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Tail posture and motion as a possible indicator of emotional state in pigs

In the current study, the aim was to investigate whether tail posture and motion can be an indicator of the emotional state of pigs and if the tail posture of the pig is affected by social breeding value (SBV), coping style and/or housing. Emotional state can be defined in two dimensions: valence and arousal. Two batches of 96 finishing pigs were studied in a one generation selection experiment with a 2x2 set up and were housed in a barren or straw bedded pen. In each pen, 6 pigs (3 male, 3 female) were housed. A back-test was done to determine the coping style of the pigs with two categories; high resister and low resister pigs.

Biogas till kemisk industri En fallstudie som undersöker affärsmöjligheter och hinder för biogas som råvara och energi i industrin, med fokus på kemiföretag i Västsverige

Strömstad is a small city located on the Swedish west coast. Urbanization and development is acurrent issue for the municipally, as for many other in the current situation. The municipal housingcompany Strömstadsbyggen is one of the parties involved in the extensive development that mustbe implemented to meet the changes and developments which the issue holds.One area that is of interest in the discussion is Rådhusberget - this due to the existing infrastructureand unique qualities that the area holds. In order to achieve the best solutions possible for the area,Strömstadsbyggen wishes to listen to what the existing tenants at Rådhusberget thinks and feelsregarding the area and its future potential.This thesis has therefore been carried out in collaboration with Strömstadsbyggen and has beenaimed at identifying the current tenants' thoughts and opinions in the existing area of developmentand infill potential. The aim of this work was also to investigate how the tenants value their homeand local environment in its current state, and what their wishes are for the possible futuredevelopment of Rådhusberget.To achieve analyzable results concerning how the tenants perceive these aspects, an extensivesurvey have been carried out which were sent out to all tenants in the area.

Upplevelser av arbetsmiljöfaktorer som påverkar den psykiska hälsan positivt : Enkätundersökning vid arbetsplatser inom vård och hälsa

Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka arbetsmiljöfaktorer som upplevs påverka den psykiska hälsan positivt hos anställda inom vård och hälsa samt jämföra om dessa faktorer är olika beroende på arbetsplats och arbetssätt. Metod: En empirisk studie gjordes med hjälp av enkätundersökning. Totalt 90 enkäter delades ut till personalen på tre arbetsplatser med en inriktning på vård och hälsa. De utvalda arbetsplatserna var en sjukhusmottagning, äldreboende samt friskvårdsanläggning. Den externa svarsfrekvensen bland respondenterna var 82,2 procent (N=74).

Butikatmosfärens stimuli : En studie om hur konsumenter upplever butiksmiljön

Syftet med studien är att få en ökad förståelse för vilka faktorer som påverkar konsumentens butiksupplevelse. Detta för att få kunskap om hur butiker kan möta kundens behov, genom utformning av butiksutrymmet samt personalens bemötande. Studien ämnar ta reda på vilka faktorer som skapar en positiv respektive negativ respons från konsumenten. Undersökningen genomfördes genom deltagande observationer, där en person åt gången observerades och intervjuades under en shoppingtur. Detta för att ta del av både konsumentens åsikter samt agerande i miljön.Ett ord som var återkommande i samtliga deltagande observationer var struktur, då deltagarna ansåg att butikens struktur var mycket viktig för helhetsintrycket.

Ekosystemstödjande och multifunktionella växtval i urban miljö : En fallstudie med utgångspunkt i Nacka stadsbildning

This study has investigated how urban vegetation can be used in a multifunctional way to support ecosystem services in urban environments. Nacka municipality is in the start-up phase of building what is to become Nacka city. This provides a unique possibility to study and analyse what role the vegetation play in making the city a healthy living environment and how it needs to be adapted in order to be resilient against changing climate conditions and how the effects of those changes can be regulated. The study further investigates how airborne pollution, caused by urbanization processes, can be regulated or reduced by vegetation or species selection. Methods used in this study were a combination of qualitative interviews and literature studies, seeking to answer the questions: Which specific ecosystem functions are needed in the urban environment and which aspects will influence the ecosystems ability to deliver the functions in demand? And which plant species have the right mechanisms needed to deliver those functions? These questions have been studied and analysed in a local based context where the local conditions ands site specific needs of Nacka define criteria for plant selection.

Livscykelanalys - en miljöorienterad rapport

Den textila industrin, en egen värld, är nu under rampljuset som en av de största miljöpåverkande industrierna. Precis som i fallet med många andra industrier så måste textilbranschen intensivt arbeta med att minska sin negativa påverkan på miljön. Slutmålet måste vara att helt balansera uttagen och insättningarna så att man skapar en bransch som blir klimat- och miljöneutral. I denna rapport har en livscykelanalys gjorts på en underställströja från Helly Hansen tillverkad av 99 % polypropylene. Inom denna livscykelanalys har vi noggrant studerat och undersökt fakta för att hitta de processer som har den största påverkan på miljön.

Rocksmak i rockutbildningen - populärkultur, smak och repertoar inom en utbildningsinstitution

Titel: Rockmusic preferences in the rock programme. Popular culture, music preferences and repertoire inside a teaching institution. This paper raises some questions about the popular music that exists outside as well as inside institutions. From the example of popular music and rockmusic the students of a music teacher education programme based on rock music are asked for their taste for music in a brief questionnaire. The answers are compared to those concerning the music they used to like before they entered the education as well as the music played on the ensemble lessons at the programme.

