282 Uppsatser om Dairy fat - Sida 17 av 19
Calcium homeostasis at calving in cows milked prepartum
Dagens hästägare utfodrar inte sina hästar med enbart grovfoder. Många av dem fodrar stora mängder kraftfoder och en del hoppas att det kommer förbättra hästens prestation. Spannmål har ofta ett förhållandevis högt energiinnehåll och lämpar sig därför i foderstater till hästar som har ett högt energibehov. Utfodring av stora mängder energi kan orsaka problem för hästen, bland annat i form av kolik och många stereotypier som vävning, krubbitning och boxvandring. Eftersom det finns hälsorisker med foderstater med mycket kraftfoder i, är det av intresse att undersöka hur olika kraftfoder påverkar hästens hälsa, ämnesomsättning och prestation men även om det går att ersätta kraftfoder med ett energirikt vallfoder.
Svinnoptimering VTIS1
The goals of this Bachelors? Thesis were to establish the production loss through the VTIS1 Pasteur at Arla Foods Linköping dairy and then suggest simple but effective solutions to minimize the losses for each production run. If the timeframe allowed it, some of the solutions would be implemented and tested in full production to determine their impact on economic and environmental savings.The very first step of this project was to establish the statistics over what losses there is in the production pipeline through VTIS1, from milk and powders in mixer tanks to finished and packed products in cold storage. Then, when knowing how much product was actually lost and where, those bottlenecks could be pinpointed and examined more closely. At this stage the focus was switched, from the otherwise complicated and broad manufacturing process, to the VTIS1-aggregate, since early data indicated there were quite substantial losses there.In conjunction with this project Arla Foods purchased an absorption photometer-measuring device (OPTEK AS16) that could be inserted straight into the product stream out of VTIS1, allowing real time measurements of its optical density.
Reasons to believe - reasons to buy : factors influencing the consumers' choice when buying probiotic products
The purpose of this thesis was to describe what factors influence consumers? choice when buying probiotic products. Functional Foods have been predicted a bright future on the food market but so far the concept have not been embraced by the consumers. The reasons for this are many and not clearly understood. Positive health effects are what set a functional food product apart from traditional food stuffs of the same type.
A comparison of group housing and individual housing for dairy bulls kept for breeding
This study was conducted at VikingGenetics' bull breeding station in Falkenberg, Sweden. The bulls waiting for the results of their progeny testing at this station are either kept in group housing or individual housing. Since both of these housing systems have advantages and disadvantages, it was in the interest of VikingGenetics to know which of these housing systems is the best. The aim of this study was to investigate the welfare of the bulls in these two housing systems through behavioural observations and the use of activity monitors. In the preparations for the study 16 bulls, 8 in each housing system, were chosen.
Social behaviour and time budget of breeding bulls
The aim of this study was to investigate the social behaviour and time budget of breedingbulls kept at VikingGenetics, Falkenberg in Sweden when the staff was off duty. It was ofinterest to see if there was any difference between bulls housed in group pens and bullshoused in individual pens. It was also of interest to investigate if there was any differencein the behaviour between the dairy breeds Swedish Red (SR) and Swedish Holstein (SH).Sixteen bulls were used in this study. Eight bulls kept in individual pens and eight bullskept in group pens were used. The individually housed bulls had a social gate with widerbars where the bulls could but their head and neck through to have social contact with thebulls in its neighbouring pens.
Effekter av högt kaliumintag på magnesiumbalansen hos mjölkkor :
Magnesium is one of the most important minerals in the body and it participates in many essential processes, such as energy metabolism and protein synthezis. Magnesium deficiency in cattle may occur when they are let out for pasture in the spring, and is associated with tetany, known as grass staggers. A high yielding dairy cow often loses more magnesium daily in the milk than she has available in the body, and magnesium thereby needs to be provided in the feed to prevent the cow from being affected by deficiency symptoms.
The uptake of magnesium is mainly located to the rumen and is not regulated by hormones. The surplus is excreted in the urine by the kidneys.
Kalvningsintervall hos svenska köttkor : finns det genetisk variation som kan användas i avelsarbetet?
The Swedish beef cattle population is growing when the dairy cattle become fewer. The fertility of the beef cows is important for the profitability in beef cattle production. Today there is no genetic evaluation for female fertility in Swedish beef cows. The purpose of this study was to see if calving interval can be used in the genetic evaluation as a measure of female fertility in beef cows. For this purpose the variation in calving interval for beef cows of different breeds and ages registred in KAP was studied.
