

136 Uppsatser om Danish - Sida 1 av 10

Den rödbrusige öldansken : En kvalitativ underso?kning om hur danskar framsta?lls i tre svenska tidningar

The aim of this study was to examine how the Danish people and Denmark are represented in the daily Swedish press. We wanted to examine how the Danish people were represented, the characteristics given to the Danes and the differences we see between the different genres. We used theories about discourse, representation, stereotype and national community, too see what underlying messages was hidden in the texts. We analysed 30 texts from three Swedish daily newspapers: Sydsvenska Dagbladet Snällposten, Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet. The method we used was discourse analysis based on Faircloughs theories and methods.One of the most interesting results we found was that the Danish people often were represented as different kinds of stereotypes.

Tryggare kan ingen vara? En studie om den danska flexicurity-modellens lämplighet för Sverige

This paper discuss the possibilities to transfer the Danish labour market policy, called flexicurity, to Sweden. There are two main purposes of this essay. The first purpose is to discuss the reasons why the Danish labour market policy could be interesting for Sweden. The second purpose is to investigate which obstacles that might occur during the transfer. For guidance I have used two startingpoints which highlights the Danish flexicurity's pros and cons.

Invandringspolitik  : Idéanalys om dansk och svensk invandringspolitik

The purpose of this thesis is to analyze equalities/inequalities between the Danish and Swe-dish immigration policy based on Habermas theory about openings/closures and analyze the reasons to the differences between Danish and Swedish immigrant policy. Therefore this study has two question formulations, the first one was "Is there any equalities/inequalities between the Danish and Swedish immigration policy based on Habermas theory of openings and closings?" and the second was "Why are there equalities/inequalities between the Danish and Swedish immigration policy?" The results show that based on Habermas theory there are equalities between the Danish and Swedish immigration policy. On the question why, the re-sults show us that the factors who give the difference are work, people?s attitude to immi-grants and party politics.Keywords: Denmark, Sweden, Immigration policy, opening, closing..

Musik på bibliotek : införandet av obligatorisk musikförmedling på danska folkbibliotek

The aim of this Master's thesis was to examine the political and cultural reasons for making music materials compulsory at Danish public libraries by the new library act of 2000. The aim was also to examine how the public libraries have responded to this reform. To answer these questions a literature study was conducted as well as interviews. The results of the literature study indicated that the main reason for making music materials compulsory is to increase the influence of the library users. The study of the debate concerning the new library act showed that a majority of the Danish political parties as well as the Danish library organizations had a positive attitude towards the new obligation.

Change or die Bilden av folkbiblioteket i den nationella bibliotekspolitiken i Sverige och Danmark utifrån teorier om det postmoderna samhället.

The aim of this Masters thesis is to investigate how the image of the Public library is described in the Swedish national library politics, and compare it with the image given of the public library in the Danish national library politics. The method used for this analysis is a comparative discourse analysis of the homepages produced by the Swedish central government Regeringen and Kulturrådet and its Danish counterpart Kulturministeriet and Biblioteksstyrelsen. Theories on postmodernity have been used to analyze how the Swedish and the Danish central governments image of the Public library corresponds with a changing society and the changing behaviour of the public library users. Our analysis concludes that the traditional view of the Public library as an institution mainly concerned with literature and reading still is of great significance in the discourse of the Swedish central government. In contrast, the Danish central government presents a more postmodern view of the public library as an institution that is part of the Information- and the Knowledge society.

Etniske minoriteter på de danska folkbiblioteken: En studie av två bibliotekstidskrifter

The aim of this masters thesis is to examine how daily encounters between the Danish public libraries and the library-users called ethnic minorities are described within the public library field. Danish public libraries have been assigned to play a larger role in societys strive towards integration of immigrants and refugees. Within Danish politics I find an emphasis on the importance of maintaining Danish culture, but it is rarely expressed if ethnic minorities are, can or should be a part of it. Theoretical and methodological starting points are hermeneutics and text-analysis. My theoretical framework is research about international migration and ethnic relations IMER.

Främlingsbilder : Om judar och judendom i medeltida danskt och svenskt kalkmåleri

This thesis deals with the Jewish motifs of the medieval mural paintings in Denmark and Sweden; the presences of the motifs are of interest considering that no Jews were allowed entry into Scandinavia at the time. The purpose of the thesis is to study the Europeaninfluences in the medieval depiction of Jews and Judaism in the Danish and Swedish churches and the purpose for the production of the paintings. To this end, the Danish and Swedish mural paintings ? as well as the medieval texts and motifs of Jews and Judaismthat were used as source material ? are studied with respect to the attitudes conveyed. The Danish and Swedish mural paintings are unevenly distributed both within the groups of motifs as wells as its chronological and geographical spread.

