

604 Uppsatser om Curve resistance - Sida 21 av 41

"En väg in" : En socialpsykologisk studie om de anställdas upplevelser kring organisationsförändringen "En väg in"

Syftet med studien är att utifrån ett socialpsykologiskt- och relationellt perspektiv, skapa en djupare förståelse och förklaring för hur medarbetarna på kundservice "En väg in" i Varbergs kommun upplevt denna organisationsförändring. Urvalet bestod av sex medarbetare och två personer ur ledningsgruppen. En kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer har använts, samt en hermeneutisk ansats. För att analyseraoch tolka det empiriska materialet har tidigare forskning och vetenskapliga artiklar valts ut, samt teorierna Jacobsens (2013) förändringsledarskap och motstånd, Maslows behovstrappa (Aronsson m.fl. 2012), Herzbergs tvåfaktorsteori (Aronsson m.fl.

Implementering av Constant Fraction Detection vid avståndsmätning

This thesis is performed at Saab Bofors Dynamics in Karlskoga and investigates a technique for ranging with laser pulses. The investigated technique is called Constant Fraction Detection (CFD). Described briefly, the received laser pulse is split into two equal parts, where one part is delayed half the pulse width and inverted. This signal is added to the original pulse. The resulting curve has the shape of a laying S and the detection of the zero level is used to stop the time measurement.

Kundlojalitet : Kundnöjdhet och kundlojalitet i researrangörsbranschen

The primary purpose of this thesis is to investigate the operation of membership criteria, which are applied against countries that wish to join the European Union (EU). More specifically, the importance of some criteria in comparison to others is considered. To answer this proposal, three questions are posed: What are the EU membership criteria? Are some criteria more important than other criteria? Does the EU treat candidate countries differently in applying the membership criteria? Three countries are used in this analysis, each country representing one recent enlargement round: Poland (2004), Romania (2007), and current candidate country Turkey. Both official documents, such as EU treaties, and unofficial documents such as statements from EU leaders are used to analyze the application of membership criteria.

Undersökande journalistik : En analys av Uppdrag gransknings dokumentär om IKEA

This essay is about power in the classroom. It is about the power dimension of the student-teacher relationships that arise in that space. The overall aim has been to investigate which categories are fruitful in a power analysis of these relationships. My aim has therefore been to develop power categories and to use them to identify and to categorise cases of power interaction that take place between those particular actors in that particular setting.In order to gather material for my study I have both read literature that approaches the study of the student-teacher relationships from a power perspective and done a series of observations in a high school.My theoretical frame comprises a concept of power and a series of power categories. These categories include strength, authority, inducement, coercion, violence, resistance as well as to possess power, to have power, to exert power, the scope of power and the base of power.

I integrationspolitikens utkant : Invandrarorganisationers deltagande i det svenska Equalprogrammet

The aim of this study was to describe and analyze the participation of immigrant organizations to the partnerships in the Equal program in Sweden. The focus of the study was on the significance of the participation for the organizations and its impact on them. The point of view of the participant organizations has been object of study through interviews with the persons who, on behalf of the organizations, have been in charge for the work with Equal. Interviews have been conducted with people representing 10 of the 21 immigrant organizations that have been identified among the Swedish Equal partners. Many organizations have experienced that the participation has strengthen the awareness of target groups about their needs and their possibilities.

Fotboll för alla? En diskursanalys av det engelska och det svenska fotbollsförbundets offentliga publikationer.

Women?s football has, throughout history, been subject to the resistance of man?s world. The English football association forbid women?s teams to play on the association?s grounds. This ban lasted for 50 years and wasn?t dissolved until 1971.

Dialog, maktrelationer och våld : En kvalitativ studie om maktrelationer i klassrummet och våld som uttryck för motstånd

Violence against teachers in Swedish schools, according to recent reports has increased and there have been many studies to investigate the situation for teachers. The surveys show that teachers are especially vulnerable to students. This study aims to examine the relationship between a number of teachers and their students to study the power relations that exist in the classroom. This is to see what violence is an expression of and also how violence is perceived by the teachers. The issues that are central in this study are:What is the importance of dialogue in the relationship between these teachers and their students?Is there power relations between teachers and their students?What is the violence against teachers and expression of?Is there any connection between dialogue, power relations and violence?The theories of the materials in this study was analyzed using power relations theories of the historian of ideas Michel Foucault and Philosophy Doctor Anders Persson, who to some extent has his theoretical basis in Foucault?s power relations.

