

2234 Uppsatser om Culture comprehension - Sida 8 av 149

Tjejer vs. killar på Facebook : En studie om ungdomars identitetskonstruktion och deras syn på andras identitetsskapande på Facebook sett ur ett genusperspektiv

The purpose of this study was to examine the experience of organizational culture among salespeople at a specific workplace. The purpose was also to investigate what motivates these salespeople in their work and the impact culture has on their motivation. We have used a qualitative research method to collect the empirical material. With the help of seven interviews, including six salespeople from one of Sweden?s biggest electronic retailer and also one information interview with a sales consultant, we attempted to find the answer to how they perceive the organizational culture and how it affects their work motivation. The following questions are used to fulfill this purpose: ? How do the salespeople experience the organizational culture? ? What motivates the salespeople in their daily work? ? What effects does the organizational culture have on the salespersons motivation? As analytical tools we have used are the concept of organizational culture, Schein's description of the three components of culture and Herzberg Motivation-Hygiene theory. The results of the study indicate that the salespeople experience a positive organizational culture and that this culture promotes fellowship and unity between colleagues, which in turn contributes to an enhanced motivation.

Hur de anställda ser på företagskulturen inom MTR Stockholm

Problem: The great interest towards the company?s values has contributed to it becoming more common for individuals to seek out organizations that have a strong corporate culture. Where you work and whom you work for has thus become the dominant factors instead of what you are working with.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine how the corporate culture, the rational and emotional benefits are experienced by the employees of the company. The aim is also to examine whether the corporate culture can become a management control measure by good communication between employees within the organization.Methodology: The essay is based on a qualitative research method and empirical data were collected through interviews from the company MTR Stockholm.Theoretical Frame of reference, Edgar Schein, Three Levels of Culture, Seven dimensions.Results: The study has shown that there are different cultures within the company. But also that there is a strong corporate culture within the business, the respondents feel an affinity with working within the underground rather than working for the company MTR Stockholm..

Kungliga kulturstiftelser, mecenater, skatteregler och deras kulturpolitiska betydelse

This essay is about the Swedish Royal Foundations and especially the culture foundations. The Swedish Royal Foundations in culture are four. I?ve also made a short background about Royal engagement through foundations in history. I?ve given examples on what Royals in Sweden have done in the past and what they do today.

Boken ? ett stöd i livets slutskede

This is a study of the importance of culture for persons who are in their terminal stage of life. The purpose of my study is to find out if culture, particularly literature, can be a comfort for persons who are about to die. The study is based on interviews with people who are working in the palliative team at Norra Älvsborgs Länssjukhus (NÄL) in Trollhättan. It is also based on study of literature. It is literature about hospital library, culture in hospital treatment, palliative care, bibliotherapy and ?own stories? from dying persons.

Hello Skandia: Om kulturen på intranätet

Corporate spending on information technology is persistently increasing and a majority of companies are currently employing an intranet. Intranets have implications for internal communication but are also instruments for the dissemination of corporate culture. Existing research on intranets and corporate culture is limited to Swedish organizations within the industrial or IT-sector and to foreign companies. The purpose of this study is to understand how or if corporate culture can be embedded into an intranet. Specifically, this study addresses the research question: How is corporate culture communicated via an intranet in a Swedish service-sector company? We perform a qualitative case study and find that communication on intranets is still characterized by a traditional top down approach.

Hur kan jag veta det när det inte står i texten? : Läsförståelse bland gymnasieelever med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar

Studies show that some pupils with ASD (autism spectrum disorder) can have difficulties in understanding written texts. The present study seeks to examine whether pupils with ASD differ in their reading comprehension of a factual text and a literary text. Another aim of the study is to obtain a picture of the reading habits of high school pupils with ASD, what reading strategies they use, and how they work with texts in Swedish lessons in school.The study uses texts from PISA surveys from 2009 and 2000. The factual text Varmluftsballongen (The Hot-air Balloon) was taken from the try-out for the 2009 survey and the literary text Gåvan (The Gift) was taken from the 2000 PISA survey. To gain some idea of the pupils? reading comprehension of the texts, the present study used the tasks accompanying the texts, with certain changes in the questions about the text on the hot-air balloon.

Det bästa av två världar: en analys av bibliotekskultur vid Malmö högskola

The study of culture is specifically relevant to libraries confronting changes. A variety of conditions makes it beneficial for libraries to understand the strengths as well as the weaknesses of the underlying culture. Such an understanding can help libraries in adjusting to changes easier, without losing the cultural values that they hold important to their identity and strategic strengths.Taking this as a starting point the purpose of this essay is to examine and describe what aspects in prevailing library cultures are important to pay attention to when meeting changes. To accomplish this we will explore the concept of library culture, its substance, meaning and expression.Culture is reflected in the artifacts, values and underlying assumptions of formal and informal groups. Culture can be found at various levels.

Bland figurer, gubbar och mutanter : En kvalitativ studie om pedagogers syn på populärkultur i förskolan

The purpose of the study is to investigate educators? attitudes and didactic positions on popular culture as a form and a means of children?s learning in preschool. The questions posed in the study are:? How do the educators define popular culture, which examples of popular culture do the educators give?? How do the educators describe the spoken and unspoken rules and positions regarding popular culture in preschool practice?? What are the risks and benefits when including popular culture in preschool, according to the educators?In this qualitative study four educators from different preschools have been interviewed. The preschools take as a starting point different educational philosofies.

