

2481 Uppsatser om Customer relations - Sida 13 av 166

IT som marknadsstrategiskt hjälpmedel - en studie om långsiktiga relationer

The most dominating channel for communication, connecting companies and customers, during the 1900 century was those who included either physical contact or phone contact. However, when Internet started to make its way as a channel for communication, a whole new opportunity opened up for the companies. Since then Internet has grown to be an important part for any company that wants to gain market shares. One of those markets is the market of travelling.This paper discusses the Swedish industry of travelling, and different travel organizers use of Internet as a mediate for long-term relationships. The paper is built on a comparison between three companies that all distributes journeys, this is to examine the Internet communications effect on the electronic relationship (e-relation) with customers.Three travel organizers with similar visions and objectives are compared in this paper, these are Apollo, Fritidsresor and Ving.

Effektivisering av kundorderflöde : En fallstudie på BUFAB Bulten Stainless AB

We were commissioned by Bulten Stainless AB to identify and analyze their customer order flow. Because the company had problems with delays in the production and deliveries to the customer, the task also included investigation of how the company work with prevention and management of delays. The purpose of the project also included to identify critical factors for effective order flow in smaller workshop companies.The information about the flow and how the work takes place within the company were collected through observations on the company and interviews with the staff. This information was used to draw maps over the customer order flow and to write a description of the current situation within the company. Both strengths and weaknesses of the companies work could be identified through analysis of the present situation.

Konsten att positionera sig : En studie om festivalers identitet, positionering och om kunders relation till festivalers märkesidentitet.

The purpose of this study is to examine what characterizes brand identity and positioning regarding festivals on the current Swedish festival market. In relation to our purpose we are also going to analyze how festival attendees relate to a festivals brand identity. Our research question is as follows:What characterizes festivals brand identity and positioning on the current Swedish festival market?This study has been written with a qualitative research method and an inductive approach. Our empirical foundation is built on a rich content based on personal interviews.

Kan ett spel lära ut Lean Thinking

In relation to the development of IT-products it is very important that the software supplier is aware not only of the target group but also the field of application. Usability should characterize the whole IT-design process as, in relation to this context, design includes more than merely those aspects which are visible to and thus can be interpreted by the naked eye. The study examines the specific qualities and properties that substantiate the usability and the demands that a customer rightfully expects from an IT-product. The user and the customer are highlighted in the same context in order to demonstrate that it is through the customer that an IT-product is defined as being useful. Thus, from this perspective, the user and customer can be considered as being the same person.

Kundlojalitet : en studie om vilken påverkan de demografiska aspekterna har på kundens lojalitet mot sin bank.

In Sweden today almost all people are connected to a bank in some way. It can range from loans, savings, shares, etc. They have a current account where salaries, student aid etc. is paid. Due to the large selection of banks, it has become more important for banks to be competitive in their services to their customers so they don?t change bank.

Dolda resurser : Att synliggöra icke materiella tillgångar

Background: Once upon a time the most important resources in an economy were tangible goods. Historically, Swedish company culture has been dominated by engineering and techni-cal innovation has been the focal point. Today, Intangible values drive product development and form a company?s differentiation. Intangibles have therefore become the most prominent resources in a company.

Ömsesidigt utbyte av manipulationer - en studie i social kompetens

Social competence is an effective weapon at all costs on today?s market. In many job ads we can see the words to be socially competent. In our report we have studied the subject?s social competence, relations, relationship marketing and personal networks and looked to the connection these subjects have to one another.

Lean Production i den offentliga sektorn : Hur kan Lean Production påverka medarbetare att jobba med ständiga förbättringar och kundvärde?

AbstractTitle:Lean Production in The Public SectorsLevel:Final assignment for Master of Science in Business Administration.Authors:Simon Mårtensson and Ramnpreet Kaur MaanSupervisor:Stig Sörling and Tomas Källquist.Examiner:Lars-Johan ÅgeDate:2015 ? June.Aim:The use of Lean Production in the public sector is increasing and there are still opportunities for improvement that contributes to a higher customer value. According to previous research that has been done, there is a lack of research in the field of Lean production in the public sector. Thus, the aim of this study is to create an understanding of how Lean production as a concept can help to influence employees to work with continuous improvements and customer value in the public sector.Method:The study has a hermeneutic perspective as a starting point where the substance is studied from an operator approach. We have chosen to build our study with the help of deduction starting with a theoretical framework and then go into the empirical framework.

