

604 Uppsatser om Curve resistance - Sida 28 av 41

Torkning av vallfrö :

In Sweden, grass is the single largest crop grown. Nearly 1 000 000 Ha grows on the fields, this is primarily used as feed for livestock. To get a good seed, you need to handle the crop carefully from planting to delivery. The part that I have been interested in, is how to dry the harvested seed with out destroying the growth in the small seed. This is very easily done if you aren?t careful during the drying period.

"Papperslösa" flyktingars situation : Diskursanalys av konstruktioner i svensk massmedia

AbstractThe purpose of this essay is to study how undocumented migrants situation is constructed inSwedish massmedia discourse. The purpose has also been to study how the compromisedhuman rights of undocumented migrants in Sweden are legitimated in massmedia discourseand how resistance is constructed. The following main questions have been processed in this essay:- How are undocumented migrants and their situation constructed in Swedish massmediadiscourse?- How is society?s part in the situation constructed?Following questions are related to the main questions:- How is the situation that undocumented migrants face in Sweden legitimated in discourse?-What social consequences do the constructions have for undocumented migrants and for theSwedish society?The questions have been answered through a discourse analysis on empirical materialconsisting of ten news clips from Swedish public service television SVT and ten articles fromthe online editions of the main national newspapers Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet, Aftonbladet and Expressen. The analysis was done with analytic methods from discursivepsychology and with the sociological theories at hand in this essay.The conclusions drawn from the analysis are that the situation is constructed according todifferent interpretative repertoires drawing on humanitarian discourses and economicdiscourses, which lead to separate social consequences and ideological categorisations of ?usand them?.

Användande av diffusionsspärr vid tilläggsisolering av äldre byggnader med trästomme

In the current situation a big part ofthe settlements that exist in Sweden isin need of renovation and energyefficiency in order to survive.Therefore, also many of the older houseswith a wooden structure are in a need ofenergy efficiency, which can be done ina variety of ways, including addinginsulation.This project deals with whether the useof a diffusion barrier or a vaporbarrier affects a wall structure byadding insulation to an older house witha timber frame. The insulation materialswhich are concidered in thisinvestigation are mineral wool and woodfiber insulation. Efforts are focused onthe effects of moisture on theseinsulation materials.To demonstrate the differences thatarise the moisture measurement programWUFI have been used to simulate avariety of wall designs. These designsare developed in consultation with theconstruction carers who are active inthe industry.Using WUFI graphs illustrating themoisture levels of the wall structureswere obtained and from these conclusionsvould be drawn. The work demonstratesthe differences that arise when using adiffusion barrier or vapor barrier inwall construction.

System för statusbedömning av byggnader. Förslag innehållande förundersökning och konceptbeskrivning

The use of Power Line Communication, PLC, as a communication solution for Automated Meter Reading, AMR, is popular by utilities in Sweden and other parts of the world due to demands of accurate and fast meter reading. However the use of the electrical grid as a communication medium is complex and sometimes problematic. This report handles some of the issues and problems that are important to understand when using the grid as a communications medium. Focus is mainly on investigating high frequency distortion in the Kristianstad power grid own by C4energi caused by a frequency converter. Measurements on site are done to investigate signal damping in the grid, different configurations for the frequency converter and signal strength of the PLC-system.

Optimerade klimatlösningar för köpcenter: En parameterstudie i IDA Indoor Climate and Energy

The use of Power Line Communication, PLC, as a communication solution for Automated Meter Reading, AMR, is popular by utilities in Sweden and other parts of the world due to demands of accurate and fast meter reading. However the use of the electrical grid as a communication medium is complex and sometimes problematic. This report handles some of the issues and problems that are important to understand when using the grid as a communications medium. Focus is mainly on investigating high frequency distortion in the Kristianstad power grid own by C4energi caused by a frequency converter. Measurements on site are done to investigate signal damping in the grid, different configurations for the frequency converter and signal strength of the PLC-system.

Marknadsanalys - En jämförande studie mellan hyresrättslägenheter, bostadsrättslägenheter och ägarlägenhetsfastigheter

The use of Power Line Communication, PLC, as a communication solution for Automated Meter Reading, AMR, is popular by utilities in Sweden and other parts of the world due to demands of accurate and fast meter reading. However the use of the electrical grid as a communication medium is complex and sometimes problematic. This report handles some of the issues and problems that are important to understand when using the grid as a communications medium. Focus is mainly on investigating high frequency distortion in the Kristianstad power grid own by C4energi caused by a frequency converter. Measurements on site are done to investigate signal damping in the grid, different configurations for the frequency converter and signal strength of the PLC-system.

Fiberarmerad betong - Vidhäftning av kamstål i stålfiberarmerad betong

The use of Power Line Communication, PLC, as a communication solution for Automated Meter Reading, AMR, is popular by utilities in Sweden and other parts of the world due to demands of accurate and fast meter reading. However the use of the electrical grid as a communication medium is complex and sometimes problematic. This report handles some of the issues and problems that are important to understand when using the grid as a communications medium. Focus is mainly on investigating high frequency distortion in the Kristianstad power grid own by C4energi caused by a frequency converter. Measurements on site are done to investigate signal damping in the grid, different configurations for the frequency converter and signal strength of the PLC-system.