Rummets betydelse för patientens välbefinnande och tillfrisknande

Patienter som är inlagda på vårdavdelningar på sjukhus har olika upplevelser av rummets utformning och inredning. Vår erfarenhet är att patientrum har vita väggar, textilier med diskreta färger och inga tavlor. Vad kännetecknar en utformning och inredning som är hälsobringande för patienten? En omgivning som människor är tillfreds med skapar balans i tillvaron och stärker det psykiska välbefinnandet och den fysiska hälsan. En viss form av arkitektur kan också bidra till uppkomsten av stress.

En jämförelse av hästens tidsbudget och dygnsrytm : frilevande och i stall

Today it is common to have adult horses stabled for most of the day. This limits the horses? ability to perform some of their natural behaviors such as foraging and movement. The purpose of this review was to compare the feral horses? diurnal rhythm and time budget with stabled horses.

Ute och cyklar? : på jakt efter en metod att mäta upplevelse

Well-functioning bicycle paths are relevant issues in today´s society as a way to increase active transport. Active transport means working for a better global climate, urban environment and public health. What we experience on a bicycle affects the choice of a bicycle path and is a subject where there is much left to explore. This essay examines methods in environmental psychology literature that measure the experiences of landscape. The aim is to find and apply methods to measure the experience of two bicycle paths in the Skåne plains.

Den europeiska identiteten Vem är europé enligt EU?

The main purpose of this thesis is to examine how the European Union through the Directorate- General (DG) of Education and Culture, are calling forth a constructed sense of European identity amongst the citizens of the Union.It is a discourse analysis, which can be described in twofold. Firstly, it is a mapping of the European discourse; i.e. how the European Union defines the identity it seeks to mobilise. Secondly, it examines whether or not there are similarities in the European discourse of identity and the traditional nation-building discourse of national identity.According to this thesis a European identity is articulated in cultural terms, whereby its members are said to share the same values and a common cultural heritage.To bring the people of Europe closer together and to deepen awareness of their "common" history, the European Union encourages all manner of meetings and exchange schemes between Europeans. Although its goal is to develop a feeling of belonging to a shared culture, the EU is also keen to preserve the specific aspects of Europe's many cultures.

En skola för barnets bästa? : Den svenska skolan i relation till FN:s konvention om barnets rättigheter

AbstractEssay in political Science (c-level) by Karin Forsling, Spring 2007A school for the best interest of the child? - The Swedish School System according to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.Supervisor: Stig MontinThe purpose of this essay is to investigate how the Swedish governments work with the im-plementation of this convention and what progress has been made. The inquiry of this study is to describe how the changing in the Swedish School System correspond to the national strat-egy for implementation of UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Sweden and how the political protagonists.I have read some of the most relevant documents from the authorities and organisations work-ing with children?s rights in Sweden and papers and communications from the political pro-tagonists.Since UN Convention on the Rights of the Child was ratified by Sweden in 1990 the work for implementation has been quite successful but there are still lots to do. There are still some problems in School such as bullying, insulting, insecurity and lack of peaceful and harmoni-ous school environment.

Användbar användarmedverkan : Är användarmedverkan positivt för systemutvecklingsprocessen?

Computer use at work has risen considerably over the past fifteen years and is currently a relatively common phenomenon when 76 percent of women and 72 percent of men using the computer in their daily work (SCB Arbetsmiljörapport 2009).According to Gulliksen and Göransson (2009), Sweden is one of the countries which are more advanced in the procurement of computer systems at work. He means that Sweden has unique opportunities and conditions for user participation in the development of computer systems, when the user has the right to influence their working environment through a law in the Work Environment Act. The paper examines the importance of user involvement in system development and the Swedish company's approach and experience of user involvement. To highlight and explore the importance of user involvement, there has been a case study in which users have been representative of the development process. The case study has been conducted on a case company where the system IST analys was in need of a new interface.

Metaller i dagvatten - Effekter i recipient : En analys av koppar, kdamium och zink i dagvatten från en parkering i Halmstad, Sverige

When stormwater occurs near human activity the water gets polluted. The purity and composition vary widely depending on the types of activities in the area, the type of surface the water comes in contact with, precipitation and many more parameters. It has long been known that stormwater quality can affect both human health and the environment as stormwater is a major contributor to pollution of receiving waters.A human activity that has an impact on the environment in several different ways is traffic and stormwater is no exception. Airborne gases that react with precipitation, oil leaks and fuel systems that drops down on the ground, metals from brake linings and rubber particles from tire wear are some of the aspects you have to take into account when categorizing the relationship between traffic and polluted stormwater.In this project, stormwater samples from a parking lot in Halmstad, Sweden were collected and analyzed with an atomic spectrophotometer. The presence and relationship between copper, cadmium and zinc with different rainfall parameters have been studied.

Varför gjorde jag inte som jag tänkte, för jag kände att det var något fel : Arbetsordningoch upplevd psykosocial arbetsmiljö på operationssalen

 The purpose of this study was to study how surgical nurses experiences their work order in the operating room (OR), and how they experience their psychosocial work environment and work organization in terms of hierarchical structures..

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