

604 Uppsatser om Curve resistance - Sida 13 av 41

Antibiotikaresistensgener: förekomst och spridning i akvatisk miljö

Antibiotikaresistens hos bakterier har de senaste årtionden ökat drastiskt och är idag en av de största medicinska utmaningarna samhället står inför. Resistensutvecklingen har ökat i takt med den oförsiktiga användning av antibiotika som präglat både sjukvård och djuruppfödning i många år. Via akvatisk miljö har antibiotikaresistensgener stora möjligheter att spridas och är svårkontrollerbara. Den här litteratursammanställningen undersöker vilka ursprung antibiotikaresistensgener i akvatisk miljö kan ha och om det kan ske en horisontell genöverföring mellan bakterier. Vidare undersöks olika risker med antibiotikaresistensgener i akvatisk miljö, vilken möjlig roll de kan ha i resistensutvecklingen och hur de kan spridas tillbaka till människor och landlevande djur. Antibiotikaresistensgener i akvatisk miljö kommer ifrån utsläpp av resistenta bakterier från djuruppfödningar, akvakultur, sjukhus och bostäder.

Värmeöverföring i bergvärmesystem : En numerisk analys av den ringformade koaxiala borrhålsvärmeväxlaren

The borehole heat exchangers of today suffer from poor thermal and hydrodynamic performance. The purpose of this thesis is to improve the performance of ground source heat pump systems and thermal energy storages by increasing the energy efficiency of the borehole heat exchangers. For this reason, the annular coaxial borehole heat exchanger (CBHE) has been analyzed. This type of heat exchanger is interesting in terms of both thermal and hydrodynamic performance. A model has been set up in the program Comsol Multiphysics in order to investigate the heat transfer characteristics along the borehole.

Vanans makt : En kritisk granskning av Pierre Bourdieus bidrag till aktör-strukturdebatten genom George Herbert Meads tänkande

The purpose of this essay is to critically review Pierre Bourdieus contribution to agency ? structure debate. I will do this with help from the thinking of George Herbert Mead. My aim is to show that Mead can provide valuable knowledge to Bourdieus theory.Pierre Bourdieus notion of habitus is his solution to the dilemma between agency and structure. It is in the habitus that the objective structures meet the inner, subjective structures and this results in various actions.

Viskleken : Ett gestaltande arbete från text till upplevelse

In my project, Cups on the run, I have studied the relationship between ceramic utility objects and different environments, when moving them off the table. My background as a potter has been the starting point. From there, I wanted to see if I could expand my craft to the space beyond. With the cup, which for most people has a clear function and a relation to us human, in repetitive structure I explored the spatiality and architecture in various environments. Life fascinates me through how everything is made up of tiny parts that together create the tangible and intangible.

In-situ audiometri ? Vägen mot rätt förstärkning?

This study investigated whether in-situ audiometry, delivered via hearing aids, is a better option as a basis forprescribing hearing aid amplification, compared to conventional audiometry. By examining the real ear insertgain (REIG) in 29 ears (18 subjects), that had been fitted with a hearing aid programmed using both conventionalaudiometry and in-situ audiometry, the study looked at whether in-situ audiometry based prescription is closer tothe NAL NL1's fitting target than audiogram based prescription. The hearing aid Siemens Pure 7mi with speakerunit M was used on all participants. The results showed how in-situ audiometry based gain at certain frequenciesis more consistent with the target curve, especially at 1000, 1500, 2000 and 4000 Hz. It was not establishedwhether the findings of the study were statistically significant.

Simulering av översvämningar i Byälven

Severe floods caused by heavy autumn rains in year 2000 raised the question whether measures to reduce the damage from high water levels, in the area surrounding lake Glafsfjorden and along the river Byälven down to lake Vänern, are possible. One option is to reduce flow resistance along the river and thereby lower the maximum water level a given inflow would cause. Good knowledge of hydraulic and hydrological conditions is necessary in order to estimate the effect of such flow-reducing measures. In order to quantify such effect a 1-dimensional hydraulic flow model has been set up for the river Byälven using the software package MIKE 11. The model is more detailed, especially concerning topography and bathymetry, than earlier models used for studies of the river.

Jämförelse av metoder för peroxidbestämningar i bränslen : A comparison of methods for determination of peroxide content in fuel

New energy resources that can replace petroleum diesel are needed and biodiesel may be an excellent substitute. During storage and use, biodiesel can oxidize and form peroxides, leading to degradation of the fuel. It is therefore important to determine the peroxide content of the fuel. In this thesis the triphenylphosphine method, which involves GC-MS analysis has been compared to the standard iodometric method which involves titration with sodium thiosulfate. Working standards were made to see how well the iodometric method worked and also in order to make a calibration curve in GC-MS.

