

11227 Uppsatser om Daily work - Sida 24 av 749

Webbplatsen En integrerad del av folkbibliotekets verksamhet?

In a web environment the library and the librarian continue to function in their role as information provider even when the physical library is closed. Research question is to describe how and in what extent the public libraries websites are integrated in their daily activity and what the causes are for that. The empirical material consists of a survey of number of public libraries websites and qualitative interviews with responsible librarians. I have delimited the study by only investigating the websites of Gothenburg public libraries. In my survey of the websites I have studied four spheres; Services, Contact, Structure and General viewpoints.

Change Lab - Att arbeta med lärande förändring

In order to be able to change, to maintain competitiveness as a company in a world where rapid changes is part of the daily life, it is crucial to have knowledge and methods in how to change. One method, originally developed in Finland, is the Change Laboratory. This method is said to be efficient, not only concerning change aspects but also learning, since change and learning in this method is intertwined. This Master Thesis (20p.) tells about the process of conducting a Change Laboratory with a Swedish high-tech company and analyses factors in the process that makes change possible..

Utbrändhet - En litteraturstudie om utbrändhetsfaktorer bland sjuksköterskor

The aim of this literature study was to find out how nurses experience their work-situation and work environment and which the risk factors where. We also wanted to examine what kind of influence those risk factors had on nurses work satisfaction. This was done by the following question: What are the risk factors that can lead to burnout in work environment of nurses? The method was by critical examination of ten scientifically articles. The articles were critically studied by the criterions of Polit, Beck & Hungler.

Socialsekreterares värdering av olika arbetsmiljöfaktorers betydelse för en god arbetsmiljö

Lately, alarming reports have appeared regarding the work environment and work situation of social workers. Research focusing on the promotion of health and well-being in the workplace among other professionals show that factors such as social relationships, ability to influence their work situation and leadership are important. A quantitative study was conducted focusing on the work climate for social workers employed by some of the district administrations in the City of Malmö. A questionnaire with questions and statements on various factors in the work environment was sent to 34 social workers. They were asked how important these factors were for their well-being, as well as to what extent they felt that these factors were present at work.

Samtalets betydelse ur ett elevperspektiv

This Master´s thesis aims to aquire knowledge about volunteers attitude toward work. It emphasis is on the differences between volunteers and non volunteers. There are four research questions used in order to fulfill the aim in a scientific manner. The essay aims to get in depth knowledge regarding whether or not the respondents feel that they have gained advantages in work life due to the fact that they are involved in volunteer work. One of the pivotal questions is if there is a possibility to see a pattern that binds together the reasons for volunteer work and the attitude toward work.

Dopet som födelserit : En kvalitativ studie av dopföräldrars tankar kring dopet

The study reported has been conducted in care service guided by the Swedish law LSS( LSS- act concerning support and service for the disabled). The aim of this study is to examine the experiences of the personnel who have attended the Taktipro introductory course with special focus on how they describe the possible effects this may have had on their daily attendance to their special needs users.The method used is a qualitative method of enquiry, based on interview questions sent by mail to all the participants of the Taktipro introductory course. The result shows that the personnel have a positive view on skills in progress and that this program has facilitated the contact between personnel and their special needs users. An awareness about the importance of physical contact has also been revealed as well as an awareness of their own impact on situations at work. The result also indicates that the personnel feel that they have been able to improve the well being for the special needs users. .

Analys och produktionsförbättring på monteringslinan Vensafe

This study is preformed at Westbaltic Components placed in Töcksfors Sweden. Themain target in this study is to make one of the company?s assembly lines better andmore effective. The assembly line constructs vending machines for different stores allover Europe.It will contain tobacco, snuff, cigarettes and shaving blades and many more similarproducts.The first step in our study is to locate the daily problems and find out a good way toreduce them and make them disappear. A good way to do this job easier was toconstruct a visualizing board.

Experiences in enabling elderly people for communion and solitude in a South African context

Aim: The aim of this study was to explore the care providers' experiences in enabling communionship and solitude in daily living for elderly living in old age homes in a South African context. Method: This study was done using a qualitative analysing method, with empirical data obtained from nursing staff of elderly. The study was phenomenological which aims at deepen the understanding of human experiences as phenomenon. The data was collected by using a groupinterview which included five informants from an old age home in Pretoria. The analysis included two steps; Naive reading and structural analysis in order to transform the individual elucidations into an abstract which had no individual touch.

