

18402 Uppsatser om Customer information - Sida 11 av 1227

Kunden som varumärkesskapare

The purpose of this study has been to examine how customers, by interacting with each other, can communicate and create the image of a brand. We find this topic to be relevant since there are no previous studies conducted concerning the customers influence on the brand image. Our ambition has been to describe in what ways and to what extent the customer can affect and influence the brand image by communicating with other customers. To fulfill our purposed we have targeted three important questions which are:? In which ways can the customer affect the communicated image of a brand?? To what extent can the customer influence the brand image and the perceived value?? Who has control over the brand, the customer or the company?For this study we have used a qualitative approach in which we have conducted eight personal interviews with brand consultants and the editor of the magazine Dagens Media which has given us the foundation for our analysis.

CRM-En fallstudie av Nordea Private Banking

Title:                                  CRM ? A case study of Nordea Private BankingAutors:                               David Johansson & Mikael Westin        Advisor:                             Ulf AagerupLevel:                                 Bachelor thesis in International marketing, (15 ECTS), Spring 2013.Keywords:                         CRM, Relationship marketing, Private BankingQuestion:                           How does Nordea Private Banking work with CRM to get high customer loyalty?Purpose:                            Study and to learn how Nordea Private Banking is working to bring in new customers and keep existing customers loyal. We also want to see if Nordea uses additional strategies that goes beyond the theory and what their customer relationship strategy is.Method:                             The study has a qualitative research method with an inductive approach. Interviews with leading and skilled profiles at Nordea Private Banking has been interviewed to provide answers to our research question.Theoretical framework: The chapter starts with theory about what relationship marketing is and what is driving customer loyalty. Thereafter theory that define CRM and its pros and cons are addressed, and finally the chapter describe the implementation phase.Empirical framework:     In the empirical framework we present the qualitative interviews that were done with employees at Nordea Private Banking.Conclusion:                       The result from this study shows that Nordea Private Banking uses strategies that are common in theory of CRM to gain high customer loyalty and the use of recommendations from satisfied customers is of a much higher significance in Nordea Private Banking?s case than of what the theory is implying.

Lean Production i den offentliga sektorn : Hur kan Lean Production påverka medarbetare att jobba med ständiga förbättringar och kundvärde?

AbstractTitle:Lean Production in The Public SectorsLevel:Final assignment for Master of Science in Business Administration.Authors:Simon Mårtensson and Ramnpreet Kaur MaanSupervisor:Stig Sörling and Tomas Källquist.Examiner:Lars-Johan ÅgeDate:2015 ? June.Aim:The use of Lean Production in the public sector is increasing and there are still opportunities for improvement that contributes to a higher customer value. According to previous research that has been done, there is a lack of research in the field of Lean production in the public sector. Thus, the aim of this study is to create an understanding of how Lean production as a concept can help to influence employees to work with continuous improvements and customer value in the public sector.Method:The study has a hermeneutic perspective as a starting point where the substance is studied from an operator approach. We have chosen to build our study with the help of deduction starting with a theoretical framework and then go into the empirical framework.

Irrationella investerare : En litteraturstudie av behavioural finance

Course:Business Administration, Master Thesis, Second Level, 30 Credits.Authors:Sara Frännlid and Helena RamstedtTutor:Jim AndersénTitle:Internet, relationships and loyalty ? Best praCtice foR the bankMarketPurpose:The study aims to explain how banks use electronic customer relationship management, eCRM, to create loyal customers. A figure will be created, which will enlighten the factors a bank should focus on when enhancing customer loyalty through the internet. Through interviews with two successful banks is it possible to study how a bank can successfully create loyal customers.Methodology:A qualitative method in terms of semi-structured interviews is used. The empirical results were then analyzed with the theory in order to contribute with a new figure.Theoreticalperspective:The theory describes how a bank can create a loyal customer over the Internet.

Customer Relationship Management : En studie om hur företag arbetar med CRM och orsaker till misslyckade implementeringsförsök

In relation to the paradigm shift that took place between the marketing mix and relationship marketing, and the emergence of information technology in the 90:s, the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has become a frequently used concept in marketing. Most definitions and approaches have been generated from previous studies, but the concept is still criticized for the number of failed implementation attempts. Along a discussion of the area has an elaborate theoretical foundation remained as the foundation for the study development and utilized in all the sections of the study. The study, with help from Gartner's eight building blocks of CRM, focus on how Swedish medium and large companies work with CRM, and if this is an indicator of the number of failed implementation attempts. The survey consists of two approaches, qualitative and quantitative, to provide both depth and generalizability of the study.

Att möta kunden med användbarhet

In relation to the development of IT-products it is very important that the software supplier is aware not only of the target group but also the field of application. Usability should characterize the whole IT-design process as, in relation to this context, design includes more than merely those aspects which are visible to and thus can be interpreted by the naked eye. The study examines the specific qualities and properties that substantiate the usability and the demands that a customer rightfully expects from an IT-product. The user and the customer are highlighted in the same context in order to demonstrate that it is through the customer that an IT-product is defined as being useful. Thus, from this perspective, the user and customer can be considered as being the same person.

Hur ett industriföretag ökar kundvärdet genom

The purpose of this thesis was to investigate how an industrial company can increase customer value by offering added services to their core products. Theses added services can be categorized into the three different parts of the buying process. The company that was investigated is Smurfit Kappa Kraftliner in Piteå, a large international industrial company active on a business to business market. We have conducted a case study and made interviews with three respondents within the company. The result of the study show that the company offers value added services in each stage of the buying process.