Mätning av Tidens Inverkan på Användarupplevelsen : En Fallstudie

Det finns i dagsläget få tids- och kostnadseffektiva metoder och tekniker för att mäta och utvärdera användarupplevelse över tid. Detta trots att tidsaspekten av användarupplevelsen under de senaste åren har uppmärksammats som en viktig komponent av användarupplevelsen inom människa-dator-interaktionsforskning. UX Curve och iScale är två metoder framtagna för att mäta förändringar i användarupplevelse över tid med hjälp av retrospektion och skapande av grafer över utvecklingen av användarupplevelsens olika dimensioner.Mot bakgrund av dessa metoder togs ett webbaserat utvärderingsverktyg fram med målet att undersöka verktygets förmåga att mäta förändringar i användarupplevelse under en utvärderingsperiod. Verktyget testades på 9 deltagare i en utvärdering av en mailklient under två veckors tid.Resultatet indikerar att utvärderingsverktygets dimensioner samlar upplevelser av relevans för de dimensioner som undersökts men visar också på att ytterligare testning och validering av metod och verktyg behövs för att fastställa att mätningarna är reliabla och att det som mäts är vad som avses mätas..

Mätstation för rullmotstånd i massiva gummihjul

        This is a report that describes the entire process of design of a measuring station for rolling resistance. The report is structured with elements of Fredy Olsson's method.The report also includes a brief presentation of HGF, the company that will manufacture the machine. Requirements and preferences are set up and used in a weighting of criteria by which product suggestions are based. These suggestions are used in the evaluation to produce a final draft product. Solutions to major functions are produced by criteria?s. Component selection for all components is performed, a CAD-based model is developed and an economic analysis is set up. FMEA analysis is set up. The report ends with a brief summary, critical review and suggestions for further work..

Från förening till företag - Sportslig kontra ekonomisk framgång

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vad framgång är i dagens skandinaviska elitfotbollsklubbar och vilka strategier som är användbara för att uppnå denna. Uppsatsen ämnar således belysa och klargöra de viktigaste aspekterna i en lyckad strategi inom en modern skandinavisk fotbollsklubb. Med denna kunskap har vi för avsikt att återge en bild över hur en elitfotbollsklubb strategiskt bör organiseras och ledas för att nå framgång. Primärdata har insamlats genom kvalitativa semi-strukturerade intervjuer med FC Köpenhamn, Malmö FF och genom telefonintervjuer med IF Elfsborg. Sekundärdata har främst baserats på vetenskapliga artiklar, rapporter och teoretisk litteratur.

Analys med effektivitetsbegreppet TAK : En fallstudie på Ericsson i Hudiksvall

        This is a report that describes the entire process of design of a measuring station for rolling resistance. The report is structured with elements of Fredy Olsson's method.The report also includes a brief presentation of HGF, the company that will manufacture the machine. Requirements and preferences are set up and used in a weighting of criteria by which product suggestions are based. These suggestions are used in the evaluation to produce a final draft product. Solutions to major functions are produced by criteria?s. Component selection for all components is performed, a CAD-based model is developed and an economic analysis is set up. FMEA analysis is set up. The report ends with a brief summary, critical review and suggestions for further work..

emotional ownership and the fan fiction community

”Fan fiction writing”, or the writing of stories based upon a popular entertainment franchise, has become a topic of academic discussion. Fan fiction writers have waked the ire of movie producers, since they often write fiction that is in direct contradiction to the movie’s plot or spirit. While most academic studies on fan fiction have concentrated on his confrontational aspect of the writers’ psyches, we have found that the writers actually have a much more nuanced approach to their work, and are not necessarily hostile towards the directors and producers. Even more surprising is the fact that the internet, beyond giving the writers a forum to post their writings, has potentially had a transformative impact on how the writers interact with each other and with the outside world. .

Studie av integration mellan rategyron och magnetkompass

This master thesis is a study on how a rategyro triad, an accelerometer triad, and a magnetometer triad can be integrated into a navigation system, estimating a vehicle?s attitude, i.e. its roll, tipp, and heading angles. When only a rategyro triad is used to estimate a vehicle?s attitude, a drift in the attitude occurs due to sensor errors.

Förekomst av penicillinkänslighet hos blododlingsisolat av Staphylococcus aureus

Staphylococcus aureus is the most clinically important Staphylococcus species and is associated with high mortality in patients with positive blood cultures. S. aureus bacteria may cause a variety of disease manifestations ranging from minor skin infections to life-threatening conditions such as pneumonia, meningitis, osteomyelitis, endocarditis, toxic shock syndrome (TSS) and sepsis. This microorganism belonging to the gram positive cocci may also be part of the normal flora. In Sweden, penicillinase-stable penicillins are the primary alternatives to treat S.

Sjuksköterskans följsamhet till hygienriktlinjer i omvårdnaden av sjukhusvårdade patienter

Staphylococcus aureus is the most clinically important Staphylococcus species and is associated with high mortality in patients with positive blood cultures. S. aureus bacteria may cause a variety of disease manifestations ranging from minor skin infections to life-threatening conditions such as pneumonia, meningitis, osteomyelitis, endocarditis, toxic shock syndrome (TSS) and sepsis. This microorganism belonging to the gram positive cocci may also be part of the normal flora. In Sweden, penicillinase-stable penicillins are the primary alternatives to treat S.

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