

2234 Uppsatser om Culture comprehension - Sida 54 av 149

Skallet från forntiden : en osteologisk analys av hundben från stenålderslokalerna Hemmor och Gullrum på Gotland samt en teoretisk studie av hundens rituella och funktionella roll under neolitikum

The bark from prehistory ? an osteological analysis on dog bones from the Stone Age settlements of Hemmor and Gullrum at Gotland and a theoretic study of the secular and sacred roles of the dog during the Neolithic.Dog bones from two Pitted Ware Culture (around 2500 BC) settlements, Hemmor in När parish and Gullrum in Näs parish/Havdhem parish, at southern Gotland, Sweden are analyzed. The analysis contains a study of age, withers height and size estimation as well as skeletal changes and pathologies. The attempt of the analysis is to highlight the secular and sacred role of the dog during the Neolithic at Gotland. The dog bones were collected during excavations in the years 1890 and 1903 and were found across the entire surfaces of the settlements.Although there were no specific dog breeds during the Stone Age, the dogs at Hemmor and Gullrum show a wide range of size (withers height spans from 39,74 cm to 56,47 cm) and may therefore have been used for different purposes depending on their size.

Machinima : Ett kulturellt fält i rörelse

I mitten av 1990-talet närmare bestämt 1996 gjordes en film kallad Diary of a Camper. Filmen handlade om en person som satt och lurpassade på sina fiender i ett datorspel. Det som var speciellt med denna film var inte handlingen eller något fantastiskt kameraarbete. Nej det som var speciellt var det faktum att filmen spelades in i ett datorspel. Denna film anses vara startskottet för machinimakulturen som idag omfattar flera tusen utövare världen över.Det var personerna bakom Diary of a camper som myntade uttrycket machinima som är en sammanslagning av de engelska orden ?machine? och ?animation? alltså maskin och animation.

Språkvalets inverkan på effektiviteten av tryckta produktannonser

Although English is commonly used in Swedish advertising, little is known about its effects. The purpose of this paper was to investigate how a Swedish or English language choice in product advertisements affects the effectiveness of the ad. Further, a local/global dimension of the advertisement was created to investigate how the results differ for local and global brands. Subsequently, an experiment was conducted where the effect of language choice on several well-established measures of ad effectiveness such as awareness, comprehension of the ad message, credibility, attitude and buying intentions was analyzed. In line with previous research, English in product advertisements is not completely comprehended since English is not the local language in Sweden.

Civila musikkårer i landskapet Värmlands bruksorter : Betydelsen av faktorerna ekonomi, rekrytering, musik och kulturskolan, samt samverkan med studieförbunden för musikkårernas överlevnad

This bachelor thesis is about civilian marching bands in the province Värmland industrial communities, with a focus on Degerfors, Edsvalla, Gruvön, Nors, Slottsbron, and Vålberg bands. Degerfors, Gruvön, and Slottsbron bands are three corps that still operates concerts and performances. The other three unions are defunct.In Värmland, there were many mills that were operating well into the 1900s, roughly speaking there were about 25 mills in various industrial areas. These mills had operations in glass, iron, and paper, each user had a band at least a brass sextet and today there are only eight bands left in Värmland. Bofors in Karlskoga, Charlottenberg, Degerfors, Dejefors, Gruvöns in Grums, Hagfors, Skoghall, and Slottsbron bands.What is the reason that so many bands have disappeared? To answer the question I have investigated the importance of four factors have had for the unions: finance, recruitment collaboration with the music and arts, as well as cooperation with educational associations.The results show a marked reduction in civil bands, from about 25 corps to eight corps today.

Framtidens apotek : En fallstudie av ett apoteks interna marknadsföring

Background: Around the world, markets deregulates, which leads to increased competition. Meetings between the consumer and the employees of a company determine how the customer perceives the company and / or its brand. This has result in that many companies have realized the importance of internal using the same marketing skills that are used externally. In 2009, pharmacy market went from being a monopoly market to be a regulated competitive market.Problem: Is there any internal conditions for a private company, whose culture and structure was formed under a state monopoly, to create a strong corporate brand?Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to, through a case study, analyze and evaluate the internal marketing in a company which has undergone a change of ownership and retained the same staff.Method: Through interviews with key personnel and staff , data was gathered for the case study, which means that the method is qualitative.

Det mångkulturella äktenskapet : Internationella fusioner, problematiken då två parter blir till en

Background: Thanks to the globalization and the EU the international trade is growing faster than ever and companies are able to change ownership across the borders of the nations. Today one can talk about global marketplace with a deeper integration of the economies of the world. The rapidly growing list of mergers of Swedish companies since the last 10 years indicates that the global companies of today is using mergers as a strategic tool for continue their growth. However the number of unsuccessful mergers is big. The need of understanding and knowledge about different cultures is growing in the global business climate of today, since the collaborations across de national borders are increasing.Problem formulation: Which international strategies are fortunate in international mergers with Swedish companies?Purpose: The purpose is to analyze the integration of the three mergers; Vin&Sprit ? Pernod Ricard, Astra - Zeneca and Telia ? Sonera.Method: This study is a case study with a qualitative approach.

Kulturellt relevant socialt arbete? : En fältstudie i en SOS-barnby, Swaziland

The purpose of this study was to examine how SOS Children's Villages as an organization in Swaziland is affected by, and takes into account, the cultural, organizational and societal context in which it acts. Material was gathered through a field study during one month in one of the three SOS Children's Villages in Swaziland. The study has a qualitative approach and is based on the result from 12 semi-structured interviews with village mothers and other representatives from the organization. The other representatives were: social worker, program director, child and youth development coordinator, board member and educational manager. Since this study is both characterized by a specific historical, cultural and organizational context, we decided to connect the postcolonial perspective with an organization theory with focus on the concepts of culture, power and a children?s right perspective.

