

11680 Uppsatser om Dataöverföring - Sida 38 av 779

Hinderdetektering och kartläggning för autonom robot

In order to measure the quality of the logs, one can with help of Fast Fourier Transform technique get the signals resonance peaks. With help of these peaks you can see whether the quality of a tree is good or bad. This report contains the work of a where a program has been developed to be able to process a vibration created by an automatic hammer hitting on a log of wood. From the processed signal the program should be able to show both the raw wavesignal and the processed measured data from the resonance peaks. Beyond the raw wavesignal and resonance peaks the program should also be able to control the automatic hammer.

Inrapporteringsprocessen av förädlingskostnader för Scanias kalkylbilar

In order to measure the quality of the logs, one can with help of Fast Fourier Transform technique get the signals resonance peaks. With help of these peaks you can see whether the quality of a tree is good or bad. This report contains the work of a where a program has been developed to be able to process a vibration created by an automatic hammer hitting on a log of wood. From the processed signal the program should be able to show both the raw wavesignal and the processed measured data from the resonance peaks. Beyond the raw wavesignal and resonance peaks the program should also be able to control the automatic hammer.

Undersökning av integreringsmöjligheten av två  monteringsceller på IMO Pump

In order to measure the quality of the logs, one can with help of Fast Fourier Transform technique get the signals resonance peaks. With help of these peaks you can see whether the quality of a tree is good or bad. This report contains the work of a where a program has been developed to be able to process a vibration created by an automatic hammer hitting on a log of wood. From the processed signal the program should be able to show both the raw wavesignal and the processed measured data from the resonance peaks. Beyond the raw wavesignal and resonance peaks the program should also be able to control the automatic hammer.

NanoControl Miniatyrisering av en trådlös sensornod

In order to measure the quality of the logs, one can with help of Fast Fourier Transform technique get the signals resonance peaks. With help of these peaks you can see whether the quality of a tree is good or bad. This report contains the work of a where a program has been developed to be able to process a vibration created by an automatic hammer hitting on a log of wood. From the processed signal the program should be able to show both the raw wavesignal and the processed measured data from the resonance peaks. Beyond the raw wavesignal and resonance peaks the program should also be able to control the automatic hammer.

Konkurrentanalys och förbättringsförslag avseende tidtabell

In order to measure the quality of the logs, one can with help of Fast Fourier Transform technique get the signals resonance peaks. With help of these peaks you can see whether the quality of a tree is good or bad. This report contains the work of a where a program has been developed to be able to process a vibration created by an automatic hammer hitting on a log of wood. From the processed signal the program should be able to show both the raw wavesignal and the processed measured data from the resonance peaks. Beyond the raw wavesignal and resonance peaks the program should also be able to control the automatic hammer.

Algoritmer för filtrering av MEMS-sensorsignaler

In order to measure the quality of the logs, one can with help of Fast Fourier Transform technique get the signals resonance peaks. With help of these peaks you can see whether the quality of a tree is good or bad. This report contains the work of a where a program has been developed to be able to process a vibration created by an automatic hammer hitting on a log of wood. From the processed signal the program should be able to show both the raw wavesignal and the processed measured data from the resonance peaks. Beyond the raw wavesignal and resonance peaks the program should also be able to control the automatic hammer.

I'm SALSA How are you?

Genom vår undersökning ville vi ta reda på om SALSA, Vodafones data warehouse tillgodoser användarnas informationsbehov. Som stöd för vår analys jämförde vi befintliga teorier inom områdena information samt data warehouse, med tillämpning i verkligheten genom vårt referensföretag. Undersökningen har utförts genom skriftliga intervjuer samt enkäter, där två olika undersökningsgrupper ingått. Den ena gruppen har utgjorts av SALSAs utvecklare och den andra av SALSAs användare. Den hypotes som vi arbetat med är "SALSA tillgodoser användarnas informationsbehov" med underfrågorna "Vilka krav kan användarna rimligen ställa på SALSA?", "Vilken information saknar användarna att få fram från SALSA?", "Vilka förslag på förbättringar gällande SALSA har användarna?" samt "Räcker användarforum för att framföra användarnas synpunkter på SALSA?".

Automatiserat system för datahantering från tunneldrivning

I dagsläget samlas data från tunneldrivning in manuellt och skrivs sedan in i ett dataprotokoll.Dessa protokoll används sedan som dokumentation och redovisning gentemot beställaren. Föratt effektivisera denna datahantering har här en ny systembeskrivning upprättats. Värdena som inhämtas från tunneldrivningsmaskinerna skall automatiskt skickas över till en databas, vilket innebär att all information kommer att vara digital. Syftet är att utveckla ett nätverk som är kopplat mellan maskinerna nere i tunneln och datorerna på kontoret.Alla viktiga värden som fås i samband med bergdrift ska samlas från olika tunnelprojekt och lagras i en databas. Med viktiga värden menas all tänkbar typ av data som ärtill nytta för kalkylering, uppföljning, ekonomi och KMA (kvalitet, miljö och arbetsmiljö) för projektet som t.ex.

