

3755 Uppsatser om Dampness in the indoor environment - Sida 12 av 251

Pedagogers resonemang kring inomhusmiljön på en Reggio Emilia-inspirerad förskola

 Valet av denna studie gjordes utifrån vårt intresse för och nyfikenhet på förskolans inomhusmiljö och Reggio Emiliafilosofins sätt att se på barnet och människan. Syftet med studien var att beskriva och analysera fyra pedagogers utsagor och resonemang kring inomhusmiljöns utformning på en specifikt utvald Reggio Emilia - inspirerad förskola. Avsikten var att försöka fånga bakomliggande tankar av betydelse för utformningen av inomhusmiljön ur ett pedagogperspektiv. Undersökningen baseras på fyra kvalitativa intervjuer med stöd av observationer. I litteraturgenomgången beskrivs Reggio Emiliafilosofin och hur den ser på barnet och lärandet, miljön och organisationen av den, avdelningar indelade efter barnens ålder samt materialets roll.

Den psykosociala arbetsmiljöns betydelse och påverkan på ohälsan

This paper is about the psychosocial work environment, and those factors that can be responsible for an employee?s sick leave. We have through our knowledge from working life, on several occasions experienced colleagues becoming ill, the cause being the psychosocial working environment. Private factors, for instance different kinds of life crisis like a divorce or uprooting, have contributed to the sick leave. The psychosocial working environment is complex.

Monteringslösning till dörrkarm

Dooria Sweden AB is one of the main door- and doorframe manufacturers inSweden. They deliver door frames for indoor use for project oriented buildingsites, for these types of building sites the doorpost comes pre-assembled. DooriaAB wants to minimize transport to reduce impact on environment and thetransportation costs of pre-assembled doorframes, this thru simplifying themethod of assembly.The main purpose of this thesis has been to develop a prototype solution thatbrings the three parts of the doorframe together with the same properties regardingstability and tightness of joints as the current method of assembly. A profile ofdemands and wishes were created in collaboration with Mårten Dragstedt, DeputyDirector of Dooria Sverige ABBy following the chosen method the authors have been able to produce a fullyfunctional prototype that meet the demands that were put on the product. Catia V5R20 has been used as an aid during prototype construction and virtual tests.

Den psykosociala arbetsmiljöns betydelse för det sociala arbetet : En kvalitativ studie av socialsekreterares upplevelser

The study aims to gain insight into how social workers perceive their psychosocial work environment and examine whether this effects the performance of their duties. The study mainly addresses the shortcomings of the psychosocial work environment of Social Services and the implications it entails for social workers health and wellbeing. The psychosocial work environment includes physical and psychological factors therefore the study's interpretive framework consists of organizational theoretical and social psychological concepts and previous research on the subject. We examined the organizational and social psychological connections to social workers perception of their work environment with a qualitative approach. The empirical data was collected through interviews with four social workers in a municipality in central Sweden using a semi-structured interview guide.

Aroma Theory: Scenting the Attitude

The thesis examines the relationship between consumer attitudes and a scented shopping environment. A relationship and phenomena concerning scent marketing, which could be seen as one of the more provocative forms of marketing since the human sense of smell, is connected to the limbic system where motivation and attitudes are created. The use of scent marketing has, so far, been proven effective in sales increasing whereas it is one of the less explored forms of marketing.The purpose of the thesis is to answer the following question: Is it possible to find differences in consumer attitudes in a scented buying environment compared to a nonscented buying environment, and thereby create new basis for segmentation?The thesis is based on a quantitative study where data has been gathered in a scent manipulated buying environment through structured interviews with consumers. The thesis applies a deductive approach to the main theories in the area of interest.The findings suggest new theory discussing that it is difficult to use consumer attitudes, towards a scented store environment, as a foundation for market segmentation.

Mångkulturen ur skilda perspektiv : En studie av gymnasieelevers sociala miljö och dess påverkan av synen på det mångkulturella samhället

The aim of this research is to evaluate whether the social environment of Swedish high school students affects their views on the multicultural society. The research material was collected through the use of two focus groups containing high school students from two different schools, one group is used to a multicultural social environment while the other group is used to a less multicultural social environment. With the researcher acting as a moderator in the focus groups, the students discussed different questions regarding multiculturalism, gender equality and religion. The theory that this research is based on suggests that the social environment and the social capital affects the students views on the multicultural society. The results of the research were evaluated and connected to the theory.

En studie om konflikter i arbetslivet och det  systematiska arbetsmiljöarbetets roll som verktyg till förebyggande arbete.

Abstract The main subject of this essay is conflicts at work and the effect it has on the employee´s health.  I can through various reports read that bad health at workplaces is too high and that conflicts are a reason. What can be done to the work environment so it will be better from a psychosocial perspective? Sweden has a regulation that makes the employer responsible to work for an improvement in the work environment; can these regulations be used in purpose to reduce conflicts?My first question concerns the possibility to establish preventive procedures in the workplace systematic work regarding to improve the work environment. My second question is about the obligations of the employer to attempt to reduce conflicts at the workplace and the third question regards the documenting and monitoring of conflicts and the preventing work to reduce them. The purpose of this essay is to clarify how conflict preventive work can be included in the Systematic work environment management.

