

2240 Uppsatser om Culture comprehension - Sida 34 av 150

Datorspel - en lek eller sport? : En studie om hur tre svenska dagstidningar framställer e-sport och datorspel 2000-2013

This essay examines how three big Swedish newspapers depicts e-sports and computer gaming and how the depiction change during 2000-2013. The study will also examine whether e-sports is being portrayed as competitive sport. The purpose is to investigate which attitudes that can be identified towards computer gaming and its culture in major newspapers such as Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet and how these attitudes eventually changed over time. The sources that will be used in both the quantitative and qualitative analysis are based on web articles, mainly because the paper editions does not provide much, if any, information about computer gaming and e-sports and also because of the convenience of being able to quickly find articles to study. Results indicate that computer gaming is being depicted in a clear negative fashion during 2000-2006, and that the depiction of e-sports is somewhat positive but not as glorifying as for the years 2007-2013. During this period, there is a apparent tendency of e-sports being introduced to readers who are unfamiliar with the gaming culture. As for the attitudes towards computer gaming, the depiction is still somewhat negative, mainly because the debate about computer games and violence was revived because of several acts of violence in shape of school massacres and mass murder.

Ett meningsfullt utvecklingssamtal - En studie av ledning, chefer och medarbetares förväntningar utifrån teorier om organisationskultur

This thesis is examining if the management, the managers and the employees have a differentpoint of view regarding the purpose and the expectations of a performance review. Additionally it is an assignment from the Swedish company Flexlink AB with the purpose of constructing a new template for their performance reviews. The assumption is that if you manage to create one template for performance reviews that meets the expectations at all levels of the organization, it will contribute to create a meaningful performance review.We decided to study this from an organizational cultural perspective, since the organizational culture plays a significant part in performance reviews. Performance reviews are systematic conversations between employees and managers related to planning, information exchange and developing the relationship. Previous research indicates that if employees are satisfied with their performance reviews, they prone to be more satisfied with their work situation and have a higher organizational commitment.

Clash of Civilizations Myt eller verklighet?

In 1989 the Cold War ended and in 1991 the Soviet Union ceased to exist, over night the ruling paradigm of International Relations was obsolete. What would happen now? Samuel Huntingtons answer was that in the future, cultural identity would be the most important factor behind international conflict. And that the threat of world war would come from clashes between civilizations instead of clashes between ideologies like during the cold war. Was he correct? This thesis is an attempt to find out if Huntingtons theory was right in its predictions of the world to come.

Hotell Rwanda - Ett pedagogiskt verktyg eller historieförvanskning?

The purpose of this essay is to analyse the movie Hotel Rwanda from a didactic point of view using the movie?s use of history and historical culture as the main analytical tools. We also intend to problematize the use of movies in teaching focusing on the teaching guide from the Swedish film institution concerning Hotel Rwanda. We choose to work with a qualitative method. The reason why we decided to work with a qualitative method is the intention, as mentioned before, to analyse the movie using the tools we described earlier.

Att lära det dolda: En fallstudie om lärande av tyst kunskap på Utrikesdepartementet

Knowledge is of great importance for organizations and it is seen as an important competitive advantage to effectively preserve knowledge within an organisation. The upcoming retirement of employees born in the 1940s poses a threat because it is believed to result in a knowledge drain. The problem of preserving knowledge within the organization lies in the fact that it is partly tacit, and therefore not possible to write down or communicate in words. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how tacit knowledge is created in the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the implications thereof. We examine the following research questions: Of what significance is the creation and reproduction of tacit knowledge for the Swedish Foreign Ministry? Which factors influence the creation and reproduction of tacit knowledge and why? A case study of the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs has been conducted.

Kaos eller ordning? : Ambulanssjukvårdens organisationskultur. En fallstudie

This case study has its starting point in an unpublished study where the results showed that there is a conflict between the leadership and the employees in a private company. The conflict is identified as a result of the company leadership is steering for cost savings and efficiency The aim of this study is through analysis of  the open questions in a quantitative survey describe how the staffs  attitudes and culture is affecting the leadership of the organization. The ideological aspect is very clear and through the aspect of the structural differences between the public and private sector makes it possible to identify the staff?s social rules, ideology and group norms.  These are shown to be in conflict with the economical perspective of the private sector.

Organisationskulturs inverkan på kunskapsdelning: en forskningsöversikt

A research review shedding light over organizational cultureand its affect on knowledge sharing. The purpose of thereview was to give an overview of the current researchmeanwhile answering the research questions how and whyorganizational culture influences knowledge sharing.Through careful selection of articles, from Journal ofKnowledge Management, a review of the material led toareas of emphasis being identified: motivation, trust,organizational structure, management, communication andrewards. For each area of emphasis the results from thechosen articles were presented and analyzed, leading toconclusions that the how and why of organizational culture?sinfluence is due to mainly individual motivational factorsamongst staff. This implies that organizations need to keepfocus on the psychological factors affected by organizationalculture when looking to make knowledge sharing moreefficient.