Irrationella investerare : En litteraturstudie av behavioural finance

Course:Business Administration, Master Thesis, Second Level, 30 Credits.Authors:Sara Frännlid and Helena RamstedtTutor:Jim AndersénTitle:Internet, relationships and loyalty ? Best praCtice foR the bankMarketPurpose:The study aims to explain how banks use electronic Customer relationship management, eCRM, to create loyal customers. A figure will be created, which will enlighten the factors a bank should focus on when enhancing customer loyalty through the internet. Through interviews with two successful banks is it possible to study how a bank can successfully create loyal customers.Methodology:A qualitative method in terms of semi-structured interviews is used. The empirical results were then analyzed with the theory in order to contribute with a new figure.Theoreticalperspective:The theory describes how a bank can create a loyal customer over the Internet.

Idé, förtroende & utvärdering : En studie om Investor relations hos svenska medicintekniska företag

Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att genomföra en deskriptiv studie och skapa djupare förståelse för hur svenska, nyligen börsnoterade medicinteknikföretag arbetar med Investor relations och hur detta arbete återspeglas i en effektiv aktiemarknad. Samt att undersöka hur de utvärderar effekterna av sin IR-verksamhet.Metod: Genom en kvalitativ studie söker denna uppsats svar i intervjuer med börsnoterade medicintekniska företag, samt i teorier som behandlat möjligheten för rationella investeringar och utformningen av en effektiv marknad.Resultat: Den kapitalkrävande bransch som medicinsk teknik utgör har troligen påverkan på hur kommunikationen och informationsspridningen är utformad då alla respondenterna använder Investor Relations på liknande sätt. Företagen själva anser att det företag som lyckas övertyga investerare om att deras produkter har störst samhällsnytta även kommer att vinna kampen om kapitalet. Trots hård konkurrens om kapital och förståelsen över vikten av Investor Relations görs inga omfattande utvärderingar av arbetet. Anledningen är främst att det tar för mycket tid och att tillvägagångssätten är diffusa.

Att möta kunden med användbarhet

In relation to the development of IT-products it is very important that the software supplier is aware not only of the target group but also the field of application. Usability should characterize the whole IT-design process as, in relation to this context, design includes more than merely those aspects which are visible to and thus can be interpreted by the naked eye. The study examines the specific qualities and properties that substantiate the usability and the demands that a customer rightfully expects from an IT-product. The user and the customer are highlighted in the same context in order to demonstrate that it is through the customer that an IT-product is defined as being useful. Thus, from this perspective, the user and customer can be considered as being the same person.

Hur ett industriföretag ökar kundvärdet genom

The purpose of this thesis was to investigate how an industrial company can increase customer value by offering added services to their core products. Theses added services can be categorized into the three different parts of the buying process. The company that was investigated is Smurfit Kappa Kraftliner in Piteå, a large international industrial company active on a business to business market. We have conducted a case study and made interviews with three respondents within the company. The result of the study show that the company offers value added services in each stage of the buying process.

Ergonomisk arbetsmiljö för kundtjänstpersonal

In today?s society, there are many people who suffer from physical pains due to their work situation. To work sitting down by a desk long hours every day is quite normal but this is a problem. People that sit down and work in the same position all day long the whole week will eventually be affected by long-term work injuries.Large multinational companies around the world offer a customer service where they serve customers who have experienced a problem with that company?s products or services.

Hur betydelsefull är CRM data? : En studie om användandet av CRM-system inom livsmedelskedjorna ICA och Coop

During the last few decades a new kind of business operation have developed and this hasforced organisations to adapt themselves to a new competitive environment characterized byincreased customer demands as well as a larger amount of competitors. Therefore companieshave had a shift in their strategies from focusing on sales numbers to focusing on thecustomer. To build lasting Customer relationships, in order to create customer loyalty, havebecome an important part of the organisational strategy and the collection of consumer datais essential in achieving this loyalty. Customer relationship management systems assistorganisations in managing information about individual customers as well as managing allaspects of customer contact, with the purpose of increasing customer loyalty towards thecompany. The collection of consumer data also enables for companies to design personalizedoffers to individual customers in the form of direct marketing.

Media och näringslivet: En studie om hur mediedrev bör hanteras enligt informationschefer och presschefer

Media has power and impact. It is therefore important for managers to be able to handle media storms when they arise. If not, the brand can be affected negatively. It is managers who should learn to handle media storms because the managers constitute an important part of the external face of the company. Because it is managers who should learn to handle media storms it is interesting to study how media storms should be handled from a theoretical management-perspective.

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