Idrott och hälsa ? ett livsviktigt ämne : en kvalitativ studie om vad som utmärker gymnasieelever som deltar i ämneskursen idrott och hälsa 1

AimThe overall aim of this study has been to gain knowledge about what characterize upper secondary school students participating in the subject course physical education and health (PEH). To investigate this, the following questions are formulated:What motivates the students to attend PEH?How do the students experience teaching?What influences the students' opinions of the subject?MethodWe conducted a qualitative study using interview as method. Six students, from year 2; three girls and three boys, from different studying programs at an upper secondary school in the region of Mälardalen were interviewed. The students had been recommended and asked to participate by their teachers in PEH.

Förslag till ny multihall i Mölndal. Användning av BIM vid projektering i tidiga skeden

The use of Power Line Communication, PLC, as a communication solution for Automated Meter Reading, AMR, is popular by utilities in Sweden and other parts of the world due to demands of accurate and fast meter reading. However the use of the electrical grid as a communication medium is complex and sometimes problematic. This report handles some of the issues and problems that are important to understand when using the grid as a communications medium. Focus is mainly on investigating high frequency distortion in the Kristianstad power grid own by C4energi caused by a frequency converter. Measurements on site are done to investigate signal damping in the grid, different configurations for the frequency converter and signal strength of the PLC-system.

Projektledning inom affärsutveckling för fastigheter: En studie om idé- och identifieringsfasen bland fastighetsföretag

The use of Power Line Communication, PLC, as a communication solution for Automated Meter Reading, AMR, is popular by utilities in Sweden and other parts of the world due to demands of accurate and fast meter reading. However the use of the electrical grid as a communication medium is complex and sometimes problematic. This report handles some of the issues and problems that are important to understand when using the grid as a communications medium. Focus is mainly on investigating high frequency distortion in the Kristianstad power grid own by C4energi caused by a frequency converter. Measurements on site are done to investigate signal damping in the grid, different configurations for the frequency converter and signal strength of the PLC-system.

Energieffektivisering av flerbostadshus från rekordåren. Analys av åtgärder med fokus på ytterväggar

The use of Power Line Communication, PLC, as a communication solution for Automated Meter Reading, AMR, is popular by utilities in Sweden and other parts of the world due to demands of accurate and fast meter reading. However the use of the electrical grid as a communication medium is complex and sometimes problematic. This report handles some of the issues and problems that are important to understand when using the grid as a communications medium. Focus is mainly on investigating high frequency distortion in the Kristianstad power grid own by C4energi caused by a frequency converter. Measurements on site are done to investigate signal damping in the grid, different configurations for the frequency converter and signal strength of the PLC-system.

Effektivisering i byggproduktionen - Studier av arbete från ställningar, liftar och arbetsplattformar

The use of Power Line Communication, PLC, as a communication solution for Automated Meter Reading, AMR, is popular by utilities in Sweden and other parts of the world due to demands of accurate and fast meter reading. However the use of the electrical grid as a communication medium is complex and sometimes problematic. This report handles some of the issues and problems that are important to understand when using the grid as a communications medium. Focus is mainly on investigating high frequency distortion in the Kristianstad power grid own by C4energi caused by a frequency converter. Measurements on site are done to investigate signal damping in the grid, different configurations for the frequency converter and signal strength of the PLC-system.

Kundnytta vid grusvägsunderhåll ? Trafikantens syn på drift och underhåll av grusvägar i driftområde Trollhättan

The use of Power Line Communication, PLC, as a communication solution for Automated Meter Reading, AMR, is popular by utilities in Sweden and other parts of the world due to demands of accurate and fast meter reading. However the use of the electrical grid as a communication medium is complex and sometimes problematic. This report handles some of the issues and problems that are important to understand when using the grid as a communications medium. Focus is mainly on investigating high frequency distortion in the Kristianstad power grid own by C4energi caused by a frequency converter. Measurements on site are done to investigate signal damping in the grid, different configurations for the frequency converter and signal strength of the PLC-system.

Comparison of real-time PCR assays for screening of meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus

Staphylococcus aureus belongs to the normal flora. Many healthy people are colonized by the bacterium mainly in the nose but also on the skin and on other mucous membranes without showing symptoms. After damage to the skin, the bacterium can enter the wound and cause infections. Methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) is resistant to b-lactam antibiotics such as penicillin and methicillin.

Emotionerna stolthet och skam och de divergerande multiplexa sociala banden : En intervjustudie av tre ungdomars sociala nätverk av sociala band och dess oscillation mellan att existera på och utanför Internet

The purpose of this qualitative study has been; how social bonds are interlaced between thesocial worlds contained within the analytical division of ?outside Internet? and ?withinInternet?. What happens with the social bond as the individual oscillate between this analyticbisection? This purpose raises important questions of the use of Internet in everyday life.A new stance is taken toward studying the Internets integration into everyday life. The focusis adjusted to the importance of emotions.

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