Att ändra livsstil - lättare sagt än gjort: en litteraturstudie om nedsatt glukostolerans

Glukosintolerans och diabetes typ 2 blir allt vanligare. Det är en negativ utveckling som sker världen över. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att undersöka vad sjuksköterskan kan göra för att hjälpa patienter med nedsatt glukostolerans att genomföra bestående livsstilsförändringar. Resultatet från tolv vetenskapliga artiklar sammanställdes med Leininger?s omvårdnadsteori om culture care som teoretiskt ramverk.

Improvisationsförmågan som dansstudentens fronesis : En danspedagog synar sin praktiska kunskap

This essay is an attempt to scrutinize dance improvisation in terms of Aristotle?s concept of the practical knowledge phronesis. By remembering and reflecting upon lessons and my own practical knowledge and experience as a teacher in the subject of dance improvisation, I want to examine the ability to improvise as the dance students´ phronesis. Awareness, spontaneity and intuition are vital elements for the comprehension of phronesis and even represented in the basis training in dance improvisation. During the contemplation I have used philosophical books and texts mainly about practical knowledge, intuition and reflection..

Hur invandrarungdomar tillgodogör sig svensk musikundervisning utifrån musiklärares perspektiv

Music has a role to play in every country and every culture. Sweden today is a country whith many different cultures, religions and music genres. The purpose of this investigation is to study how immigrants youths profit from music education on the basis of music teachers' perspectives. Questions at issue are: are there immigrant children/ youths who can not take part in music education? Have the students' religions any importance? Do the parents question the offered education? Is there more opposition to some specific kind of music? Are teachers avoiding to present some music? Can music education help the immigrant youths to form their identities? I have used questionnaires and I have made five interviews.

(Av)slöjad : En argumentationsanalys av debatten kring ett eventuellt svenskt lagförbud mot heltäckande slöja

The purpose of this paper is to examine and to analyze the arguments about a possible Swedish law against the veil. I have therefore highlighted how notions about the veil creates and reproduces power-structures and meaning-systems. I structured the arguments in a pro et contra schedule and then analyzed them by using a theoretical framework consisting post-colonial feminism, orientalism, multi-culture and intersectionality together with research produced by Joan Wallach Scott (2010), Pia Karlsson Minganti (2007) and Anne Sofie Roald (2003). The results of the study shows that the people who either argue for or against a veil-law agree that the veil is an oppression of women and that it must be resisted. To be objective in the discussion of the veil seems to be impossible and the women it affects deprived voice.

Mötet med det otänkbara : Värdekonflikter i mötet med kvinnor utsatta för kvinnlig könsstympning

When professionals meet people from other cultures, there are some problematic issues that may appear, especially when considering human rights. Every individual has the right to live as they choose, and have the right to their own culture and traditions even if they have immigrated to another country. Female genital mutilation is a tradition that violates human rights. In this study we will look at what conflicts of values that professionals can have while meeting clients who have been mutilated. We have made qualitative interviews with four professionals working in a small town in Sweden in an area where many immigrants live.

"Det är det största beviset på kärlek, att lämna bort för att skapa ett bättre liv" : En kvalitativ studie om att vara internationellt adopterad

I meet in my work as art teacher many students of different descent, were they, or their parents, have different school experience than the Swedish. This, in combination with therecent discussion after the Muhammad caricatures about the banning of images in Islamic religion, made me curious to study what art education in a Muslim country looked like. I went to visit the Maramra Egitim Köyü school in Istanbul, Turkey, and especially their art classesfrom grade five to eight, which are the same age of students that I have been working with thelast ten years. This was my first visit to Turkey.The question I ask is: What does the practice of Turkish art education look like, using the Marmara school as an example. Which discourses can I identify in the art teacher practice? What surprised me the most was the frequent visual exposure of the founder of the Turkishstate, Kemal Atatürk.

Framing al-Qaida : En komparativ studie mellan två tídningars "inramning" av al-Qaida

Aim: The study's aim and run-up are to investigate how journalists frame texts, during impact of those standards and values that they have, combined with the organization and in the nation where they work.Method/Material: The study looks on how the authors of articles at the Swedish newspaper "Dagens Nyheter" and the Norwegian newspaper "Dagbladet", uses the concept al-Qaida, in their news rapport, during the period 19:th of mars ? 24:th of august 2003. Two hundred articles were collected and divided into two groups, 1) the explicit group, there the text actu ally treated al-Qaida, 2) the implicit group, there the text e.g. linked to the name al-Qaida and the article itself treated another subject. Is it possible to see differences or resemblances, in the way that journa lists frame their texts? The main theoretical run-up is framing accor- ding to R.

Corpus Leakage

We understand the world around us through categorization and classification. But things are morecomplex than that, life is mixed up, flowing and unable to stick to labels. The main purpose ofcorpus is to contain, organize and control food and beverages. Corpus objects are also socialmarkers that have a tradition of being elitist; in both choice of material and in that they imply acertain way of usage. Corpus objects are heavily loaded with tradition and rituals.

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