Kloster och aristokrati i det medeltida Danmark - En studie i samhällsstrukturer, kön, makt och gåvor

This essay investigates, on the basis of the medieval letters, diplomas, how the medieval monasticism contributed to the maintenance of the Danish society's gender structures. The theoretical starting points for the study are gender and class structures and Marcel Mauss presented gift - giving theory. Finally, a continuous comparison is made with Catharina Andersson's results in her dissertation, in which she examines the social structure in the Swedish medieval society. The primary material in the study is the Danish diplomas. 41 diplomas were found relevant for this study.

Arbetsmiljö - En jämförelse mellan svensk och dansk lagstiftning

The purpose with this essay is to give the reader an insight into and to describe the Danish Work Environment Act in its current wording and then compare it with the Swedish Work Environment Act. The first part of the essay describes the Work Environment Act and after that I compare with the Swedish Work Environment Act. At the end of the essay I will give my own thoughts of the result of this essay. I have chosen not to describe some of the chapters of the Act, for example the chapter about technical means and materials, because of the less importance for this essay and of my own interest. I have also chosen not to make mention of individual professions.

Centraliserad styrning av åtkomstlistor

Can the Danish "Aftalesystemet", a system with the intention to simplify the use of services within health care, be used in Sweden? This project has investigated the possibility by installing and testing the system and explored its functions to detect any eventual problems. Analyses were made of the system's graphical part and the underlying code to see in greater detail how the communication between units occurred, since no actual documentation of it existed. Discussions with the developers took place regarding how the current system works and how further development should continue. In order to test the system, a completely virtual environment was used.

Så beskrivs flickors behov av stöd i undervisningen : En analys av åtgärdsprogram från år 1995-2012

The title of this study is: The Swedish assimilation of Scania during the period 1658-1720 - In descriptions of Danish and Swedish popular historians` during 20th century to current view. View of history, nationalism and science .                                                                                                          The study concerns the Swedish, after the conquest of Scania 1658, attempts to induce feelings of Swedish nationality to the people in former Danish province of Scania 1658-1720. The goal of this study was to analyze 20th century and present Swedish and Danish historians? descriptions of the Swedish and Danish treatment of the native Scania population. The aim was further to describe this historians` view of native rebellious group called ?snapphanar? and which measures were taken to assimilate the Scanian population to Swedish realm.

COP15 - Jakten efter ett ambitiöst och globalt klimatavtal. -Vad motiverar Danmark att verka för ambitiösa bindande klimatmål?

Until recently the Danish government was hesitant about whether investments in climate and energy policies were the right strategy for Denmark. Today the Danish government argues that during the forthcoming climate conference in Copenhagen in 2009 (COP15), the world's countries must agree upon ambitious climate objectives. Denmark is together with EU-27 aiming at an ambitious climate agreement. This thesis intends to contribute with an understanding of why Denmark, both politically and economically, invests profound resources into committing the world's countries to a climate agreement. The study uses both a neoliberal institutionalism and a constructivist theory in analyzing the Danish engagement.

Intercultural Dimensions of Media Ethics:A Case of Danish and Pakistani newspapers

Discourse Analysis of editorials from Danish and Pakistani newspapers related to 'Cartoon Controversy'. The study examines the intercultural dimensions of media ethics, focusing on the meaning of freedom of speech and CSR as it is perceived by the journalists in the respective contexts.

Försvenskningen av Skåne, 1658-1720 : I danska och svenska populärhistoriska framställningar från 1920 - tal till 2010 - tal. Historiesyn, nationalism och vetenskap

The title of this study is: The Swedish assimilation of Scania during the period 1658-1720 - In descriptions of Danish and Swedish popular historians` during 20th century to current view. View of history, nationalism and science .                                                                                                                                              The study concerns the Swedish, after the conquest of Scania 1658, attempts to induce feelings of Swedish nationality to the people in former Danish province of Scania 1658-1720. The goal of this study was to analyze 20th century and present Swedish and Danish historians? descriptions of the Swedish and Danish treatment of the native Scania population. The aim was further to describe this historians` view of native rebellious group called ?snapphanar? and which measures were taken to assimilate the Scanian population to Swedish realm.

Försvenskningen av Skåne, 1658-1720 : I danska och svenska populärhistoriska framställningar från 1920 - tal till 2010 - tal. Historiesyn, nationalism och vetenskap

The title of this study is: The Swedish assimilation of Scania during the period 1658-1720 - In descriptions of Danish and Swedish popular historians` during 20th century to current view. View of history, nationalism and science .                                                                                                          The study concerns the Swedish, after the conquest of Scania 1658, attempts to induce feelings of Swedish nationality to the people in former Danish province of Scania 1658-1720. The goal of this study was to analyze 20th century and present Swedish and Danish historians? descriptions of the Swedish and Danish treatment of the native Scania population. The aim was further to describe this historians` view of native rebellious group called ?snapphanar? and which measures were taken to assimilate the Scanian population to Swedish realm.

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