

54 Uppsatser om Custody- - Sida 2 av 4

Medling enligt föräldrabalken (FB) : En studie om domarnas syn på medling

This paper is based on a study seeking answers to questions about how the judges at district courts look at mediation as a way to deal with custody and visitation disputes between parents who do not live together. The questions posed in this study are: When is a mediator appointed? What result do judges expect to mediation? What do the judges say about how a mediator should work? What are the judge?s opinions about the lawyer?s role in these cases? Finally, how do the judges define the children?s needs and how do the judges check that the solution is best for the child? The study also aims to compile theories of mediation, to create new knowledge and to possibly develop new research questions related to mediation. The study is a qualitative case study with law sociological and abductive approach. The interviewed judges all have a lot of experience in family law cases.

Barnets bästa : en studie i hur domstolen avgör frågor om umgänge när det har förekommit våld i familjen

In many of the disputes concerning custody, residence and visitation determined by the court, some form of violence has been performed. The consequence of a child who has witnessed violence in their homes is a problem that is sometimes overlooked. It is not unusual that the violence will continue even after a separation. The law shows that the child´s need of both parents is to be met. This has according to previous studies resulted in the fact that courts do not always see visitation with a violent parent as a risk for the child.

En kvalitativ granskning utifrån kritisk-saklig utredningsmetodik av 16 vårdnads-, boende- och umgängesutredningar med utgångspunkt i barnets bästa och våld i nära relationer

Syftet med studien är att, utifrån en kritisk-saklig utredningsmetodik, granska hur familjerättssekreterare presenterar och bedömer barnets bästa och våld i nära relationer i 16 vårdnads-, boende- och umgängesutredningar. Utredningarna är gjorda av familjerätten i Örebro kommun. För att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar har den kvalitativa metoden dokumentgranskning använts i kombination med en semistrukturerad intervju. Studien visar att barn under nio år regelmässigt fråntas rätten att göra sin röst hörd samt att ett vuxet barnperspektiv genomsyrar utredningstexterna. Konsekvensen blir att barnets perspektiv osynliggörs och utelämnas.

Bankers information om innovationsarbete : Hur fem finansiella institutioner kommunicerar sitt arbete med innovation till investerare

Syftet med uppsatsen var att studera den information finansiella institutioner förmedlar gällande företagens arbete med innovation. Fem stycken globala banker inom området global custody valdes att studeras. Med utgångspunkt i tidigare teorier om företags arbete med innovation och genomlysbarhet studerades företagens information gällande innovation. De teorier som användes gällde företags genomlysbarhet samt tidigare forskning om hur banker arbetar med innovation. Källorna var företagens årsredovisningar för år 2007 samt företagens hemsidor.

Könsdiskriminering mot män inom vårdnadstvister? : existerar könsdiskriminering inom vårdnadstvister och upplever fäderna ett könsdiskriminerande bemötande från socialtjänsten?

SAMMANFATTNINGStudiens syfte var att undersöka om det förekommer könsdiskriminering mot fäder i vårdnadstvister. Frågeställningar och syften som användes var: (1) Att undersöka om könsdiskriminering mot pappor i vårdnadstvister existerar. (2) Om och hur pappor upplever ett könsdiskriminerande bemötande på familjerättsenheter. För att besvara frågeställningarna användes en mixad design bestående av en kvantitativ vinjettstudie och en kvalitativ analys av texter. Vinjettstudien riktades mot familjerättssekreterare inom socialtjänsten som i sitt yrke arbetar med frågor som hanterar vårdnad, boende och umgänge i vårdnadstvister mellan två vårdnadshavare.

Hur kön konstrueras i tillämpningen av 3 § LVU i Förvaltningsrätten

The purpose of this paper is to examine how gender is created in the Administrative Court´s application of care of Young Persons (Special Provisions) Act. The theoretical starting point is the gender perspective. My empirical work consists of 27 court cases from 2010 and 2011. These are investigated for common themes by a qualitative content analysis. The result and analysis consist of four court cases representing one theme each.

En kvantitativ studie avseende kriminalvårdares empati

Empati har länge ansetts vara en god egenskap hos en medmänniska. Det definierats enligt Davis, som individers affektiva och fysiologiska reaktioner avseende någon annans fysiska och psykiska tillstånd. Tidigare forskning har visat att det finns skillnader avseende empati hos individer beroende på olika faktorer. Huvudsyftet med studien var att se om kön, ålder, arbetsplats, antal år inom yrket samt föräldraskap påverkade kriminalvårdares empati. Deltagarna var kriminalvårdare (N = 90) som arbetade på en anstalt och ett häkte.

Tystnadens väggar. Oviljan att erkänna och diskutera sexuella övergrepp på män i USA:s fängelser

In 2008 USA was the one country that had the most people behind bars, both in numbers andpercentage, 2,3 million people. Of all the male convicts that were being held in custody aroundthe country's different detention facilities, thousands of them were being exposed to sexualabuse, such as rape. This essay will try to understand why there hasn?t been a bigger public outcryin the American community concerning this. It does so by studying the view of rape as a crime ofgender, by examining religion in USA and the Christian view on homosexuality, looking into thepublics thoughts on prisons and the penalty's purpose plus studying theory's of the publics viewon the prisoner.