Rakija eller Absolut Vodka? : Några makedoniska mäns tankar angående sina alkoholvanor och sin alkoholkultur

The aim of this essay was to describe what some Macedonian men had to say about their own and the Swedish alcohol culture and which alcohol culture they identify with.I did five qualitative interviews with Macedonian men that had moved to Sweden. Some of the questions that were asked are whether or not age, country and culture is of importance when it comes to the alcohol culture you have? The most important question to be answered is whether or not the Macedonian men had changed their alcohol consumption after moving to Sweden.The answers to the questions and the result of the essay is that there is no ideal type of alcohol culture but that the Macedonian men all agreed that they still drink as their fellow countrymen and they dislike the Swedish way of drinking..

Klass och identitet på Facebook : en kvalitativ studie om unga akademikers identitetskonstruktion utifrån Bourdieus kapitalformer

AbstractTitle:Course:Authors: Advisor: Keywords: Problem formulation:Purpose:Target Group:Theoretical perspectives: Methodology: ResultSwedish leaders abroad ? A qualitative study about culture ?s influence on Swedish leadersBachelor dissertation - Business Administration, LeadershipAmanda Elg and Carl-Johan SaltarskiIngemar WictorLeadership, culture, impact and adjustmentHow can Swedish leaders in multinational companies adjust their leadership to the national culture?The aim of our study is to investigate whether Swedish managers are affected by the differences in national culture that exists between Sweden and the country that they operate in. We want to explore if they adapt their leadership to the culture.Our study is directed towards a target audience of Swedish leaders and other interested parties who wants to increase the understanding of culture ?s influence on an international career and what is required of the leader to deal with the cultural clashes that may rise.We have focused on theories related to differences in national culture and how it can affect the leadership and the organization.The study is of the qualitative type with a deductive approach where the empirical materials are gathered through interviews.Our results demonstrate leaders implementation of culture and leadership to influence the leadership of the national culture in which they operate. We have seen how leaders are affected by the national culture and how the leader adapts to achieve a successful leadership.

Kultur ? en förmån eller en rättighet? ? Kulturförmedlares tankar kring kulturutbudet i nordöstra Skåne

This Master?s thesis explores the staff responsible for children?s culture in the south of Sweden, in north-east Scania. This thesis seeks to answer the following questions: What kind of culture is offered to children in their spare time? Can children influence culture in the investigated region, and do the people in charge listen to the children?s ideas? How are children in the region informed about cultural events? In my research I used enquiries and worked with the investigation program Query & Report to collect the material. The study consists of the staff, i.e.

...och sedan skapade människan organisationen : En fallstudie av organisationskultur i en församling i Svenska kyrkan

AbstractThe purpose for writing this essay is to study the culture of kindness in the Church of Sweden, as the church constitutes as an idealistic organization (non-profit or voluntary organization).The focal point is on how such a culture affects the employees, and if any new componentsthat can amplify the concept can be distinguished.To do this a case study-design has been employed. The primary sources are qualitativeinterviews with six employees in a congregation in the Church of Sweden, and participantobservations on two different occasions at the same congregation.Theories of organizational sociology has been applied to the material, more specific Edgar HSchein?s definition of organizational culture and the concept of a culture of kindness (derivingfrom a report by the Swedish Work Environment Authority) as a specific part of the church?sorganizational culture.The conclusions we can make from our study is that a culture of kindness affect employees inboth a positive and a negative way. There are many expectations that come with working inthe Church of Sweden, and these do have an effect on the work performed. There is alsoevidence pointing to the fact that leadership can counteract the fear of conflicts that otherwiseis associated with the culture of kindness.

En tävlingsorienterad organisationskultur ? vad har det för betydelse för motivationen? : En studie om försäljare inom en specifik butikskedja

The purpose of this study was to examine the experience of organizational culture among salespeople at a specific workplace. The purpose was also to investigate what motivates these salespeople in their work and the impact culture has on their motivation. We have used a qualitative research method to collect the empirical material. With the help of seven interviews, including six salespeople from one of Sweden?s biggest electronic retailer and also one information interview with a sales consultant, we attempted to find the answer to how they perceive the organizational culture and how it affects their work motivation. The following questions are used to fulfill this purpose: ? How do the salespeople experience the organizational culture? ? What motivates the salespeople in their daily work? ? What effects does the organizational culture have on the salespersons motivation? As analytical tools we have used are the concept of organizational culture, Schein's description of the three components of culture and Herzberg Motivation-Hygiene theory. The results of the study indicate that the salespeople experience a positive organizational culture and that this culture promotes fellowship and unity between colleagues, which in turn contributes to an enhanced motivation.

Högläsning: Ett pedagogiskt verktyg för ökad motivation och läsförståelse : En kvalitativ studie om högläsning på mellanstadiet.

The aim of this study was to investigate how four middle school teachers use and process the contents in read-aloud books, to stimulate the pupils interest in reading and increase reading comprehension. A qualitative approach was used to collect data, through interviews and observations. The findings show that all of the teachers work with read-aloud books regularly. The teachers state that read-aloud books have a positive effect on pupils language, vocabulary, reading comprehension, imagination and ability to reflect. The teachers have three distinctive purposes with read aloud-books, a moment of relaxation, create an interest in books and increase the pupils reading comprehension.

Det nya Gustavsvik : -En studie av förnyelsen av en attraktion

Studies show that some pupils with ASD (autism spectrum disorder) can have difficulties in understanding written texts. The present study seeks to examine whether pupils with ASD differ in their reading comprehension of a factual text and a literary text. Another aim of the study is to obtain a picture of the reading habits of high school pupils with ASD, what reading strategies they use, and how they work with texts in Swedish lessons in school.The study uses texts from PISA surveys from 2009 and 2000. The factual text Varmluftsballongen (The Hot-air Balloon) was taken from the try-out for the 2009 survey and the literary text Gåvan (The Gift) was taken from the 2000 PISA survey. To gain some idea of the pupils? reading comprehension of the texts, the present study used the tasks accompanying the texts, with certain changes in the questions about the text on the hot-air balloon.

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