Brunstvisningsförmåga hos SRB- och Holsteinkvigor
Oestrus in dairy cattle has changed over the last decades, the duration has decreased and the intensity of oestrus has declined. A possible explanation can be their high and increasing milk production. Heifers ability to show oestrus is probably not affected to the same extent. The aim of this study was to estimate and compare oestrus duration and strength in heifers of the Swedish Red and Holstein breeds. Standing oestrus has been the primary oestrus sign during many years.
Svenska mejerier stärker positionerna : incitament för lansering av lågprismjölk
The competition in the milk industry has increased during the last couple of years. This is a result of the trade barrier that dissolved when Sweden entered the European Union. The membership signifies an increased internationalization for the dairies, which has also increased the existence of low price chains in the Swedish food market. The increased share of private brands has strengthened the competitive situation for the manufacturer- owned brands. Three of Sweden?s seven largest dairies have now decided to launch a low price milk to cope with the competitive situation.
Fröodling av Raj- och rörsvingel i Sverige
Festulolium (Festulolium) and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) has not been grown inSweden over a longer period. So far there is no greater area cultivated, but the area isincreasing. Festulolium and tall fescue are expected to eventually replace meadowfescue in many leyseed mixtures to dairy cows in southern and central Sweden. Tallfescue has in recent years become popular again. Festulolium is a hybrid betweenryegrass and fescue.
Bredspridning av grönmassa :
There are a great possibility to shorten the time between mowing and preservation by spreading of ley crops in connection to the conditioning. In this case the cellular respiration (the plants breeding that consume sugar until the crop is ensiled) should not continue as long and the forage will perhaps get a higher nutritional value. The capacity of the next machine could also be higher because the rake gives swaths with a lot of material. There is also a possibility that spreading of ley crops gives the material a more homogeneous content of dry matter and that gives a reduced growth of clostridium. This is particularly important when the method of harvest doesn?t include any mixing of the material like it does with a round baler or silagewagon.
Majsensilage - partikelstorleksfördelning och hygienisk kvalité :
Fieldstudys on 22 farms (23 silos) to study relationships
between the actual particle size of the maize silage and the theoretical length of cut. The measure of theoretical length of cut were stated by the farmers and not measured by us.
Particle size of maize silage was determined using the New Penn State Forage Particle
Separator. SLU Skara made a special sieve for us, that had larger holes than de original
sieves. The samples were shaken after instructions and then the
material was weighted. We have also been taking out samples for microbiological
analyses from the silos on 13 of the farms.
Effect of cow traffic system on cow performance and AMS capacity
Robotic milking in Automatic Milking systems (AMS) is proposed to reduce manual labour and at the same time increase milk yield by increasing milking frequency. In order to increase milking frequency, it is essential to have well-functioning cow traffic. Investing in an AMS is a great capital investment for the farmer, thus it is of major importance to ensure maximal AMS capacity. This study investigated the effect of the traffic systems Feed First? and Free cow traffic with and without waiting area (WA) on cow performance and AMS capacity.
Hypomagnesemi som riskfaktor för kalvningsförlamning hos mjölkkor
I sen dräktighet och vid laktationens inledning avger mjölkkor stora mängder kalcium till fostret och mjölkproduktionen. Kons förmåga att upprätthålla kalciumbalansen sker med hjälp av mobilisering av kalcium från skelettet samt upptag av kalcium från tarmen, mekanismer som regleras hormonellt, huvudsakligen av parathormon (PTH) och 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (calcitriol). Om kons regleringsmekanismer inte lyckas återställa kalciumkoncentrationen i plasma drabbas djuret av klinisk hypokalcemi som kan orsaka kalvningsförlamning. Flera olika strategier har etablerats för att förebygga denna utveckling. En väletablerad metod är
lågkalciumdieten som syftar till att stimulera djurets metabolism för att öka aktiveringen av de endogena regleringsmekanismerna vilket resulterar i en bättre förmåga hos djuret att återställa kalciumförlusterna.
Aktivitet, läggnings- och resningsbeteenden, tillväxt samt renlighet hos kvigor i liggbås respektive djupströbäddsbox :
The aim of this study was to compare activity, lying down and getting up behaviour, weight gain and cleanliness in heifers in cubicles versus on deep-litter.
The study was conducted from autumn of 2005 until autumn of 2006 in a commercial organic dairy herd with 340 cows. In 2005 the farm rebuilt half of the young stock accommodation from deep-litter pens to cubicles. The experiment used 150 heifers of the breeds Swedish Red, Swedish Holstein and crossbreeds between these, all born on the farm. The animals were divided into three blocks based on breed and within each block they were sorted after increasing age. The youngest heifer in each block was randomly allocated to one of two groups, cubicle or deep-litter pen.