

3755 Uppsatser om Dampness in the indoor environment - Sida 36 av 251

Investeringsförslag till slipstation för servicearbete av skruvmatare

The project ?Investment proposal for grinding station for service work of screw feeders? has been performed during the spring semester 2014 for the course Bachelor?s thesis for degree of  Bachelor of science in machine engineering at Karlstad?s University. The project has been performed in cooperation with Fiber Workshop which is a service department in the company Valmet AB. Valmet AB is a company that develops and manufacture soft paper tissue machines. The screw feeder is a part that is used to feed, and squeeze out the water out of woodchips.

När och varför dör smågrisarna under diperioden?

The purpose of this study was to compile when and why piglets die during the suckling peri-od. Piglet mortality is an important factor influencing the profitability of piglet production. There are many factors that play a role and interact whit each other. This study summarizes when the piglets die during the suckling period and reasons why the piglets die. The infor-mation given is crushed, illness, management/environmental, genetic influence and piglet birth weight/farrowingprocess.

ecoBUDGET - ett implementeringsperspektiv på införandet av ett miljöledningssystem

The aim of the study has been to explore certain aspects of implementation perspectives and to analyse the introduction of an environmental management system called ecoBUDGET in the Municipality of Växjö. A framework has been developed through thorough studying of earlier research in the field of policy implementation in public administrations. The framework is made up of the steering relationship between politicians and public administrators, decision making and implementation and the ability, want and understanding of how and why decisions should/could be implemented. By using this framework in combination with interviews held with individuals that host valuable knowledge and experience of the system these questions were to be answered:-What factors in the implementation process of ecoBUDGET can be seen to have facilitated alternativly hindred the integration of the environmental management system within the municipalitys administration and companies?- In what direction has the integration of a sustainable devleopment thinking for the environment thru ecoBUDGET evolved within the organisation?The result came to be that sustainable development and the strive for this is more and more amalgamated in to the everyday work within the municipal organisation and that the environmental management system is likely to have played a part in this..

Chef utan uniform : situationsanpassat ledarskap i Gotlands kommun

When a leader changes to a new post in another kind of organisational culture, what happens then? Could a leader use the same kind of leadership when leading different kinds of groups? Different cultures have different needs and ways to handle things and in the end it all comes to situational leadership. Both leaders and theorists claim that the leader must adjust to what the organisation and its members needs. This paper contains an inquiry of how officers have handled their new assignments as leaders in the civilian world of the municipality. The research shows that a former military leader must also be able to lead another kind of group if they change to a civilian career.

Möjligheternas skolgård : om att skapa förutsättningar för en välanvänd utemiljö. Exempel från Luleå.

Children's need of a good environment of playing outdoor at schoolyards is, both from a perspective of commonly public's health and from the children themselves, indisputable. Children who have a good and varying playground develop physically, psychologically and socially. As an instrument of pedagogic a playground also is valuable for example in teaching the round, periodical successions and understanding of democratic processes. The conception playground means here in my work the environment outdoor for children at schools up to about twelve years old. What is a good playground then? How is it possible for a landscape architect to contribute improvements? The purpose of my work has been to enlarge my knowledge about playgrounds, understand more of the profession as a landscape architect and apply a perspective of children in the planning. To sum up, the shaping of playgrounds has great importance for the activities of the children and if the teachers make use of it, the teaching. A good playground gives the delight, the excitement and the curiosity free spaces and stimulates new challenges.

Affekter för hållbarhet

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilka samband det finns mellan värderingar, föreställningar och normer kring miljön till agerande för ekologisk hållbarhet i det vardagliga livet. Vår hypotes var att det finns samband mellan affekter kring miljöns framtid och agerande till hållbar utveckling. För att söka svar på syftet och bekräfta hypotesen har enkäter med frågor gällande individens värderingar, föreställningar och normer om miljön samt frågor om miljömässigt agerande skickats ut via e-post till 119 deltagare i åldern 23-65 år. Svarsfrekvensen var på 59 procent. Resultatet visade att det fanns ett flertal starka samband mellan miljömässiga värderingar, föreställningar och normer till individens agerande och hypotesen om att det fanns samband mellan affekter och agerande för hållbar utveckling verifierades.

Normer kring konflikthantering i förskolan

The aim of this study is to enlighten how todays working environment affects young individuals descriptions of how to reach success in work life, now often titled as ?career?. Our purpose has been to analyse how the term career is constituted discursively among young people in jobs characterized by flexibility. The study is based on six qualitative interviews with young adults in the media industry, all between 20-30 years old. By utilising a Foucaultdian discourse analysis we want to expose how the competing and dominating discourses, that our interviewees? statements are based on, can be associated with a wider social context.  The study reveals that our interviewees describe career in two separate ways, both positively and negatively.