Interkulturellt förhållningssätt i förskolan : ambitioner och paradoxer

Background: Sweden has become a society with a multicultural population. Many children start preschools with different backgrounds and experiences. Teachers today face the task of meet those children in the best way. Södertörn University has a special profile on their teacher education, the intercultural profile.Aims: My report focuses on teachers who have been working in preschools for about one to two years after graduating from the intercultural education at Södertörn University. The report aims at finding out more about their experiences and thoughts about the intercultural approach after having worked in the Swedish preschool with a special focus on the intersectional perspective on cultural phenomena class, gender and ethnicity.

Bakgrund - No?t - Lycka : en genomga?ng av musikens betydelse i mitt liv samt arbetsprocessen fo?r musikskapandet

The Swedish social insurance agency provides financial support for families and children, but also for people with work injury, illness and at old age. During 2012 they saw the amount of notifications of insurance increasing in Sweden, which is a development that cost our society a great deal of money. With the aim to pursue a sustainable development I have therefore devoted this project to wellness and stress management within preschool.The employees of preschool are often dealing with a lot of stress, due to the big groups of children that causes high noise and sound levels. The high noise and sound levels is a contributor to stress which additionally can damage the health and cause impaired hearing loss. About half of the people around their forties until the age of retirement have difficulties understanding speech in large groups.The purpose of this project has been to investigate the causes of negative stress for my target group, women between 30-60 years old who works in preschool.

Äldreomsorgens psykosociala arbetsmiljö : en studie av undersköterskor och vårdbiträden som arbetar med äldre på särskilda boenden

The purpose of this study was to find out how caregivers experienced their psychosocial work environment at three municipal homes for old people. The Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ) was used in order to study different dimensions of the work environment, and questions about health, sickness presence and sick leave were included. The questionnaire was answered by 86 out of 112 participating caregivers (77%). The results showed that the caregivers experienced high demands at work. The degree of feedback and influence at work was low, but they reported that their work was highly meaningful and that they usually received social support at work.

Hanteringsstrategier hos personer med inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom : En beskrivande litteraturstudie

AbstractBackground: Inflammatory bowel disease involves major changes where psychological and physical stress becomes a part of ones daily life. The ability to adapt and cope well with the situation, increases the chances of feeling satisfied with life. There are various management strategies that people with IBD use to cope with their daily life.Aim: The aim of this study is to describe strategies that people with inflammatory bowel disease use to manage their daily lives. A further purpose is to describe the study group in the included articles.Method: A descriptive literature review. This study is based on 12 scientific articles, searched in the databases Cinahl and Pubmed.

Involvera flera : brukarmedverkan i parkplanering

The Civil Engineering office in Skellefteå needs to develop the users' participation in the planning of parks and playgrounds. In order to get such a procedure to work one have to find a method that can work in the daily activity. My work aims to find such a method and to implement it in practice. Apart from helping the Parks departement to find an functional method I will also develop a deepened knowledge about users?participation wich can be very useful i my future profession. This work can be divided in three stages.

Att stärka barnens sociala förmåga i förskolan. : Pedagogers arbete med barn i svårigheter i socialt samspel och hjälpmedel i arbetet.

The purpose of this study has been to describe and analyze how seven Swedish preschool teachers and two special education teachers think and work with children who show a lack of social skills. The study method has been semi-structured interviews with the educators which have been analyzed and sorted under different themes/categories. The theoretical framework used in this study is sociocultural, relational and categorical perspectives. These perspectives have been chosen in order to better understand how teachers see their role in supporting children in need of special support. The environment in the preschool is found to be of great help and the teachers? approach is of great importance.The research emphasizes the importance of integrating thinking, feeling and behavior.

Visioner om framtidens profilboenden : Hur äldre personer vill bo när det bli ännu äldre

As the population of senior citizens increase, various housing options are required for an increasing competitive environment within elderly care. This study addresses the concept of profile housing for the elderly by outlining its definition and providing options for the different kinds of housing options available within the municipalities of Stockholm and Solna. The study reveals that these locations have different definitions of what constitutes a profile home. Based on this, should one assume there are further definitions to cover additional municipalities?     This study also touches upon how a group of senior citizens would perceive their living conditions if relocated into such housing. Members of the group have also expressed that they would like to go about their daily activities as they have prior to being relocated. They want health professionals to enable and encourage participation in various daily activities..

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