Ergonomisk arbetsmiljö för kundtjänstpersonal

In today?s society, there are many people who suffer from physical pains due to their work situation. To work sitting down by a desk long hours every day is quite normal but this is a problem. People that sit down and work in the same position all day long the whole week will eventually be affected by long-term work injuries.Large multinational companies around the world offer a customer service where they serve customers who have experienced a problem with that company?s products or services.

Alkohol- och drogtest på arbetsplatsen

ABSTRACTTitle: Senses strategic importance to the customer experience in dressing roomAuthors: Anna Andersson & Alexandra LundqvistTutor: Dr. Bertil Hultén, Associate Professor Linneaus School of Business and Economics Linnaeus UniversitySubject:  Bachelor thesis 15 hp. Business Economics C, Marketing. Linnaeus University, spring 2011Presentation of the question: Is it possible for companies to enhance customers experience in dressing rooms by strategically working with the senses?Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze the senses relevance to the customer experience in the dressing room and create an understanding of the dressing room from a customer and business perspective.

Kundportföljen i praktiken : en fallstudie av Orsa Lamellträ AB

Orsa Lamellträ har under 2011 och 2012 märkt en minskad försäljning på sin limfog. Bland annat är det stark konkurrens från Östeuropa och en stark kronkurs som ses som orsak till den nedsatta efterfrågan. För att komma tillrätta med dagens problem behöver Orsa Lamellträ hitta nya marknader, arbeta med vidareutveckling och ta marknadsandelar på befintliga marknader. Kundrelationerna är det som står i fokus i min fallstudie av Orsa Lamellträ AB. Studiens syfte är att ge en bättre inblick i hur företaget arbetar med sina kundrelationer, sett från både Orsa Lamellträs och kundernas håll.

Kundvärden i en värld av tyll, slöjor och brudbuketter : En studie om svenska bröllopskoordinatorer

Denna uppsats består av en kvalitativ undersökning som antog en induktiv ansats. Detta föll sig naturligt för oss eftersom vårt intresse av bröllopsindustrin och bröllopskoordinatorer gjorde att vi ville komma vårt problemområde nära och få en mer djupgående inblick, hellre än en bred bild. Den empiriska studien består av nio intervjuer med bröllopskoordinatorer runtom i Sverige och två nygifta par som har använt sig av en bröllopskoordinator vid planeringen av deras bröllop.Genom den teoretiska och empiriska analysen har vi kommit fram till att bröllopsplanering är en komplex och tidskrävande process som består av många detaljer. Bröllopskoordinatorer arbetar mycket med kundanpassning och behöver brudparens medverkan, mest i form av information om önskemål, för att kunna utföra sitt arbete och på så sätt ge bra servicekvalitet. På grund av att de arbetar nära med brudparen skapas nära och intensiva relationer till brudparen som dock oftast bryts efter bröllopet.

Hearing is believing

Today most studies regarding marketing are made on traditional marketing channels, answering questions like which jingle is best or which TV-channel a company should focus their marketing budget on. There is also the science regarding the best way of marketing on Social Networking sites or how to get as many 'likes' as possible, and so forth. However research has also been made in the field of in-store marketing and how a retailers or brand owners can affect customers in "the moment of truth". Until now most of these studies discuss how to get the attention of the customer in the store since both time as well as level of commitment in general is scarce when a customer is in a grocery store doing the necessary weekly- or complementary-shopping. It seems like most of them make the very same conclusion; catching the attention of a customer is vital to sell them your product.

Sinnenas strategiska betydelse för kundens upplevelse i provrummet

ABSTRACTTitle: Senses strategic importance to the customer experience in dressing roomAuthors: Anna Andersson & Alexandra LundqvistTutor: Dr. Bertil Hultén, Associate Professor Linneaus School of Business and Economics Linnaeus UniversitySubject:  Bachelor thesis 15 hp. Business Economics C, Marketing. Linnaeus University, spring 2011Presentation of the question: Is it possible for companies to enhance customers experience in dressing rooms by strategically working with the senses?Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze the senses relevance to the customer experience in the dressing room and create an understanding of the dressing room from a customer and business perspective.

Internet, relation och lojalitet : Best practice för bankmarknaden

Course:Business Administration, Master Thesis, Second Level, 30 Credits.Authors:Sara Frännlid and Helena RamstedtTutor:Jim AndersénTitle:Internet, relationships and loyalty ? Best praCtice foR the bankMarketPurpose:The study aims to explain how banks use electronic customer relationship management, eCRM, to create loyal customers. A figure will be created, which will enlighten the factors a bank should focus on when enhancing customer loyalty through the internet. Through interviews with two successful banks is it possible to study how a bank can successfully create loyal customers.Methodology:A qualitative method in terms of semi-structured interviews is used. The empirical results were then analyzed with the theory in order to contribute with a new figure.Theoreticalperspective:The theory describes how a bank can create a loyal customer over the Internet.

Grönt med personalen. Det interna värdet av Schenkers miljöarbete

Title Greenlighted employees ? The internal value of Schenker?s environmental work.Author David Fridner.Course Master thesis in Science of Media and Communication.Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Gothenburg.Semester Spring semester 2009.Tutor Professor Monika Djerf-Pierre.Number of pages 55 (appendix 23).Aim The aim is to study the internal value of Schenker?s environmental work.Method Qualitative and quantitative method.Material 20 interviews from four workgroups: managers (4), sales (5), customer-services (4) and truck drivers (7). 148 websurveys from two workgroups: sales (106) and customer-services (42).Main result Schenker is perceived as an environmentally friendly enterprise. Much due to the fact that the company?s impact on nature only has little to do with how the staff evaluate its ?greenness?.

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