Säkerhetskulturer i flygorganisationer: En jämförande studie mellan två flygorganisationer

Syftet med denna explorativa studie var att utforska säkerhetsklimat, psykosociala förhållanden och organisationsklimat i Transportflygorganisationen i Försvarsmakten och i företaget Golden Air. Författarna har studerat och jämfört de två flygorganisationerna, som skiljer sig åt i struktur, ledning, resurser, visioner, uppgifter och mål. En enkätundersökning genomfördes med hjälp av instrumenten QPSNordic och Safety Culture. Av sammanlagt 125 utsända enkäter inkom totalt 74 svar (59 % svarsfrekvens), 53 ifrån Förvarsmakten och 21 ifrån Golden Air. Safety Culture visade att piloterna i Golden Air bedömde sin Arbetssituation signifikant mer positivt än flygförarna i Försvarsmakten.

Läsförståelse är nyckeln till framgång : En kvalitativ undersökning om för- och nackdelar med ett pedagogiskt analysverktyg

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka analysverktyg med fokus på LUS (LäsUtvecklingsSchema) samt att söka kunskap om pedagogers nytta med användandet. Vi vill även ta reda på vilken hänsyn man som pedagog tar i användandet av analysverktyget, med tanke på elevers modersmål, tidigare erfarenheter och förståelse av skriftspråket. Genom att använda oss av relevant litteratur och enkäter med öppna frågor, vill vi ge ett kvalitativt resultat av problemområdet. De pedagoger som deltagit i studien har olika erfarenheter av LUS och kan därför ge en nyanserad bild av LUS i praktiken. Uppsatsen börjar med en bakgrund bestående av vilken betydelse läsning har i samhället, vad styrdokumenten säger samt beskrivning av analysverktyg.

En ny teknikkultur : äkthet i sociala medier

Denna studie ger ökad kunskap om hur en digital artefakt inom sociala medier skulle kunna uppmuntra till äkthet, som en motpol till profilering för att skapa en balans mellan profilering och äkthet. Studien barhandlar området ?hur och varför användare presenterar sig och för sig på ett visst vis i sociala medier?. Detta förstås och diskuteras med hjälp av de två ändpunkterna äkthet och profilering. Studien berör även designerns roll i detta sammanhang.Studien undersöker området genom en litteraturstudie, samt en egen kvalitativ studie i form av semistrukturerade gruppintervjuer.

Några behandlares uppfattningar om faktorer sommotverkar negativ ungdomskultur på institutioner för ungdomar med socialaproblem.

Syftet med studien är att belysa några behandlares uppfattningar om faktorer som motverkar negativ ungdomskultur på institutioner för ungdomar med sociala problem. Studien lyfter fram upplevelser samt erfarenheter därmed användes ett kvalitativt närmandesätt, med hermeneutisk utgångspunkt. Fem semistrukturerade intervjuer tillämpades vid insamlingen av mjukdata. Med hjälp av latent innehållsanalys analyserades materialet för bättre överblick.Resultatet belyser faktorer som bidrar till att det blir negativt bland ungdomar på institutioner. Dessa faktorer kan exempelvis vara att ungdomarna inte känner av personalens närvaro, blir sedda samt hörda.

Utanför 50-skyltarna Turisters informationssökning

This essay focuses on tourists' information seeking. The main focus was to examine whether there is a connection between how the informants in different tourist styles the different tourist styles are presented by Eva Wolf as the tourist of recreation, action, culture, compromise, and individualism seek information to their forthcoming vacation. The result was reached through a qualitative method, where ten informants with various tourist roles were interviewed separately. The informants were chosen by personal contacts. In addition to these interviews, three representatives from the tourist industry were contacted and interviewed by e-mail.

Torkningstekniker i den preoperativa handdesinfektionen - en experimentell studie

ABSTRACTIntroduction: Preoperative hand disinfection aims to prevent surgical site infections. After the preparing hand wash, drying is performed using an aseptic technique. It?s important to dry hands thoroughly in order to achieve the full effect of the alcohol based hand disinfection. Due to the lack of a evidence-based guideline on this procedure, the hand drying techniques differ among operating theatre nurses, depending on which technique seen as the most appropriate.

Förnuftets spärrar - En kritisk analys av en universell förnuftsförståelse

In this thesis I discuss how the western conception of reason is an aspect of power. I consider the western comprehension of rationality to be a masculine and ethnocentric understanding, though by itself acclaimed to be universal. My purpose with this thesis is to analyze how this western and masculine conceptualisation of reason follows a gramscian structure of power, which makes it reproduce itself in the postcolonial project of science.The theory of hegemony and ideology of Antonio Gramsci is central for analyzing the reproduction of the western subject of knowledge. The theoretical approach is also based on the understanding of the Other as essential for defining the identity of the self. My two main objects of study is one text of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, which discuss the problems of representation, and one of Chandra Talpade Mohanty, in which she examines the tendency to neocolonization in certain western postcolonial feminist research.

?En extra grej på biblioteket? ? Skrivarverksamhet på folkbibliotek

The aim of this master thesis?s is to examine what functions writing activities can have in the public library. Some public libraries offer their visitors writing activities, for example courses and camps. The public library is an institution with a particular identity, with special norms and properties which participants within the institution construct and reproduce. The main question of this thesis is to investigate how writing activities can be a part of the public library?s institutional identity and what functions writing activities in the public library can have.

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