Breast cancer stem cells : evidence and contradictory views

This literature study aims to examine the existence of cancer stem cells in breast cancer. The cancer stem cell theory states that there is a hierarchical organization within a tumour, in which a small subpopulation of the cells can initiate new tumours and maintain tumour growth whilst the bulk of the tumour cannot. These tumour initiating cells have shown to possess many characteristics similar to those of adult stem cells, which is why they are often referred to as cancer stem cells. Both cell types have the capacity of asymmetric division and have shown to possess mechanisms of resistance to both apoptosis and cancer drugs. The cancer stem cell theory elucidates many biological aspects such as the heterogeneity of tumours and the relapse of many cancers after what appeared to be successful treatments.

Lärarperspektiv på språkutveckling i gymnasiet

According to the curriculum the teachers have a responsibility to adjust the activities in the classroom in order to suit the pupils and to give them the means of assistance the pupils need to be successful in their learning. The teachers should also stimulate the interest to learn and support the pupils? self esteem. One of the problems a dyslectic pupil faces is an often weak self esteem. Another is the weak phonological awareness which makes it hard to fully understand the context and to recognize different phonemes when writing.

 EU, "Unity in diversity" eller en klubb för privilegierade medlemmar?

The primary purpose of this thesis is to investigate the operation of membership criteria, which are applied against countries that wish to join the European Union (EU). More specifically, the importance of some criteria in comparison to others is considered. To answer this proposal, three questions are posed: What are the EU membership criteria? Are some criteria more important than other criteria? Does the EU treat candidate countries differently in applying the membership criteria? Three countries are used in this analysis, each country representing one recent enlargement round: Poland (2004), Romania (2007), and current candidate country Turkey. Both official documents, such as EU treaties, and unofficial documents such as statements from EU leaders are used to analyze the application of membership criteria.

Brandskydd av stålkonstruktioner : Lathund för brandskyddsdimensionering av stålprofiler

This bachelor thesis covers fire protection methods of structural steel and the aim is to develop an information tool designed for inexperienced structural engineers. The information tool covers basic fire protection methods and the general way to produce a fire resistance for structural steel. The layout of this information tool is a simple folder that contains information about the most important steps when producing fire protection for a steel structure.The thesis starts with a general overview of the fire protection needed in buildings to fulfill national legislative and regulatory requirements. To get an understanding of how steel components behave during the influence of fire, a brief overview is presented of the material properties of steel. This chapter also contains a review of previous research in the area.

Trötthet hos sjuksköterskor och patientsäkerhet

Aim Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire 2007 (DCDQ'07) is an international survey tool based on parents' estimation of their child's motor coordination skills. The purpose of this study was to investigate the validity of a Swedish version of DCDQ'07 by finding out how the classification of Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) via DCDQ'07 is consistent with the classification of DCD via the motor impairment test, Movement ABC.MethodIn the context of a larger study, a Swedish translated version of the parent survey DCDQ'07 were sent to 4000 randomly selected families with children aged 8 - 10 years in Stockholm County. The classifications "DCD" or "NOT DCD" with cut-off values ??of 56 (9 years) and 57 (10 years) were applied. Forty families were selected from 410 registered responses.

Reglerstrategi för fria ventiler : ? Utveckling av en fyrtakts förbränningsmodell för att prediktera optimala ventilinställningar

As emission legislations across the world continuously pushes engine development forward,engineers constantly need to come up with and implement fuel saving technologies. During thelast decade, variable cam phasing has become a popular solution to increase gas exchangeefficiency. This configuration is typically mechanically constrained by camshaft limitations, anda solution to circumvent this problem would be to use a different valve actuation principle.One example of this is to use pressurized air controlled by electrical solenoids. Such a systemhas been developed byCargine Engineering and this provides the starting point for this work. Tobe able to operate the valvetrain on an actual engine, a control system is needed.

Nutrition och nutritionsstatus hos patienter med esofaguscancer

Aim Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire 2007 (DCDQ'07) is an international survey tool based on parents' estimation of their child's motor coordination skills. The purpose of this study was to investigate the validity of a Swedish version of DCDQ'07 by finding out how the classification of Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) via DCDQ'07 is consistent with the classification of DCD via the motor impairment test, Movement ABC.MethodIn the context of a larger study, a Swedish translated version of the parent survey DCDQ'07 were sent to 4000 randomly selected families with children aged 8 - 10 years in Stockholm County. The classifications "DCD" or "NOT DCD" with cut-off values ??of 56 (9 years) and 57 (10 years) were applied. Forty families were selected from 410 registered responses.

Kunskapso?verfo?ring inom franchisena?tverk : En studie av utveckling och o?verfo?ring av kunskap inom franchisena?tverk

This case study has been conducted within the Swedish fitness chain World Class to explore the opportunities for knowledge development and transfers within franchise networks. We have interviewed the product manager at the World Class headquarter, the owner of a franchise club and a local product manager from the same facility. Our finding indicates that various forms of knowledge transfer occur within the World Class network, particularly in product development and sales. The transfer occurs within the framework set by World Class with regularly scheduled meetings. In addition informal networks provide other means of knowledge exchange between some units.

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