Vägen bort : En textanalytisk studie av rättsdomar

The intention with the study is to describe the home and life conditions for boys at the age range between 13 to 18 year, who has been under custody according to the § 2 LVU.The empiric is 21 real court cases, judged in Stockholm and to Stockholm counted surround-ings 2006, in which the range of the boys were representative.A text analyze method is used to execute the study. The study penetrates the life situation of the caregiver and how their situation affects the boy and the boys actions.The total conclusion of the study, based on an ecological evolution perspective, is that life-situation of the caregiver affects the boys and the boys actions.The boys are affected negatively by the situation of their caregivers, and according to the study, the boys have established own problems, like difficulties in school, criminality, or other psychological diagnoses. They are also often exposed to physical or psychological violence by the caregiver. Additionally the conclusion is that the caregiver neglect the boys in many other ways, prior themselves and their needs before the boys..

Presentationsordningseffekt och könsdiskriminering inom vårdnadstvister

Varje dag fattas beslut som kan komma att förändra människors liv. Årligen berörs omkring 50 000 barn av föräldrars separation där cirka 7000 av fallen leder till en vårdnadstvist som löses i tingsrätten. Familjerättens utredning blir ofta avgörande för domstolsbeslutet om vem som tillskrivs vårdnaden över barnet. Följande studie fokuserar på att ur ett deskriptivt beslutsteoretiskt perspektiv finna vilka faktorer som influerar bedömningsprocessen med fokus på könsdiskriminering och presentationsordningseffekt, alltså huruvida ordningen av föräldrarnas utsaga påverkar bedömningen. För att undersöka hur individen blir påverkad i sitt beslutsfattande fick en deltagargrupp med högskolestudenter läsa ett vårdnadstvistfall där modern och faderns utsaga presenteras för att sedan ta ställning till bland annat vilken förälder de ansåg vara mest trovärdig.

Om repatrieringsdebatten i Lund 2005. Forskningsvärdet, upprättelsen och det dåliga samvetet.

In December 2004 the Jewish congregation Judiska Församlingen i Malmö wrote to Lund University regarding the cranium of a Jewish man, which had been in the University's possession ever since he committed suicide while in custody in Lund in 1879. The congregation requested that the remains be given to them and buried according to Jewish custom. In February of 2005 Lund University decided to appease the request. This essay examines the debate which followed.The main focus of the study is on which kinds of arguments were used in the debate, who participated and which aspects of the human remains were considered important by the debaters.The study has shown that clear differences exist regarding the types of arguments used by those in favour of the repatriation and by those who opposed it. There were also differences in who took a stand in favour of it and who was against it.

Hur kommer barn till tals i domen?

The purpose of this essay was to see how the child's voice was being heard in the verdicts in trials. I looked into court cases where parents wanted custody of their child/children. The focus of my analysis was on how the verdicts were presented and if the child/children were described in the court cases. The method that I used was qualitative documentanalysis. I chose seven court cases to investigate and analyse.I described theories of Foucault's power to get a different perspective on courtroom cases and the children's voice.

I domen rekonstrueras verkligheten : en dokumentanalys om hur genus reproduceras och upprätthålls i LVU-mål

Title: "In the verdict, reality is reconstructed" - a documentary study of how sex is reproduced in verdicts of LVU-cases.The aim in our study is to see how existing circumstances revolving power between the gender, are contained in court, through language and differences in the sentences and expressions that are used in the verdicts. In this study we have reviewed verdicts about young people who are taken in to custody care by Lag (1990:52) med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga.We have reviewed verdicts from the county administrative court in Kalmar, from January in 2007 to October in 2008. Through the analysis we have taken into considerations and worked with earlier research and litterateur containing different theoretical approaches to feminism.The result of the study shows, that despite of a neutral law, girls and boys, women and men are judged and treated different, because of their sex. Depending on your sex, you are expected to behave according to norms and values. These norms and values are not the same for girls and boys.

Problemhundar : En studie inriktad på hundar med grava aggressions- och rädsleproblem

Dogs with behavioral problemsThis study was made to investigate if there was a problem in today?s society regarding dogs showing for example excessive aggression and/or anxiety. The main questions in this study was "is there a problem today" and "if there is a problem, what can we do to prevent it". To investigate these questions interviews were made with six different professions concerning the dog domain. The result of the study shows that three of the interviewed considered it to be a problem, one did not have an opinion on the matter and two choose not to call it a dog related problem because it mostly depends on the owner.

Omedelbart omhändertagandeenligt 6 § LVU : -en granskning utifrån ett rättssäkerhetsperspektiv

The main purpose of this study was to examine how social workers interpret and legally practice the 6 § LVU (Care of Young Person´s Act) in regards to legal cer-tainty. The papers intention was to investigate and describe the legal scopes limits and deficiencies, linked to practical social work. The study was composed on a legal dogmatic method which implies to examine the law and its elaboration. The investi-gation was based on different court rulings of care of youths according mostly to 6 § LVU. Perusal and interpretation of the rulings have been necessary in order to clarify the issues.

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