Strategi för att kommunicera produkten fiberanslutning : Fallstudie på Bjäre Kraft Bredband AB

SammanfattningTitel: Strategi fo?r att kommunicera produkten fiberanslutning.Bakgrund: Vem bygger internet i Sverige? Det finns ma?ngder av fo?retag som bygger fiberna?tverk. Ett utav dessa a?r Bja?re Kraft Bredband AB. Fiberna?tverk a?r den snabbaste och senaste tekniken fo?r datao?verfo?ring.

Prediktion av elproduktion : Modellering av icke reglerbara vattenkraftverk

The main objective of this study is to divide a number of colorectal cancer cases into subgroups based on their molecular features using cluster analysis. The data used is supplied by a research group at Pathology, the Department of Medical Biosciences, Umeå University, and consists, after some preparation, of 455 observations which is a larger data set than many similar studies. The molecular variables that the clustering is based on are CIMP (CpG Island Methylator Phenotype), MSI (Micro Satellite Instability), BRAF- and KRAS-mutations. These are categorical variables and consequently the clustering method used is PAM (Partitioning Around Medoids) which is particularly useful with data on diverse variable level. The final analysis results in four subgroups that are represented by different combinations of attributes on the aforementioned variables.

En Elektrisk Kris : En studie om en kommun och dess lokala aktörers krisförberedelser vid ett omfattande elavbrott

Title: The mortgage limitation and its impact on the mortgage marketLevel: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business AdministrationAuthor: Mattias Arnkvist and Magnus Vitasp PerssonSupervisor: Lars SteinerDate: 2011 ? MayAim: We have conducted this report to find out what effect the mortgage limitation has had on the mortgage market since its introduction in autumn 2010. The mortgage limitation has both before and after the introduction been a topic of discussion as it affects many and above all makes it diffucult for certain customer groups.Method: This report was written by a qualitative method. The report uses qualitative and quantitative data. The quantitative data we have in the report are printed literature in books, articles and journals as well as data taken from Internet.

Modernisering av GCM : Ett webbgränssnitt för hantering av artikelinformation

GCM is a product information management system which handles data for consumer packaged goods. GCM was developed during the middle of the nineties and was acquired by Prevas AB in 2004. The GCM application relies on the services provided by the organization GS1, which supplies global specifications and validations for trade items across several sectors. GCM is updated regularly due to the frequent changes in specifications from GS1. However, the overall graphical user interface design has not been redesigned during these years.This dissertation studies possible improvements for the webpage that handles product data in GCM.

Upprättande av kvalitetsmanual enligt ISO 9001:2008

In order to measure the quality of the logs, one can with help of Fast Fourier Transform technique get the signals resonance peaks. With help of these peaks you can see whether the quality of a tree is good or bad. This report contains the work of a where a program has been developed to be able to process a vibration created by an automatic hammer hitting on a log of wood. From the processed signal the program should be able to show both the raw wavesignal and the processed measured data from the resonance peaks. Beyond the raw wavesignal and resonance peaks the program should also be able to control the automatic hammer.

Inköpslogistik och analys med produktionstekniska och statistiska metoder

In order to measure the quality of the logs, one can with help of Fast Fourier Transform technique get the signals resonance peaks. With help of these peaks you can see whether the quality of a tree is good or bad. This report contains the work of a where a program has been developed to be able to process a vibration created by an automatic hammer hitting on a log of wood. From the processed signal the program should be able to show both the raw wavesignal and the processed measured data from the resonance peaks. Beyond the raw wavesignal and resonance peaks the program should also be able to control the automatic hammer.

När tid är pengar : En marknadsundersökning om hur data-, IT- och telekommunikationsföretag ser på ekonomiska tjänster

Datum3 juni, 2010 KursMagisteruppsats i företagsekonomi, FÖA 400, 15HP FörfattareCarl Friberg & Erik Norell HandledareFinn Wiedersheim-Paul NyckelordRevisorsplikten, SIVA, Marketing Mix, tjänsteerbjudande, ekonomiska tjänster, administrativa tjänster. TitelNär tid är pengar - En marknadsundersökning om hur data-, IT- och telekommunikationsföretag ser på ekonomiska tjänster SyfteSyftet med denna studie är att förse Per Silvin KB med information som kan ligga till grund när företaget expanderar sitt tjänsteerbjudande. FrågeställningVad bör Per Silvin KB ha i åtanke när man formar sitt tjänsteerbjudande för att bäst tillgodose målgruppens behov?Vilka administrativa tjänster efterfrågas av Per Silvin KBs tilltänkta målgrupp? MetodUndersökningen är av kvalitativ karaktär. Data samlades in via personliga intervjuer och mejlintervjuer.

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