Energieffektiva bostäder i Kurdistan - Förslag på bostadshus i den kurdiska delen av Irak

Staden Sulaymaniyah ligger i den kurdiska delen av Irak och har på senare år utvecklats då många valt att flytta från landsbygden till den centrala delen av staden. Nybyggandet sker under tidspress och långsiktigt hållbara lösningar prioriteras inte. Målet är att ta fram ett hus som är anpassat för majoriteten av befolkningen och samtidigt få ett bra och energieffektivt inomhusklimat. En faktainsamling genomfördes för att ge bakgrundsinformation till projektet. Vidare gjordes en planlösning till huset i AutoCAD vilken har använts som grund till utformningen av huset och smarta lösningar.

Undersökning av ljudnivåer på skolgårdar : - samt hur fasad och fönster dimensioneras med uppmätta värden

This report is written on commission by WSP Acoustics. The report studies the outdoor sound levels on school yards in Stockholm. The questions given by the company to be answered was what are the actual sound levels at diffrent school yards with low traffic noise and how can you construct a facade element that reduces the sound level from the outside and meet the indoor requirements. Mesurements for four hours was done at eight schools set north and south of the city centre. The measurement period included one school break and one lunch break.

Svansbitning hos grisar, arv eller miljö?

Tail-biting in pigs is an animal welfare issue and in Sweden during 2002 the producers lost tree million Swedish crowns because of tail biting. This economic loss depends on the pigs which are discarded at slaughter because of tail biting. Tail biting can be separated into two stages, "pre-injury" and "injury". The aim of this study is to investigate if tail biting depends on environment or genetic background.A lot of research on the environments effects on the behaviour of pigs but not so much on the genetic effects has been performed. The frequency of tail biting in pig farms influence among others of environment enrichment, ventilation, gender and breed of the pig.

Utemiljöns betydelse för barns lärande och utveckling : En kvalitativ studie om pedagogers och föräldrars syn på utomhuspedagogik på två olika förskolor

Background Children spend much of their time outdoor at preschool. Preschool's mission is to provide children with a rich environment that is enjoyable, and that arouses their interest to learn new skills. Since motor skills and health are positively affected by the outdoor environment should kids get a good turnout at their preschool playgrounds as possible.Theoretical perspectives My study is based on theories from a socio-cultural perspective. The socio-cultural context is part of the outdoor environment because we experience and perceive nature depends on the society we live in and how we interact togetherPurpose I want to see what kind of vision teachers and parents have on the outdoor environment when it comes to children's learning and development. I also want to find out how the teachers are using the outdoors environment and find out the parents' reason, when it comes to choice of preschool.Methodology The work is based on qualitative interviews with two teachers and two parents from each preschool.

LÖNSAMHETSKALKYL AV FUKTSÄKERHETSANSVARIG VID RENOVERING : En fallstudie av ett projekt där ByggaF-metoden har använts

The so called ?ByggaF-method? is a relatively new Swedish method to stop moisture from being built into a building. The method should prevent damages on buildings as a result of mould growth and moisture. The purpose of the method is to include moisture control in the entire constructionprocess, from the projecting phase and all the way to the management phase. Up until now, there is no proof if the method is profitable or not and no studies have been made on the topic.

Miljö- och hälsorisker med konstgräsplaner

In Sweden today many municipalities and sport clubs chooses to build artificial turfs becauseof the increased period of using the turfs during the year and less maintenance requirementsthan for natural grass fields. What could be problematic with artificial turfs is the rubbergranules used as infill material in the turf matt. The rubber granules are often made fromrecycled tires, which may contain for the human health and the environment, harmful substances.This was the reason why the Swedish Chemicals Agency commissioned a statusreport in 2006 which, among other things, concluded that the environmental and health risksassociated with granules made from recycled tiers in artificial turf fields were small, but thatthere could be a local environmental hazard. The purpose and objective of the risk assessmentwas to identify how artificial turf plans granules can affect recipients in the area closeto the pitches and provide input to reduce the spread of metals and substances harmful forboth human health and the surrounding environment. The work was divided into three parts:(1) the construction of artificial turf pitches and their material content, the spread of granulatesoutside the fields and disposal of artificial turf pitches.

Idiopatisk cystit hos katt : en retrospektiv studie

Lower urinary tract diseases are a common problem in cats all over the world. The symptoms are for example dysuria, pollakuria, stranguria, periuria and hematuria. In approximately two thirds of these cats the underlying cause is not known and the disease is therefore called feline idiopathic cystitis (FIC). We need to know more about the disease to get a consistently effective treatment and prevention. A retrospective study was performed in 50 cats with symptoms of FIC and where other causes of inflammation were ruled out. Data like breed, age, sex, body weight, feeding, therapy and therapeutic results were collected, also if it was an indoor or outdoor cat, duration of the symptoms, if there was any stress and if the cat was living with another cat.

En färgglad studie om spelarbeteenden

This is the result of a 10 week long study about if player behaviors and choices are affectedby the surrounding colors in their environment. A number of players are asked to movethrough a virtual environment, while being clocked, where they have to make left and rightdecisions based on different colors (red, green, blue and gray). While most choices consist oftwo different colors, some use the same color. The result shows that the players most likelyprefer one color over another, and that they most likely prefer a non-neutral color over aneutral color. With these results and the interviews that are conducted the conclusion is madethat it is very likely the players choices are affected by the colors in the environment, but it isnot clear to say how they are affected..

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