Fuktproblem i sydöstra Asien

The author has, with the help of AK Consultancy Indoor Air AB, formed a series of questions regarding moisture problems in buildings and how these are handled in extreme climates with high temperatures and a high relative humidity. Furthermore to analyse and indentify key material that makes a construction safe against moisture problems. Ventilation, AC and the choice of materials have in a later stage of the thesis been investigated to enhance the knowledge of moisture protection. The research for this report includes measurements on existing buildings, calculation models on the building envelope for analyses and the ingoing materials of the envelope. The health aspect of moisture problems related to ?sick building syndrome? has been included and interviews have been conducted to gather relevant information.A study of the American system, ASHRAE, American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers and the standards used in Singapore has been made to highlight the difference.

Föräldrars erfarenhet av sjukhusvistelsen- En kvalitativ studie

Introduction: Nowadays, it is a considerable fact that parents stay with their hospitalized child, however the role played by parents may not always be obvious. For many parents, this is a difficult experience, which may cause stress among parents who want to be supportive for their child. Parents and children have a close bond and influence each other emotionally; therefore it is of great importance that parent?s experiences of hospitalization should be noted. The pediatric nurse may apply this experience to give the best possible care for the child and the family.

Valstad 1:31 - att sköta en natur- och kulturmiljö

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen i Kulturvård, Landskapsvårdens hantverk, 15 hp [2015].

Stöd i undervisningen på högstadiet : En aktionsstudie som ska klargöra en elevgrupps perspektiv

The aim of thesis was to, through a action research study and through individual interviews with five students, clarify their perspective on educational assistance in high school. The study shows that students prefer teaching in small groups outside of regular whole class because it gives the them access to the factors they consider crucial for a functioning support-time whit a skilled and dedicated teatcher, in a calm and safe environment. Moreover, the students claim the importance of technical equipment especially in the Swedish subject, but also in other subjects. Today the educational assistance varies from an outside-the-class teaching situation to a whole-class situation with teacher support as well as technicaal equipment. When the student were asked to describe the cinditions under which studies can be conducted with the whole class they tried to imitate the learning environment they have in a small group.

Regeringens miljösatsningar och deras förhållande till en hållbar livsstil hos det svenska folket : En studie av biståndssatsningars påverkan på hållbar livsstil i givarlandet

Swedish government aid is divided into three main themes: democracy and human rights, the environment and climate, and gender equality and women's role in development. These three themes in aid are considered by the government to be vital in order to fight poverty and create fair and sustainable development. This study will examine two of the four focus areas designated under the theme of "environment and climate". The study observes the relationship between projects in energy and water and how it promotes a sustainable lifestyle. A survey on environmental habits will be conducted.

En tand för en tand och en våtmark för en våtmark - ett återskapande värt pengarna? : En undersökning av nyttan och kostnaderna av att restaurera våtmark med hjälp av Contingent Valuation Method.

The goal of this study is to examine what five teacher?s impression of the teacher?s role is in their previous years. How important the ?joy at work? is in relation with the educational progress? And what aspects that contributes to the? joy at work? and what obstacles that stops them. The essay will also go through the concepts of a teacher role, with connection to the theoretical perspectives of Csikszentmihalyi?s Flow and Antonovsky?s Salutogenesis (KASAM).The method I used was interviewing five teachers and I used Larsen?s chapter of ?content analysis? as a basis, I also used Flow and KASAM as theoretical references in my analysis.

Går det att säkerställa ljudmiljön i en träningslokal? - en studie om ljudnivåövervakare på träningslokaler i Göteborg

In Sweden, exercise takes a great part in people?s lives. Health and a good conditioned body go hand in hand. Many Swedes exercise in groups, with aerobics or a similar form of workout at a training facility. A regular workout lasts for about an hour and is accompanied by music.

Lärares betygsättning : Har elevernas uppförande en inverkan på deras betyg?

Do teachers? expectations of their pupils become a part in the judgement of which grade a pupil will receive in the end?Several of the polical parties in Sweden have recently been argueing that teachers should be able to give pupils a grade in how they behave in school. Several newspapers also have reported that pupils today have gotten lower results for the last few years and more pupils do not get approved in all subjects. Because many of the studies about pupils results focus on the pupils? skills, I deciced to focus on the teachers part in how a pupil get a better grade or not.In the study I have been looking at a small community in the south of Sweden.

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