in different kinds of optimisation models which only produce correct and reliable results if the input data are of the adequate quality. Today there are reasons to believe that road data is of various qualities. The forest roads are often in a bad condition and have to be improved before a planned harvest. The cost of maintenance and construction of new roads is a large part of the total harvesting cost.

Översättning och validering av Voice-Related Quality of Life

En röststörning kan sägas föreligga då rösten inte fungerar eller låter som den brukar så att det påverkar kommunikationen. Prevalensen för röststörningar uppskattas till omkring 6 % av den vuxna befolkningen. När rösten inte fungerar som den ska leder det till emotionella, sociala och funktionella svårigheter för individen och har negativ inverkan på livskvaliteten. Voice- Related Quality of Life (V-RQOL) är ett självskattningsformulär som mäter vilken inverkan en röststörning kan ha på individens livskvalitet. Detta instrument är internationellt välanvänt, men har inte funnits översatt till svenska.

Interdependence between seed age and aerated steam treatment intensities

Aerated steam treatment is a modern and environmental friendly method for seed borne fungus sanitation, mainly used on cereals. The method involves exposure to heat and high humidity, factors which are known to induce a fast ageing of seeds, thus resulting in reduced storability. This thesis clarifies the interdependence between seed age and the aerated steam treatment intensities. Two studies were carried out in this thesis. In the first study the storage longevity of seeds treated with aerated steam was examined. The second study investigated the shelf-life of the pre-tests used to determine the aerated steam treatment tolerance of a seed lot, by testing the treatment tolerance of seeds aged prior to the treatment.

Användning av LiDAR och ArcGIS inom skogsbruk i Sverige

Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) har under det senaste decenniet utvecklats mycket och används som datainsamlingsmetod vid inventering av skog. Lantmäteriet genomför mellan åren 2009 och 2015 en riksomfattande flygburen laserskanning över hela Sverige och den laserskanningen ska leda till en ny nationell höjdmodell (NNH). Data som genereras från denna höjdmodell kan nyttjas av skogsindustrin för att göra skogliga inventeringar. Programvaruutvecklaren Esri Inc. har utvecklat ett stöd för hantering av denna typ av data i deras nya version av ArcGIS, ArcGIS 10.1.

Visualisering av informationskvalitet : Utformning av kvalitetsindikatorer för Lantmäteriets Fastighetsregister

Fastighetsregistret (The Cadastre) is a large and important information sourcesupplied by Lantmäteriet (the Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registrationauthority). Fastighetsregistret provides geographical information about the 3.2 millionestates in use in Sweden. Fastighetsregistret has a large number of users who trustthat the provided data is reliable, but experience shows that the data can have varyingquality. As a user it is not always possible to access more detailed information inorder to assess to what extent the data in Fastighetsregistret is reliable.The purpose of this master's thesis is to investigate the possibilities of a system with agraphical user interface that present, classify and visualize the quality of the data inFastighetsregistret. The defined user group for this suggestion is internal users atLantmäteriet who have a good understanding of Fastighetsregistret.

Högutbildad och anställningsbar? - en studie av klassbakgrundens betydelse på den svenska arbetsmarknaden

Since the 1950s new laws on higher education have led to a ?mass education phenomenon? in Sweden. This has led to a surplus of people with a university degree measured against available positions on the labor market. As a result of that development it must be assumed that in this over qualified society it is not anymore the degree but additional factors which are decisive for getting a job. In this respect the importance of the class background for getting a jobb that is equal to once level of education shall beexamined.The research was carried out by means of a Quantitative Analysis based on data from anational database called Undersökningar av Levnadsförhållanden (Survey of LivingConditions).

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