

3 Uppsatser om Daoism - Sida 1 av 1

Falun Gong i religionshistorisk kontext

Qigong was initiated by the Chinese government in the 1950´s as a domestic medical tradition to be included within a modern scientific framework. During the first decades it became popular among the élite. During the 70´s and 80´s scientific confirmation of the existence of qi contributed to its immense popularity among the population. Charismatic leaders with a traditional background were leading their groups in parks and the movement was booming. In 1992 Falun Gong was established by Li Hongzhi as qigong taken to a higher level.

Kinesisk klassifikation: daoistiska, konfucianska och maoistiska influenser i fem kinesiska klassifikationssystem

The aim of this thesis is to mediate to the reader an image of Chinese classification systems and in what way the methods of classification have progressed during time. The tradition of classification in China is very old and dates back more than two thousand years, but it wasnt until the downfall of the dynastic era in the beginning of the 20th century, that Chinese libraries and methods of classification were modernized. This thesis also identifies the development of Chinese librarianship which is of old age since Chinese literature stretches three thousand years back. The main question is in what way the values of three different philosophies are reflected in five classification systems compiled between 1953-1975. The three philosophies are Daoism, Confucianism and Maoism/Mao Zedong Thought.

Klassiska kinesiska trädgårdar : utformning och ideal genom historien

Uppsatsen klassiska kinesiska trädgårdar har som syfte att utifrån västerländsk och kinesisk litteratur ge en insikt i de kinesiska trädgårdarnas utveckling och funktion. Uppsatsen ska också visa vilka idéer och filosofier som har format trädgårdarna. I litteraturstudien har framkommit att de kinesiska trädgårdarna innehåller tre viktiga element som skiljer den kinesiska trädgården från andra trädgårdsstilar. Dessa är berg, vatten och arkitektur. Berg och vatten är viktiga symboler i den kinesiska kulturen och ska framkalla känslan av att befinna sig i naturen. Byggnaderna integreras med trädgården och trädgården betraktas som en förlängning av huset, ett extra vardagsrum.